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Thai woman unveils pics with monk


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Glad he did the right thing and left the monkhood, some of the other monks that have been in the news would do well to follow his example :/

Wouldn't that mean getting a job and working to support the pair rather than living on charity? Not an appealling prospect for some.

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Good on you bro,found out what life is all about, LIVING.

I agree. Animals, including humans, have evolved to be able to experience a variety of emotions and senses. Repressing them goes against nature. This monk probably realized this when he felt love (for the first time in his life?) after meeting the woman.

I don't think living a life of celibacy and repression of emotions should be so respected / revered; it's just a waste of a life. Imagine if every single person lived a strictly celibate life - the human race would cease to exist. That hasn't happened, because nature wins out in the end as it often does.

Edited by hyperdimension
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Kings have been known to abdicate thrones for a woman, why not a monk?

Oh, many have. But it is well kept, and normally not on such a large scale.

If a King abdicates in favour of the woman he loves, you really think that is not on such a large scale or with as huge an impact as a monk giving up celibacy and his robes for the woman he loves?

I beg to differ...

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Kings have been known to abdicate thrones for a woman, why not a monk?

Oh, many have. But it is well kept, and normally not on such a large scale.

If a King abdicates in favour of the woman he loves, you really think that is not on such a large scale or with as huge an impact as a monk giving up celibacy and his robes for the woman he loves?

I beg to differ...

A monk gives up his robes to be with the one he loves. In Thailand when that normally happens his supporters' feelings are on the fence, some lose face, some congratulate him, but it for the most part is kept within the circle of his supporters and the area close around the temple. This case is different as the monk was close to 40 rainy seasons and in a totally different status tier.

The poster before me made a reference to kings and their abdication then proposed the possibility of a monk doing the same.

Where you read too much into my post I can't figure out; that's your issue, not mine.

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Good luck to him!

I agree completely! Good luck to him!! He is very smart to do what he did when he did when it, rather than hide it.

Agree he has done the right thing by coming out of monkhood and should be admired

Disagree; unless he leaves this dubious religion with the same material possessions that he went in with; Nothing!

But I don't think he will do that. I think he will take all the ill-gotten gain he stuffed away whilst being a monk and use it as his golden umbrella.

Love has nothing to do about it.

You don't keep withdrawing from something you "gave up" in order to pad the thing you "gave it up for".

More Thai BS, and there is no respect or admiration here from me unless he is embraced by this woman as a penniless beggar.


He is simply another greedy c*%t leaving the herd for greener pastures, after sucking the life blood out of superstitious fools for 38 years.

As I understand it,Buddism was never a Religeon,more a way of life! dubious as even that may very often seem.

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Kings have been known to abdicate thrones for a woman, why not a monk?

Oh, many have. But it is well kept, and normally not on such a large scale.

If a King abdicates in favour of the woman he loves, you really think that is not on such a large scale or with as huge an impact as a monk giving up celibacy and his robes for the woman he loves?

I beg to differ...

A monk gives up his robes to be with the one he loves. In Thailand when that normally happens his supporters' feelings are on the fence, some lose face, some congratulate him, but it for the most part is kept within the circle of his supporters and the area close around the temple. This case is different as the monk was close to 40 rainy seasons and in a totally different status tier.

The poster before me made a reference to kings and their abdication then proposed the possibility of a monk doing the same.

Where you read too much into my post I can't figure out; that's your issue, not mine.

the point is... in Buddhism... the 'human love' for which he has given up his robes is but a candle next to the sun of super-human love attained when detachment is reached.

By turning towards a women's love he prefer's the candle to the sun - his choice, nothing wrong with it, but a huge disappointment for other's striving beyond human emotional love etc.

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