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Ex-monk now married:

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Ex-monk now married
The Nation on Sunday

BANGKOK: -- The former abbot of Sunandavaram forest monastery in Kanchanaburi's Sai Yok district, Mitsuo Shibahashi, has married a 52-year-old Thai businesswoman Suttirat Muttamara in Japan, after he had shocked his many followers by quietly leaving the monkshood on June 8.

Shibahashi, 61, previously known as Phra Phra Ajahn Mitsuo Gavesako, registered his marriage with Suttirat in Iwate prefecture on Friday.

He explained on a brief YouTube video clip that he had married Suttirat, "after being a monk for 38 rainy seasons without a thought of ever leaving monkshood or getting married", until he met her, because he believed the woman was his destined spouse.

A day prior to the registration, the woman has introduced herself publicly through her Facebook page. Suttiratt, 51, runs a widely known medical beauty centre. Her Facebook page carries a number of undated photos showing her posing with the former monk, now wearing normal clothes.

-- The Nation 2013-06-30

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"after he had shocked his many followers by quietly leaving the monkhood" What is more shocking is the flocks of the gullible who are willing to empty their pockets for a false promise of a future reward. Were they shocked by his actions (which are very human) or by having to face reality.

To paraphrase a comment by late Christopher Hitchens. "What is more probable, that the laws of physics will be suspended in your favor or that you have been lied to?"

Best wishes to this man for his honesty.

And to use another quote: Whatever moments you get of happiness, use it up, you know, if you can, because it don’t come that often. Comment by Bobby “Blues” Bland. (Recently deceased American blues artist).

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He did absolutely the right thing in leaving the monkhood once he felt that he had desires for a woman, and indeed, it would have been a greater blight on the religion had he stayed and covered up his (supposed) transgressions.

I infer doubt on his transgressions, because, for all we know, he may have retained his vow of celibacy until he left the monkhood, so the hypotheses of those who began this campaign against him may well be totally unfounded.

As I previously commented, he has nothing to be ashamed of, and the media ought to be leaving this issue alone now.

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Good Luck and best wishes for a happy life together. I hope the media leaves both of you alone but am not holding my breath.

Having worked in the media all my life, I fear they will not be left alone, even for a "Honeymoon Period."

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after being a monk for 38 rainy seasons

Does this mean that outside the rainy season he was out on the lash doing amyl nitrate with a gaggle of teenage hookers?

No, it does not.

Seriously, some monks have disgraced themselves but they're not all like that. Above all, the Buddha's teachings cannot be tainted anyway.

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