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Stick Your Calculators


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Personally I'd rather they used the calculator to show a price so there are no mistakes.

There have often been times when I speak the Thai for a price but my strong accent confuses them. Hell, when some English speaking nationals have trouble understanding my English accent, I can understand why some Thai people have difficulty :)

I'll add too that I've found it easier to negotiate with sellers when I use the calculator to make an offer below what they are asking. Got a few bargains that way.

The higher the horse.... the farther you fall ;)

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Since when has the use of a calculator been considered offensive? You walked away over a calculator in "Disgust"? *** is wrong with you?

Did it ever cross your mind that the person using the calculator might be using it in order to be crystal clear on the price thus avoiding confusion or embarrassment later on, verbal communication with a foreigner often opens the to door to confusion or misunderstandings over price which are easily avoided with this method. - Well they were until you walked into the shop and confused the hell outta them by getting all arsey over a flippin calculator. <snip>

No need for insults.

I think I got ** off as the woman probably thought I was some stupid farang that was linguistically challenged. Such foreigners who use the calculator and can't speak probably will more than likely pay silly prices. Especially, as I explained the thing I wanted in "perfect" Thai.

I don't like being put into the same category as the guy with the stupid grin on his face passing a calculator back and fore.

Some, like you may be quite happy to be always considered a tourist but I try my best to get these notions from many Thai that some of us can actually integrate into this society.

You're probably quite happy when you go to a restaurant with your Thai wife and the waitress gives her the menu every time?

Do you find it alright when you you are ignored by a Thai when with another Thai as they think you are a dumb farang?

Thank you for that. I can relate to your frustration. Being labeled an idiot automatically is impossible to accept. Not hard- impossible. Those that are comfortable with it, are comfotable being multi decade tourists. There is no solution except for making it loud(ish) and clear you are not that guy with the krop krun krawp and a big smile. Straight face of course, in the true land of frowns fashion wink.png

I used to have the problem with the menu thing and the bill and being ignored, but since I've become single that has gone away to my relief.

Actually I would sometimes get the bill but the girlfriend would get the change. She would be handed the change everywhere and in any situation, even if I was the person paying the cash. This drove me NUTS. It drove me so nuts I eventually told my gf to look confused when they hand her the money and I would step in and say why are you giving MY change to somebody else? Did they pay you? It created embarrassment for them for a split second, but I could tell they didn't really give a toss.

There's no fix.

Edited by justben
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Since when has the use of a calculator been considered offensive? You walked away over a calculator in "Disgust"? *** is wrong with you?

Did it ever cross your mind that the person using the calculator might be using it in order to be crystal clear on the price thus avoiding confusion or embarrassment later on, verbal communication with a foreigner often opens the to door to confusion or misunderstandings over price which are easily avoided with this method. - Well they were until you walked into the shop and confused the hell outta them by getting all arsey over a flippin calculator. <snip>

No need for insults.

I think I got ** off as the woman probably thought I was some stupid farang that was linguistically challenged. Such foreigners who use the calculator and can't speak probably will more than likely pay silly prices. Especially, as I explained the thing I wanted in "perfect" Thai.

I don't like being put into the same category as the guy with the stupid grin on his face passing a calculator back and fore.

Some, like you may be quite happy to be always considered a tourist but I try my best to get these notions from many Thai that some of us can actually integrate into this society.

You're probably quite happy when you go to a restaurant with your Thai wife and the waitress gives her the menu every time?

Do you find it alright when you you are ignored by a Thai when with another Thai as they think you are a dumb farang?

If this is your worse concern in your life, than you have no problems.

Chill out, and if you experience anything like this again, either go along with the silly game or just walk out and shop somewhere else. Really nothing to get up tight about.

Now, if you have any problems to do with sex, money, unnecessary violence, or why you should pay your girlfriend`s parents 10 million baht for their daughter`s hand in marriage, than any of those topics would be much more entertaining and interesting, but as for someone waving a calculator in your face, dullsville man.

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Now, if you have any problems to do with sex, money, unnecessary violence, or why you should pay your girlfriend`s parents 10 million baht for their daughter`s hand in marriage, than any of those topics would be much more entertaining and interesting, but as for someone waving a calculator in your face, dullsville man.

I'm sorry Mr Juice. It's not dullsville. It may not be perceived as a big problem for people with the issues you mention, but for people who are good at blending in and understanding the people they face and have done it before, to be received with such 'resistance' is extremely frustrating and points to a very pervasive problem that can be attributed to some highly uncomplementary characteristics of the people within the society they choose to live in. Clearly one would respond with "go home" and I get that. However there is always a glimmer of hope because you meet the amazing people too, who are the complete opposite of what I'm describing here. They are too few, though.

Some/most foreigners may not notice that this is happening with the food you order too. But they already decide in advance for you how you like your food based on your skin. I have on numerous occasions received plates of &lt;deleted&gt; so horrid that I had to make it very clear and make other customers hear me complain that they gave me the worst plate of food (tasteless, without seasoning) I've ever had that I demand they take this pile of vomit back and do it again, but do it right, just like they do for everybody else. This causes a lot of embarrassment and a wonderful plate of food follows, ALWAYS. Small victories, but still..

Edited by justben
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Now, if you have any problems to do with sex, money, unnecessary violence, or why you should pay your girlfriend`s parents 10 million baht for their daughter`s hand in marriage, than any of those topics would be much more entertaining and interesting, but as for someone waving a calculator in your face, dullsville man.

I'm sorry Mr Juice. It's not dullsville. It may not be perceived as a big problem for people with the issues you mention, but for people who are good at blending in and understanding the people they face and have done it before, to be received with such 'resistance' is extremely frustrating and points to a very pervasive problem that can be attributed to some highly uncomplementary characteristics of the people within the society they choose to live in. Clearly one would respond with "go home" and I get that. However there is always a glimmer of hope because you meet the amazing people too, who are the complete opposite of what I'm describing here. They are too few, though.

Some/most foreigners may not notice that this is happening with the food you order too. But they already decide in advance for you how you like your food based on your skin. I have on numerous occasions received plates of &lt;deleted&gt; so horrid that I had to make it very clear and make other customers hear me complain that they gave me the worst plate of food (tasteless, without seasoning) I've ever had that I demand they take this pile of vomit back and do it again, but do it right, just like they do for everybody else. This causes a lot of embarrassment and a wonderful plate of food follows, ALWAYS. Small victories, but still..

Are you a gambling man?

I would never complain so harshly, not in any restaurant, not in any part of the part of the world.

How do you know what the staff are doing with your food behind the walls in order to gain revenge on the complaining, whinging farang? They could spit in the food, urinate in it or anything. You would never know for sure.

Not wise and this is why I asked; are you a gambling man?

That sort of angry Western aggression will get you no where in Thailand. Trust me on this one.

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Since when has the use of a calculator been considered offensive? You walked away over a calculator in "Disgust"? *** is wrong with you?

Did it ever cross your mind that the person using the calculator might be using it in order to be crystal clear on the price thus avoiding confusion or embarrassment later on, verbal communication with a foreigner often opens the to door to confusion or misunderstandings over price which are easily avoided with this method. - Well they were until you walked into the shop and confused the hell outta them by getting all arsey over a flippin calculator. <snip>

No need for insults.

I think I got ** off as the woman probably thought I was some stupid farang that was linguistically challenged. Such foreigners who use the calculator and can't speak probably will more than likely pay silly prices. Especially, as I explained the thing I wanted in "perfect" Thai.

I don't like being put into the same category as the guy with the stupid grin on his face passing a calculator back and fore.

Some, like you may be quite happy to be always considered a tourist but I try my best to get these notions from many Thai that some of us can actually integrate into this society.

You're probably quite happy when you go to a restaurant with your Thai wife and the waitress gives her the menu every time?

Do you find it alright when you you are ignored by a Thai when with another Thai as they think you are a dumb farang?

Thank you for that. I can relate to your frustration. Being labeled an idiot automatically is impossible to accept. Not hard- impossible. Those that are comfortable with it, are comfotable being multi decade tourists. There is no solution except for making it loud(ish) and clear you are not that guy with the krop krun krawp and a big smile. Straight face of course, in the true land of frowns fashion wink.png

I used to have the problem with the menu thing and the bill and being ignored, but since I've become single that has gone away to my relief.

Actually I would sometimes get the bill but the girlfriend would get the change. She would be handed the change everywhere and in any situation, even if I was the person paying the cash. This drove me NUTS. It drove me so nuts I eventually told my gf to look confused when they hand her the money and I would step in and say why are you giving MY change to somebody else? Did they pay you? It created embarrassment for them for a split second, but I could tell they didn't really give a toss.

There's no fix.

were do you get the idea that you are labled an idiot,??

just becouse they give you the calculator?

thats the bit i dont understand, i personaly like to have a bit of craic with them with the calculator,


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Since when has the use of a calculator been considered offensive? You walked away over a calculator in "Disgust"? *** is wrong with you?

Did it ever cross your mind that the person using the calculator might be using it in order to be crystal clear on the price thus avoiding confusion or embarrassment later on, verbal communication with a foreigner often opens the to door to confusion or misunderstandings over price which are easily avoided with this method. - Well they were until you walked into the shop and confused the hell outta them by getting all arsey over a flippin calculator. <snip>

No need for insults.

I think I got ** off as the woman probably thought I was some stupid farang that was linguistically challenged. Such foreigners who use the calculator and can't speak probably will more than likely pay silly prices. Especially, as I explained the thing I wanted in "perfect" Thai.

I don't like being put into the same category as the guy with the stupid grin on his face passing a calculator back and fore.

Some, like you may be quite happy to be always considered a tourist but I try my best to get these notions from many Thai that some of us can actually integrate into this society.

You're probably quite happy when you go to a restaurant with your Thai wife and the waitress gives her the menu every time?

Do you find it alright when you you are ignored by a Thai when with another Thai as they think you are a dumb farang?

Thank you for that. I can relate to your frustration. Being labeled an idiot automatically is impossible to accept. Not hard- impossible. Those that are comfortable with it, are comfotable being multi decade tourists. There is no solution except for making it loud(ish) and clear you are not that guy with the krop krun krawp and a big smile. Straight face of course, in the true land of frowns fashion wink.png

I used to have the problem with the menu thing and the bill and being ignored, but since I've become single that has gone away to my relief.

Actually I would sometimes get the bill but the girlfriend would get the change. She would be handed the change everywhere and in any situation, even if I was the person paying the cash. This drove me NUTS. It drove me so nuts I eventually told my gf to look confused when they hand her the money and I would step in and say why are you giving MY change to somebody else? Did they pay you? It created embarrassment for them for a split second, but I could tell they didn't really give a toss.

There's no fix.

Justben, thanks for showing me that I am not alone in my struggle against oppression.

I often think of what an Asian man would do in Scotland if he never got the menu based on his appearance or never got the change at supermarkets etc.

Or if all black men in the USA with their white wife never getting their change at Walmart and being ignored. There would be millions of lawsuits or riots, oh wait a minute their were as the black man got tired of being perceived as the "lesser one"

Sadly, there are too many "krop kroon krap" guys, as you call them. I call them the

"poom pui sanook" guys, quite happy to bend over and get shafted by society.

We need a Martin Luther King kinda guy here.

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Are you a gambling man?

I would never complain so harshly, not in any restaurant, not in any part of the part of the world.

How do you know what the staff are doing with your food behind the walls in order to gain revenge on the complaining, whinging farang? They could spit in the food, urinate in it or anything. You would never know for sure.

Not wise and this is why I asked; are you a gambling man?

That sort of angry Western aggression will get you no where in Thailand. Trust me on this one.

There's nothing to fear when complaining in a restaurant, at all. It may sound aggressive to you maybe because how I worded the post, but it's not that extreme.. And people don't spit in other people's food here, it's filthy anyway. Not to my knowledge anyway :D

Edited by justben
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were do you get the idea that you are labled an idiot,??

just becouse they give you the calculator?

thats the bit i dont understand, i personaly like to have a bit of craic with them with the calculator,


No it's not the calculators. Actually I personally don't run into a calculator thing very often. I often run into Thais who love to dicuss the finer points of farang's stupidity infront of me, though.

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I can sympthaise with the op, bearing in mind that he asked the price IN THAI as opposed to writing down 'how much for this one' on a scrap of paper and shoving it in her face. The walking out bit does seem a bit drastic, however, as opposed to having a laugh about it. Have you tried a beer lately, Neeranam? rolleyes.gif

The calculator; it is likely her boss insists she use one when dealing with us lot, although I guess it can't hurt for them to make the effort to respond in spoken form also.

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I can sympthaise with the op, bearing in mind that he asked the price IN THAI as opposed to writing down 'how much for this one' on a scrap of paper and shoving it in her face. The walking out bit does seem a bit drastic, however, as opposed to having a laugh about it. Have you tried a beer lately, Neeranam? rolleyes.gif

The calculator; it is likely her boss insists she use one when dealing with us lot, although I guess it can't hurt for them to make the effort to respond in spoken form also.

Haven't tried a beer for 13 years. I don't have that dubious luxury that most have to deal with the annoying situations in life - I must find alternative ways to vent my frustrations.coffee1.gif

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Since when has the use of a calculator been considered offensive? You walked away over a calculator in "Disgust"? *** is wrong with you?

Did it ever cross your mind that the person using the calculator might be using it in order to be crystal clear on the price thus avoiding confusion or embarrassment later on, verbal communication with a foreigner often opens the to door to confusion or misunderstandings over price which are easily avoided with this method. - Well they were until you walked into the shop and confused the hell outta them by getting all arsey over a flippin calculator. <snip>

No need for insults.

I think I got ** off as the woman probably thought I was some stupid farang that was linguistically challenged. Such foreigners who use the calculator and can't speak probably will more than likely pay silly prices. Especially, as I explained the thing I wanted in "perfect" Thai.

I don't like being put into the same category as the guy with the stupid grin on his face passing a calculator back and fore.

Some, like you may be quite happy to be always considered a tourist but I try my best to get these notions from many Thai that some of us can actually integrate into this society.

You're probably quite happy when you go to a restaurant with your Thai wife and the waitress gives her the menu every time?

Do you find it alright when you you are ignored by a Thai when with another Thai as they think you are a dumb farang?

well you failed miserably there

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Some of the complainers on Thai visa never fail to amaze me.

I have lived in Thailand for 30 years and have been in permanent retirement here for 2 years now. For each day I am here, I get to love it even more.

You people who view the majority of Thais as being against you, must be extremely unhappy and stressed out for most of the time. As for me my attitude is and has always been, if anyone doesn`t like me for any reason, I couldn`t give a rat`s behind and they can sod off. This pertains not only in Thailand but anywhere.

If i receive what I consider as a crap service, either in a store, for a service or in a restaurant, then I either just say no thank you and walk out, or never visit the place again. This is the way I can get back at them, by spending my money somewhere else, or once bitten twice shy, it`s that simple.

I thank God, Buddha or whoever, that we do not have any farang neighbors with their negative ways towards the Thai attitudes and Thailand.

Although within the village community where my family and I live, I will always be considered as the novelty farang, but I still never view the situation as them and us. We mix in well with our Thai neighbors and works fine. Down my way the Thais hardly give me a second look these days, because I do my best to blend in with everyone else.

In my opinion there are still too many farangs who will never really be able to completely adapt to the lifestyle of this country. As the wise man says; you can`t teach old dogs new tricks.

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OP, a word of advice, no matter how much Thai you know, how much you try to blend in.....You will never be Thai.

Did you know that Africans used to think they could never be American citizens?

My point being that you are wrong as they were. It may take 100 years but to spread the same old nonsense hampers the cause.

White people can be Thai. Granted, there is opposition as there was in America. Actually there was a lot more opposition in America.

Edited by Neeranam
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I actually shy away from places that don't have listed prices for everyone to see. I hate a lack of transparency. While I understand bargaining is the norm in Asian culture, you'll find that 99% of places that cater mainly to Thais will have a price.

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