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Just signed up for 3g with my shiny brand new phone. I downloaded the speedtest.net app and get an appaling 180K to BKK. How can I check on my phone which frequency the phone is on? My phone does have 2100 and when I went to ais, they checked a few things and said I'd be good to go.

Basically I want to get to the bottom of why the 3g speed is so bad when I signed up for and haven't used any of the "unlimited" cap of 3 gigs when I've used less than 30 megs of bandwidth. I do have the little 3G symbol on my phone, yet it's crawling along.


Tried for over an hour to call a friend down there, all I could get was NOT ALLOWED.

Friend phone me 2 mins ago, he say's could be the rain ? both of us are on AIS 3G......... Voice call is very bad at moment to Phuket area


What is the make/model of your phone?

Pre-paid? Post-paid? New SIM? Or old SIM transitioning from AIS/One-2-Call?

More details rather than none can help elicit constructive advice.


Prepaid old sim from ais. Took phone to the shop last Thursday and they fiddled around for 5 minutes and said I was good. The phone is a brand new umi x2 top of the line. Just got 13kbps to Jakarta! Best solution is to go back to ais and have them deal with it.


I saw that thread and was hoping it would help me out, but no luck so far. I went into settings>mobile networks>apns> and see I'm with ais gprs and not ais mms. In the mobile network setting, 3G service is ticked, and the data connection is with ais gsm. So as far as the apn, all looks OK to me.


If you go in to Settings, About phone, Status can you tell us what it says for Network, Mobile network type, Service state, Roaming, Mobile network state? Tha's five (5) separate items.

It looks/sounds like you do not have the APN configured properly.

I would delete all APNs.

Then I would create the correct APN for AIS 2100.

Name: ais internet

APN: internet

MCC: 520

MNC: 03

that's it, save this new APN, enable it.

If you don't connect then power off the phone, remove the battery and SIM, re-insert both, re-start the phone.

I'm assuming you have a newer SIM and have switched service from AIS to AWN.

The AIS/2100 3G coverage page shows full coverage on Phuket.


Did you sign up for 3G 2100 SIM? or 9003G SIM? because so far as I know 3G 2100 should be atlease 1Mbps now if your phone support 2100Mhz. Maybe you can contact service center to find out.


Well, it's only gotten worse. I deleted all apn's added the new as per above and hit save, yet on the apn page there are a pn's. AIS also did not change my old sim card to a new 2100 sim card as they said "no need". Checking the network status, it was on EDGE and not 3G, hence me seeing a little e on the home screen. Also the MNC was set to 01 and not 03.

But seeing as now I can't save an apn, a trip to ais is necessary as I just reset to default which gives me EDGE.


You should be able to delete any exiting APNs, then re-start the phone. It should pick up the old AIS settings from the SIM.

I think you may need a new SIM, and/or AIS needs to modify your provisioning.

Please note my comment from my post # 11 above:

"I'm assuming you have a newer SIM and have switched service from AIS to AWN."

Or maybe you just need to figure out how to configure and save APNs with your phone?

What did you do in Jakarta?


Ok to follow up I went to the local AIS shop. After punching keys on her computer and numbers on my phone for 10 minutes, she gives the proverbial "mai dai" and sends me to the big ais shop. There they proceed to change sims, input some data and voila, I now have a working 3g with 4 gigs actual 3g speed for 799/mo. I love the mai dai when they don't know how to rectify the problem instead of just saying " mai ru".


I changed over to 3G this week with AIS as well.

Speeds where I live in Phuket Town are not the best, but I am in an area behind a hill with less than optimal signal.

I went to the main AIS store in Central Festival, they gave me new sims, changed all the settings themselves.

Using an IQ1 running Android.

I have a feeling the low speeds might be congestion? ( I have no evidence to support this, I just live in a large complex in a busy area)

Speedtest.net results here (one of many I have done since changing to 3G)


Test Date: Jun 30, 2013 10:08:05 pm
Connection Type: Hspa
Server: Bangkok
Download: 1139 kbps
Upload: 1717 kbps
Ping: 108 ms

External IP:
Internal IP:
Latitude: 7.86938
Longitude: 98.37853

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