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I'm a believer in the chart reading....but not willing to share the secret yet.

Those who've never experienced using chart reading will always skeptical of the method. I for one have been using chart for my technical analysis in my trading since couple yrs ago and can tell you it works. I have been making money since 4-5 yrs ago using this method while ignoring all of the "latest company news" put out by the market analysis out there. After you had mastered the skill then you can discard all the news comming from the companies because every movements of accumulation for buying or selling will show up on the chart - sometime you can see the accumulation pattern weeks ahead or even a few months ahead

The diff about me and OPOTHAI is that I'm not a day trader, I'm a diligent investor for medium to long term. I don't trade for monthly income but doing it as part of my investment portfolio.


Reading and interpreting the dead chart is as easy as cutting a cake for entry and exist point - but doing it with the live chart is another matter! In addition your method of reading and mine in chart reading is a bit diff. Seem like you look at the pattern of movement using line drawing to confirm the movements, but for me I'm using a technical formulas of various graphs in looking at the movement patterns - since I had taken many upper math courses in the graduate school, it helps me a great deal so far. But anyway best of luck to you. It's nice of you in willing to share the methods to everybody. Not all good chart readers are willing to do this.

i use real time trading, and live charts, as you should see from my postings and the time differentials, as i said i put my neck on the line to be cut off, but i was correct,

yes or no.

1 minute charts to form the pattern 2 and 3 minute charts to confirm then 10 minute and 30 minute to execute the buy and sell points followed up by the 5 year daily chart.

look at the 5 year daily chart for the footsie and tell me where it does not conclude my earlier sell point.

and again tell me why you do not see a major sell of in the market.

i will say the sell of is coming in the forseable future [ 1 month max ]

will you contradict me and put your neck on the line.

and how far will the market correect.

look at 5883 on the charts and then look to 4800,

at 5883 ther is a problem that needs to be addressed, yes or no

i am only making technical analasis, i could be wrong, however i shall remain biased towards selling.

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I'm a believer in the chart reading....but not willing to share the secret yet.

Those who've never experienced using chart reading will always skeptical of the method. I for one have been using chart for my technical analysis in my trading since couple yrs ago and can tell you it works. I have been making money since 4-5 yrs ago using this method while ignoring all of the "latest company news" put out by the market analysis out there. After you had mastered the skill then you can discard all the news comming from the companies because every movements of accumulation for buying or selling will show up on the chart - sometime you can see the accumulation pattern weeks ahead or even a few months ahead

The diff about me and OPOTHAI is that I'm not a day trader, I'm a diligent investor for medium to long term. I don't trade for monthly income but doing it as part of my investment portfolio.


Reading and interpreting the dead chart is as easy as cutting a cake for entry and exist point - but doing it with the live chart is another matter! In addition your method of reading and mine in chart reading is a bit diff. Seem like you look at the pattern of movement using line drawing to confirm the movements, but for me I'm using a technical formulas of various graphs in looking at the movement patterns - since I had taken many upper math courses in the graduate school, it helps me a great deal so far. But anyway best of luck to you. It's nice of you in willing to share the methods to everybody. Not all good chart readers are willing to do this.

i use real time trading, and live charts, as you should see from my postings and the time differentials, as i said i put my neck on the line to be cut off, but i was correct,

yes or no.

1 minute charts to form the pattern 2 and 3 minute charts to confirm then 10 minute and 30 minute to execute the buy and sell points followed up by the 5 year daily chart.

look at the 5 year daily chart for the footsie and tell me where it does not conclude my earlier sell point.

and again tell me why you do not see a major sell of in the market.

i will say the sell of is coming in the forseable future [ 1 month max ]

will you contradict me and put your neck on the line.

and how far will the market correect.

look at 5883 on the charts and then look to 4800,

at 5883 ther is a problem that needs to be addressed, yes or no

i am only making technical analasis, i could be wrong, however i shall remain biased towards selling.

just an update on this thread

we have now retrenched to 5780

from 6120 in a couple of days that's a lot of points x £10

if the market finishes below 5800 and stays thier this week we will quickly go to 4800,

with the charts showing this can happen along with the severe devaluation of the dollar and problems with oil compounded by another possible rate jike by the fed [ and that will have an adverse impact on world trade ] i am again going to put my head on the chopping block and say sell at 5800 and wait until it tests 4800.

i can not tell you the high point on this wave down until the reaction comes through this week.

in my previous post i mentioned one month max until the correction was going to start and that was posted on the 09/04/05. so the charts in conjuntion with the news and outlooks are far more accurate than the brokers who keep saying buy this that and the other and keep in the stock for the long run, stocks at these prices on the ftse are over priced at the moment,


For the OP--

Yes, there is at least one professional designation for charting--it's called Chartered Market Technician (CMT). There are probably others.

Yes, the Thai SEC would require you to be licensed and registered to conduct what they consider to be Investment Advisory.

And a couple of questions:

How long have you been charting?

You say you put GBP2,500 at risk--over the entire time you've been charting, how much have you made?

You're willing to forego tuition if your students don't make money in a given week--what will you do if they actually lose money?


"Why do some places prosper and thrive, while others just suck?" - P.J. O'Rourke

For the OP--

Yes, there is at least one professional designation for charting--it's called Chartered Market Technician (CMT). There are probably others.

Yes, the Thai SEC would require you to be licensed and registered to conduct what they consider to be Investment Advisory.

And a couple of questions:

How long have you been charting?

You say you put GBP2,500 at risk--over the entire time you've been charting, how much have you made?

You're willing to forego tuition if your students don't make money in a given week--what will you do if they actually lose money?


thx for the information

in answer to your questions

trading part time and learning myself about three years

money made in profit 4- 5 thousand

the students would looose nothing as i said at the end of the teaching period they can use real money on real time trading under my supervision and if they did not make a profit it would come out of thier tutorage fee, so the only person who would loose is me and my time.

doing this full time i believe with minimal risks, as long as you do not get greedy thier is 300.GBP

week in week out.

you need only 30 points a week at £10 a point

to make a living doing this in the uk you would need to make 1200 per week and to make that sort

of profit the risks are to rich for my blood.

you would need 1200 points a week @ £10 per point.

or twlve points at £100, but you would need £25,000 in the account to do this and i work on a ten point safety stop loss,


I don't get your last post: if they do not trade their OWN real money during the classes they will obviously not EARN any money but will certainly be out the Baht 14k/wk (for 5 weeks = Baht 70000) they have to pay to you, right?

Another point: presume one will need to open an online broker account that accepts trades in the UK market. Who do you use? Interactivebrokers.com(accepts most nationalities)? Remember many here are not British. Opening a broker account is a bit of a hassle these days.

Also; can you teach/use your technique on the US market too/instead for interested people? You can start by making a prediction on the SP500 or QQQQ here.



You can learn for free at least 50% of what this guy wants to teach you at wikipedia. Specifically starting at the Technical Analysis page and following the links from there.

The other 50% you'll get through experience.

I don't get your last post: if they do not trade their OWN real money during the classes they will obviously not EARN any money but will certainly be out the Baht 14k/wk (for 5 weeks = Baht 70000) they have to pay to you, right?

if they trade £100 on thier last week if they loose thier fees drop by £100 any profit made the student keeps.

Another point: presume one will need to open an online broker account that accepts trades in the UK market. Who do you use? Interactivebrokers.com(accepts most nationalities)? Remember many here are not British. Opening a broker account is a bit of a hassle these days.

cmcmarkets you just deposit money and use it to place calls, as far as i am aware most of these operations are multi national and you can definately open an account in los as long as you have a bank account.

Also; can you teach/use your technique on the US market too/instead for interested people? You can start by making a prediction on the SP500 or QQQQ here.

the charts will work on the same theory, the only market i've tried in the us is the dow and it moves to quick and by too many points for me, but i'm sure you could study the markets over a period of time and get used to them


You can learn for free at least 50% of what this guy wants to teach you at wikipedia. Specifically starting at the Technical Analysis page and following the links from there.

The other 50% you'll get through experience.

one hundred percent correct,

this is how i got interested and learned from various sources, but until i had been on paid seminars on reading and understanding the finer issues did i feel confident and knowledgeable enough to start.

i have spent a lot of time on the ftse and now understand the movements to a certain degree,

all stock charts work on the same theory but to understand each and every charts movements would be immposible.

that is why you should in my opinion get to understand one at a time intimately.

the 50% experience is the critical money win or lose period, and how long is this period.

what i am selling is the package to understand the technical analysis, along with my experience.

an answer from this guy


im no bright spark, but looking at the chart you posted, even i can see some sort of pattern.

buy and sell every 2 days or so.

obviously a bit deeper but bet i could make money sometimes and loose sometimes.

all seems like speculation. and no crystal balls to help.


My 2 satang..

Firstly I am an investor not a trader.. Pick trends and stay with them.

I see one huge flaw in your sales pitch.. If you truly had confidence in your own trading abaility you would not be interested in teaching you would be trading your own ideas for profit. If your not doing this why not ??

Even with a modest pot at the 10% returns your discussing compounded up turns into a huge pot very fast. I fail to believe your not interested in money so there must be some fear holding you back from betting the farm on your own beliefs and ideas. If your not confident enough to risk your own capital on your ideas (and by that I dont mean tiny beer money bets) why would others be happy to buy this information your not sold on yourself.

Me I am 100% invested with ALL of my life savings and assets, I of course have SL's and exit plans but basically have all my net worth in various investments (not exclusively equity) and only a slush fund in the bank in fiat currency. You gotta be in it to win it. Made a 7 figure USD return last year, if I was betting with beer money it would have been only a % of beer money back.

My 2 satang..

Firstly I am an investor not a trader.. Pick trends and stay with them.

that is the name of the game TRENDS

and you can pick them up from the charts

what i am doing is not for you,

i do not want people to risk all thier money as it is dangerous

and as you say this is for beer money not big risk reward

have you seen the markets lately if i were as you a big spender risking say £50 a point on

what i have said about a sell of i would have made £20,000 in 2 weeks, but i do want to risk the 10 point stop loss at £500, i an happy to get by on my small profit without big risks.

as for the sales pitch, how have i been wrong in my forcasting of the charts from the outset of this topic, do i need to sell it any more after the chart reaction.

as for teaching others, i paid for courses that were invaluable to me, and as another source of income in los i gathered people might want to learn themselves

i know a couple of friends in pattaya that live of the charts so it can be done.

only for those interested of course.

"three years...money made in profit 4- 5 thousand"

Wow! A profit of $9000USD in only 3 years. Incredible! How can I join this money train?


yeah its a bit of a heady amount

the money has only been made recently, as i gather more knowledge and confidence i'm sure the money will increase, as i have mentioned in previous posts i run a my own company at present and i cannot commit full time to trading until i retire to los.

the idea is to keep myself semi busy with something to do.


Anyone interested in some guru, get yourself their live trading records otherwise walk in the other direction - fast.

If you actually get the statements, then ask them what is their...

average trade length

win/lose ratio

consecutive winners, loosers

max % drawdown

expectation/$ risked

If you don't know what these are then Google and understand what they mean as these may help you to decide if it suits you and if you can handle to hard times! :o



Please dont take this as having a go at you only you asked for feedback and I am giving my view on why people may have reservations

have you seen the markets lately if i were as you a big spender risking say £50 a point on

what i have said about a sell of i would have made £20,000 in 2 weeks, but i do want to risk the 10 point stop loss at £500, i an happy to get by on my small profit without big risks.

This is my point.. Your afraid.. Afraid of what ?? Afraid of losing money and not being right.. If you have such little faith in your own abilities that you wont take your own risk why think others will pay to learn what you know.

as i have mentioned in previous posts i run a my own company at present and i cannot commit full time to trading until i retire to los. the idea is to keep myself semi busy with something to do.

Maybe its just the way I am reading this, maybe its a native language thing.. But this seems confusing also.. You dont have time to trade but you want to start to teach how to trade.. but your already busy running a company ?!?! Is this something you want to do much later in the future or now ??


Charting schools can teach pupils the basics of technical analysis only. They can then explain how the various indicators are structured...and there are dozens of indicators.

At the end of these lessons the student may know what each of the indicators show, how to draw in support and resistance lines, trend lines on a chart etc, but they can't teach a student anything about the application of charting and how human emotions effect decision making.

Show a chart to two different charting experts and they both will see different things. Charts are there for individual interpretation. Each individual will have their own favoured indicators that they overlay each chart with. Using more than three different indicators will cause confusion and is just a waste of time.

Individuals need to find what is best for them, it can't be taught. It may take a number of years to find a combination of indicators that offer the best chance of predicting/indicating future price movements, but no matter how much time and effort they put into it, they will never find a combination that results in total accuracy each and every time.

As well as charting, a student needs to understand human emotions (fear and greed) and be well in control of their own emotions. It is the emotions of the investing public that have a lot to do with the price movements of a stock. The volume indicator is a good tool for measuring the emotions of other investors. The VIX is another good indicator.

The internet is a great source of information on technical analysis and human emotions. Your local library and book shops offer more information.

Please dont take this as having a go at you only you asked for feedback and I am giving my view on why people may have reservations

have you seen the markets lately if i were as you a big spender risking say £50 a point on

what i have said about a sell of i would have made £20,000 in 2 weeks, but i do want to risk the 10 point stop loss at £500, i an happy to get by on my small profit without big risks.

This is my point.. Your afraid.. Afraid of what ?? Afraid of losing money and not being right.. If you have such little faith in your own abilities that you wont take your own risk why think others will pay to learn what you know.

it is a risky business so why risk all your capitol, if you have enough to get by this is only a way of topping up your funds, small risk but consistent small returns. Many a trader has gon bust waiting for the big kill.

as i have mentioned in previous posts i run a my own company at present and i cannot commit full time to trading until i retire to los. the idea is to keep myself semi busy with something to do.

Maybe its just the way I am reading this, maybe its a native language thing.. But this seems confusing also.. You dont have time to trade but you want to start to teach how to trade.. but your already busy running a company ?!?! Is this something you want to do much later in the future or now ??

this is the point of the post to see the interest level, there have been negative posts which are and have been more than welcome and there have been some positive again very helpful.

as it stands there are enough people whom have expressed an interest to start taking this to the next level.

the time factor depends on set up and investigating the permits and settling my affairs here.

Charting schools can teach pupils the basics of technical analysis only. They can then explain how the various indicators are structured...and there are dozens of indicators.

At the end of these lessons the student may know what each of the indicators show, how to draw in support and resistance lines, trend lines on a chart etc, but they can't teach a student anything about the application of charting and how human emotions effect decision making.

Show a chart to two different charting experts and they both will see different things. Charts are there for individual interpretation. Each individual will have their own favoured indicators that they overlay each chart with. Using more than three different indicators will cause confusion and is just a waste of time.

that is why i prefer to study just the ftse to understand it in depth.

Individuals need to find what is best for them, it can't be taught. It may take a number of years to find a combination of indicators that offer the best chance of predicting/indicating future price movements, but no matter how much time and effort they put into it, they will never find a combination that results in total accuracy each and every time.

correct, you need to have a = 50% hit rate which after study and interpretation i have not lost even stuck my neck on the line to have it chopped of but until now i have not been to far out on my forcasts

As well as charting, a student needs to understand human emotions (fear and greed) and be well in control of their own emotions. It is the emotions of the investing public that have a lot to do with the price movements of a stock. The volume indicator is a good tool for measuring the emotions of other investors. The VIX is another good indicator.

study one chart at a time for a long time and you will develope a feel for that particular market

The internet is a great source of information on technical analysis and human emotions. Your local library and book shops offer more information.

i could not agree more, to teach people they must do a lot of research themselves

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