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Malaysian court hands down death sentence to 30-year-old Thai woman


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Back to the point. Why does selling or using a plant ... give a death sentence? Does anyone out there want to address this?

Or just hide behind the mainstream BS ... oh! it is drug?

Is alcohol a drug? Please explain the difference and why a 30 year woman is sentenced to death.

18 kg is the same as about 30 bottles of johnny walker. Yet she gets a death sentence?

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Back to the point.  Why does selling or using a plant ... give a death sentence?  Does anyone out there want to address this?


Or just hide behind the mainstream BS ... oh!  it is drug?


Is alcohol a drug?  Please explain the difference and why a 30 year woman is sentenced to death.


18 kg is the same as about 30 bottles of johnny walker.  Yet she gets a death sentence?

Try taking 30 bottles of Johnny Walker into Saudi Arabia and let me know how you get on buddy. I dont think you will get much support from your embassy

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Back to the point.  Why does selling or using a plant ... give a death sentence?  Does anyone out there want to address this?


Or just hide behind the mainstream BS ... oh!  it is drug?


Is alcohol a drug?  Please explain the difference and why a 30 year woman is sentenced to death.


18 kg is the same as about 30 bottles of johnny walker.  Yet she gets a death sentence?

I know mannnn it comes from da earth mannn its natural...it doesnt harm you mannnn. Ive heard it all before. Guess what. Heroin comes from a plant. So does cocaine. And also alcohol

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Back to the point. Why does selling or using a plant ... give a death sentence?

Because the law in Malaysia says it does.

Yup, but if some havent grasped that by now, chances are they never will. The same people who bang on about 'TiT' and 'Thai logic' somehow dont grasp that others countries have their own share of idiosyncrasies that are in complete contast to our 'enlightened' Western approach to crime and punishment.

(btw, doesnt heroin start life as the Opium plant ? Cocaine ? Peyote/mescalin ? Tobacco and alcohol ? Yup - nothing harmful in that lot ...)

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Back to the point. Why does selling or using a plant ... give a death sentence?

Because the law in Malaysia says it does.

Yup, but if some havent grasped that by now, chances are they never will. The same people who bang on about 'TiT' and 'Thai logic' somehow dont grasp that others countries have their own share of idiosyncrasies that are in complete contast to our 'enlightened' Western approach to crime and punishment.

(btw, doesnt heroin start life as the Opium plant ? Cocaine ? Peyote/mescalin ? Tobacco and alcohol ? Yup - nothing harmful in that lot ...)

For starters... there is no such thing as an opium plant. It is called a poppy. The poppy seeds can be purchased freely.

However, when you take the poppy seed and extract it, . then you have a drug. Cocaine? Same story. Chew the leaf and walk ... just like millions for eons. It is an energizer. Play with it chemically, - then you have what what we call cocaine.

Indigenous use of plants does not represent drug abuse.

The real drug abuse - is from big pharma to to train doctors to be drug pushers.

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OMG... for 18 gram cannabis...that is incomprehensible...in Holland you can legally obtain it

But she wasn't in Holland. She was in a a country where it's well known that if you get caught dealing in drugs you can be executed.

Plus was not 18grams...but18,172grams that is to say 18 kgs not really a dose for personal usewhistling.gif

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OK Mister Worldwide.... you know it all.

No I dont, but I am bright enough to recognise that a sovereign state, particularly one with a democratically-elected government, has the right to decide what punishment is appropriate for a given crime. For those who feel strongly about this particular case, its clear that you need to boycott Malaysia from any future travel plans, and that's 100% fine with me.

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Back to the point. Why does selling or using a plant ... give a death sentence?

Because the law in Malaysia says it does.

Yup, but if some havent grasped that by now, chances are they never will. The same people who bang on about 'TiT' and 'Thai logic' somehow dont grasp that others countries have their own share of idiosyncrasies that are in complete contast to our 'enlightened' Western approach to crime and punishment.

(btw, doesnt heroin start life as the Opium plant ? Cocaine ? Peyote/mescalin ? Tobacco and alcohol ? Yup - nothing harmful in that lot ...)

For starters... there is no such thing as an opium plant. It is called a poppy. The poppy seeds can be purchased freely.

However, when you take the poppy seed and extract it, . then you have a drug. Cocaine? Same story. Chew the leaf and walk ... just like millions for eons. It is an energizer. Play with it chemically, - then you have what what we call cocaine.

Indigenous use of plants does not represent drug abuse.

The real drug abuse - is from big pharma to to train doctors to be drug pushers.

Well, if you want to nitpick, there is an opium poppy. The drug is in the large soft pod that holds the seeds - the pod that the flowers petals are on. That pod is cut and a milky latex-like substance runs out and it contains the opium. There is so little drug in the seeds that they are used on bagels, etc. as poppy seed. The opium can be refined into morphine which can further be refined into heroin.

You'd like my doctor. He once gave me a good dose of morphine when I had a ton of pain from a now healed back injury. Let me tell you, that's good stuff, LOL.

Edited by NeverSure
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Back to the point. Why does selling or using a plant ... give a death sentence? Does anyone out there want to address this?

Or just hide behind the mainstream BS ... oh! it is drug?

Is alcohol a drug? Please explain the difference and why a 30 year woman is sentenced to death.

18 kg is the same as about 30 bottles of johnny walker. Yet she gets a death sentence?

Because the importation of drugs into an economy decreases the effectiveness of the workforce and thus the economy. Due to the addictiveness of the substance, the effects are long-term. The strictness within Asia is rooted in Imperial Britian forcibly exporting drugs on threat of war into most of Asia to balance their trade deficit - this created a highly negative sentiment towards such substances among the people, particularly conservative elites.

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Back to the point. Why does selling or using a plant ... give a death sentence?

Because the law in Malaysia says it does.

Yup, but if some havent grasped that by now, chances are they never will. The same people who bang on about 'TiT' and 'Thai logic' somehow dont grasp that others countries have their own share of idiosyncrasies that are in complete contast to our 'enlightened' Western approach to crime and punishment.

(btw, doesnt heroin start life as the Opium plant ? Cocaine ? Peyote/mescalin ? Tobacco and alcohol ? Yup - nothing harmful in that lot ...)

For starters... there is no such thing as an opium plant. It is called a poppy. The poppy seeds can be purchased freely.

However, when you take the poppy seed and extract it, . then you have a drug. Cocaine? Same story. Chew the leaf and walk ... just like millions for eons. It is an energizer. Play with it chemically, - then you have what what we call cocaine.

Indigenous use of plants does not represent drug abuse.

The real drug abuse - is from big pharma to to train doctors to be drug pushers.

Well, if you want to nitpick, there is an opium poppy. The drug is in the large soft pod that holds the seeds - the pod that the flowers petals are on. That pod is cut and a milky latex-like substance runs out and it contains the opium. There is so little drug in the seeds that they are used on bagels, etc. as poppy seed. The opium can be refined into morphine which can further be refined into heroin.

You'd like my doctor. He once gave me a good dose of morphine when I had a ton of pain from a now healed back injury. Let me tell you, that's good stuff, LOL.

Lucy in the sky with diamonds. Same.

Origin: fungus on rye.

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Premain, I don't think the poor Afghan farmers who grow the poppy particularly care what name it's given when it's synthesized into an opiate - 'hammer', 'horse', whatever - all they know is that they have to grow the plants and milk the aforementioned 'latex'. The point is that - just like the dreaded happy weed - it starts life as a *plant*. Other plants include poison ivy and deadly nightshade - simply because it's 'organic' doesn't make it desirable.


Opium (poppy tears, lachryma papaveris) is the dried latex obtained from the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum)

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Again, it doesn't matter how 'unrealistically harsh' the sentence may be by our standards - if they had signs at the airport saying that littering was punishable by public flogging, how many people do you think would be willing to risk leaving so much as a paper cup on the counter ? "

Capital punishment for any misdemeanour, there'd be no misdemeanours.

Take a tough line I say.

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Plus was not 18grams...but18,172grams that is to say 18 kgs not really a dose for personal usewhistling.gif..."

OK Mister Worldwide.... you know it all.

No I dont, but I am bright enough to recognise that a sovereign state, particularly one with a democratically-elected government, has the right to decide what punishment is appropriate for a given crime. For those who feel strongly about this particular case, its clear that you need to boycott Malaysia from any future travel plans, and that's 100% fine with me.

Mister Worldwide ... you know it all? I do not think so.You seem to have Malaysian law in great esteem?

Could you tell us:

What is the weed amount which would qualify offender to face hangman in Malaysia?

I will give you a hint - it makes few posts here,including one in quotation above - without merit.

Another hint:in Malysia everything they are calling "dadah"(all drugs,narcotics,stimulants)

- and: - "dadah=death"

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I remembered wrong.The answer is:

200grams or 7 ounces

heroin is:15grams

It doesnt fit to movie "Troubles In Paradise",may be in past it was different?

For people,who did not see the movie: young fella is facing gallows for resin,which had been dropped into dustbin by somebody else.

Half pound wouldnt end up in dustbin?To much money?

And it was all about stolen bicycle,not drugs.But gallows was very real and very realistic.

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As expected she looks like hard core mafia with no scrupules.

18 grammes of Godgiven inspirational herbs, another sign that a culture who worships an intolerant hatecult have no idea what God is about.


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Plus was not 18grams...but18,172grams that is to say 18 kgs not really a dose for personal usewhistling.gif..."

OK Mister Worldwide.... you know it all.

No I dont, but I am bright enough to recognise that a sovereign state, particularly one with a democratically-elected government, has the right to decide what punishment is appropriate for a given crime. For those who feel strongly about this particular case, its clear that you need to boycott Malaysia from any future travel plans, and that's 100% fine with me.

Mister Worldwide ... you know it all? I do not think so.You seem to have Malaysian law in great esteem?

Could you tell us:

What is the weed amount which would qualify offender to face hangman in Malaysia?

I will give you a hint - it makes few posts here,including one in quotation above - without merit.

Another hint:in Malysia everything they are calling "dadah"(all drugs,narcotics,stimulants)

- and: - "dadah=death"

Whether he or anyone else holds Malaysian law in high esteem is not the point. Malaysia has the law, traffic drugs and die. Quite simple, if you don't like it don't come here. Fine with both of us.

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As expected she looks like hard core mafia with no scrupules.

18 grammes of Godgiven inspirational herbs, another sign that a culture who worships an intolerant hatecult have no idea what God is about.


You need an education muppet. How many grams is 18,172 grams?

Answer - it's 18,172 grams. It's not 18 grams.

If you think it is 18 grams, where did the other 18,154 grams go?

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Whether he or anyone else holds Malaysian law in high esteem is not the point. Malaysia has the law, traffic drugs and die. Quite simple, if you don't like it don't come here. Fine with both of us...."

Anybody can come to Beautifull Malaysia.The point is- what is the deterring effect of the law?

I wrote in another post:

"...follow this story to the source - New Strait Times;you will learn,that in the same place where that unfortunate woman was busted - many others

were busted with suitcases full of weed...."

If there is money to be made - people will go for it.You can cal them stupid or daredevils;they do not care.

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Law is Law, ... but a death sentence? Barbaric.

Get the rapists, the murderers, ... and the politicians who are corrupt.

The lady only sold weed. Although against the law, - hardly worth a death sentence.

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Law is Law, ... but a death sentence? Barbaric.

Get the rapists, the murderers, ... and the politicians who are corrupt.

The lady only sold weed. Although against the law, - hardly worth a death sentence.


She imported drugs to a country with some of the harshest drug laws and got caught.

She knew the rules and took the risks so she pays. Simple.

If she didn't know the rules then she is even more stupid. Simple.

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Preman and borovik, we can argue about this until our fingers fall off - it wont chance a damned thing in Malaysia.

- this thread is not about corruption in Malaysia, and I havent seen anyone try to deny that it is a corrupt country. I have yet to meet a Malaysian who will try to argue otherwise - they suffer as much as anyone entering the country *free of charge for 90 days at a time* ....

- this thread, IMO, is not about whether this woman is part of a criminal gang or acting alone - she had 18kg of a prohibited substance, and that could just as easily have been cough medicine. Get caught with 18kg of pseudo-ephedrine in Australia and I guarantee that you wont leave the court unescorted.

As I type this, the man who will almost certainly be the next Prime Minister of Australia is basically telling the world that he will instruct our Navy to start towing refugee boats back to their port of origin. Given that said port is usually on the coast of Indonesia (along with a few out of Malaysia and Sri Lanka), we have a man who aspires to the highest office in the nation basically provoking a much larger neighbour. I dont agree with it, and I wont be voting for him, but when he is elected his party will enact new laws for anyone wanting to come to Australia. It wont be fair, and I fully expect that we will be slammed by every humanitarian organisation on the planet (as opposed to our current treatment of refugees ...), but once he gets into power, that's all she wrote for another three years. The Indonesians have told us flat out that they wont allow this to happen, regardless of who owns said boats, and the Malaysians have been ticked off with us for years over this issue, but as a sovereign state we make our own decisions.

Beating up on Malaysia will solve nothing, even if the Police and border officials involved are rotten to the core. Just as the Thai people are responsible for changing the 'mai pen rai' attitude to endemic corruption within their own borders, Malaysia will only change when Malaysians finally decide they've had enough. Till then, I think FDog's advice is solid.

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that's kinda crazy, not even crack or heroine... just cannabis, something grown natural. Way too harsh.

Would you be okay with it if she had smuggled hash? Both the drugs you mention are also from naturally occurring plants but have been manipulated to produce the final product. The people saying laws are laws are also a bit off. There are many laws that have been struck down over the years. Just because something is the law doesn't mean it is just.

In Saudi Arabia you can be killed for being gay amongst other things. Does this mean that gay people there deserve to die because that is the law? I am going to go out on a limb here and say that first degree murder is is a more egregious crime than dealing pot. I don't care if it is a state sponsored crime.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cannabis is used as a medicine against cancer. The real cancer in Asia are the middle-aged laws. Perhaps the judges should try some smoke.

How many countries have legalized cannabis?

Argentina Illegal (decriminalized)

Australia Illegal (decriminalized in some states)

Belgium Illegal (decriminalized)

Brazil Illegal, but mostly tolerated

Cambodia De facto legal

Canada Illegal (Legal for medical and industrial use with a government issued licence)

Colombia Illegal (decriminalized)

Costa Rica Illegal (decriminalized)

Croatia Illegal (decriminalized)

Czech Republic Illegal (decriminalized)

Ecuador Illegal (decriminalized)

Estonia Illegal (decriminalized)

France Illegal (legal for medical use[44])

India Illegal/Legal (Regulated by Government)

Iran See 'Notes' Regulated: Legal, Unregulated: Illegal Regulated: Legal, Unregulated: Illegal Legal

Italy Illegal (decriminalized)

Jamaica Legal (if "Grown wildly and harvested

Mexico Illegal (decriminalized)

Nepal Illegal (But not regulated)

Netherlands Illegal (decriminalized)

North Korea Legal

Pakistan Legal/Illegal

Portugal Illegal (decriminalized)

Spain Illegal (decriminalized)

Switzerland Illegal (decriminalized)

United States Illegal at the federal level (but legal at the state level in Colorado andWashington) Decriminalized in 14 states (at the state level) and in Detroit Uruguay Legal/Illegal

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It seems that those who agree with this sentencing by the Malaysian justice system only have the argument that the sellers knew the risk they were taking, so too bad. Logically, that's true, but can they really not see the absolute injustice of killing somebody for selling a substance that is clearly and truly less damaging than alcohol? I wish the people who have apparently been terribly indoctrinated (i.e. brainwashed) by their governments about weed would take the time to understand the history of the "demonization" of cannabis and realize that it is illegal due to political motivation and business interests -- not for reasons that have anything to do with protecting society. It's so sad to see this type of attitude in this day and age.

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It seems that those who agree with this sentencing by the Malaysian justice system only have the argument that the sellers knew the risk they were taking, so too bad. Logically, that's true, but can they really not see the absolute injustice of killing somebody for selling a substance that is clearly and truly less damaging than alcohol? I wish the people who have apparently been terribly indoctrinated (i.e. brainwashed) by their governments about weed would take the time to understand the history of the "demonization" of cannabis and realize that it is illegal due to political motivation and business interests -- not for reasons that have anything to do with protecting society. It's so sad to see this type of attitude in this day and age.

To be quite honest with you, I would suggest that the vast majority of the things government do is surrounded by business interest and financial gain, not the well being of the nations. Sometimes it may appear to be for the good of the people, but that is only a mask.

My feelings on this are that it is a wasted life and a sad end, she obviously needed the money and fell into desperate ways. Her kids are no going to be without a mum and who knows where dad is, and for what, because she was found with 8 KGs of weed! Yes she probably knew what she was getting herself into but I am sure at the back of her mind was her kids, food, shelter, and generally being able to set up a better life for the 3 of them. These laws and punishments should change with the development of the countries, as they come out of being a 3rd world country, so should their laws. WAKE UP!

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