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Electronic Goods In Thailand


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Thailand is not a duty free port.

I have found many brands of cameras are much cheaper in the West as compared to Thailand prices, particularly if you buy duty free.

Thai shops don't seem to discount discontinued models by the same % as Western retailers.

Buying second hand is also much cheaper in the West.

In mentioning the 'West' I'm referring mainly to Australia. Australian prices rival Hong Kong prices.

Your best bet is to do some Google searching and check out the prices for yourself.

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Are electronic goods such as Digital cameras and PSP games cheaper in Thailand than they would be in the west?

Much the same price in Thailand and the UK. Pirated software (games) much cheaper in Thailand of course.

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Electronics in Thailand are strictly price-controlled. Therefore, you'll often find that no matter where you buy, you'll find the same price, unless it's gray market, and only certain brands have gray market items. Even then, it's not cheap. In the US, there are also lots of sales and rebates to be had (from competition and loose price control), which are fairly nonexistent here.

When I bought a Canon S1IS in the US, I got it for $350 (14,000 baht). It was being sold in Thailand for 25,000 baht. When I got a Canon Digital Rebel XT in the US, it was $600 after rebates (24,000 baht). It was sold in Thailand for 39,900 baht. The HDR-HC1 was $1,500 (60,000 baht) in the US, but here it was 99,000 baht. You can see that there is often a large difference, but there can be some times (rarely) when you get a similar price here.

Certain things aren't practical to buy outside if you're living here (big screen TVs, kitchen appliances, etc), but there can be big differences in the pricing. Generally, shops in Thailand sells at MSRP with very few exceptions, while in the US, only shops like Best Buy sell at MSRP, and even then only when the item has just been released.

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I just checked the prices for a Nikon D70S plus Nikor 18-70 AF-S lens.

The Thai price quoted on the link provided is 41,900 baht. (This converts to about AUS $1466.00)

The average Aussie price for the same package is about $1813.90.

In this example Thailand is much cheaper. I'm impressed.

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I've noticed that most of Europe and Australia are on average asking the same prices for electronical goods compared to Thailand. Some a bit more expensive, some a bit cheaper with the odd exeption where the difference is very big...

It is mainly the USA where prices are way cheaper (sometimes a lot), or some Asian countries where some of this stuff is manufactured (like Japan)

So if you happen to be in the USA, make sure to check things out as you can save some serious $$$

When in Europe, I wouldn't even bother, any savings you can make are not worth the extra worries concerning warranties etc...

The exception would be of course on things which are very hard to find in Thailand, such as high end computer stuff etc...

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UAE seems to be quite a bit cheaper...



170$ compared to 236$ is a big dfference, although it's difficult to compare this way. I know shop4thai's prices are always a lot higher then what you'd pay on the street (mostly around 10%), while in most countries the online stores are so competitive you'd often get cheaper prices then on the street...

The above is just an example, on other brands I noticed smaller differences, but overal shop4thai came in with higher prices...

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I'd have to agree... Aussie and European prices are pretty inflated, and lots of people complain. Therefore, the prices tend to be similar to the prices in Thailand.

Japan can have some surprising deals. The HDR-HC1 camcorder, for example, is sold there for around $800, compared to $1400 in the US, and $2300 in Thailand.

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I bought 15" Apple PowerBook in Japan two years ago for 63,000 Baht when the same product in Thailand was sold for B84,000. I bought another PowerBook in Japan last year (12") for 55,000 Baht when the same was sold in Thailand for 80,000 Baht.

I also bought Canon dSLR EOS 5D + battery grip and extra battery in Japan last year for 119,000 Baht (with free accessory) while the same is sold in Thailand for about 155,000 Baht (without free accessories).

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I just checked the prices for a Nikon D70S plus Nikor 18-70 AF-S lens.

The Thai price quoted on the link provided is 41,900 baht. (This converts to about AUS $1466.00)

The average Aussie price for the same package is about $1813.90.

In this example Thailand is much cheaper. I'm impressed.

I wouldnt be that impressed, I think The Nickon's are made here (in Thailand)

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IMO, new releases of cameras especially are a bit on the pricey side. give it 6 months and it drops like a bomb. compare these prices to Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Dubai, Hong Kong, it can be cheaper here in thailand. Same goes for mobile phones. i normally wait for 6 months or so, the prices then get cheaper than most other countries. certainly cheaper than the US or the UK.

One thing i realized is the prices of TV are super cheap here. Talking about regular CRTs. Give it some time and you'll see LCD's and PLasma dropping as well. Projections TV are already quite cheap compared to other regional countries. I don't even bother checking other countries. Try buying a Sony PSP in thailand and compare to other countries, its a bargain here. And with the pirated stuff available at MBK, you cant go wrong.

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I just checked the prices for a Nikon D70S plus Nikor 18-70 AF-S lens.

The Thai price quoted on the link provided is 41,900 baht. (This converts to about AUS $1466.00)

The average Aussie price for the same package is about $1813.90.

In this example Thailand is much cheaper. I'm impressed.

I wouldnt be that impressed, I think The Nickon's are made here (in Thailand)

Nikon D70 is made in Thailand at Rojana Industrial Estate in Ayutthaya, but I'm not so how much that effected on Thai pricing being lower than in OZ. I have seen quite a few Thai-made products sold cheaper overseas than in Thailand. Last month I bought a Thai made Toshiba air purifier for 21,000 Baht. I was stunned to find later that the exact same product that also came from Thailand is sold in Japan for less than 1/3 the price I bought here.

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I just checked the prices for a Nikon D70S plus Nikor 18-70 AF-S lens.

The Thai price quoted on the link provided is 41,900 baht. (This converts to about AUS $1466.00)

The average Aussie price for the same package is about $1813.90.

In this example Thailand is much cheaper. I'm impressed.

The D70 is built in Thailand so would probably be cheaper than imported goods.

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Thanks to all you people who pointed out to me that Nikon is made in Thailand. I picked a poor example. :o

For the sake of the exercise, I chose another camera to compare prices between Thailand and Australia.

Canon EOS 5D priced in Thailand at 136,000 baht. Converts to about AUD $4,857.00

Priced in Australia at around AUD $4,659.00

I haven't tried to obtain the Australian duty free price but I assume it would be a little cheaper than the internet price.

So for this Canon model, Australia is cheaper.

I'd rather have a Nikon anyway, so when I'm ready to buy a digital Nikon, it seems that Thailand is the best place.

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"Officially" the PSP is 12,000 baht here, more expensive than any other country I can think of.

yes but u can still get it at 8,000 if u wanted to!. now where else is that possible? and the risk of it breaking down for an official warranty? lets go to any "service" shops around and u get it back within a day.

as far as digital cameras are concerned, it really depends on brands. the fact that nikon is made in thailand does not in any way make a difference to its pricing here or abroad. price and quality controls are done in japan with relation to how good the brand is selling here in thailand.

for eg, u compare a Panasonic FZ20 or FZ30 series to a FujiS9500, both cameras are comparable, Panasonic entry price was well above 30,000 baht, especially for the FZ20 while Fuji set it at 25,500. Why the price difference? now they both sell are around the same price. well thats what the HQ ordered. i have done a lot of looking into digital cameras and can confidently say that prices of cameras in thailand are generally cheaper than "western" countries, including Oz and other South East Asian countries. Just buy it 6 months down the road after it has been released.

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Trust me... many products are cheaper in Jakarta, Indonesia than in Thailand or Dubai. Comparable to US.

Just like I posted in photography forum for comparison on digital camera prices, the difference can be 10000 Baht. Check out jpckemang.com / ek-gadgets.com / tokocamzone.com

Pirated DVD movie for 15-20 Baht only or 50 US cents, comparing at least 100 Baht in Thailand.

Pirated software/games for 60 Baht only or 1.5 USD, comparing at least 100 Baht in Thailand.

Things that surely cheaper in Thailand are food and clothing :o

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Just buy it 6 months down the road after it has been released.

If you wait that long you can buy it privately second hand at a much better price than the discounted retail price.

In Australia you can buy six month old cameras at the pawn broker auctions at give away prices.

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DVD's for 15 baht sounds a bit imaginary, Thats probably the lowest price you can even buy the blank DVD's, let alone for anyone to make profit, printing, copying, sleeve etc...

the cheapest i ever bought was 3 for a 100 baht in KL. The prices went back up to 80baht last i heard.

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