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Turkey supports Thailand in tackling problems in deep South


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Turkey supports Thailand in tackling problems in deep South
By Digital Media


TURKEY, July 6 - Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said Turkey is ready to support Thailand in solving problems in predominantly Muslim southern region, as well as agreed to boost economic cooperation between the two countries.

The Thai premier, who is also defence minister, is now on an official visit to Turkey as guest of the Turkish government, to explore new opportunities and cooperation.

Before arriving to Turkey, she visited Poland which Thailand considers as a gateway to Europe and seeks to upgrade economic relations.

Turkey is considered a new market for Thai trade, investment, and tourism, a connecting point between Europe and Asia, and a large, moderate Islamic country which is influential with Middle Eastern, Central Asian, and Balkan states, as well as the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

PM Yingluck’s visit to Turkey marks the first visit of a Thai Prime Minister in the last 8 years upon the invitation of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey extended during their meeting at the Bali Democracy Forum in November 2012.

After the Thai premier held bilateral talks with her Turkish counterpart, she said Turkey has good understanding of the situation in Thailand's deep South as well as the Thai government's attempts to build peace in the region.

"Turkey, with its roles in OIC, understands the Thai government's operations including peace building and economic development in the violence-plagued border provinces," stated Ms Yingluck. "Turkey is ready to share experiences with Thailand as it once faced similar problems in its border provinces."

Ms Yingluck added Turkey is also willing to encourage students in Thailand's southern border provinces to study in Turkey.

Regarding trade and investment, Ms Yingluck said Turkey is ready to facilitate Thai investors and extend more cooperation to Thailand in trade missions.

The Thai and Turkish Prime Ministers have also agreed to start the process of setting up a bilateral Free Trade Agreement (FTA) as a joint feasibility study would begin working soon.

The Thai premier is accompanied in both Poland and Turkey trips by representatives from the private sector, business councils and associations in diversified areas such as food, energy/green economy, tourism/medical tourism, construction, and the automotive industry.

PM Yingluck and the Thai delegation are scheduled to return to Bangkok from Istanbul later tonight. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2013-07-06

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I would love to be a fly on the wall as Yingluk offers her advice about Turkey's restive Kurds. Oh, and Thailand's "support" in dealing with the problem.

Can you make whey from rice?

Edited by OzMick
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Poland is a gateway to Europe despite being the long way round and in Europe already, but Turkey isn't?

I hope this is a mistake and not yingluck showing off her geography knowledge.

I should imagine 'gateway' was being used in abstract, an by Europe she was referring to the EU.

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Poland is a gateway to Europe despite being the long way round and in Europe already, but Turkey isn't?

I hope this is a mistake and not yingluck showing off her geography knowledge.

I should imagine 'gateway' was being used in abstract, an by Europe she was referring to the EU.

I would hope so. From Thailand perspective, Turkey surely represents a more logical gateway than Poland?????

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Poland is a gateway to Europe despite being the long way round and in Europe already, but Turkey isn't?

I hope this is a mistake and not yingluck showing off her geography knowledge.

Mate, it's Turkey that connects Europe and Asia. It always has. Also, Turkey is strategically in a way better location than Poland in regards to the middle east. Plus Turkey has a massive army and quite good equipment. They could prove to be a great ally if it ever comes to a head between Europe and the middle east. On the other hand, though, Turkey hasn't exactly the best track record, especially when it comes to peace talks. Just look at the way they treat the Kurds (Kurds not so innocent themselves, though) and most recently its very own people. They are the wrong people to talk to you when it comes to solving the problem in the south.

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Poland is a gateway to Europe despite being the long way round and in Europe already, but Turkey isn't?

I hope this is a mistake and not yingluck showing off her geography knowledge.

Mate, it's Turkey that connects Europe and Asia. It always has. Also, Turkey is strategically in a way better location than Poland in regards to the middle east. Plus Turkey has a massive army and quite good equipment. They could prove to be a great ally if it ever comes to a head between Europe and the middle east. On the other hand, though, Turkey hasn't exactly the best track record, especially when it comes to peace talks. Just look at the way they treat the Kurds (Kurds not so innocent themselves, though) and most recently its very own people. They are the wrong people to talk to you when it comes to solving the problem in the south.
I was talking purely from an economic perspective. Turkey is a gateway to Europe not Poland.

Turkey dies what Thailand does. It sends thousands of young conscripts to fight the Kurds.

Hasn't been solved yet.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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"Turkey is ready to share experiences with Thailand as it once faced similar problems in its border provinces."

Erdogan was telling "porkies" and Yingluck and her ice cream team were only too eager to swallow them.

Let's face the facts. Turkey has up to now been unable and unwilling to achieve a lasting agreement with its Kurdish minority. In the aftermath of "Operation Enduring Freedom" Turkey even conducted several cross border raids to prevent the formation of a Kurdish "state" in Northern Iraq which might strengthen the position of its own Kurds. Turkey has in the recent past taken an active role in several attempts to destabilize the Middle East. It was involved in the NATO led war against Libya and it is a major contributor and weapons dealer in the Syrian civil war where it even tried to lure NATO into attacking Syria through fabricated and provoked incidents which should have proven that Turkey was under attack.

Erdogan himself is trying to prevent any integration of Turks who have been living in other countries for decades. His most famous quote is "Assimilation is a crime against humanity". Thus he actively promotes "parallel societies", while the social and political costs of his policy have to be shouldered by the "host" countries while the Turkish state rips off the benefits of all the money being sent "home".

Erdogan is also a beacon of free speech and human rights as he clearly showed when he dealt with an initially small protest against some construction in a park in Istanbul.

In summary Erdogan will be a great ally for little sister in her "hands on" approach of the Southern Insurgency.

But there is something Erdogan and the paymaster have in common. Their power base is the uneducated rural population struggling to make a living while they are being kept detached from the overall economic progress and decent education.

Wow. As a Turkish person living in Turkey, I am impressed by your knowledge and evaluation of recent happenings.

And, yes, I agree with your thoughts/feelings above. I am not happy at all about the path my country is heading for.

Edited by JemJem
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Blind helping the blind.What a joke.

Haha, spot on. As a Turkish person, I fully agree with you on this.

Erdogan seems to be getting more and more oppressive. The only hope for liberals and other anti-fascists now is that his party loses in the 2015 general elections.

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Yingluck's naivety is truly amazing. She aligns herself with the Erdogan administration at a time when Turkey is hardly the bastion of human rights and free speech. The term numpty comes to mind.

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Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said Turkey is ready to support Thailand in solving problems in predominantly Muslim southern region, as well as agreed to boost economic cooperation between the two countries.

Hope everything will be good and better.

Can't understand where this world is heading.

Today, read news about bomb blast in India at Mahabodhi Temple, Bodhgaya.

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So Thailand is getting so help in the south from a country that also cant even take care of its own situations?


No matter what I am cooking, I would love to poke my nose in your business. Esp. when it's about my interest.

Edited by nachiket
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Erdogan is not Turkey. However, there are Turkish officials and military personnel with valuable experience and expertise when it comes to managing an insurgency. Putting aside the baggage of Erdogan, Turkey is one of the few countries that can offer pragmatic and practical advice.

It is a shame that Turkey's relationship with Israel is tattered, because it was previously an effective relationship that worked well when it came to monitoring regional terror threats. Turkey's grasp of the intangibles and reach combined with Israeli technology was a potent force. We read of drones being considered for the South. At one time, Turkey had one of the best drone operations in its region. Turkish personnel using Israeli manufactured drones. A properly managed drone unit would work wonders in the South.

BTW, Turkey at one time was known for its medical and social aid capabilities. After the Bosnian war, Turkey provided some of the medical care units for the afflicted areas.. Considering the health crisis in the south, perhaps Turkey may once again consider offering some of its skilled NGO medical and social services personnel.

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How silly can you get , the PM is visiting another country AGAIN and that country , how fortunate, supports Thailand's effort in the South and wishes to do some trading as well (rice anyone) what else are they going to say , no country's going to say ,you are a lot of losers, you wouldn't know a peace talk if it bit you on the bum and what a joke your rice export mess is in , but hey they probably thought that. What a load of turkey's you PTP lot are.bah.gif

Why are you so negative? Educational exchange betweeen Thailand and Turky is a great idea.

Sharing Turkey's experiece in dealing with restless minorities, which is exptensive, may provide a view on a variet of past and present Thai policy that may lead to a soltion. If we sell rice to Turkey as well so much the better, they eat a lot of it.

Further; a two way trading deal with Poland as a Thai gateway into less reachable markets in Europe is a brilliant idea. The Polish are extremely persistant and tenacious it setting up specialised agri-trade transactions, some of which have been almost exquisite in their ingenuity, these last 50 years. The extent of Polish creativity in developing elegent marketing solutions is much admired and coppied in Europe. Just look at what the Poles have achived for them selves the past 50 years. I wish I'd thought of it myself.

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