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If the lady blows you off, report it to the police before it gets stale. Personally, I would have already filed a police report just to be on the record.

Not a bad idea. Just move out of your condo first. wink.png

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You have to play the game sometimes...

Take a reasonably presentable, well spoken Thai with you and be quiet, confident and polite. Dress well. She sounds like another wannabe hiso, I doubt she'd be living in this condo if she was incredibly rich and well connected. She's probably up to her eyeballs in debt and more nervous about the meeting than you are. I predict that in the face of a well dressed, polite approach she will wilt within ten minutes.

Of course, if you are rude it will become a grudge match until the end of time :)


Take the bike to Honda, get a quote for the repairs, pop it through her door before the weekend. Explain how you understand that it was an accident and you're pleased that she was a good neighbour and left her details with security. If she doesn't pay up, its probably a couple of thousand Baht, not worth worrying about. Pour some month old milk around her door daily.

Better yet start to have accidents around her car with heavy duty glue around the locks, screws getting into tyres - lol

Re-venge is a dish best served "cold"w00t.gif


Quite simple she is responsible and will probably have insurance. Make sure you get some quotes and insurance will sort it it if she has not it might be harder but she is still responsible. You could pay the cops a bit to negotiate. As others have said be polite but persistent no need to cave in.

I would be seriously pissed too and as others have said if it was you who did the damage they would be demanding compensation right now.


My (then) brand new CBR got a nail in its tyre the very first day in the very secure underground car park of my condo. (Some) Thais have got a thing about damaging the new motorbikes of others. I don't understand it but I definitely don't like it.

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About 250bht

Clutch lever 100bht, pair of rubber handgrips 25bht, foot peg 75bht, number plate holder 50bht.

This is the price for the parts from the shop in CM on the road from Mikes Burgers to Wororat Market, just before TMB bank.


About 250bht

Clutch lever 100bht, pair of rubber handgrips 25bht, foot peg 75bht, number plate holder 50bht.

This is the price for the parts from the shop in CM on the road from Mikes Burgers to Wororat Market, just before TMB bank.

Yep, maybe the damage is less than 1,000 Baht, but thats not the point anymore. Don't you get it? We have to kill that woman before she kills us!



I don't believe you threatened to kill anyone's family and hop on a plane because no one who could actually do that is silly enough to warn anyone about it.

Sorry. No sale.

IF one is silly enough to threaten to poison my dogs, i sure am silly enough to threaten their life

I don't think there's anyone on this board who hasn't fantasizes about saying something like that, lemoncake but the point I'm trying to make is just common sense.

You can't win with a threat like this because people who are actually capable of cold blooded execution style revenge killings rarely warn their victims. If you are really so dangerous a person as to go through with this and actually look the part you, um, have my sincere apologies.

Otherwise it's just a "I kin get my ex Navy Seal cousin here in half an hour to kick your ass" type of threat.

Hey, lemoncake, fuggedaboudit.

Mate, i do not need to win a threat and the point is not to win a threat. If one stupid enough to give me a threat, i would get down to his level and issue one back.

If he/she was serious about their threat, they will only naturally assume that i am also serious about mine.

How many times, have you heard Thai threaten to call police? endless. I see it in hotel daily, i offer them my phone to make the call.

And yes you guessed, they do not.

Hookers threaten to call the police when the customer does not pay, and do they? of course not.

The usual scenario is Thai issues a threat and a foreigner coughs up, just too easy, WHY?

I had a car accident in BKK, a bike taxi ran into the back of me-his fault 100%. My car had little damage which i was happy to bear not to waste time, but the parasite started to demand money or he will call police.

I called police and i called insurance, HE ended up being fined for reckless driving, driving with expired license, plus damage for my car which came to about 10 000 baht(insurance went after him for this money)

So again the point is, living here is no different to anywhere else.

PS. My cat went into neighbors house(allegedly) and knocked down the mirror, he was over in minutes demanding money for the mirror or he will call the police.

Sure call the police but before i pay anything, i want to see the quote for the damage and proof it was indeed my cat who broke it.

Police did nothing and advised him to sue me, but better have the evidence. Now he does not talk to me, big woptee doo and my cat is fine

  • Like 2

About 250bht

Clutch lever 100bht, pair of rubber handgrips 25bht, foot peg 75bht, number plate holder 50bht.

This is the price for the parts from the shop in CM on the road from Mikes Burgers to Wororat Market, just before TMB bank.

If the paint is damaged its a different story but parts are cheap. I mean it has to be restored in good condition not just working order and look like shit. That is the way they fix cars here if in an accident the calculate restoring it in good order inclusive painting.


Another thing. It's a good idea to at least carry third party voluntary insurance that includes medical and property damage. Then, if someone hits your vehicle, call the insurance company and have them sort it out. I'm surprised the Lady Next Door hasn't asked you to pay for the scratches to her fender your bike caused when she hit it. ;)


If the lady blows you off, report it to the police before it gets stale. Personally, I would have already filed a police report just to be on the record.

Not a bad idea. Just move out of your condo first. wink.png

It goes like this:

"Ohhh kor toot naa, I'm so sorry. I didn't know who broke my motorcycle so I reported it to the police. It was only afterward did I find out that it was you who broke my motorcycle. Well, we don't need the police, do we. Here's a quote from Honda for the repair. If you could repay me now, we won't have to let the police know. We can drive down to your ATM right now and get this issue settled."

'Me no have money now, my sister husband is policeman, he talk to this police station first, I call you when finished na khaa'

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About 250bht

Clutch lever 100bht, pair of rubber handgrips 25bht, foot peg 75bht, number plate holder 50bht.

This is the price for the parts from the shop in CM on the road from Mikes Burgers to Wororat Market, just before TMB bank.

Sounds very cheap..... but a clutch lever is only 100b? pair of rubber handgrips 25bht? foot peg 75bht??

Can I see that official quote or receipt mate! :D


Take the bike to Honda, get a quote for the repairs, pop it through her door before the weekend. Explain how you understand that it was an accident and you're pleased that she was a good neighbour and left her details with security. If she doesn't pay up, its probably a couple of thousand Baht, not worth worrying about. Pour some month old milk around her door daily.

Or shove some rotten fish through her letterbox.


About 250bht

Clutch lever 100bht, pair of rubber handgrips 25bht, foot peg 75bht, number plate holder 50bht.

This is the price for the parts from the shop in CM on the road from Mikes Burgers to Wororat Market, just before TMB bank.

If the paint is damaged its a different story but parts are cheap. I mean it has to be restored in good condition not just working order and look like shit. That is the way they fix cars here if in an accident the calculate restoring it in good order inclusive painting.

Respray on CBR150 tank 750bht, seat recovered 300bht.

C'mon guys, repairs to this sort of m/c are almost nothing.


About 250bht

Clutch lever 100bht, pair of rubber handgrips 25bht, foot peg 75bht, number plate holder 50bht.

This is the price for the parts from the shop in CM on the road from Mikes Burgers to Wororat Market, just before TMB bank.

Sounds very cheap..... but a clutch lever is only 100b? pair of rubber handgrips 25bht? foot peg 75bht??

Can I see that official quote or receipt mate! biggrin.png

Go to the shop and ask them yourself, cheaper than chips.


About 250bht

Clutch lever 100bht, pair of rubber handgrips 25bht, foot peg 75bht, number plate holder 50bht.

This is the price for the parts from the shop in CM on the road from Mikes Burgers to Wororat Market, just before TMB bank.

If the paint is damaged its a different story but parts are cheap. I mean it has to be restored in good condition not just working order and look like shit. That is the way they fix cars here if in an accident the calculate restoring it in good order inclusive painting.

Respray on CBR150 tank 750bht, seat recovered 300bht.

C'mon guys, repairs to this sort of m/c are almost nothing.

It does depend of course of the quality of work, but I agree repairing a bike is real cheap. I am always amazed what I have to pay.


You need to take the building management to task...aren't you paying a monthly fee for their services...that they knew your bike was damaged and who did it and still purposely kept that information hidden is absurb.


The OP said he parked his motorbike in the Condo car park. Was there spaces for motorbikes? Are other motorbikes parked there?


wait till saturday.. why? maybe she waiting for her thai 'hero' to come.... anyway settle it as normal listen why she knock your bike prepare with repair qoutes ...lucky it is not a renting bike....


The OP said he parked his motorbike in the Condo car park. Was there spaces for motorbikes? Are other motorbikes parked there?

That should be irrelevant. Even if it was a designated car parking spot it does give someone the right to damage someone bike.


The OP said he parked his motorbike in the Condo car park. Was there spaces for motorbikes? Are other motorbikes parked there?

That should be irrelevant. Even if it was a designated car parking spot it does give someone the right to damage someone bike.

No it does not, and I am not saying this is the case, but supposing the OP parked the bike near the lift to save him a walk, if he was taking up a car parking place, then he could have no complaint. But I make the point, there is no way the girl is blameless, she did hit a parked motorbike.

  • 2 weeks later...
Prudent_rabbit Last Active 2013-07-12 14:15

Maybe the neighbor disposed of the problem?

Maybe the neighbour disposed of prudent rabbit! Problem gone away Thai-style. Bam bam! xshock1.gif.pagespeed.ic.Q3XOm0fuQs.png

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