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PM Yingluck downplays 'Thaksin' audio clip

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A new tactic - "let's all keep quiet, refuse to even mention it, and it will all blow over". Makes a change from the strong denials, or confuse them with contradictions approaches previously adopted. No need to worry about any laws, ethics and morals when you're democratically elected.

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if he promises to do good things for the country might as well bring him back with a slap on the wrist. its been done for so many others who did worse, mentioning those individuals here wouldn't add value to the suggestion, suffice it to say he could improve government provided that oversight is transparent and independent and relentless.

You would really believe a convicted criminal fugitive, who has additional outstanding charges against him, and currently runs "his" government, for "his" benefit despite saying he's not interested in politics would you? You would accept his promises would you? Good luck!

(Google Neville Chamberlain - he had similar thoughts).

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'She declined to comment on whether the clip was leaked by politicians disappointed at not getting a Cabinet seat in the recent reshuffle'

Probably was leaked. The Somchais and Somyings of this country get so jealous at others progressions.


if he promises to do good things for the country might as well bring him back with a slap on the wrist. its been done for so many others who did worse, mentioning those individuals here wouldn't add value to the suggestion, suffice it to say he could improve government provided that oversight is transparent and independent and relentless.

This idea is really out there Phil!

One the man's a convicted criminal and second, he really is controlling the country anyway.

Thought you knew that whistling.gif


Tha amazing bit is Thaksin asking the other guy, if he can still "get it up", and he answers that he eats fungus from the back of a caterpillar to help him.

I mean honestly, if it's a hoax, that really is quite funny. Could you imagine the sniggering.... It must be unbearable.

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Does The PM and all her Minister's not realise that by not denying that the conversation took place, she is as good as admitting that it did? How intelligent is that?facepalm.gif


If the Defence Minister can't even control her deputies what chance does she have with all those military types?

As Defense Minister,... ANNND Prime Minister, OMFGGGGGGG.... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Thailand security will be full of holes, because our Barbie girl will be too busy going on diplomatic international shopping trips giggle.gifgiggle.gifgiggle.gif


Tha amazing bit is Thaksin asking the other guy, if he can still "get it up", and he answers that he eats fungus from the back of a caterpillar to help him.

I mean honestly, if it's a hoax, that really is quite funny. Could you imagine the sniggering.... It must be unbearable.

One can just imagine the conversation, at the barber-shop, on a Friday-morning ...

"Caterpiller, for the week-end, sir ?" rolleyes.gif

These politicians are clearly still 'hard' men ! laugh.png


if he promises to do good things for the country might as well bring him back with a slap on the wrist. its been done for so many others who did worse, mentioning those individuals here wouldn't add value to the suggestion, suffice it to say he could improve government provided that oversight is transparent and independent and relentless.

Bring him back? He never went away!

This IS his government.

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Just when you think they can't handle anything worse than they've already done, they seem to consistently exceed expectations for creating B.S.

But then again, it's important to remember what they're in power for and whom they're there to serve....and it's clearly not the Thai people.

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English summary transcript? Anyone please

Here is a little of the conversation in English. You don't need to speak Thai to identify Thaksin's vocal style and syntax.

I suspect it was recorded on a mobile phone in someone's shirt pocket.


"Next year, they will all retire, all of them in all forces,"
Gen Yuthasak
"We can pick anyone we wish ..I have told them.. the supreme commander and the army chief…Like me, I have stopped working.
I think if I finished my job of bringing my boss back home, it will be your turn to do likewise, to show to the boss. From today on, you have to show him, so that in 2014 you will have a job to do and need not be an old man like many others. I told them they will have jobs and they are happy. They didn’t say no. They have realised that they may have a future after their retirement."

Then Thaksin brags about his Burma exploits.

"I have told the prime minister (his sister) to use the supreme commander (the Thai supreme commander). Ai Aung is first class, as he appointed cabinet ministers… so we must keep him.

They are all my men. They even gave me a plot of land in the middle of Yangon,"

He also says he does not want revenge when he comes home.

"I am not vindictive and have no intention to take revenge on anyone. Honestly, I want to live a comfortable life. The problem should end, and the end is that I wash my hands of politics.

It does not matter whether they use me or not. But to be an adviser to the Crown Property Bureau is like serving the boss. But definitely I will not become a privy councilor..."
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There is one aspect of this that no-one wants to touch (AFAIK) - is it LEGAL for government MPs and Ministers, sworn to uphold the laws of the nation and work to its benefit, to meet with criminals and discuss ways to subvert the legal system?

Does Thailand not have laws against associating with criminals, vote selling, conspiracy to break laws? do they not apply above a certain wealth/income level?

Applies only to those NOT ... PTP whistling.gif


How do you know when a Thai politician is lying....their lips are moving.

Erm, not just Thai politicians. It's requirement of being A politician


Thaksin's son has said the voice in the tape is that of his old man.

Ouch! Neither Thaksin nor Yinglak will be happy with this.

I wonder if he'll issue a statement saying his Facebook page got hacked or something?

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