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hello, I have an older version of android gingerbread, for which i can't find any OCR software that will work,

i'm wondering if anyone frequently uses OCR for thai menus etc, that can vouch, that it might be worthwhile to upgrade my phone, JUST so that i could have workable OCR

I can read some thai, but am looking for a fallback,

also wondering what the best OFFLINE dictionary would be even if I have to buy it, Becker's apparently is not OFFLINE, I do have the offline google translate content setup fwiw and downloaded all the dictionarys, but they are all pretty much the same, as far as i can tell, thanks


Do you have a PC? If you do, you can transfer your images to a PC and then can use ABBYY Finereader to convert to Thai text.

However, this OCR utility rarely works well, even on perfect scanned documents in standard Thai fonts, so if you're thinking of photographing a menu and then converting it, I think your chances of success will be very low!

I now prefer to study the Thai image/document, type in Thai and use translate.google.com.


well i read a comment somewhere of a guy doing this with menus, to me , menus would seem the most straightforward, and the point being to use it on the phone, thanks for response though

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