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PM Yingluck dismisses rumor of possible 'Egypt-Style' coup


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Well, if Thaksin's son Oak is to be believed, the audio clip was indeed of his father.

So, regardless of whether the people voted for Yinglak, her own deputy at the Defence Ministry is calling someone else his "boss" and "Mr. Prime Minister". Yinglak is not the Prime Minister according to the Deputy Defence Minister.

I guess we can forget about elections then, Yinglak's own team and her party's sponsor seem to have.

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When a reporter asked her if she had talked to Mr. Thaksin recently at all, Ms. Yingluck simply smiled and left the press conference.

That's nauseating.

At the drop of a hat her cabinet heads to Hong Kong to brown nose yet she is paranoid about admitting any contact. I suppose she's afraid of follow up questions like " what did you talk about ? " but it could be handled better, definitely not appropriate even for a pretend PM.

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One of Thailand's main problems is that constant talk of a coup has credibility. No democracy can be considered functional whe it co-exists with an army that has such massive "political power" - it must be reined in and the armed forces need to be put in their place - defending the country from outside aggression - not attacking Thai citizens. They should be servants of the people not their keepers.

Edited by wilcopops
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  • Here we go again. Yingluck was elected PM by the votes of the Thai people. Whether TV keyboard experts like it or not that is a fact.

Whine and complain and come up with a zillion conspiracy theories and "insider info"......or leave Thai politics to the Thai people and go for a nice lunch.

Best to take your own advice Yingluck was elected by the Parliament members who most of the people 52% did not want.

I would hardly call 48% most of the people. It is a clear and definite minority even if it is a large one. It is still a minority.

Why can not PTPredshirt supporters understand that. Such a simple fact yet it is beyond their understanding but they claim to know what is best for Thailand.sad.png

Edited by hellodolly
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The Egypt has no comparison whatsoever with Thailand. Their coup came about because the Muslim brotherhood have proceeded along the path of destroying other religions and persecuting non Muslims to the point that the people of that country can bear it no longer. This is how muslims behave once they gain power. The coup was the only way to stop it.

If we have a coup here it will be because the Democrat party think that they are "born to rule" but cannot achieve it through the ballot box. Right now, they are beginning to think that it is their right to be the government, so another coup is their only chance of getting there. coffee1.gifrolleyes.gif

You obviousley have not been paying attention to what iis going on here in Thailand politics. No one is talking about the Dems having a coup. The PTP talk about the army having one because they feasr that all the damage they are doing to Thailand will force the Army to do some thing.

Won't happen and we will have an election where the Dems will give them a run for their money. In all likley hood we will wind up with a minority government which can be just as bad as this bunch of dimwits we have now. The one saving advantage to it would be they would not have to call Dubai for permission to go to the bathroom.

I say as bad because to maintain power they would have to be satisfying to many different opinions. Give the Dems the power the PTP has and Thailand would be well on it's way to prosperity for all with out incurring a 50 year debt.

You are probably going to say because you don't know any better well what did Abhist do when he was in before. You forgot that he did not have the power that the PTP has he had to many other parties involved. Even at that he managed to put down an attempt at a coup. How did Thaksin (the PTP) make out in that department?

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  • Here we go again. Yingluck was elected PM by the votes of the Thai people. Whether TV keyboard experts like it or not that is a fact.

Whine and complain and come up with a zillion conspiracy theories and "insider info"......or leave Thai politics to the Thai people and go for a nice lunch.

We are merely analyzing the results of leaving Thai politics to the Thai people. So far it looks like a recipe for disaster.

So I guess the Thai people should just forget about elections and let the TV keyboard experts tell them exactly what to do and how to run Thailand. This should work really well as so many of "we" farangs come from countries where all our politicians are extremely honest, brilliant, unselfish, moral, and always handle every situation with such competence.....or NOT.

I see the red shirt PTP supporters for the most part have given up on their attempts to justify the red shirts (the PTP military arm) and are taking up a new direction. Any thing but come out and say Thailand has big problems in the political arena and they can all be traced back to one criminal living in self imposed exile in Dubai.

Oh we are so fooled by them.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcoffee1.gif

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The Thai army's main responsibility (almost its only significant one) is supressing any threats to the existing power structure. As it has shown time after time after time, it has no qualms whatsoever about slaughtering large numbers of Thai citizens in pursuit of this goal so to the extent that Yingluck threatens the exisitng power structure, she faces the reciprocal threat of (yet another) coup. It's a very simple, straightforward relationship.

While large numbers of Thai citizens have no qualms whatsoever to kill large numbers of citizens & soldiers, arson buildings, threaten other citizens and so on, and so on.

And being astonished if sometimes those citizens & soldiers shoot back.

It simply is not a very simple relationship.

Read some history.

The Thai army's main responsibility (almost its only significant one) is supressing any threats to the existing power structure. As it has shown time after time after time, it has no qualms whatsoever about slaughtering large numbers of Thai citizens in pursuit of this goal so to the extent that Yingluck threatens the exisitng power structure, she faces the reciprocal threat of (yet another) coup. It's a very simple, straightforward relationship.

While large numbers of Thai citizens have no qualms whatsoever to kill large numbers of citizens & soldiers, arson buildings, threaten other citizens and so on, and so on.

And being astonished if sometimes those citizens & soldiers shoot back.

It simply is not a very simple relationship.

Read some history.

I think it is YOu needs to brush up on the role of the Army in thai history.

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THe level of this discussion as ever is brought down by those who devoid of any real understanding of the subject, and therefore unable to from a rational opinion, resort to making childish partisan comments about the political factions and parties about which they know equally little.

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  • Here we go again. Yingluck was elected PM by the votes of the Thai people. Whether TV keyboard experts like it or not that is a fact.

Whine and complain and come up with a zillion conspiracy theories and "insider info"......or leave Thai politics to the Thai people and go for a nice lunch.

Can you please tell me which constituency Yingluck stood in and the elction results.

It may be a little difficult as she has NEVER stood in a constituency vote because she was a party list MP, actually number 1 on the list.

Therefore she was NOT ELECTED by any votes of the Thai people at all but nominated as the PM by the PTP membership committee and oddly enough the PTP is owned and paid for by her brother.

Please do a little simple research before you post drivel and try to get it right sometimes.

Edited by billd766
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Yingluck can't buy a break on the Thai Visa Forums. Just remember, she is the Prime Minister, and we are all guests of the Kingdom, with no vote. All of you vicious 'experts" can just sit and spin.

The main reason she gets stick is because many of the readers of this forum don't buy into clear-cut mis-truths. And some people here are not guests and can vote.

I don't see what having no vote has to do with anything. If anything it makes opinions more independent. My missus has a vote and in Thai culture is more or less obligated to follow my instructions. That was sarcasm by the way.

Does that make me a proxy voter. Since I have kids I feel it's my obligation to learn about this pinnacle of democracy to educate them about Thailand in an objective manner also.

Guest. Pfffft.

I have "liked" your comment, as it is bang-on.

I have seen this argument many times with regards to company directors, spouses and parents. In cases like this, foreigners should have a voice within the Thai political sphere, even if that voice does not have a right to vote. During the last election, I know of at least six Thais whose votes were influenced by speaking with me, by their own admission.

However, my point was that some "foreigners" can vote, and there are a few on here, which rather crucifies the ridiculous stance of people like Frank James..

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  • Here we go again. Yingluck was elected PM by the votes of the Thai people. Whether TV keyboard experts like it or not that is a fact.
Whine and complain and come up with a zillion conspiracy theories and "insider info"......or leave Thai politics to the Thai people and go for a nice lunch.
Can you please tell me which constituency Yingluck stood in and the elction results.

It may be a little difficult as she has NEVER stood in a constituency vote because she was a party list MP, actually number 1 on the list.

Therefore she was NOT ELECTED by any votes of the Thai people at all but nominated as the PM by the PTP membership committee and oddly enough the PTP is owned and paid for by her brother.

Please do a little simple research before you post drivel and try to get it right sometimes.

I'm not sure you should be giving lectures to anyone about simple research since your own understanding is so flawed.The party list aspect isn't relevant.At the last general election Yingluck headed the party which won the election.She was not nominated after the event so the country was perfectly aware of what they were voting for.The Thai people were presented with a choice of PM from Abhisit and Yingluck.They chose Yingluck by a significant margin.Got it now?

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They chose Yingluck by a significant margin.Got it now?

Yes...beleive the margin was THB 500 a head...

That's not really fair. They elected PTP - and by extension Yinglak - because they liked the policies she was touting.

Of course, the policies were about higher wages, public development "mega projects", gadgets for schoolkids, loans for cars, not acting for one person but for everyone... it's debatable whether PTP have performed with regards to these policies or even if these policies were in the national interest.

Despite my lack of faith in democracy and by extension my belief that fascism has its place, I would prefer to see this debate carried out democratically in the next election; but a democratic mandate does have limits and, in my opinion (which is not the same as everyone else's), if a government pushes it past that stage or attempts to do so (as we saw in Egypt and in Thailand in 2006), then extra-democratic forces have no choice but to step in. The UK Foreign Minister was quick to point that out in the immediate aftermath of the Egyptian coup.

It's funny that most of those who decry fascism or dictatorship on both sides become riled by discussion... this is an inherent fascist trait.

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  • Here we go again. Yingluck was elected PM by the votes of the Thai people. Whether TV keyboard experts like it or not that is a fact.

Whine and complain and come up with a zillion conspiracy theories and "insider info"......or leave Thai politics to the Thai people and go for a nice lunch.

Can you please tell me which constituency Yingluck stood in and the elction results.

It may be a little difficult as she has NEVER stood in a constituency vote because she was a party list MP, actually number 1 on the list.

Therefore she was NOT ELECTED by any votes of the Thai people at all but nominated as the PM by the PTP membership committee and oddly enough the PTP is owned and paid for by her brother.

Please do a little simple research before you post drivel and try to get it right sometimes.

so HER party won the votes and not HER and then the committee followed the votes and put HER in power....somehow I suspect that the people who put her in power were in fact THAI.....but feel free to dwell in your own drivel to try and claim that the Thai people didn't know what they were doing or WHO they were ultimately voting for....

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  • Here we go again. Yingluck was elected PM by the votes of the Thai people. Whether TV keyboard experts like it or not that is a fact.
Whine and complain and come up with a zillion conspiracy theories and "insider info"......or leave Thai politics to the Thai people and go for a nice lunch.
Can you please tell me which constituency Yingluck stood in and the elction results.

It may be a little difficult as she has NEVER stood in a constituency vote because she was a party list MP, actually number 1 on the list.

Therefore she was NOT ELECTED by any votes of the Thai people at all but nominated as the PM by the PTP membership committee and oddly enough the PTP is owned and paid for by her brother.

Please do a little simple research before you post drivel and try to get it right sometimes.

so HER party won the votes and not HER and then the committee followed the votes and put HER in power....somehow I suspect that the people who put her in power were in fact THAI.....but feel free to dwell in your own drivel to try and claim that the Thai people didn't know what they were doing or WHO they were ultimately voting for....

Porkchop dear boy...really need to get these anger issues sorted out....you will be grabbing for the heart medication soon...

ok ok your poster girl Yingluck was fairly and squarely elected in, there was no vote buying, she is a legitimate PM and her brother doesnt run the country by proxy....everything is white clouds and bunny rabbits.....satisified now ?

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When a reporter asked her if she had talked to Mr. Thaksin recently at all, Ms. Yingluck simply smiled and left the press conference.

That's nauseating.

Why? If she answered yes it would just set off a whole new barrage of questions.

And, if she answered no, she'd be accused of lying. Ah, decisions, decisions.

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  • Here we go again. Yingluck was elected PM by the votes of the Thai people. Whether TV keyboard experts like it or not that is a fact.
Whine and complain and come up with a zillion conspiracy theories and "insider info"......or leave Thai politics to the Thai people and go for a nice lunch.
Can you please tell me which constituency Yingluck stood in and the elction results.

It may be a little difficult as she has NEVER stood in a constituency vote because she was a party list MP, actually number 1 on the list.

Therefore she was NOT ELECTED by any votes of the Thai people at all but nominated as the PM by the PTP membership committee and oddly enough the PTP is owned and paid for by her brother.

Please do a little simple research before you post drivel and try to get it right sometimes.

I'm not sure you should be giving lectures to anyone about simple research since your own understanding is so flawed.The party list aspect isn't relevant.At the last general election Yingluck headed the party which won the election.She was not nominated after the event so the country was perfectly aware of what they were voting for.The Thai people were presented with a choice of PM from Abhisit and Yingluck.They chose Yingluck by a significant margin.Got it now?

If there is one person who shouldn't be giving pompous lectures it is you. You unfortunately conveniently forget that though the PTP members were elected the PM and the cabinet are openly lying as to the process of government namely their cavorting with Thaksin your hero in exile. As for 'getting it now' you never will, so lay off the obfuscations please.
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As long as the Democrats are not in power in Thailand, there will be political unrest. Because they believe that They and They Alone should be the government and rule the country. This comes about because the rich (The Majority of Democrats) have this inbred instinct that they are all Hi-So, and the poor masses are there to do as they are told and be controlled. However when the poorer classes vote their party into power by the very fact of more votes, and don't bother coming the old crap of vote buying as they all, do that, both parties do it, the Democrats want to be installed with another coup.

Why oh why cannot they just accept that the other party got more votes and so are the preferred party to form government.

Right. There was no political unrest while the Democrats were in power.

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They chose Yingluck by a significant margin.Got it now?

Yes...beleive the margin was THB 500 a head...

That's not really fair. They elected PTP - and by extension Yinglak - because they liked the policies she was touting.

Of course, the policies were about higher wages, public development "mega projects", gadgets for schoolkids, loans for cars, not acting for one person but for everyone... it's debatable whether PTP have performed with regards to these policies or even if these policies were in the national interest.

Despite my lack of faith in democracy and by extension my belief that fascism has its place, I would prefer to see this debate carried out democratically in the next election; but a democratic mandate does have limits and, in my opinion (which is not the same as everyone else's), if a government pushes it past that stage or attempts to do so (as we saw in Egypt and in Thailand in 2006), then extra-democratic forces have no choice but to step in. The UK Foreign Minister was quick to point that out in the immediate aftermath of the Egyptian coup.

It's funny that most of those who decry fascism or dictatorship on both sides become riled by discussion... this is an inherent fascist trait.

well there is an automatic limit to government munificence. Debt to GDP is limited in Thailand to 50%. Beyond that it requires some kind of parliamentary and senate approval. If only the EU had such a system.

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  • Here we go again. Yingluck was elected PM by the votes of the Thai people. Whether TV keyboard experts like it or not that is a fact.
Whine and complain and come up with a zillion conspiracy theories and "insider info"......or leave Thai politics to the Thai people and go for a nice lunch.
Can you please tell me which constituency Yingluck stood in and the elction results.

It may be a little difficult as she has NEVER stood in a constituency vote because she was a party list MP, actually number 1 on the list.

Therefore she was NOT ELECTED by any votes of the Thai people at all but nominated as the PM by the PTP membership committee and oddly enough the PTP is owned and paid for by her brother.

Please do a little simple research before you post drivel and try to get it right sometimes.

I'm not sure you should be giving lectures to anyone about simple research since your own understanding is so flawed.The party list aspect isn't relevant.At the last general election Yingluck headed the party which won the election.She was not nominated after the event so the country was perfectly aware of what they were voting for.The Thai people were presented with a choice of PM from Abhisit and Yingluck.They chose Yingluck by a significant margin.Got it now?
If there is one person who shouldn't be giving pompous lectures it is you. You unfortunately conveniently forget that though the PTP members were elected the PM and the cabinet are openly lying as to the process of government namely their cavorting with Thaksin your hero in exile. As for 'getting it now' you never will, so lay off the obfuscations please.

The relationship between Thaksin and the current government is I am afraid a different question, and I'm not certain why you have introduced the topic.My point however was a simple one,namely that Khun Yingluck has a clear and irrefutable democratic mandate from the Thai people.I don't necessarily expect a high level of comprehension but on this occasion it's hard to see how the subject could be simplified further.

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  • Here we go again. Yingluck was elected PM by the votes of the Thai people. Whether TV keyboard experts like it or not that is a fact.
Whine and complain and come up with a zillion conspiracy theories and "insider info"......or leave Thai politics to the Thai people and go for a nice lunch.

Can you please tell me which constituency Yingluck stood in and the elction results.

It may be a little difficult as she has NEVER stood in a constituency vote because she was a party list MP, actually number 1 on the list.

Therefore she was NOT ELECTED by any votes of the Thai people at all but nominated as the PM by the PTP membership committee and oddly enough the PTP is owned and paid for by her brother.

Please do a little simple research before you post drivel and try to get it right sometimes.

I'm not sure you should be giving lectures to anyone about simple research since your own understanding is so flawed.The party list aspect isn't relevant.At the last general election Yingluck headed the party which won the election.She was not nominated after the event so the country was perfectly aware of what they were voting for.The Thai people were presented with a choice of PM from Abhisit and Yingluck.They chose Yingluck by a significant margin.Got it now?

Wait. I'm a little confused. How many votes did you say she got? And she was on which ballot?

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