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Missionary Visa/Visa for Religious Purposes

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My belief is that all missionaries should stay at home and sell their voodoo to their own people but what specifically is your problem with them? "Thai staff tie themselves in knots trying to avoid seeing the problem" What is the problem? They're getting into classes but what exactly are they doing that's annoying you so much?

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rolleyes.gif Specifically, what are they doing that makes you angry?

If they are actually giving lessons to students they need a Work Permit to teach, don't they?

If they don't have one, and also if they are teaching on tourist visas they are in clear violation of labor laws.

But I don't know what they are actually doing so I can't say that they are doing anything wrong or not.

Nor can you, for that matter, until you have specific information.

So do you have specific provable information about what they are actually doing?


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Without wishing to appear rude, I'm not interested in discussing either the rights and wrongs of the activities of this particular group or my reaction to them; I would just like to know what activities are allowed on a missionary visa, though, even in the unlikely event that they tear themselves away from saving heathen souls for long enough to read expat forums, I suspect that the people who know are unlikely to post an answer here.

Edited by Zooheekock
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Not sure what exactly they are allowed to do. I would think it should only be done at a church, temple, cathedral or whatever.

I don't care much for bible thumpers coming around but there is not much you can do about it.

If they are truly making a nuisance of themselves a talk with the local cops might be in order.

Edited by ubonjoe
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Ok, so you disapprove of the presence of a group of people you consider to be missionaries and wish to "investigate" their legal status with the intent of removing them.

Have you considered the possibility that these people may have a legitimate reason to be on campus ? The first place you should start your inquiries is with the college administration since it is the college administration that is in charge and responsible for what occurs on its premises and not you.

What happens if the college director or owner is affiliated with the group and they are on the premises with permission?

Are you aware that if you make false claims you can be the subject of civil litigation or lose your job at the college? You first need to address whether those people have a legal right to be on campus. Then, once you have established that they are trespassing, you have to go to the college admin and state your concerns. The failure to follow the rules could land you in serious and unexpected trouble.

If the young "missionaries" are speaking from the hearts and sharing the "word" as they call it and not formerly acting as missionaries, you are jgoing to have a difficult time enforcing your interpretation of the missionary visa requirement. Immigration does take a dim view of some holy rollers, but as long as they are not in a "missionary" role such as organizing visits, running prayer meetings, setting up churches etc., they are are not engaged in missionary work. Sharing their beliefs is not deemed missionary work.

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I have 3 jehovahs witnesses missionaries in my thai lesson classes,they are all on education visas.

I must say they are very nice and quite good fun.I think there are a few more of there friends in other classes,they don't seem pushy about their beliefs.

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Ok, so you disapprove of the presence of a group of people you consider to be missionaries and wish to "investigate" their legal status with the intent of removing them.

Have you considered the possibility that these people may have a legitimate reason to be on campus ? The first place you should start your inquiries is with the college administration since it is the college administration that is in charge and responsible for what occurs on its premises and not you....etc....etc....etc......

I'm not interested in discussing either the rights and wrongs of the activities of this particular group or my reaction to them

That sentence seems pretty clear and unambiguous but I'll rephrase it for you: I have precisely zero interest in your laughably asinine advice.

Edited by Zooheekock
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