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Mosquitoes all around our plants

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We have a lot of potted plans in front of our door. They seem to be the hiding spot for many mosquitoes.

There's no standing water or anything around. They seem to rest on the soil, or even in it.

Is there anything that will get rid of the mosquitoes, but will not harm the plants?

We've tried lemon oil and garlic solutions and such to spray with, but that won't help.


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You most certainly must have a source of stagnant water somewhere. Mozzies will find water inside old tyres, watering cans.. apart from that they can fly quite a distance from their place of origin. You can get a powder that kills the larvae and nothing else for free, ask at your local administration where you can find it.

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I know somebody else who has the same problem. Nothing seems to work.

The only suggestion I can make, which is rather a counsel of defeat, is to move the plants further from your door.... but of course that may not be possible.

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We've got the same problem. No standing water nearby, at least that I can see. What I've done is to cover the top with decorative rocks. Works fantastic. No mozzies now! We've also done it in parts of our garden and it's worked fantastic. Use to be clouds of mozzies and now there are none. If I could just do it to all of the garden we'd be OK! 555555

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We've got the same problem. No standing water nearby, at least that I can see. What I've done is to cover the top with decorative rocks. Works fantastic. No mozzies now! We've also done it in parts of our garden and it's worked fantastic. Use to be clouds of mozzies and now there are none. If I could just do it to all of the garden we'd be OK! 555555

Might give this a go... maybe cover the soil in the pots with some pebble stones might help. Also might be good from a decorative perspective,

Thanks all!

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