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"Pattaya" is bad for the reputation


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You are right, it goes for the whole of Thailand, its bad for an international CV, I bet your email is a hotmail one as well because that will really stand you up for being a looser.

If you are in an international work situation why would you not make your address Switzeralnd or New York or similar.

I still reference a London address and still have London bank accounts and I have been here 30 years!!! "works for me, no raising of eybrows here".wai.gif

Ha ha ha...that must be the funniest thing I have ever read om here...I best delete my hotmail account too cheesy.gif

And before you call other people a 'looser' maybe you should learn how to spell first.

Yes you are totally correct its - "loser"

Just see if you can spot the believable one here:

[email protected] (CEO Big Corporation) cheesy.gif


[email protected] (CEO BIG Corporation) clap2.gif

Om hm, its very difficult isn't it?

I wouldn't believe either if they said their name is dick smith cheesy.gif

Whatever you say.

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I would challenge what is stated in this thread.

I work for big oil, have done it for many years for many oil corporations and I also have input on employment, we never ever reply to people as stated in the topic, ever. That would open for a law suit against the company, and frankly it would not be professional behavior. If for any reason a CV drops on my desk with the address Pattaya, I would consider it in this way:

What is it I am looking for?

What qualifications am I looking for?

What experience am I looking for?

How much will it cost to mobilize from the persons address?

How fast can I mobilize/demobilize a person from this address?

Does the CV contain the key words I am looking for?

How does the CV and communication appear?

Has the person ever worked any place anyone in my network has? In this case check if anyone knows of the person, and what they think of him/her.

So for your address in Pattaya, work in South East Asia and the Middle East is realistic targets for you, but you do compete with Asians and European and US citizens who is often cheaper to get there, and faster as well. They are also covered in there own country if shit hits the fan, you as a foreigner staying in Thailand might not have any backing whatsoever, that brings the risk to the company, and obviously this is a part of the equation.

For work in Africa is far cheaper and faster to mobilize from Europe and USA, it is also far simpler to obtain visas and so forth. You might have a shot if your qualifications are hard to get by, or it's in a place where European and USA citizens don't want to go.

For work in Europe, forget it unless you are extremely lucky or an expert in your field there is no way anyone would give you a job there as there are many qualified people living in the Area.

For work in USA, again forget it

South America, has happened people get work there previously but now in todays marked not very likely.

I would have no interest whatsoever if the person had an address Pattaya, Bangkok or what have we. The key word is Thailand, that is where the equations is calculated from. I would have zero interest in sexual orientation, race, creed or whatever and it is not legal to do so. I would be considering Police record as in many places this is a requirement and here you might have a problem, you are a citizen of say UK but have an address in Thailand the Police record from UK may not be good enough, but I would consider health certificate including BMI, and reliable references who are employed and working in and oil or oil related company. I would call up the references and check up the CV if the person was interesting enough. Too many times have we found fake school papers, false degrees, bought degrees and other information not stacking up, so a check which today is extremely easy to conduct would be run if the person was considered.

If you have not worked, or have worked little to nothing for oil companies your name would automatically slide down on the interest scale.

As you see there are many factors but none contains Pattaya, if you know you have real qualifications, backed up with at least 10 years experience in your field, you have good references and have good feedback from the jobs you been to, there is nothing stopping you from getting jobs in oil companies. However you do compete with a lot of other people, they might be more interesting that yourself. There are many people fighting on the international jobs where you with your address in South East Asia are likely to get a job. Unless you are a specialist, an expert in your field it is not that easy, as more of an expert as easier it is. However to think you can get jobs as a NDT tech, Scaffolder, Diver, Welder, fitter and the like is very unrealistic. There are locals doing all manual labor jobs. Supervisors are also plentiful amongst locals now, so you have to be realistic on what you expect.

I can assure you for the oil companies I have worked for Pattaya or not Pattaya is not interesting at all. Maybe agencies behave the way stated, I have no idea, but I never seen or heard anything like this for any of the companies I worked for.

This is too sad really, as someone who has had considerable involvement in recruitment in major global corporations, the principle has always been to recruit the person best qualified for any given vacancy, allowing a persons mailing address to stand in the way of that objective does your own organisation (and you) a massive diservice.

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Commando - You are completely cliche ridden and saying nothing that hasn't been said many many times before. Is that the best you have?

I neither want to be accused of or banned for Flaming or Trolling. The OP was wondering why people in general didn't have a high opinion of Pattaya - my original post was simply giving an opinion. I live (mostly) in a very cosmopolitan city in the NE. It has its own airport with good and frequent links to both of Bangkok's airports. I also have a condo in the centre of Bangkok. With my bad Thai and the locals' semi-bad English, I rarely have any problems in the shops or restaurants. There are many good bars and quite a number of farangs around - all of whom are friendly. Also seriously considered Hua Hin as the place to stay and may yet do so.

Pattaya, away from the beach front and Walking Street may be a reasonably okay place to live, but it is exactly those places which give Pattaya its worldwide reputation and thus, I believe, is the answer to the OP's query.

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Pattaya City is a self-governing municipal area in the southern part of Amphur (District) Banglamung, which covers the whole of Tambons (Local Districts) Nongprue and Nakluea and parts of Huai Yai and Nong Pla Lai. It uses the postal code of 20150. Some like to include parts of Tambons Na Jomtien and Bangsaray which is in Ampur (District) Sattahip to attract visitors to think that they are part of Pattaya.

I've always used 20260 in the Pratumnak Hill area. Thai EMS goes to the Banglamung Mail Centre in Naklua. International EMS goes to the mail centre near Floating Market.

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I honestly do not know what OP is talking about.

I am in mid-late thrity's, been on dating sites for years and NOT once had any girl tell me "only dirty old farang live there", possibly though a 50 year old is trying to chat up a 20 year old he might get that response

Secondly, why would big international company reply with something like what OP has claimed?

After reading the CV, you either short listed or not. If not shortlisted, you get a standard copy/paste response and if short listed you get a phone call or email to attend the interview.

For some reason, me thinks OP wants some attention or something to make up these story's, but happy to be proven wrong, OP just needs to post some evidence.

Perhaps one of those responses along with email header(for authenticity)wai.gif

Why do you say I'm in my mid-late thirty's...are you a woman?

Why not just state your age..ie 37 or 38....weird.

sorry i must have missed the rule about that, is there some link which explains the age/male/female correct writing?

No rules that I'm aware of, but that is something that a woman would say...

According to you? or some other source?????

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Sorry to be contrary to most of the posts, but I think Pattaya deserves its reputation in general. There are plenty of really nice places for a farang to live in Thailand - why choose the cesspit that Pattaya has become? Read all the other forums where those living there are constantly complaining about the place!

My sincere apologies to those who do lead a normal & enjoyment life there, but I think you are becoming fewer and further apart.

Please name those nice places, which offer a number of english speaking newspapers, tv channels, variety of foods, centrally located, beaches, does not get flooded,reliable internet, some sort of international community, close to international airport etc??????????

I would also love to hear where these nice places are??? I reckon the commander lives in Nakhon Nowhere somewhere on a daily diet of noodles and lao khao..

I doubt we will hear from him again...Pattaya is a great place to live. Period.

Okay; let's go down that road. I reckon the scum of western society come to Thailand for its reportedly cheap, easy and anything goes, sex. They fall in love with the first bar girl who smiles at them and end living where they can mix with similarly thinking lowlifes!

Thailand is a beautiful country and in my opinion is The Land of Smiles. Pattaya however is, in no way, representative.

I do not recall anyone asking your opinion about the people, You were asked to name placeswhistling.gif

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I lived in Pattaya for a long time and I can see why people think that way.

It does take a certain kind of person to live there.

Considering all of the other options in Thailand there is no possible way I would raise a family there.

If your employer requires you to live there or you have a business to run that requires your constant attention then you are the exception.

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Sorry to be contrary to most of the posts, but I think Pattaya deserves its reputation in general. There are plenty of really nice places for a farang to live in Thailand - why choose the cesspit that Pattaya has become? Read all the other forums where those living there are constantly complaining about the place!

My sincere apologies to those who do lead a normal & enjoyment life there, but I think you are becoming fewer and further apart.

Please name those nice places, which offer a number of english speaking newspapers, tv channels, variety of foods, centrally located, beaches, does not get flooded,reliable internet, some sort of international community, close to international airport etc??????????

I would also love to hear where these nice places are??? I reckon the commander lives in Nakhon Nowhere somewhere on a daily diet of noodles and lao khao..

I doubt we will hear from him again...Pattaya is a great place to live. Period.

Okay; let's go down that road. I reckon the scum of western society come to Thailand for its reportedly cheap, easy and anything goes, sex. They fall in love with the first bar girl who smiles at them and end living where they can mix with similarly thinking lowlifes!

Thailand is a beautiful country and in my opinion is The Land of Smiles. Pattaya however is, in no way, representative.

I do not recall anyone asking your opinion about the people, You were asked to name placesPosted Image

One in the same thing my friend. If the people living there think that Pattaya is Thailand and don't have the wit to look around and see what else LOS has to offer then they deserve to be classed with the reputation that comes with it. As I've said already - you simply have to read the numerous posts that the same self people write decrying the place that now seems to be such a paradise

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My buddy moved down to Pattaya, he himself, makes sure though, he always says Jomtien.

And everytime the subject comes up, with him living in Pattaya, he always correct me, no its Jomtien!!

Why did he move down there?

It was for the girls, at least he admits that.

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My buddy moved down to Pattaya, he himself, makes sure though, he always says Jomtien.

And everytime the subject comes up, with him living in Pattaya, he always correct me, no its Jomtien!!

Why did he move down there?

It was for the girls, at least he admits that.

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One in the same thing my friend. If the people living there think that Pattaya is Thailand and don't have the wit to look around and see what else LOS has to offer then they deserve to be classed with the reputation that comes with it. As I've said already - you simply have to read the numerous posts that the same self people write decrying the place that now seems to be such a paradise

So you can not name a place? and since you can not, why would you continue with the nonsense?

You think Pattaya attracts certain types and i think Ubon where you live attracts certain type also, for whom i may not have much respect. but i do have enough manners and intelligence to simply mind my own business

You claim men live in Pattaya with hooker girlfriends, so are you saying men do not live with hookers in Ubon?

You claim men come to Pattaya for sex with hookers, and females living in Ubon who stay with men double their age are not hookers?

How much money did your GF give for the condo or house you live in? How much she gives for food and bills?

So before you come on judging others, clean up your own backyardthumbsup.gif

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I wasn't going to reply to your rant but it got the better of me, as you've labelled me and many others as scum. I wonder if you fit the following sub-category of blokes that live in Thailand?

So......I see from earlier posts that you're living in Ubon with your Thai girlfriend, previously in BKK. You appear to have a sensitivity about the perceived "stigma" of living in Thailand and having a Thai girlfriend that prevails in the west.

It goes without saying that of course, she isn't/wasn't a bar girl any way, shape or form. However, you think that many of your friends and family suspect that she may have been a bar girl because it's so easy to generalise about why westerners go to Thailand.

Maybe you see western men look at your GF or even approach her as though she was available, thus raising your ire even further - how dare they think she is available, just because she is Thai and with a Falang?

In defence of your position (having virtues much higher than all other Falang in Thailand), you have to frequently verbalise your distaste and hatred for any (read ALL) westerners living in Pattaya with a Thai girlfriend or wife. You have to say these things to your friends/family to let them know that you are NOT one of the pond scum, that you have a good girl, and your morals and ethics are above question.

I meet many of your kind, and there are quite a few of them on TV as well. Holier than thou and somewhat self righteous coffee1.gif

Full of generalisations and suppositions - but you're right in one respect - I do like western men [and Thai men] looking at my GF; does my ego no end of good.

Nice bike by the way

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Pattaya City is a self-governing municipal area in the southern part of Amphur (District) Banglamung, which covers the whole of Tambons (Local Districts) Nongprue and Nakluea and parts of Huai Yai and Nong Pla Lai. It uses the postal code of 20150. Some like to include parts of Tambons Na Jomtien and Bangsaray which is in Ampur (District) Sattahip to attract visitors to think that they are part of Pattaya.

I've always used 20260 in the Pratumnak Hill area. Thai EMS goes to the Banglamung Mail Centre in Naklua. International EMS goes to the mail centre near Floating Market.

Sorry, typo. It was late and I was tired. After I noticed, I couldn't edit. You're right! thumbsup.gif

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One in the same thing my friend. If the people living there think that Pattaya is Thailand and don't have the wit to look around and see what else LOS has to offer then they deserve to be classed with the reputation that comes with it. As I've said already - you simply have to read the numerous posts that the same self people write decrying the place that now seems to be such a paradise

So you can not name a place? and since you can not, why would you continue with the nonsense?

You think Pattaya attracts certain types and i think Ubon where you live attracts certain type also, for whom i may not have much respect. but i do have enough manners and intelligence to simply mind my own business

You claim men live in Pattaya with hooker girlfriends, so are you saying men do not live with hookers in Ubon?

You claim men come to Pattaya for sex with hookers, and females living in Ubon who stay with men double their age are not hookers?

How much money did your GF give for the condo or house you live in? How much she gives for food and bills?

So before you come on judging others, clean up your own backyard:thumbsup:

I have named other places, but you obviously don't read all the posts. You're right however - it is Pattaya that is being judged here, not the people who live there; but how can you properly judge a place without taking into consideration the local people?

As for my own GF, she runs her own business here in UBON, but again you are right, she doesn't contribute much to the cost of our lifestyle. But then neither [ever] did the fat ugly bitch that my western wife had become.

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Pattaya isn't an address. Your written Address, as you would use at Immigration fro 90 day etc should be something like:

123/45 Moo 10



Chonburi 20150


Edit: I use Pattaya when talking. If anybody (I talk to) has a fixation with that and implies any impropriety with living here, I give them an educated gobfull and get them on the back foot so fast that they fall over themselves apologising. As to the Pattaya bashers on TV......don't really care what they think, Tossers are allowed opinions too. coffee1.gif

To tell the truth I never knew that you did not have to include Pattaya in your address. I have been here quite some time and didn't realize this so thank you. I actually use the identical example that you gave except mine would be:

123/45 Moo 10


Banglamung, Pattaya

Chonburi 20150


For sure you would still receive mail etc. without using the "Pattaya" word?

As far as the date sites go I just wanted to be honest because most of the "good girls" are in Bkk etc. and wanted to let them know that I live here and don't intend to move. Anyways those sites are amusement in themselves. Well at least if you live in Pattaya they are. lol

And plenty of those BKK females come to Pattaya for the weekend. Some come to work freelance too.

Two sides to every face wink.png

The place is full of good girls from Bangkok hehehehehehehe.Even more from thai lovelinks lol

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Pattaya City is a self-governing municipal area in the southern part of Amphur (District) Banglamung, which covers the whole of Tambons (Local Districts) Nongprue and Nakluea and parts of Huai Yai and Nong Pla Lai. It uses the postal code of 20150. Some like to include parts of Tambons Na Jomtien and Bangsaray which is in Ampur (District) Sattahip to attract visitors to think that they are part of Pattaya.

I've always used 20260 in the Pratumnak Hill area. Thai EMS goes to the Banglamung Mail Centre in Naklua. International EMS goes to the mail centre near Floating Market.

Sorry, typo. It was late and I was tired. After I noticed, I couldn't edit. You're right! thumbsup.gif

I didn't really know which one is correct.... just that I've used 20260 for 7 years because the apartments where I lived used 20260 on their official address. I do know that I get my mail using either.

Here's an old thread discussing this issue:


Edited by tropo
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Pattaya City is a self-governing municipal area in the southern part of Amphur (District) Banglamung, which covers the whole of Tambons (Local Districts) Nongprue and Nakluea and parts of Huai Yai and Nong Pla Lai. It uses the postal code of 20150. Some like to include parts of Tambons Na Jomtien and Bangsaray which is in Ampur (District) Sattahip to attract visitors to think that they are part of Pattaya.

I've always used 20260 in the Pratumnak Hill area. Thai EMS goes to the Banglamung Mail Centre in Naklua. International EMS goes to the mail centre near Floating Market.

Sorry, typo. It was late and I was tired. After I noticed, I couldn't edit. You're right! thumbsup.gif

I didn't really know which one is correct.... just that I've used 20260 for 7 years because the apartments where I lived used 20260 on their official address. I do know that I get my mail using either.

Here's an old thread discussing this issue:


That thread is old and isn't really applicable anymore since the new post office was built across from the floating market.

20150 is correct for most of the Pattaya area. 20260 is correct for Jomtien and Pratumnak Hill area. But both 20150 and 20260 should work for Jomtien and the Pratumnak Hill area. As the letter carriers for Nonprue, Moo12, works out of the new post office (across from the floating market), which also has the postal code of 20150.

However, it you have a post office box in the Jomtien post office on Soi 5. You will still need to use 20260 as that post office still has the postal code of 20260. I don't believe there are letter carriers who operate out of that post office anymore, far too small and difficult to get big postal trucks in there now.

I believe there are letter carriers who still operate out of the Banglamung post office, which has the postal code 20150. They mainly serve the North/North-East areas of Pattaya (Nakluea, Banglamung, etc...).

Addresses which reside in the South/South east areas of Pattaya (parts of Na Jomtien, Huai Yai, Chak Ngaeo, etc...) who used to have postal code 20250 (Na Jomtien) were changed to 20150, as the letter carriers were moved to the new post office across from the floating market).

I don't know which post office the letter carrier for Nongprue, Moo 10, operates out of. You will know for sure when you pick up EMS packages, as to which post office your letter carrier works out of. Letter carriers are assigned routes based on the Tambon name and Moo numbers.

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That thread is old and isn't really applicable anymore since the new post office was built across from the floating market.

20150 is correct for most of the Pattaya area. 20260 is correct for Jomtien and Pratumnak Hill area. But both 20150 and 20260 should work for Jomtien and the Pratumnak Hill area. As the letter carriers for Nonprue, Moo12, works out of the new post office (across from the floating market), which also has the postal code of 20150.

However, it you have a post office box in the Jomtien post office on Soi 5. You will still need to use 20260 as that post office still has the postal code of 20260. I don't believe there are letter carriers who operate out of that post office anymore, far too small and difficult to get big postal trucks in there now.

I believe there are letter carriers who still operate out of the Banglamung post office, which has the postal code 20150. They mainly serve the North/North-East areas of Pattaya (Nakluea, Banglamung, etc...).

Addresses which reside in the South/South east areas of Pattaya (parts of Na Jomtien, Huai Yai, Chak Ngaeo, etc...) who used to have postal code 20250 (Na Jomtien) were changed to 20150, as the letter carriers were moved to the new post office across from the floating market).

I don't know which post office the letter carrier for Nongprue, Moo 10, operates out of. You will know for sure when you pick up EMS packages, as to which post office your letter carrier works out of. Letter carriers are assigned routes based on the Tambon name and Moo numbers.

You certainly know a lot about the Pattaya mail system.

Is there a shortcut coming on Sukhumvit from the north to get to the Floating Market post office without doing the 3km U-turn detour. I find that extremely annoying. Can you imagine the waste in fossil fuels over a year.

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I don't know which post office the letter carrier for Nongprue, Moo 10, operates out of. You will know for sure when you pick up EMS packages, as to which post office your letter carrier works out of. Letter carriers are assigned routes based on the Tambon name and Moo numbers.

Not totally correct. I've lived on Khao Talo for many years, and my EMS would be delivered through the floating market office, while registered post would be delivered by the Banglamung office.

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Is there a shortcut coming on Sukhumvit from the north to get to the Floating Market post office without doing the 3km U-turn detour. I find that extremely annoying. Can you imagine the waste in fossil fuels over a year.

Not yet. The extension to the new Jomtien 2nd Road will evenually curve and come out to Sukhumvit Road across from the floating market.

Currently it's a dirt road just after Chaiyapreuk Road (going South) and before the curve! I see them working on it from time to time. From where it comes out to Sukhumvit, it's only a couple hundred meters before the new post office going North. After you make the U-Turn you can see the progress of it on the left. It's a wide road! You can easily identify it on Google Maps and Google Earth.

They've blocked all the U-turns near the floating market because of the traffic jams and dangerous manuevers of the tour busses trying to go North on Sukhumvit from the floating market.

I see this has gone dangerously way off topic. Rimmer will be reminding to get back on topic.

Edited by BB1950
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