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Bank of Thailand: Govt policies are 'unsustainable'


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I predict he will be transferred soon.

As far as the ship analogy goes, the ship is still in port as far as I can see, and neither the first officer (acting captain) nor the rest of the crew have any idea what port and starboard is. They have so far decided to make a big hole in the fuel tank. None of them know exaxtly how big it is or how much fuel is leaking, but they have agreed not to repair the hole until at least 15th of September. They once had a crew member who knew how big the hole is and how much fuel is leaking, so they threw her overboard. Currently everyone is running around trying to get the captain back on deck, however he is not even onboard the ship!

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In a speech to ASEAN ambassadors and high-ranking officials at the Foreign Ministry yesterday, he said policy-makers needed to be goal-oriented, consistent, proactive and to coordinate with one another

Well, we know that'll never happen...where's all the lifeboats gone? w00t.gif

They used them to propel water towards the sea during the floods-now motors are burnt out.

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Governor, while you are at sea fighting the monsoons and making haste, it would be wise to dump the tons of stored rice holding you down below deck. Just some advice from one sailor to another. My sailing opinion, I could be wrong but better wrong than drowning in the high seas.wai2.gif

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Seem that the first real test of Thaksinomics during an economic downturn has shown that it is a recipe for disaster. Everyone with any economic or financial knowledge can see that the PTP majority government is steering Thailand towards an long term economic Armageddon for short term lift in the GDP and a massive pool of corruptible funds. Hopefully they can be stopped before they can full fill their agenda of national and individual debt slavery to foreign interests. Forget Greece, Thailand may become another Cyprus.

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He's not too popular with some in the cabinet as it is so this won't endear him in any way, that's the problem with this government as they can't handle criticism or the truth.

Could be facing legal action for speaking out against the government along with those who speak out against the rice scam.
He can relax; no political repercussions from this speech. It was made in english to a non-domestic audience and reported in a farang paper and probably nowhere else. It's my firm belief that nobody reads english here so foreign seminars, articles and letters to the ed in the two local english language papers, social media outrage in english (including this forum) are not heeded and if viewed by a small minority are used to whip up further xenophobic hysteria. The only time a little panic flickers on the faces of the amart is when the world bank or gurus like moodys singl out Thailand and say things that might threaten the course of the money gravy train here.
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