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Thailand Marriages Based On Money - Why The Imbalance?

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It is no big secret that Money is a powerful factor in forming a family in Thailand (just as in the rest of the World).

It is safe to postulate that some Marriages in Thailand are based primarily on Money (just as in the rest of the World).

It is my observation that given an X number of Marriages Based On Money in Thailand minimum 90% are represented by Women (just like in the rest of the World).

Considering that socio-economic factors - like need for security, earning capacity and family responsibility - work both ways for Men and Women, Why such a huge Imbalance?

Thai Men and Thai Women are first and above all other factors Men and Women. Just as in the rest of the World.

I would like to hear your opinion on the above question whether it is based on your Thai experiences or from any other part of the World. Once again, statistically speaking, Why The Imbalance?

BTW, this is my observation only. I never saw any statistics published. If anybody knows any, please, share...wai2.gif

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this will bring the same old people pulling the old guy, young girl brigade out,,

no what i mean rob?

wont last 1 page

For sure.. but he asked for an explanation and my explanation is real good and I won't go into the age thing.

Its just a fact that guys want a young sexy girl and are willing to pay for it. The same can't be said for woman, sure there are a few but in general older rich woman have other things to do then chasing young guys.

That is the explanation.

(personally i think my life would be a lot easier without a high libido wasted loads of time on girls that I could have spend more productive and doing other stuff)


Well, robblok, you think women don't care about quality of sex like men do?

There is plenty of evidence against this:

- many of them do care, get knocked-up and than start with a different set of mind;

- many of them do care, after marrying for money and taking a lover on the side;

- some of them do care, by getting to a 'middle age crisis' and even 'buying' a younger husband;

- there are not only prostitutes women, but gigolo men, and they can make a living out of this;

Your idea is a good one, but isn't it a bit too simplistic? smile.png


Well, robblok, you think women don't care about quality of sex like men do?

There is plenty of evidence against this:

- many of them do care, get knocked-up and than start with a different set of mind;

- many of them do care, after marrying for money and taking a lover on the side;

- some of them do care, by getting to a 'middle age crisis' and even 'buying' a younger husband;

- there are not only prostitutes women, but gigolo men, and they can make a living out of this;

Your idea is a good one, but isn't it a bit too simplistic? smile.png

I am saying woman that are older are less interested in it then guys. I am not saying woman don't have the drive but in general its less as with guys. Its a percentage thing I know there are woman with the drive I believe they go to Gambia but its not a large percentage.

Also the social stigma is more against a woman taking a younger guy then vice versa.


Forgot to mention it.. its also harder for a guy to fake it then for a girl.

But in general guys stay sexual active longer then females and in general wealth is accumulated with age.

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Forgot to mention it.. its also harder for a guy to fake it then for a girl.

But in general guys stay sexual active longer then females and in general wealth is accumulated with age.

Yes, robblok, this one is much better. I actually was thinking along this line, - biological reasons.

As to the wealth accumulation, it does work both ways, for men and for women.


Forgot to mention it.. its also harder for a guy to fake it then for a girl.

But in general guys stay sexual active longer then females and in general wealth is accumulated with age.

Yes, robblok, this one is much better. I actually was thinking along this line, - biological reasons.

As to the wealth accumulation, it does work both ways, for men and for women.

Yes it does, but as wealth is accumulated with age and females loose interest in sex faster as they age as men then its quite normal that there are a lot less females with "paid for" partners to satisfy their needs.


Economics 101. In a free market, prices are set by the interplay between supply and demand.

Yes of course but that is what we are trying to figure out. I am saying the demand is less because females as they age loose the interest in sex faster as males and buying power increases as we age.

Not to mention that females when they are young just don't have to pay for it.


Women don't have to worry about their husbands wealth in the USA because the government pays for everything. And often, they are even better if he is out of the picture. A single mother receives something like $30,000 a year worth of benefits from the government.


Women don't have to worry about their husbands wealth in the USA because the government pays for everything. And often, they are even better if he is out of the picture. A single mother receives something like $30,000 a year worth of benefits from the government.

Show me the US of A babe that stands in front of the judge and says "Your Honor, I really don't care about my soon to be ex-husbands financial assets, because my benevolent government provides for all my needs..."

Yeah right whistling.gif

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All the replies are valid to a point.

They are all based on socio-economics. My idea is closest but not entirely to robblok. It is based on biology and physiology of sex.

And it is the only one that can account for a huge statistical imbalance in favour of Women. Don't forget we are talking Marriages not buying a sexual intercourse.

Any Man to have sex with any Woman whether Thai or not must get aroused. No erection - no sex.

Women do not have this problem. They can have sex without arousal.

Thus, many of them can get married just for money. Men cannot... Except for professional gigolos (?).

What do you guys think of this explanation?


Women don't have to worry about their husbands wealth in the USA because the government pays for everything. And often, they are even better if he is out of the picture. A single mother receives something like $30,000 a year worth of benefits from the government.

Show me the US of A babe that stands in front of the judge and says "Your Honor, I really don't care about my soon to be ex-husbands financial assets, because my benevolent government provides for all my needs..."

Yeah right whistling.gif

You are missing the point. Many women are willing to get pregnant without a man even in the picture or rock on her finger because she knows the government is going to take care of her and her children. For black minorities in the USA, only 25% who have children are married. Husband not necessary!


@farang, I hear you about unmarried women but that is a different game. Married women will never leave money on the table during the divorce proceedings.

Back to the original question, I am of the opinion that, until fairly recently, Thai women were more dependent on their husbands earning potential. They still have more of that mind set, so money is a relatively bigger deal here.

Just sayin :)

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Pretty straight forward evolution I would have thought. When a woman gives birth she and her off spring are pretty immobile for a year with a big demand for resources. They need a partner to provide for them and defend them. It's built into a woman's genetic make up to look for this in a man.

A man's motivator is to spread his genes far and wide via healthy women, hence "beauty" as we perceive it is more important.

So this breakdown has evolved into modern culture in most (all?) societies, and these traits are bred into people by selection.

Not something that you're going to undo with a few equal opportunities laws or targeted welfare payments.

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Pretty straight forward evolution I would have thought. When a woman gives birth she and her off spring are pretty immobile for a year with a big demand for resources. They need a partner to provide for them and defend them. It's built into a woman's genetic make up to look for this in a man.

A man's motivator is to spread his genes far and wide via healthy women, hence "beauty" as we perceive it is more important.

So this breakdown has evolved into modern culture in most (all?) societies, and these traits are bred into people by selection.

Not something that you're going to undo with a few equal opportunities laws or targeted welfare payments.

clap2.gif Bravo, NBD. Makes me glad I posted the question. Collective effort rules!

However, if it were only a problem of evolution, Thai Health Ministry would have no difficulty in developing a mother with fat storage for, say, 6 - 12 months hibernation ability, like bears do in colder climates.

Didn't they succeed in breeding longer (or thicker) penises in men? Thanks for a great tip. biggrin.png

Most females in other countries grow fat in pregnancy. Thais can do better!

BTW I didn't ask this question just for fun. About 18 years back I raised a similar question with a very nice American 30 years young lady. The issue was whether females are more prone to physical infidelity in marriage as compared to men.

She was of opinion that males take the cake. I was hinting at females. After I have mentioned their ability to have sex any time, any place, at every opportunity against the males dependency on erection, she didn't speak to me for 3 days!

Thinking back it could have been my fault in the way I phrased it: I said that a woman only has to open up, no other effort needed.

Problem was - she was a Biologist with Tertiary Education! It happened in Western Samoa and I remember it well.


Think about it. If marriage isn't based on money then what is it based on? Women don't like sex. They pretty much only do *that* sort of thing if they're compensated in some way because it isn't pleasurable to them.


I think you may be confusing common patterns in farang-Thai marriages to marriage in Thailand in general.

Among Thais marrying Thais, it is unusual for there to be a very large income gap in either direction. People tend to marry within their own socio-economic class, and it takes quite some persuading to get families to accept otherwise. (not including the "mia noi" phenomena in this...just actual marriages, which in Thailand as elsewhere in Asia are seen as familial alliances).

There are exceptions but they are not the rule. And they are just as likely to involve a wealthier woman as a wealthier man. Among my Thai friends I can off-hand think of several such cases. Took a long time to get the girl's family to consent though.

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I dont know , I keep asking my Wife " darling why have you got 8 million baht in the bank but I only have 600000baht ( and thats in the UK)

Blooming women eh?

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Think about it. If marriage isn't based on money then what is it based on? Women don't like sex. They pretty much only do *that* sort of thing if they're compensated in some way because it isn't pleasurable to them.

Wow! facepalm.gif

smooth expat, we must be talking of different species! Both men and women need love, meaning SEX, as this is programmed into us by Mother Nature for preservation of species.

And it is once again Mother Nature that makes sex needed, wanted and pleasurable for all human kind.

Perhaps the only exception is when Marriage is used by one of the parties for reasons of Money only. As I am trying here to find out - this case is heavily imbalanced in favour of women.

If you ever got the impression or feeling that women in real life don't like 'doing that sort of thing', - I am speechless!

Having a child at 17 - 20 for a woman may be a liability, an unwanted 'side effect', an embarrassment, but it is a result of the sex, in 99.9% based on consent. Or are you seriously suggesting that half the country is being regularly raped?

You reminded me a joke about the Dinosaurs. A little kid asked why/how they became extinct. Explanation is given thus:

Two Dinosaurs are side by side near the river. HE muzzles against HER, saying 'Moo, Moo-oo'. SHE is annoyed and snaps back 'Grr, Grrrr, Aghhh'. ( Repeat this for 10 times)... - And this is how they became extinct... tongue.png

****Unnecessary use of bold font removed****


Women are actually equally or more horny than men. But their horniness does not depend on youth or looks, but on Alpha attitude, status, wealth of the man.

For men, it is mostly looks and youth.

This is basic biology. Most men in Asia know that, many Western men still live in a romantic dream world.

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Think about it. If marriage isn't based on money then what is it based on? Women don't like sex. They pretty much only do *that* sort of thing if they're compensated in some way because it isn't pleasurable to them.

You don't believe that.


And this one for the Farangs: Marring a Thai-Lady does not require "Sin-Sod" (Bride-Money), if the Thai-Lady was married previously.

The philosophy of Thai-men as far as this is concerned is very straightforward: "Why should I pay for a "used-object".

So, if ever this subject is presented to the Farang (having marriage on his mind), and the lady was married before: JUST SAY NO !


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Think about it. If marriage isn't based on money then what is it based on? Women don't like sex. They pretty much only do *that* sort of thing if they're compensated in some way because it isn't pleasurable to them.

You don't believe that.

I think he was trying to say "Women don't like sex with me".

In which case it makes perfect sense.

I know how he feels, they don't like sex with me either, so I have to compensate them too.


Think about it. If marriage isn't based on money then what is it based on? Women don't like sex. They pretty much only do *that* sort of thing if they're compensated in some way because it isn't pleasurable to them.

You don't believe that.

I think he was trying to say "Women don't like sex with me".

In which case it makes perfect sense.

I know how he feels, they don't like sex with me either, so I have to compensate them too.

Oh dear. blink.png Well, I'm sorry to hear that AOA.

Although women aren't as visually-stimulated as men, I guess the "retch-factor" plays a bigger part the closer to the extreme a guy is.

Still, maybe some gym work, a haircut, deodorant, a change of diet or something could help xunsure.png.pagespeed.ic.E7Vo3qsmeC.png but if you don't give a toss about how a woman feels during slap and tickle, can't see why you'd bother

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I think you may be confusing common patterns in farang-Thai marriages to marriage in Thailand in general.

Among Thais marrying Thais, it is unusual for there to be a very large income gap in either direction. People tend to marry within their own socio-economic class, and it takes quite some persuading to get families to accept otherwise. (not including the "mia noi" phenomena in this...just actual marriages, which in Thailand as elsewhere in Asia are seen as familial alliances).

There are exceptions but they are not the rule. And they are just as likely to involve a wealthier woman as a wealthier man. Among my Thai friends I can off-hand think of several such cases. Took a long time to get the girl's family to consent though.

In my experience, marriages between Thais and foreigners mostly occur within the same socio-economic classes too. The only difference is that working class or lower-middle class men from Europe and the United States are - simply in virtue of where they were born - wealthier than their counterparts in Thailand. As you say, there are exceptions (which almost always involve white men marrying Thai women of lower socio-economic classes than their own) but they're less common than perhaps they seem at first sight.

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