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Just another Chinese / Farang Chiang Mai occurrence.

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Good on the Chinese family, guys like him stick in the mind of the Thais and give us all a bad name.

I remember an older member saying he remembers a time when farangs were respected / given respect here, and he lamented that time has long gone, death of 100 million cuts.

My most memorable low level example of farang stupidity this month was watching two muppets trying to drive through Jacks Van bar when it was packed out, Jackie stepped over and tried to shoo them back, not content they put on a stupid grin each and went faster. No hesitation Jackie knocked them off their bike and took the key out of it. Muppets response? " Hey man what did you do that for? "

Maybe we should open a thread for daily stupid farang in Chiang Mai reports.

Jackie has my vote!

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Good on the Chinese family, guys like him stick in the mind of the Thais and give us all a bad name.

I remember an older member saying he remembers a time when farangs were respected / given respect here, and he lamented that time has long gone, death of 100 million cuts.

My most memorable low level example of farang stupidity this month was watching two muppets trying to drive through Jacks Van bar when it was packed out, Jackie stepped over and tried to shoo them back, not content they put on a stupid grin each and went faster. No hesitation Jackie knocked them off their bike and took the key out of it. Muppets response? " Hey man what did you do that for? "

Maybe we should open a thread for daily stupid farang in Chiang Mai reports.

Of course all farang are rude and all Chinese are courteous??????????


Would never of dream of walking into a restaurant in the US or UK with my own food and start eating it, that is until I came to Thailand where it seems an OK thing to do as long as one of you are ordering their food now i just do a s the locals do which I am told time and time again to integrate and embrace the culture which I think the chappie was doing.


Manners Maketh Man.....I'm always surprised how seldom I see western men holding a door open, hold the lift, asking which floor before entering their own, allowing a woman to pass first in a queue, escalator, helping young or old down a flight of stairs with a pram or heavy items and yes even offering a seat on the BTS/MRT.

All I can say is thanks Mum & Dad

as for the farang at McDo's I usually walk up and say will you be much longer....

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Would never of dream of walking into a restaurant in the US or UK with my own food and start eating it, that is until I came to Thailand where it seems an OK thing to do as long as one of you are ordering their food now i just do a s the locals do which I am told time and time again to integrate and embrace the culture which I think the chappie was doing.

It is absolutely OK to go sit in one restaurant, order a few dishes, then see something in another restaurant across the street and send one of your gang over to bring back a plate of food. Also, if you do not return the plate, it is no big deal because the first restaurant will return the plate for you to the second restaurant. This is the way it should be.


In Pai a year ago, I wanted a bottle of Johnnie Walker. The waiter said it was too expensive in the restaurant so he took the money off me and went to 7/11 to buy a bottle for me. I think, from memory, I saved 100 baht, and I sat there thinking, if he tried that on a Scottish bar owner, he would have been wearing the bottle over his head.

I've sat in good quality restaurants and my Thai gf has bolted out the door to buy some of that rancid dried squid, or maybe even a plate of deep fried maggots.

<deleted>? seriously, <deleted>. blink.png

However as OCH just said, you learn to go with the flow. coffee1.gif


not only in CM..........

I stay away from farangs because most that I meet seem to be of this type. It seems that Thailand is destination of choice for the dross of western society xsad.png.pagespeed.ic.5zxzyGiJz0.png

farang stay away from farang? xbiggrin.png.pagespeed.ic.XhpYJIv77v.png alt=biggrin.png width=20 height=20>

Not me. They can be very amusing, in their own peculiar kind of way. They could almost be considered an attraction, and many do very reliably live up to the stereotype!

So do the Chinese. All visitors have their nuisances, irrespective of nationality - stop being apologists for Thais, Japanese etc. I'm waiting for the day when I hear a report about a Chinese mother who allows their baby to piss in Robinson's or another department store rather than seek out a toilet. I've seen it practiced by middle class families in China as recently as late last year - it may only be a matter of time before it happens here too.

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Rancid dried squid!

Pla muuk is the perfect beer bar nibble! alt=thumbsup.gif width=25 height=19>

Some do not know just how good this is.

I can't get enough of it until

My gums start to hurt from chewing it.

Sometimes, I gotta chew it so long and it will not break down

That I think I would be better off

If they just sent me out to pasture

Where I could chew my cud instead.


^^^ TomTomTom

There was a poster previously regaling his experiences of this exact situation you've described.

I'm unable to recall the thread however, sorry.

Although I'll bet that it's not going to be an uncommon phenomenon experienced in these here parts.


theblether said and i quote from his post "I remember an older member saying he remembers a time when farangs were respected / given respect here, and he lamented that time has long gone, death of 100 million cuts. "

so very true.


Ah! Reminds me of the old anti-backpacker threads! Seems that the young backpackers are being replaced more and more by territorial old gits. They are seen in a lot of places, particularly the malls. Certainly nothing wrong with getting out of the house every once in a while, but taking up space in crowded places with a lot of traffic like a Starbucks or small cafes with wifi and nursing a cup of coffee for hours is a bit much! Not that such behavior is endemic to farang, but it sure is noticeable.

Otherwise, I am surprised the "I'll-do-what-I-f***ing-please-when-it-pleases-me-thank-you" posters haven't showed up yet!


theblether said and i quote from his post "I remember an older member saying he remembers a time when farangs were respected / given respect here, and he lamented that time has long gone, death of 100 million cuts. "

so very true.

Respect should be earned.


Ah! Reminds me of the old anti-backpacker threads! Seems that the young backpackers are being replaced more and more by territorial old gits. They are seen in a lot of places, particularly the malls. Certainly nothing wrong with getting out of the house every once in a while, but taking up space in crowded places with a lot of traffic like a Starbucks or small cafes with wifi and nursing a cup of coffee for hours is a bit much! Not that such behavior is endemic to farang, but it sure is noticeable.

Otherwise, I am surprised the "I'll-do-what-I-f***ing-please-when-it-pleases-me-thank-you" posters haven't showed up yet!

There is one particular post that makes me think it could possibly be the guy in question. But only a suspicion.



Great story.

You have no idea whether the guy had just finished and was waiting for his wife to return, or what his plans were.

But ya, you're the farang that's assimilated and won the approval of the locals. Good for you, pat yourself on the back.


Great story.

You have no idea whether the guy had just finished and was waiting for his wife to return, or what his plans were.

But ya, you're the farang that's assimilated and won the approval of the locals. Good for you, pat yourself on the back.

Was it you?


Great story.

You have no idea whether the guy had just finished and was waiting for his wife to return, or what his plans were.

But ya, you're the farang that's assimilated and won the approval of the locals. Good for you, pat yourself on the back.

Was it you?

You're just typical, man. It's ok for you to go and poach the internet cause you probably buy the cheapest thing on the menu and hang out for an hour or two, but someone else does it a little differently, and they're totally out of bounds..


Great story.

You have no idea whether the guy had just finished and was waiting for his wife to return, or what his plans were.

But ya, you're the farang that's assimilated and won the approval of the locals. Good for you, pat yourself on the back.

This thread isn't even about "the locals" but you managed to slip that in there. It's about manners and common sense. Or did that not register?


We are 'known' to the Thais... So behave.

I learned a long time ago that even though CM is a big city, the grapevine makes it tiny. biggrin.png

Grape vine ??? here in my moo baan the ladys all call each other CNN .... Word travels faster than the speed of light !!!!


Great story.

You have no idea whether the guy had just finished and was waiting for his wife to return, or what his plans were.

But ya, you're the farang that's assimilated and won the approval of the locals. Good for you, pat yourself on the back.

Was it you?

You're just typical, man. It's ok for you to go and poach the internet cause you probably buy the cheapest thing on the menu and hang out for an hour or two, but someone else does it a little differently, and they're totally out of bounds..

So it was you!

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