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You've got to laugh....the bible thumpers have made it to Sukhumvit Soi 3! I was in hysterics when I heard that. Can you imagine it, there they were, screaming at the top of their lungs to all and sundry on Soi Middle East, praising the good Lord, all the while being passed by folks who are obviously rather fond of a different lord. Word has got back to them that they have been talked about in this column and the said missionaries have contacted me and offered me an interview....coming soon!

Stickman Weekly

9 April 2006

This was rather interesting..... :o

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wow ... 2 groups of people I don't particularly want to deal with on a soi I don't particularly want to go to ... reposted from a website I don't want to read!

I think it is an alltime high irrelevancy laden post! :o

I just find it interesting that bible thumpers would waste their time in a Muslim section.
(they may well waste more then time if they engage behind the Grand Inn),

The Grace used to be a great place to drink before the Russians and Mid East took residence, oh what am I talking about, it's still a great place to drink... :o

You've got to laugh....the bible thumpers have made it to Sukhumvit Soi 3! I was in hysterics when I heard that. Can you imagine it, there they were, screaming at the top of their lungs to all and sundry on Soi Middle East, praising the good Lord, all the while being passed by folks who are obviously rather fond of a different lord. Word has got back to them that they have been talked about in this column and the said missionaries have contacted me and offered me an interview....coming soon!

Stickman Weekly

9 April 2006

Wonder if that's the same crew that would stand in front on Nana Plaza last Aug/Sep, white american "fundamentalists"... funny for a couple minutes, then depressing.

"bible thumpers": love that expression! (thump, thump...)

Wonder if that's the same crew that would stand in front on Nana Plaza last Aug/Sep, white american "fundamentalists"... funny for a couple minutes, then depressing.

Yes, the lead speaker (a 40-50 yr old burly guy with short dark hair) is the same.


I was sat having a drop or two with the missus last night here in Muang Thong Thani when about 4 or 5 westerners in suits walked past throwing daggers at us.

I thought they were maybe teachers from St Francis Xavier or maybe some of the puritans on a scowling mission from Nichida Thani, but the missus is Canadian and picked them for Mormons straight away. Turns out that they have a church somewhere around here and regularly make a nuisance of themselves.

A great way of detering religious freaks like these is simply to spout a load of Exorcist style abuse at them and watch them pale. Never fails!


Bad Bad Bad Fart ... (and likely illegal) I just invite the Mormons in my neighborhood in to chat with me and my partner ... We offer them a beer ... I light a cigarette (seeing 2 gay men in an obviously Buddhist household sends them packing)

Bad Bad Bad Fart ... (and likely illegal) I just invite the Mormons in my neighborhood in to chat with me and my partner ... We offer them a beer ... I light a cigarette (seeing 2 gay men in an obviously Buddhist household sends them packing)

My grandfather used to do something similar with Jehovahs years ago. He'd invite them in and ask them to explain themselves and then use them for debating practice :o:D They were usually keen to get the h3ll out of there when he finally got bored!


I really do advise against deliberately using insulting/foul language towards ANY religion in the LOS ... it is illegal


do these people live of thier own money or donations from thier respective house of worship.

if the sally army ever get a foothold in bangkok and pattaya [ of all places ] to preach the wrong and evil doings of the masses, sign me up :D

i have seem many charities in los, some are bonifide but i bet a penny to a pound there are many that are run by the weong sort of people :o


Bad Bad Bad Fart ... (and likely illegal) I just invite the Mormons in my neighborhood in to chat with me and my partner ... We offer them a beer ... I light a cigarette (seeing 2 gay men in an obviously Buddhist household sends them packing)

My grandfather used to do something similar with Jehovahs years ago. He'd invite them in and ask them to explain themselves and then use them for debating practice :o:D They were usually keen to get the h3ll out of there when he finally got bored!

My Dad was the same although my mother would not let them in so he would argue on the doorstep for ages!


I was accosted by a guy on the skytrain at On Nut station a few years back that looked and acted just like 'Hi diddly I' Ned Flanders. He was even there with his version of the Flanders family. I knew what he was up to before he even slid over to sit next to me. He told me he was here with some christian group to convert Thais over to christianity. I asked his why and he gave me a vague 'it's my job response' He told me he had been here three months and had converted only 1 person! I shook my head and gave him my best 'what is the point of your life' face and he mumbled 'thanks..nice talking to you'... looked at his feet and scuttled off.

What is the point, I mean what its the point?

Guest endure
do these people live of thier own money or donations from thier respective house of worship.

if the sally army ever get a foothold in bangkok and pattaya [ of all places ] to preach the wrong and evil doings of the masses, sign me up :o

The 2 branches of Christianity that are worth the entrance fee are the Sally Army (charity in action without strings) and the Society of Friends (proper spirituality).


Do these guys not realise that they are one of the greatest adverts against the religions that they purport to support? It reminds me of a guy I used to see regulary on Oxford Street in London mouthing off in a Scouse accent how all the shoppers should "be a winner, not a sinner" - obviously many people were converted on the spot in the face of such convincing rhetoric as I am sure many of the denizens of Soi Arabia are. :o

Do these guys not realise that they are one of the greatest adverts against the religions that they purport to support? It reminds me of a guy I used to see regulary on Oxford Street in London mouthing off in a Scouse accent how all the shoppers should "be a winner, not a sinner" - obviously many people were converted on the spot in the face of such convincing rhetoric as I am sure many of the denizens of Soi Arabia are. :o

Preaching religious fanatics/missionaries and "professional wrestling" are the two most offensive things in the world.


do these people live of thier own money or donations from thier respective house of worship.

if the sally army ever get a foothold in bangkok and pattaya [ of all places ] to preach the wrong and evil doings of the masses, sign me up :o

The 2 branches of Christianity that are worth the entrance fee are the Sally Army (charity in action without strings) and the Society of Friends (proper spirituality).

Last I heard, 97p out of every quid collected by the SA went on 'overheads'. Uniforms, brass band instruments, admin, printing the paper, salaries, etc. (That was a few years ago, though.)


do these people live of thier own money or donations from thier respective house of worship.


my understanding is that young mormons are expected to do 'missionary/protelysizing service' that is subsidised by the church. The mormon church's funds are considerable...I have seen mormon 'hitler youth' types (they all appear to be blond, blue-eyed, disciplined and very clean) going door to door in run down towns in the middle of andean Bolivia.

an amusing or frightening scene depending on yer point of view...


do these people live of thier own money or donations from thier respective house of worship.


my understanding is that young mormons are expected to do 'missionary/protelysizing service' that is subsidised by the church. The mormon church's funds are considerable...I have seen morman 'hitler youth' types (they all appear to be blond, blue-eyed and very clean) going door to door in run down towns in the middle of andean Bolivia.

an amusing or frightening scene depending on yer point of view...

Yes, you're right. A good friend of mine is a "fallen mormom", as they call anyone who begins doing their own thinking. He was a missionary in the provinces of the Philippines. They usually do a two-year stint, with very little support from the Church, actually. Very small budget and they spend loooong days converting the savages.... These churches that send missionaries off are massively funded, since of course it's all about power and money, not spirituality.

Guest endure

do these people live of thier own money or donations from thier respective house of worship.

if the sally army ever get a foothold in bangkok and pattaya [ of all places ] to preach the wrong and evil doings of the masses, sign me up :o

The 2 branches of Christianity that are worth the entrance fee are the Sally Army (charity in action without strings) and the Society of Friends (proper spirituality).

Last I heard, 97p out of every quid collected by the SA went on 'overheads'. Uniforms, brass band instruments, admin, printing the paper, salaries, etc. (That was a few years ago, though.)

4 years ago the head honcho of the Sally in the UK was on a salary of just over £10,000 a year. Last year's accounts show that approximately 1% of their income was spent on administration whilst 71% was spent on charitable objectives


OK ... the Sally folks have hi-jacked the thread so ....... :o

According to the Salvation Army, Commissioners W. Todd Bassett and his wife Carol A. Bassett jointly received basic living allowances and grants totaling $64,210 for 2004 plus housing valued at $34,116. That is still considerably less than the salaries of some of the other top charities.

That's 100,000 USD for TWO people... not a TON of money ... but hey .... The guy in the UK gets a bit less ...

This is the wage offered to the chief executive of the Salvation Army, one of the UK's largest charities. The package includes a range of allowances, including £68.39 a month for long service, £20.23 a month for travel and £636.59 basic salary.

Commissioner Hughes also said cheerfully that his salary is worth more as he is provided with a house and a car. His insurance, telephone line rental and council tax are also paid and he receives a furniture allowance.


do these people live of thier own money or donations from thier respective house of worship.


my understanding is that young mormons are expected to do 'missionary/protelysizing service' that is subsidised by the church. The mormon church's funds are considerable...I have seen morman 'hitler youth' types (they all appear to be blond, blue-eyed and very clean) going door to door in run down towns in the middle of andean Bolivia.

an amusing or frightening scene depending on yer point of view...

Yes, you're right. A good friend of mine is a "fallen mormom", as they call anyone who begins doing their own thinking. He was a missionary in the provinces of the Philippines. They usually do a two-year stint, with very little support from the Church, actually. Very small budget and they spend loooong days converting the savages.... These churches that send missionaries off are massively funded, since of course it's all about power and money, not spirituality.

' small budgets' ? how do they afford to dry clean their suits and provide an alluring presentation every day, even in places where there is no running water? There must be a secret budget and a conspiracy..the recently deceased former Sec of Defence Caspar Weinberger under uber fueher Reagan was a mormon...obviously a connection between the US religeous right wing and the White House.

I was on a flight with mormon missionaries from Santa Cruz, Bolivia to Miami and swear to god, the dudes were in nicely pressed suits and the girls in nice clean twin sets...sort of like a well dressed camper excursion with a 'leader'. I was amused at the time (1984) but maybe now a cause for concern?

' small budgets' ? how do they afford to dry clean their suits and provide an alluring presentation every day

I was on a flight with mormon missionaries from Santa Cruz, Bolivia to Miami and swear to god, the dudes were in nicely pressed suits and the girls in nice clean twin sets...sort of like a well dressed camper excursion with a 'leader'. I was amused at the time (1984) but maybe now a cause for concern?

More Mormon (sorry!). My friend was part of a two-man team, as usual. They wore the requisite white shirts/tie every day, but other than that they lived like locals: local food, local transp., i think he said they were only allowed 2 phone contacts with family per year. Rcvd decent language training before they were deployed, too. This was the Philippines, might be different other places..... (imagine Mormom emoticon here)


I have seen them and was aware of what they were doing, but I don't know what they stand for. The whole scene strikes me as madness.

"excuse me Mr Ali can I steer you away from your god of oppression and hate and introduce you to my god of piety and sheep like conformity" Why bother?

Think of all the things this world needs. Baby seals, clean energy and food for all, but NOT any more religion.

In this day and age I find it hard to grasp that people come to belive in such fairy tales on their own. I think a fear of honour killings (islamic style) or castigation and disassociation from the community (christian,catholic etc style) are more likely the reason.

In short you can't feed people with pages of some book of tales. If the Pope and muslim clerics spent less money on gold and car bombs we would all be better off.


AAAHH! Jdinasia throwing insults. How can this be? For a person who said "I think it is an alltime high irrelevancy laden post" you seem to spend a great deal of time here.

Which part of my post smacks of bigotry?

The difference between me and them (as it were) is that I don't think 'they' will go to hel_l for grasping at fairy tales.

As I type this the BBC news is running an interview with some bishop or whatever and he has just answered a call from a lady who is in fear of WW3. She asked " I worry all the time and I try and prey to get an answer, but no answer comes. Why hasn't god answered?" What a waste of time.

I don't feel this makes me a bigot. I have friends that follow this nonsense and that is up to them, just don't bother me with it.

I have seen them and was aware of what they were doing, but I don't know what they stand for. The whole scene strikes me as madness.

"excuse me Mr Ali can I steer you away from your god of oppression and hate and introduce you to my god of piety and sheep like conformity" Why bother?

Think of all the things this world needs. Baby seals, clean energy and food for all, but NOT any more religion.

In this day and age I find it hard to grasp that people come to belive in such fairy tales on their own. I think a fear of honour killings (islamic style) or castigation and disassociation from the community (christian,catholic etc style) are more likely the reason.

In short you can't feed people with pages of some book of tales. If the Pope and muslim clerics spent less money on gold and car bombs we would all be better off.

:o insults?

But I would say pretty much all of the high-lighted section :D


I really do advise against deliberately using insulting/foul language towards ANY religion in the LOS ... it is illegal

Is it? Are you sure? Do you really think it is enforcable or are you just that stupid and green - or just so far up your own rectum that you think anyone gives a ######. Any fundimentalists have no place in any civillised society and deserve all the abuse they get when trying to impose and force their views on others.

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