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'Al-Qaeda' Video Threatening Thaksin's Life Dismissed As Fake

Lite Beer

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If Al Qaeda really wanted to get Thaksin it would have done so....just dress up as a camera man in Singapore or HK or Beijing and Thaksins paparazzi radar will bring him straight to you. ....as for this rubbish just another one of TSs self staged fake assassination attempts / threats to fill his résumé of fantastical fantasies.

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Oh dear, the Lt General does seem to be making a bit of an arse of himself here but as the presuming ex-policeman who used to spout this kind of nonsense is now in charge of the Jobcentre I suppose someone has got to do it.

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I watched most of the video last night before it was taken down, and what I saw was in Arabic. It appears that they also used English as well. But no Thai??

Why should they speak Thai? The narrative of the video is that they are foreign Muslim friends of an non-Thai minority allegedly suppressed by Thaksin. the maker of the video probably think that two international languages are enough to transport that message.

There are approx 7 million Muslims living in Thailand, of whom around 1.4 million are living the deep South. They are Thai nationals, not a non-Thai minority.

The ethnic and cultural roots of the minority in the south i was speaking about are non-thai roots. They also speak Bahasa Melayu as first language/mother tongue and not Thai.

I didn't say that all the Muslims in Thailand are a non-thai minority.The conflict is also not a religious conflict but rather a cultural minority thing.

Just a bit of detail, the mother tongue for Thai Malays in the deep South is Yawi or Bahasa Patani, Bahasa Melayu is quite different, at least that's what my wife tells mesmile.png. Thai Malays represent 80 percent plus of the population in the deep South or am I misunderstanding your post?

Back on topic, personally I do not believe the video was produced an an Al Qaeda cell as it just doesn't follow the style of other Al Qaeda video pronouncements, but obviously cannot prove my opinion, neither can those who disagree.

In case it was missed "the anti-Thaksin posters played tag with YouTube. Early Sunday, a third version of the video was also posted on YouTube, with a Thai-language soundtrack played over the original". Another analysis of the video at:


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No it's not the work of al Qaeda. It's the work of Moslem looking guys with machine guns claiming they want to kill Thaksin for his governments actions.

What would necessarily be fake about that ?

Totally agree.

I watched that video several times. It seems to be filmed in a cave. The camera moved around a bit and revealed a portion of rock face above the hanging fabric from time to time. Al-Qaeda (or most muslim terrorist) videos hang something in the background to stop security experts from identifying the type of rock which can narrow down to a specific area.

The rock was very light beige colour, which you would mostly see in arid countries like in the middle east. I have not seen that colour rock in Thailand, but hard to really know considering they used lights and things.

But the fact is, a muslim group HAS declared a fatwa on him, what other reason for the video? I didn't realise that Al Qaeda even needed to officially sanction a fatwa, I thought that it was by default that Thaksin would be on the hitlist, considering they have already issued statements in the past that anyone targeting muslims is a target.

Didn't the national security council say the same thing about warnings that an Al Qaeda terrorist was plotting something in BKK a couple of years ago? That it was a load of <deleted>? A week later they arrested someone on charges of a terrorist plot.

I thought it was funny when Paradom said it was a plot to overthrow Thaksin.... So he basically insinuated that Thaksin is still the Prime Minister here then.

If I am wrong and these were folks from the South of Thailand, and I doubt that they are because the guy speaking English would hardly have his entire face on display... would he. Then I can see that they are doing no wrong in ordering a death threat against a man who is not even in this country, and so NOT an issue for the security council... more an issue for the Hong Kong Security Council.... If anything.

Edited by klubex99
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Just a bit of detail, the mother tongue for Thai Malays in the deep South is Yawi or Bahasa Patani, Bahasa Melayu is quite different, at least that's what my wife tells mesmile.png. Thai Malays represent 80 percent plus of the population in the deep South or am I misunderstanding your post?

Back on topic, personally I do not believe the video was produced an an Al Qaeda cell as it just doesn't follow the style of other Al Qaeda video pronouncements, but obviously cannot prove my opinion, neither can those who disagree.

In case it was missed "the anti-Thaksin posters played tag with YouTube. Early Sunday, a third version of the video was also posted on YouTube, with a Thai-language soundtrack played over the original". Another analysis of the video at:


I agree, it just doesn't follow the style of other Al Qaeda video pronouncements - nobody got their head cut off. Would be a lot less argument as to validity if they had overcome that lack.

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Just a bit of detail, the mother tongue for Thai Malays in the deep South is Yawi or Bahasa Patani, Bahasa Melayu is quite different, at least that's what my wife tells me:). Thai Malays represent 80 percent plus of the population in the deep South or am I misunderstanding your post?

yes, I mean that Patani malay dialect. thanks for adding the finer details.

Thai is also spoken in various dialects, but that language in the south is clearly from another language family. thats why i called them a non-thai minority.

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I'm loving those Alzheimers adverts here on TV, uh, hmm, but I digress

In case of mass memory loss it could be real, but, strange the timing of it all. Sadly though for all the yellow pom pom waivers, there is a documented track record of just these kinds of elaborate stunts. Shall we take a trip down memory lane ... biggrin.png

The Royal Robe changing ceremony (conspiracy)

The Erawan Shrine image defacing and, yes (conspiracy)

The Finland Plot (conspiracy)

The origins of the Preah Vihar Temple dispute (conspiracy)

NASA’s spy mission cloaked as a weather study (conspiracy)

Looks like we have a regular CV here.

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I agree, it just doesn't follow the style of other Al Qaeda video pronouncements - nobody got their head cut off. Would be a lot less argument as to validity if they had overcome that lack.

Yeah, definitely not Al Queda.

Could be from Al's Quesadillas though.

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so fake its laughable

tak bai was the thai army facist commanders at work

these /anti-democratic lunatics are just getting so desperate to have a few more faces turn up for their next anti-democratic protest ooooh and its planned on the 3rd of august what a co-incidence

Edited by humbug
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so fake its laughable

tak bai was the thai army facist commanders at work

these /anti-democratic lunatics are just getting so desperate to have a few more faces turn up for their next anti-democratic protest ooooh and its planned on the 3rd of august what a co-incidence

So you don't agree with the current PTP theory that the PM is responsible for the actions of "thai army facist commanders" ?

Perhaps if had offer an apology for those action, even taken some disciplinary action, rather than offering an insulting gratuitous statement blaming their religious practices, then he wouldn't be held responsible.

Edited by OzMick
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Where can I see the video? I would like to form my own opinion as to

whether or not it is fake, rather than relying upon a " Top intelligence official ".

I don't know if these guys are for real or not but the AK47s appear to be authentic. Especially the one hanging on the guy in the middle at the end of the video.

Where on the video does it say they claim to be Al Qaida? From the english voice over the guy seems to be speaking with a Pakistani accent, possible North West Indian. It would appear that the guy on the left as you look at it has done some Military service/weapon Handling. The Arabic sounds ok but I can't place the accent/region. It does not seem as guttural as the likes of Saudi, Qatar, Dubai, Yemen. Spoof, could be, but lets face it, joke or not, they are voicing what many already think.

Edited by Scott
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I'm loving those Alzheimers adverts here on TV, uh, hmm, but I digress

In case of mass memory loss it could be real, but, strange the timing of it all. Sadly though for all the yellow pom pom waivers, there is a documented track record of just these kinds of elaborate stunts. Shall we take a trip down memory lane ... biggrin.png

The Royal Robe changing ceremony (conspiracy)

The Erawan Shrine image defacing and, yes (conspiracy)

The Finland Plot (conspiracy)

The origins of the Preah Vihar Temple dispute (conspiracy)

NASAs spy mission cloaked as a weather study (conspiracy)

Looks like we have a regular CV here.

I gather Amsertdam Inc are still getting their strategy together on this one then?

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Just saw it, still available on youtube. Thaksin wants to pray this is a fake - "you can be killed anywhere in the world". I guess there are a few arabs living in UAE and surrounding countries. He wants to watch his back.

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The format of the video looks genuine enough, albeit to my armchair eyes. If it is a hatched job, it certainly looks a billion times better than this one:

The big question posted by a number of others on here is - why now? Is it because PT a desperately attempting to engineer another farcical ceasefire?

And who would of thought Al Qeada would be responsible for peace in Thailand?

If this is being considered as genuine by the Thaksin squad, and given our man-of-the-hour's reputation for fleeing when things get even slightly warm, this announcement would of surely would of rattled a few cages.

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It would have been more belieable if they had left out the puppet government statement.

I believe it.

The only person to ever claim it was Al Qaeda was the person who uploaded it to youtube in the first place. That person would not have been involved with anyone who made this video. Al Qaeda use a very long chain of couriers to get these out. They don't just pull the memory card out of the camera and stick it in a PC for the CIA to trace the uploader's IP address in seconds.

They hand it from courier to courier to a country that is far away, and it is taken into an internet cafe or uploaded by mobile phone.

I doubt Al Qaeda directly authorized this video. But it is definitely some tooled up muslim mob, and it looks as though they mean every word of what they are saying. I also don't see Al Qaeda disapproving of the video, in fact... they probably have added their support. So I suppose by proxy, we can safely assume that (*deleted*) Thaksin now needs to be looking over his shoulder constantly. (and under his car).

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No it's not the work of al Qaeda. It's the work of Moslem looking guys with machine guns claiming they want to kill Thaksin for his governments actions.

What would necessarily be fake about that ?

Totally agree.

I watched that video several times. It seems to be filmed in a cave. The camera moved around a bit and revealed a portion of rock face above the hanging fabric from time to time. Al-Qaeda (or most muslim terrorist) videos hang something in the background to stop security experts from identifying the type of rock which can narrow down to a specific area.

The rock was very light beige colour, which you would mostly see in arid countries like in the middle east. I have not seen that colour rock in Thailand, but hard to really know considering they used lights and things.

But the fact is, a muslim group HAS declared a fatwa on him, what other reason for the video? I didn't realise that Al Qaeda even needed to officially sanction a fatwa, I thought that it was by default that Thaksin would be on the hitlist, considering they have already issued statements in the past that anyone targeting muslims is a target.

Didn't the national security council say the same thing about warnings that an Al Qaeda terrorist was plotting something in BKK a couple of years ago? That it was a load of <deleted>? A week later they arrested someone on charges of a terrorist plot.

I thought it was funny when Paradom said it was a plot to overthrow Thaksin.... So he basically insinuated that Thaksin is still the Prime Minister here then.

If I am wrong and these were folks from the South of Thailand, and I doubt that they are because the guy speaking English would hardly have his entire face on display... would he. Then I can see that they are doing no wrong in ordering a death threat against a man who is not even in this country, and so NOT an issue for the security council... more an issue for the Hong Kong Security Council.... If anything.

Looked like rough brick and mortar to me - painted cream off-white.

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"They are also aware that right now there is anti-democracy movement campaigning against the government," Lt.Gen. Paradorn said tartly.

Anti democracy??? should read pro-democracy movement campaiging against the government.

this is remeniscent of the fake bomb outside of Thaksin's house years ago.

more drama coffee1.gif

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The guy who unmasks looks Pakistani rather than Middle Eastern. The Arabic accent also doesn't sound like its from the Middle East and the English also has some pronounciation which sounds Pakistani.

But, Pakistani's do join the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and other extremist terrorist factions. However, these guys look a little well dressed, well fed well groomed to be hardened AQ - more like middle class. (Look at their hands and clean clothes).

Why has Thailand's National Security Council become involved? Surely, the threatening of a fugitive criminal whose on the run overseas is not a matter of national security. Why doe the General use the expression "overthrow Mr. Thaksin". Is this yet another admission of who owns and controls the government.

Could this be another attempt to garner sympathy and show how brave the fugitive really is? Maybe an excuse to bring him home for protection. Or is it another story to divert attention from all the crap that's been hitting the fan.

Or is it something concocted by anti-PTP factions? Why would they bother to do this? Sabotaging the peace talk process - PTP are hardly covering themselves with glory as it is?

LOS is like one big soap opera. Will the truth ever out ?

I don't think this is real AQ, Taliban or any terrorist group. Why wait so long, why talk about puppet government etc. But, who really made it - who knows, could even be the person(s) who leaked the tape a few weeks ago.

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I agree with Gentlemanjim that the English speaker sounds Pakistani or Indian. Pronouncing 'we' as 've' is very much a trait of sub-continent speakers. It is certainly amateurish but Al Qaeda is an organisation with many affiliates and in many countries.

As for the General's take that it's the work of local 'anti-democracy' groups - absolutely unbelievable. I cannot make up my mind whether it is fake or not. The reaction of the authorities here, like the general, seems to point to authentic.

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Let's say this is fake for a second...

Let's say someone had a plan for Thaksin to have an accident but wouldn't go through with it because it could cause Red vs Yellow clashes.

Enter the "4th hand", the Muslim extremists to get the blame if the man in Dubai expires.

Maybe this is just having someone to blame. A bit like having some putz drive around your house with a few bags of fertilizer in the boot. A bit of a false flag.

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so fake its laughable

tak bai was the thai army facist commanders at work

these /anti-democratic lunatics are just getting so desperate to have a few more faces turn up for their next anti-democratic protest ooooh and its planned on the 3rd of august what a co-incidence

Complete humbug indeed! You are well named.

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I suppose I could be really cynical, unusual for me, and suggest it's the PTP flying a false flag to generate sympathy for the blameless birthday boy

This has happens several time a year. I think he posts them himself. Just kidding, but someone claims that Taksin's life is in jeopardy at least twice a year.

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