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Foreigners 'had a hand in Thaksin death-threat clip'


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Could also be that the half-Chinese "foreigner" living in Dubai was involved in the sprank.

That's a strange phrase.If one was going to stigmatise "half Chinese" people in Thailand that would include half the population of Bangok and urban centres, the court, the privy council, the senior officer corps of army, the navy, the airforce, most big business, the medical prefession, the legal profession etc etc

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Could also be that the half-Chinese "foreigner" living in Dubai was involved in the sprank.

That's a strange phrase.If one was going to stigmatise "half Chinese" people in Thailand that would include half the population of Bangok and urban centres, the court, the privy council, the senior officer corps of army, the navy, the airforce, most big business, the medical prefession, the legal profession etc etc

Is Thaksin half Thai/Chinese or isn´t he?

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Prosecute why??? Is Thaksin a government official? Or some kind of celebrity ?

No, he is a convicted criminal on the run, just an individual.

If he has a problem with people making the clip, he can file charges with police in the country of his residence

Exactly. Why are Thailand's resources being used to track down some clowns who issued a death threat against a (supposed) fugitive criminal?

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Prosecute why??? Is Thaksin a government official? Or some kind of celebrity ?

No, he is a convicted criminal on the run, just an individual.

If he has a problem with people making the clip, he can file charges with police in the country of his residence

Clearly you're NOT a Thaksin fan. Point is he still IS a HUMAN being, no matter what you think of him, and as a human being he has the same right to protection than you have and than every other human being has. Not so? Oh yea, and by-the-way, Mr. Thaksin just so happens to be a GREAT person and the very BEST Prime Minister Thailand EVER had this far. The 'convicted criminal' fact you pointed out was merely conviction by allegations only, not ONE of these were proved beyond doubt to be actually factual accurate OR valid for all that matter.

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Looking at the bigger picture of current society in Thailand, I have to say that in my sixty years of existence on this piece of rock I have never, ever been aware of a more inept, contriving and blame-shifting group of corrupt individuals, collectively referring to themselves as a 'government', responding to various justifiable attacks from those opposing them in more childish, ill-considered and even threatening ways. I must also say that never before have I been aware of a country in greater need of help than Thailand as it slips ever closer towards the precipice under the reins of this current rabble.

This bunch of criminals, currently stripping the country of its assets, should never have been allowed to form a political party in the first place, and for their supporters to have voted them into power just beggars belief. Clearly, these 'politicians' have learned all they could from their beloved leader in exile, and perhaps the threat against him is part of the recognition of this, by many in this country, who have simply had enough.

What particular group of foreigners are they referring to? I am a foreigner, do they mean me? No, of course not, they don't actually mean anyone in particular. It's simply a smoke-screen to deflect attention away from the real problems in Thailand that are currently growing out of all proportion. Who knows, they're so good at blaming others for creating fake recordings/images, perhaps they themselves have created the current threat in order to thicken the smoke screen...!

There is daily evidence in this country of financial irregularities (read that as the theft of billions of Thai Baht), obvious lies in support of questionable government policies, lies in support of any wrongdoings by their friends, lies in support of a girl who has already admitted to having used drugs (based upon the link between the girl and the nephew of the ear medicine man) and continuing lies to their supporters that all is going to be well in the end.

Add to this a police force, the efficacy of which we might have believed could not possibly have sunk any lower, until we then find that they are deeply embedded in the pockets of the criminals (that includes various groups of people) running this country, such that issues including the luxury car scandal and the premeditated (and witnessed) murders committed by those in positions of power continue to be swept under the carpet.

We see Buddhist monks, either jet-setting around the world spending (or hoarding) large sums of their ill-gotten gains with impunity, or raping 14 year old girls back here in Thailand. We see grandmothers/aunties selling the sexual services of their unsuspecting wards. We also see disfigured people on the streets begging for help, whilst high above them on the main streets, there are huge hoardings of disgracefully rich, white-skinned Thais inviting us to try out their new Mercedes S550 (costing more than the average Thai person will earn in their whole lifetime), thereby testifying to the astronomic difference between the 'haves' and 'have nots' in this country.

On the streets of the major cities, we see rising numbers of cases of blatant daylight theft/robberies, often against tourists, and often involving deadly weapons which the perpetrators of these crimes do not hesitate to use. Recall the poor old Australian lady in Phuket who wouldn't let go of her purse, and was stabbed to death for her trouble, the real estate dealer who was bludgeoned with a huge piece of wood as a result of a real estate dispute, and then left to die in the road with his brains spilling out of his head, or indeed, the very recent case of an American hacked to death by a sword on the main street of Bangkok over a taxi fare!

If those running ruining this country were to stop for a minute and take stock of the situation, they might well realize that the threat against their leader was not a hoax at all, but a clear warning from a group of concerned citizens that all of this has to come to an end NOW!

What will be the next published item of b***s*** to come out of their ranks ... ? ... perhaps an item saying that despite intensive police work, they have been unable to locate the renegade monk thief...?! Of course, this has to be the outcome of that particular case, otherwise it would just be far too embarrassing for some very seniors figures in the current hierarchy of this country.

This country has gone way past what would have called for a "vote of no confidence" in the government in any civilized country around the world, and it may already be too late to do anything now to stop the rape and pillage of the country's wealth. What will prove to be a major concern for all of us, yes, that includes us foreigners living here, is how the country's people react to all of this when there is a final realization that there is nothing left in the pot. Anarchy? Revolution? Civil War?

All I have left to say on the subject is that the treatment that was meted out to Saddam Hussein may pale in significance to what they will want to do to their beloved Feuhrer, if he ever sets foot back on this soil, and if they finally realize the extent to which he has totally betrayed them.

Fearless; Thank you

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WOW Robbi,Ok you're a Taksin fan alright.Either you have a short memory [or fuse] or perhaps you have not been here long enough to talk that way about a CONVICTED CRIMINAL,sorry matey but those are the facts Dougal

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Just ask the yellow skirts they know who is in the video.

Just ask the yellow skirts they the real PM in Dubai he knows who is in the video.[/

Yellow shirts were known here in Thailand but yellow skirts???:blink:

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Prosecute why??? Is Thaksin a government official? Or some kind of celebrity ?

No, he is a convicted criminal on the run, just an individual.

If he has a problem with people making the clip, he can file charges with police in the country of his residence

Clearly you're NOT a Thaksin fan. Point is he still IS a HUMAN being, no matter what you think of him, and as a human being he has the same right to protection than you have and than every other human being has. Not so? Oh yea, and by-the-way, Mr. Thaksin just so happens to be a GREAT person and the very BEST Prime Minister Thailand EVER had this far. The 'convicted criminal' fact you pointed out was merely conviction by allegations only, not ONE of these were proved beyond doubt to be actually factual accurate OR valid for all that matter.

Yes he is a human being, and individual no different to you or me and should be treated as such no different to you or me.

If you convicted, i doubt you will enjoy the freedom, why does he?

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Could also be that the half-Chinese "foreigner" living in Dubai was involved in the sprank

Well of course! How could anything that screws up and makes the man in Dubai look sympathetic be planned by anyone other than him? biggrin.png

Since that is such a popular deflection from reality around here I am suprised that we have not had the theory that the 2006 coup was actually planned by the man in Dubai, I swear I see that guy in the Alzheimers adverts posting it here on Thaivisa.

as that cliche states "The biggest lies you here in Thailand, are the ones expats tell themselves"

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Could also be that the half-Chinese "foreigner" living in Dubai was involved in the sprank.

That's a strange phrase.If one was going to stigmatise "half Chinese" people in Thailand that would include half the population of Bangok and urban centres, the court, the privy council, the senior officer corps of army, the navy, the airforce, most big business, the medical prefession, the legal profession etc etc

Is Thaksin half Thai/Chinese or isn´t he?

Meaningless question.Does he have Chinese ancestry? Yes along with many millions of other Thais including the Royal Family.

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GeorgeO, from you essay it can be very clearly deducted that you're most definitely NOT Thai. Hence I strongly suggest to absolute EVERYBODY who actually wasted their precious time reading this essay of yours to, like myself, completely IGNORE the entire fallacy written. And I'm NOT at all trying to attack OR insult you in any way whatsoever. It's just that you DON'T actually KNOW the REAL facts in this regard due to the fact that you are NOT a Thai national and thus your information given here lacks substance and so happens to be erroneous.

However, agreeably you DO state quite a few facts herein very accurately BUT these would take the NEW Heaven and Earth, so to speak, to decent enabling a change in this regard you know. The one thing for certain is that Thailand's current Prime Minister can NEVER be overshadowed by ANYONE else in this country, Yes, that she experience GREAT difficulty with her team of governmental leaders can NOT be argued away, yet we NEED to understand that she in fact has NOBODY else BETTER to use and THAT poses a major problem for Thailand.

Her party supporters voted her into power because they thought that they'd be legalised in their corruption and therefore could enrich themeselves at the cost of the nation. However as this now did NOT materialise as they thought it would they need to be unethically corrupt. There's corruption all over the entire world throughout ALL governments but some governments just hides their problems better than others.

So that there ARE governmental corruption problems here in Thailand is a given. But to lay ALL of it at the Madam Prime Minister's feet I feel is inappropriate. a Better moral leader you can NOT find here, believe me. Although she MOST definitely is NOT sanctified perfect, I know.

Looking at the bigger picture of current society in Thailand, I have to say that in my sixty years of existence on this piece of rock I have never, ever been aware of a more inept, contriving and blame-shifting group of corrupt individuals, collectively referring to themselves as a 'government', responding to various justifiable attacks from those opposing them in more childish, ill-considered and even threatening ways. I must also say that never before have I been aware of a country in greater need of help than Thailand as it slips ever closer towards the precipice under the reins of this current rabble.

This bunch of criminals, currently stripping the country of its assets, should never have been allowed to form a political party in the first place, and for their supporters to have voted them into power just beggars belief. Clearly, these 'politicians' have learned all they could from their beloved leader in exile, and perhaps the threat against him is part of the recognition of this, by many in this country, who have simply had enough.

What particular group of foreigners are they referring to? I am a foreigner, do they mean me? No, of course not, they don't actually mean anyone in particular. It's simply a smoke-screen to deflect attention away from the real problems in Thailand that are currently growing out of all proportion. Who knows, they're so good at blaming others for creating fake recordings/images, perhaps they themselves have created the current threat in order to thicken the smoke screen...!

There is daily evidence in this country of financial irregularities (read that as the theft of billions of Thai Baht), obvious lies in support of questionable government policies, lies in support of any wrongdoings by their friends, lies in support of a girl who has already admitted to having used drugs (based upon the link between the girl and the nephew of the ear medicine man) and continuing lies to their supporters that all is going to be well in the end.

Add to this a police force, the efficacy of which we might have believed could not possibly have sunk any lower, until we then find that they are deeply embedded in the pockets of the criminals (that includes various groups of people) running this country, such that issues including the luxury car scandal and the premeditated (and witnessed) murders committed by those in positions of power continue to be swept under the carpet.

We see Buddhist monks, either jet-setting around the world spending (or hoarding) large sums of their ill-gotten gains with impunity, or raping 14 year old girls back here in Thailand. We see grandmothers/aunties selling the sexual services of their unsuspecting wards. We also see disfigured people on the streets begging for help, whilst high above them on the main streets, there are huge hoardings of disgracefully rich, white-skinned Thais inviting us to try out their new Mercedes S550 (costing more than the average Thai person will earn in their whole lifetime), thereby testifying to the astronomic difference between the 'haves' and 'have nots' in this country.

On the streets of the major cities, we see rising numbers of cases of blatant daylight theft/robberies, often against tourists, and often involving deadly weapons which the perpetrators of these crimes do not hesitate to use. Recall the poor old Australian lady in Phuket who wouldn't let go of her purse, and was stabbed to death for her trouble, the real estate dealer who was bludgeoned with a huge piece of wood as a result of a real estate dispute, and then left to die in the road with his brains spilling out of his head, or indeed, the very recent case of an American hacked to death by a sword on the main street of Bangkok over a taxi fare!

If those running ruining this country were to stop for a minute and take stock of the situation, they might well realize that the threat against their leader was not a hoax at all, but a clear warning from a group of concerned citizens that all of this has to come to an end NOW!

What will be the next published item of b***s*** to come out of their ranks ... ? ... perhaps an item saying that despite intensive police work, they have been unable to locate the renegade monk thief...?! Of course, this has to be the outcome of that particular case, otherwise it would just be far too embarrassing for some very seniors figures in the current hierarchy of this country.

This country has gone way past what would have called for a "vote of no confidence" in the government in any civilized country around the world, and it may already be too late to do anything now to stop the rape and pillage of the country's wealth. What will prove to be a major concern for all of us, yes, that includes us foreigners living here, is how the country's people react to all of this when there is a final realization that there is nothing left in the pot. Anarchy? Revolution? Civil War?

All I have left to say on the subject is that the treatment that was meted out to Saddam Hussein may pale in significance to what they will want to do to their beloved Feuhrer, if he ever sets foot back on this soil, and if they finally realize the extent to which he has totally betrayed them.

Quote of the year.wai.gif

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GeorgeO, from you essay it can be very clearly deducted that you're most definitely NOT Thai. Hence I strongly suggest to absolute EVERYBODY who actually wasted their precious time reading this essay of yours to, like myself, completely IGNORE the entire fallacy written. And I'm NOT at all trying to attack OR insult you in any way whatsoever. It's just that you DON'T actually KNOW the REAL facts in this regard due to the fact that you are NOT a Thai national and thus your information given here lacks substance and so happens to be erroneous.

However, agreeably you DO state quite a few facts herein very accurately BUT these would take the NEW Heaven and Earth, so to speak, to decent enabling a change in this regard you know. The one thing for certain is that Thailand's current Prime Minister can NEVER be overshadowed by ANYONE else in this country, Yes, that she experience GREAT difficulty with her team of governmental leaders can NOT be argued away, yet we NEED to understand that she in fact has NOBODY else BETTER to use and THAT poses a major problem for Thailand.

Her party supporters voted her into power because they thought that they'd be legalised in their corruption and therefore could enrich themeselves at the cost of the nation. However as this now did NOT materialise as they thought it would they need to be unethically corrupt. There's corruption all over the entire world throughout ALL governments but some governments just hides their problems better than others.

So that there ARE governmental corruption problems here in Thailand is a given. But to lay ALL of it at the Madam Prime Minister's feet I feel is inappropriate. a Better moral leader you can NOT find here, believe me. Although she MOST definitely is NOT sanctified perfect, I know.

Looking at the bigger picture of current society in Thailand, I have to say that in my sixty years of existence on this piece of rock I have never, ever been aware of a more inept, contriving and blame-shifting group of corrupt individuals, collectively referring to themselves as a 'government', responding to various justifiable attacks from those opposing them in more childish, ill-considered and even threatening ways. I must also say that never before have I been aware of a country in greater need of help than Thailand as it slips ever closer towards the precipice under the reins of this current rabble.

This bunch of criminals, currently stripping the country of its assets, should never have been allowed to form a political party in the first place, and for their supporters to have voted them into power just beggars belief. Clearly, these 'politicians' have learned all they could from their beloved leader in exile, and perhaps the threat against him is part of the recognition of this, by many in this country, who have simply had enough.

What particular group of foreigners are they referring to? I am a foreigner, do they mean me? No, of course not, they don't actually mean anyone in particular. It's simply a smoke-screen to deflect attention away from the real problems in Thailand that are currently growing out of all proportion. Who knows, they're so good at blaming others for creating fake recordings/images, perhaps they themselves have created the current threat in order to thicken the smoke screen...!

There is daily evidence in this country of financial irregularities (read that as the theft of billions of Thai Baht), obvious lies in support of questionable government policies, lies in support of any wrongdoings by their friends, lies in support of a girl who has already admitted to having used drugs (based upon the link between the girl and the nephew of the ear medicine man) and continuing lies to their supporters that all is going to be well in the end.

Add to this a police force, the efficacy of which we might have believed could not possibly have sunk any lower, until we then find that they are deeply embedded in the pockets of the criminals (that includes various groups of people) running this country, such that issues including the luxury car scandal and the premeditated (and witnessed) murders committed by those in positions of power continue to be swept under the carpet.

We see Buddhist monks, either jet-setting around the world spending (or hoarding) large sums of their ill-gotten gains with impunity, or raping 14 year old girls back here in Thailand. We see grandmothers/aunties selling the sexual services of their unsuspecting wards. We also see disfigured people on the streets begging for help, whilst high above them on the main streets, there are huge hoardings of disgracefully rich, white-skinned Thais inviting us to try out their new Mercedes S550 (costing more than the average Thai person will earn in their whole lifetime), thereby testifying to the astronomic difference between the 'haves' and 'have nots' in this country.

On the streets of the major cities, we see rising numbers of cases of blatant daylight theft/robberies, often against tourists, and often involving deadly weapons which the perpetrators of these crimes do not hesitate to use. Recall the poor old Australian lady in Phuket who wouldn't let go of her purse, and was stabbed to death for her trouble, the real estate dealer who was bludgeoned with a huge piece of wood as a result of a real estate dispute, and then left to die in the road with his brains spilling out of his head, or indeed, the very recent case of an American hacked to death by a sword on the main street of Bangkok over a taxi fare!

If those running ruining this country were to stop for a minute and take stock of the situation, they might well realize that the threat against their leader was not a hoax at all, but a clear warning from a group of concerned citizens that all of this has to come to an end NOW!

What will be the next published item of b***s*** to come out of their ranks ... ? ... perhaps an item saying that despite intensive police work, they have been unable to locate the renegade monk thief...?! Of course, this has to be the outcome of that particular case, otherwise it would just be far too embarrassing for some very seniors figures in the current hierarchy of this country.

This country has gone way past what would have called for a "vote of no confidence" in the government in any civilized country around the world, and it may already be too late to do anything now to stop the rape and pillage of the country's wealth. What will prove to be a major concern for all of us, yes, that includes us foreigners living here, is how the country's people react to all of this when there is a final realization that there is nothing left in the pot. Anarchy? Revolution? Civil War?

All I have left to say on the subject is that the treatment that was meted out to Saddam Hussein may pale in significance to what they will want to do to their beloved Feuhrer, if he ever sets foot back on this soil, and if they finally realize the extent to which he has totally betrayed them.

Quote of the year.wai.gif

He does not know all the facts, but YOU DO?whistling.gif

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He is just as likely to have done it himself to garner sympathy.

It is non news, a threat against a convicted criminal on the run is not newsworthy.

Must be a very slow news day with nothing of significance to report.

Edited by Anon999
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He's ethnic Chinese born in Thailand.

Etnic Chinese he is not.

"Thaksin's great-grandfather, Seng Sae Khu, was an immigrant from Meizhou, Guangdong, China, who arrived in Siam in the 1860s and settled in Chiang Mai in 1908. His eldest son, Chiang Sae Khu, was born in Chanthaburi in 1890 and married a Thai woman named Saeng Somna. Chiang's eldest son, Sak, adopted the Thai surname Shinawatra ("routinely appropriate action") in 1938 because of the country's anti-Chinese movement, and the rest of the family also adopted it"


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Prosecute why??? Is Thaksin a government official? Or some kind of celebrity ?

No, he is a convicted criminal on the run, just an individual.

If he has a problem with people making the clip, he can file charges with police in the country of his residence

Clearly you're NOT a Thaksin fan. Point is he still IS a HUMAN being, no matter what you think of him, and as a human being he has the same right to protection than you have and than every other human being has. Not so? Oh yea, and by-the-way, Mr. Thaksin just so happens to be a GREAT person and the very BEST Prime Minister Thailand EVER had this far. The 'convicted criminal' fact you pointed out was merely conviction by allegations only, not ONE of these were proved beyond doubt to be actually factual accurate OR valid for all that matter.

The point is that Dr.Thaksin is a convicted criminal, convicted by a court, who chose to become a fugitive rather than appeal the conviction and also face further more serious criminal charges, Try researching the actual facts connected with his conviction rather than resort to emotive rhetoric which tries to dsimiss the conviction as an allegation,

Then, research his track record and see how is "successful' businesses prospered and how his great personal wealth has been accumulated. Finally, do you consider the holder of an illegal passport, who purchased another nationality, and still refuses to return to face outstanding criminal charges, is the best person to own and control the current government. Recent events have shown this to be the case.

Have you studied all the case transcripts and reviewed them against Thai Law to reach the conclusions that nothing has been proven beyond doubt, many 'honest mistakes"? In that case there would be no problem appealing against the conviction and defending against the outstanding charges, especially when a "very friendly" government, made up of family members, happens to be in power. Why do you think there is no appeal and attempt to defend against the outstanding charges - any ideas?

Regardless of the tapes origin, it's not pleasent for some idiots to issue death threats. However, the governments reaction, different stories each day, now talking of foreign conspiracies and prosecutions, speaks volumes. Perahps the best way to protect him is to finally request extradition so he can be placed into protective custody whilst awaiting court appearances for the outstanding serious charges? Simply whitewashing all his actions will undermine what is already a very dysfunctional justice system even furhter. Finally, why are threats made, whatever the authenticity, against a convicted fugitve criminal a matter for government and of national importance? I'm sure Dr.Thaksin, if he's worried, can complain to the UAE police and receive appropriate resonse.

I am afraid you have as much chance getting through to him as teaching a monkey how to speak.

Somethings are just not meant to bebiggrin.png

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before have I been aware of a country in greater need of help than Thailand as it slips ever closer towards the precipice under the reins of this current rabble

Thats because GeorgeO you didn't know nor care about thailand in the 90's, the 80's the 70's the 60's when it was just as close to the precipice as it is today. biggrin.png

Relax, take a few deep breaths, watch a video or something.

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Prosecute why??? Is Thaksin a government official? Or some kind of celebrity ?

No, he is a convicted criminal on the run, just an individual.

If he has a problem with people making the clip, he can file charges with police in the country of his residence

Exactly. Why are Thailand's resources being used to track down some clowns who issued a death threat against a (supposed) fugitive criminal?

Possibly because the death-threat (which is probably not real) is against the real prime minister of thailand - ie the person who makes the final decision on what happens. Thaksin thinks, Pheu Thai acts. Where would the government be without Thaksin to lead them?

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Possibly because the death-threat (which is probably not real) is against the real prime minister of thailand - ie the person who makes the final decision on what happens. Thaksin thinks, Pheu Thai acts. Where would the government be without Thaksin to lead them?

Under the theory that it would hard for them to be worse, and assuming they spend the time saved jumping to his orders productively for the country rather than additional corruption, I would give them a go.

It is just a shame that not enough Thai people seem to recognise the illegality and immorality of an elected government pandering to a corrupt convicted criminal.

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