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House Keeping Scam - Just a heads up

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Was speaking to an Australian couple yesterday afternoon. They are staying at the same guesthouse as I am. They had been up reasonably early (about 7am) the previous morning. A thai lady (in uniform ) introduced herself as housekeeping and entered their room (the door was open) whilst they continued to read on the porch.

They later discovered that AUS$1,500 had been taken together with a ring. They indicated they had stashed the money in the room.

It transpired the woman had approached the guesthouse looking for a job and had turned up early for her first day trial (prior to reception being open).

Grabbed the money and ring and did the off.

They, together with the guesthouse owner, reported the theft to the police who said this is the 6th similar complaint they had received and that the description of the woman matched previous complaints.

Did not ask if the owner had offered compensation - imagine that because they elected not to use the in room safe they may have to wear the loss.

Thought it may be worth posting to give TV folk who stay in guest houses on Samui, together with any that operate guest houses to be on the look out for this woman.

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Am not certain, but think it occurred on the morning of the 26th of July. Samui Coconut - no one can be 100% positive about anyone, but this couple are in their late 40's, early 50's and they seemed pretty genuine to me. The impression I got is that this would not break the bank or stop them continuing with their holiday - jus a bit of a bug.ger. As said by Tropicalevo I think the real downer for them (and in particular the woman) was the loss of the ring.

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