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A young man went to the doctors with an unusual problem.

He told the doctor that he had recently got married and before that he had never had sex.

Now he couldn’t get enough and although his wife enjoyed it she was getting worn down by his constant craving, he said he wanted sex six or eight times every night.

The doctor said it would pass in a short time and suggested that possibly he could take a mistress on a temporary basis till the craving subsided.

Oh I have said the young man, there is a young lady just down the road that I see on the way to work and on the way home, then the girls at work at lunch time and at morning and afternoon tea time. Then on weekends when I play golf there is a waitress at the club.

Good lord man said the doctor your going to have to get a grip on yourself.

I do. I do Doc said the man twice a night but even that doesn’t help.

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