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You seriously dated someone who left school at the age of 13.


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My problem is having people make assumptions about your posts due to paranoia,firing up a little then lashing out because they never quite understood your post,and after lashing out they wonder why you say something back. All I can say is read posts more carefully and we should be sweet.

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can i ask a question?

without starting a new thread,

why wouldnt someone want to date marry a lady who left school at 13?

i dont get it,, dosnt give her 2 heads or 1 eye,

i really dont get it


Education is not something that I often talk about with ladies. I can't imagine breaking off a relationship after I discovered she had gone to Teesside Poly, or didn't have a postgraduate degree.

I suppose there must be some amongst us, though, who struggle for things to justify their sense of superiority over their fellows, and if having a girlfriend with O-levels cuts the mustard for them, then let them have it.


I would and have break up a relation is someone is stupid (not related to education as I said before) But for me its important that the lady at least understands what I say and has enough brains to think and help out when needed.

I had a gf back in Holland who was convinced that a washing machine model A (example here) was of better quality if bought in the high price local shop then if the same machine was bought in a shop in the city for a lower price. So I am not talking that i need to discuss the origins of the universe here but there are limits to dumbness that I can live with. I have always found that I like girls that are on the same intelligence level as me or close too(no i don't hand out tests).

Others prefer a girl to be not to bright.. i don't I think its personal preference. I am not talking education here but intelligence. Of course its just one thing among many that i look for in a partner but in the long run I need someone that is not stupid.

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Others prefer a girl to be not to bright.. i don't I think its personal preference. I am not talking education here but intelligence. Of course its just one thing among many that i look for in a partner but in the long run I need someone that is not stupid.

I prefer attractive, cute, young over bright or educated.

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Most likely the OP tries to point out that he does not understand why an, reasonably or highly ,educated person looses his mind completely, in his opinion, when the said person ends up with an uneducated, basic school till age of 13, other in Thailand.

Because he's in love. Simple as that.
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Others prefer a girl to be not to bright.. i don't  I think its personal preference. I am not talking education here but intelligence. Of course its just one thing among many that i look for in a partner but in the long run I need someone that is not stupid.

I prefer attractive, cute, young over bright or educated.
Exactly. I doubt anyone loves someone for their education right?
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C'mon op, you masterminded this whole thread in full knowledge of the outcome, which is to start fights. Its obviously a troll thread isn't it. Honestly what do you care who loves who? That's right you don't, why would you. We noticed you mention your wife's crappy computer degree to put yourself above your op description. Its really piss weak. Shame on you.

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Others prefer a girl to be not to bright.. i don't I think its personal preference. I am not talking education here but intelligence. Of course its just one thing among many that i look for in a partner but in the long run I need someone that is not stupid.

I prefer attractive, cute, young over bright or educated.

Not me if i have to choose between one drop dead gorgeous but no brain and one still attractive but with a brain i choose the last one. Unless it was of course for a few nights of fun and nothing more.

Like i said long list of traits but intelligence is important for me in a relation.

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C'mon op, you masterminded this whole thread in full knowledge of the outcome, which is to start fights. Its obviously a troll thread isn't it. Honestly what do you care who loves who? That's right you don't, why would you. We noticed you mention your wife's crappy computer degree to put yourself above your op description. Its really piss weak. Shame on you.

For the umpteenth time I was quoting other posts on a Thai Visa thread, I was using them as an example, I then went on to criticize those statements myself.

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Original Post was very easily misunderstood even by me who has degrees and postgraduate degrees coming out of my a**.

Intelligence includes the ability to learn fast.

Let's hope we've got this debate sorted before PigeonJake gets off the night shift.

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C'mon op, you masterminded this whole thread in full knowledge of the outcome, which is to start fights. Its obviously a troll thread isn't it. Honestly what do you care who loves who? That's right you don't, why would you. We noticed you mention your wife's crappy computer degree to put yourself above your op description. Its really piss weak. Shame on you.


For the umpteenth time I was quoting other posts on a Thai Visa thread, I was using them as an example, I then went on to criticize those statements myself. 


Sorry, I left school at 13.
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Thai universities hand out degrees like candy.

So do many Western unis nowadays. Just take a look at the stats.

I'm willing to bet that the majority of western expats living in Thailand are not graduates anyway so why does somebody always feel the need to make statements like this?


Because it cost nothing to big themselves up?

"why does somebody always feel the need to make statements like this?"

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It does not matter how educated they are. People here are taught to not reason and to accept and not challenge anything.

If you argue with your wife / gf you will not win. She will then come back and tell you exactly what you told her months before but this time a Thai person told her or she read it in the ThaiRath therefore it now becomes" truth". This is something you have to learn to live with.

I never argue anything to do with Economics, Physics, Engineering, technical etc. I just smile internally and move on. They will use an example to support their side of a discussion or argument and then 10 minutes use the same example to to totally contradict themselves. Again learn to live with it.

Common sense and dealing with people she beats me hands down.

Edited by maprao
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