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Clip shows 3-year-old forced to drink toilet cleaner: Chonburi


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There's one constant factor in these stories: there's no teacher around.

In many schools the 9 to 10 year old children have to look after the toddlers during lunch time. This is just wrong. There should always be a teacher with the toddlers.

It's good to give some feeling of responsibility to the 9 to 10 years old children, but we should never forget they are still children and can do very stupid things, or don't always see the consequences of their actions.

If I would be the father:

- I would like to know why there was no teacher with the 3 years old children.

- I would also want that the home situation of the 10 years old would be checked and corrected.

- I would like to have the 10 years old removed from the school

- Further on I would like to get financial compensation, not for the money, but to be sure this would not happen again.

I would take the parents of the child and the school to court.

Edited by kriswillems
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While the school must take some of the blame, it is a parenting problem. I wonder if the 10-year-old has a BIB family member she learned this from. Her parents should be held responsible.

It seems that 3-year-olds are living dangerously in Thailand these days.

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There's one constant factor in these stories: there's no teacher around.

In many schools the 9 to 10 year old children have to look after the toddlers during lunch time. This is just wrong. There should always be a teacher with the toddlers.

It's good to give some feeling of responsibility to the 9 to 10 years old children, but we should never forget they are still children and can do very stupid things, or don't always see the consequences of their actions.

If I would be the father:

- I would like to know why there was no teacher with the 3 years old children.

- I would also want that the home situation of the 10 years old would be checked and corrected.

- I would like to have the 10 years old removed from the school

- Further on I would like to get financial compensation, not for the money, but to be sure this would not happen again.

I would take the parents of the child and the school to court.

Good luck implementing any of the good ideas you have.

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While the school must take some of the blame, it is a parenting problem. I wonder if the 10-year-old has a BIB family member she learned this from. Her parents should be held responsible.

It seems that 3-year-olds are living dangerously in Thailand these days.

so now you have turned this on its head and introduced the notion that the child's parents may be cops?

Are you for real?

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Children are asked for all kinds of donations during the school year. They have to carry money with them all the time. There are candy shops in the school where children have to pay with money (or coupons which can be changed for money). Sometimes even the food has to be paid for on the spot. One day I saw my 5 year old son returning with more money in the evening than he had in the morning. I went to talk to the teachers. Looks like he kept money from the days before in his desk and tries to use it for buying toys. I don't know if this is true.

In my opinion children of that age should not handle money and it's not necessary to have shops accessible by children in the school.

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Children are asked for all kinds of donations during the school year. They have to carry money with them all the time. There are candy shops in the school where children have to pay with money (or coupons which can be changed for money). Sometimes even the food has to be paid for on the spot. One day I saw my 5 year old son returning with more money in the evening than he had in the morning. I went to talk to the teachers. Looks like he kept money from the days before in his desk and tries to use it for buying toys. I don't know if this is true.

In my opinion children of that age should not handle money.

Education is purely business in Thailand.

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This place is going downhill so fast.

'This Place' is not Thailand bud, unfortunatley the whole world is.

There is unfortunatley going to be a, how should I put this? 'Balancing' coming down the line.

It won't be pretty.

History dictates the future.

That's the truth.

It appears the only thing we are learning from history is that we are learning nothing from history

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While the school must take some of the blame, it is a parenting problem. I wonder if the 10-year-old has a BIB family member she learned this from. Her parents should be held responsible.

It seems that 3-year-olds are living dangerously in Thailand these days.

so now you have turned this on its head and introduced the notion that the child's parents may be cops?

Are you for real?

I haven't turned anything on it's head. Extortion is the BIB's number one money maker and the child was doing the same. I asked a question.

Are YOU for making senseless responses?

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Children are asked for all kinds of donations during the school year. They have to carry money with them all the time. There are candy shops in the school where children have to pay with money (or coupons which can be changed for money). Sometimes even the food has to be paid for on the spot. One day I saw my 5 year old son returning with more money in the evening than he had in the morning. I went to talk to the teachers. Looks like he kept money from the days before in his desk and tries to use it for buying toys. I don't know if this is true.

In my opinion children of that age should not handle money and it's not necessary to have shops accessible by children in the school.

Maybe its just me, but what is a 3 year old being taught at school these days? Home economics? Who in their right mind would give a 3 year old money and expect judgment on what it is spent on?

Kris, this is not a dig at your post, but I am confused as to what is expected of a 3 year old child. The next thing I am expecting is the video of a 3 yo buying yaba. From a 10 yo.

Perhaps not as far fetched as it may sound

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This is disgusting, where does a 10 year old learn to extort money from her classmates? There needs to be a serious look into her home life. Her parents need to be held responsible for her actions, this is a little more than just extortion it is attempted murder. If the cleaner had not been home made the 3 year old girl could have been killed.

Very Simple = Thai Soap operas are full of this Shi'ite - throwing acid in girls' faces, young guys knife fighting, forcing kids to drink toilet cleaner?? Haven't heard of that one - Hmmmmm whats a three year old doing in School ?? Thought they had to be Five to go to public schools..........As a minimum all the kids involved should be sent to Prison..........now I wait for the outrage directed at that last sentence.coffee1.gif

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My three year old daughter will start school this year. Prior to her attendance, I will have a conversation with the head master, telling him if ANYTHING happens to my daughter, I will hold him personally responsible. And furthermore, I would most likely take news of injury to my daugher very very poorly....

Were you playing with your Buck Knife when you said this to him.............I would have been cleaning my fingernails with it..........did your daughter get accepted in the school?? thumbsup.gif

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My three year old daughter will start school this year. Prior to her attendance, I will have a conversation with the head master, telling him if ANYTHING happens to my daughter, I will hold him personally responsible. And furthermore, I would most likely take news of injury to my daugher very very poorly....

Were you playing with your Buck Knife when you said this to him.............I would have been cleaning my fingernails with it..........did your daughter get accepted in the school?? thumbsup.gif

Hahaha no I will be sending her to school in a few months. I am hoping the being 6 foot 7 inches tall and having a mean look will convey that I am serious.... :-)

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My three year old daughter will start school this year. Prior to her attendance, I will have a conversation with the head master, telling him if ANYTHING happens to my daughter, I will hold him personally responsible. And furthermore, I would most likely take news of injury to my daugher very very poorly....

Were you playing with your Buck Knife when you said this to him.............I would have been cleaning my fingernails with it..........did your daughter get accepted in the school?? thumbsup.gif

Hahaha no I will be sending her to school in a few months. I am hoping the being 6 foot 7 inches tall and having a mean look will convey that I am serious.... :-)

So you are an evil looking big bugger that expects anybody, including those in authority, to do what you say.....what happens if your daughter takes after you then causes problems at school???

Edited by plopmeister
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My three year old daughter will start school this year. Prior to her attendance, I will have a conversation with the head master, telling him if ANYTHING happens to my daughter, I will hold him personally responsible. And furthermore, I would most likely take news of injury to my daugher very very poorly....

Were you playing with your Buck Knife when you said this to him.............I would have been cleaning my fingernails with it..........did your daughter get accepted in the school?? thumbsup.gif

Hahaha no I will be sending her to school in a few months. I am hoping the being 6 foot 7 inches tall and having a mean look will convey that I am serious.... :-)

So you are an evil looking big bugger that expects anybody, including those in authority, to do what you say.....what happens if your daughter takes after you then causes problems at school???

Uhhhh ok guess there are all types on Thai Visa. Given the rash of bad news about Thai schools recently including two deaths, it would seem prudent to let the school know that if something bad happened to my daughter, the person would be held responsible. A wai, a sorry, and a mumbled " up to Buddha" will not cut it for me. I am also going to go way out on a limb here and also guess you do not have a child in a Thai school.....

Regarding your rash assumption of my being evil looking, you would be wrong. I simply said I would put on a mean look to make the point. In fact I have had many bar girls tell me I am a handsome man... :-)

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My three year old daughter will start school this year. Prior to her attendance, I will have a conversation with the head master, telling him if ANYTHING happens to my daughter, I will hold him personally responsible. And furthermore, I would most likely take news of injury to my daugher very very poorly....

TBH, telling/warning a Thai (in authority of something or someone you care about) is probably going to cause more, less obvious problems and issues for your daughter in the future when in their care.

He will probably scoff with the Thai teachers that you have demanded of them that nothing is to happen to her... Oh he thinks we will do something to her, okay then, he thinks like that so we do (not said out loud).

Thais don't really like farangs thinking they're special, or being told what to do and not do from farangs, in case you haven't noticed yet.

I would probably suck it up and be Thai, bring him a gift on the first day, big wai and happy social harmony, while checking out everything you can about how the students are treated, safety around the place, etc etc. Going in guns blazing off the bat will probably have negative repurcusions for your daughter.

Edited by Salapoo
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put the 10 year old girl and her parent down

psycho killer behaviour

Best case for the death penalty I've seen lately. xsad.png.pagespeed.ic.5zxzyGiJz0.png

Oh dear ...... can TVF sink any lower?

If there is to be any "putting down" to be done in Thailand, I would suggest it starts with loonies who make posts such as above. bah.gif

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Lord Of The Flies stuff.......

Once again it's not a Thai only issue, there are deranged children walking the planet all over the place.

That 10 year old will need to be assessed to see if she's actually psychotic, and in as much as we all would like to think that all kids are sweetness and light, some do show psychotic tendencies at a young age.

As for the three year old, hopefully young enough to forget, and naturally we all hope she makes a full recovery.

I applaud your intentions. What odds?

What about the rest of their gang. I am so tired of reading about things like this in Thailand.

Whilst I too am tired of reading about this type of action, it is just symptomatic of the global society we live in. I remember nigh on twenty years ago the James Bulger murder in the UK. Far worse and as i've stated symptomatic of a wider breakdown of society. Not a uniquely Thai or youth problem - adults do far worse to kids - as the life sentences for the parents of f Danial Pelka who starved, tortured, battered and ultimately murdered this 4 year old boy in the UK

Yes, bad stuff happens everywhere. The reaction of society, it's ability to try to solve these problems and change, and try to protect society at large are the difference.

What odds these kids end up back in school together next week? Kids who torture other kids desperately need help. What system is there to help these kids and protect society at large in Thailand?

Have you ever met a Thai psychiatrist? Me neither......

Plenty of Thai psychiatrists in Thailand - Manrom hospital is a dedicated psychiatric hospital and most large hospitals have a psychiatric dept.

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My three year old daughter will start school this year. Prior to her attendance, I will have a conversation with the head master, telling him if ANYTHING happens to my daughter, I will hold him personally responsible. And furthermore, I would most likely take news of injury to my daugher very very poorly....

Dear Mr Headmaster

Be afraid ....... be very afraid! cheesy.gif

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My three year old daughter will start school this year. Prior to her attendance, I will have a conversation with the head master, telling him if ANYTHING happens to my daughter, I will hold him personally responsible. And furthermore, I would most likely take news of injury to my daugher very very poorly....

Dear Mr Headmaster

Be afraid ....... be very afraid! cheesy.gif

Hahaha...... correct!

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My three year old daughter will start school this year. Prior to her attendance, I will have a conversation with the head master, telling him if ANYTHING happens to my daughter, I will hold him personally responsible. And furthermore, I would most likely take news of injury to my daugher very very poorly....

Dear Mr Headmaster

Be afraid ....... be very afraid! cheesy.gif

Hahaha...... correct!

I have an eleven year old daughter at school and I have lived here 20 years. She has the social skills enabling her to treat anybody of any size, colour, nationality or social status with equanimity. She does it with politeness without judgement.

I assumed nothing but took your words for what they were...Sorry if I missinterprited an opinionated 6 foot 7 male with a mean look to be "Evil looking".

If you were on the receiving end how would you describe it???

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Where I work, there is a fair amount of effort to keep the Nursery and KG students segregated from the older students. Although the school is building a dedicated KG building, the students are in the same building. The young students are watched at times. They are not allowed to go to the toilet without the teacher or an assistant going with them.

For people who are enrolling their child, it's a good idea to look at the number of staff and what are the procedures for supervision of the children.

Of course, it's a good idea to also check out the quality of education, but safety of your child is of utmost importance.

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I just don't understand that on a thread about bigger children bullying smaller children that a parent sets an example to his young daughter by using his size to bully or intimidate the Head Teacher.

Oh she won't know about it.

She'll just likely cop the sneaky, spiteful repercussions.

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I just don't understand that on a thread about bigger children bullying smaller children that a parent sets an example to his young daughter by using his size to bully or intimidate the Head Teacher.

Oh she won't know about it.

She'll just likely cop the sneaky, spiteful repercussions.

Oh Yes....Way to start your young life in a Thai school...

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In most schools kindergarten are separated from the older kids and some (maybe)are taught by foreng but supervised by Thai (teachers?) people. The teaching assistants are generally lazy and only think of themselves. That's why this stuff happens!

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Lord Of The Flies stuff.......

Once again it's not a Thai only issue, there are deranged children walking the planet all over the place.

That 10 year old will need to be assessed to see if she's actually psychotic, and in as much as we all would like to think that all kids are sweetness and light, some do show psychotic tendencies at a young age.

As for the three year old, hopefully young enough to forget, and naturally we all hope she makes a full recovery.

I don't know much about Thai law but at age 10 what can be done ?

She needs to be sorted out somehow because a protection racket at 10, what does she move into next?

As a side issue it seems to me there's a lot of dodging responsibility. Many years ago a very experienced primary school teacher in a rural area told me she was appalled at a PTA type of meeting she had attended where the school blamed the parents for problems and vice versa.

Too many parents expect the schools to raise their children for them. It is a parents job to teach their children moral values and a schools job to educate them.

Moral Values....Haha......This is Thailand... the two words do not fit well together.. Ask the monks and the politicians..

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My three year old daughter will start school this year. Prior to her attendance, I will have a conversation with the head master, telling him if ANYTHING happens to my daughter, I will hold him personally responsible. And furthermore, I would most likely take news of injury to my daugher very very poorly....

TBH, telling/warning a Thai (in authority of something or someone you care about) is probably going to cause more, less obvious problems and issues for your daughter in the future when in their care.

He will probably scoff with the Thai teachers that you have demanded of them that nothing is to happen to her... Oh he thinks we will do something to her, okay then, he thinks like that so we do (not said out loud).

Thais don't really like farangs thinking they're special, or being told what to do and not do from farangs, in case you haven't noticed yet.

I would probably suck it up and be Thai, bring him a gift on the first day, big wai and happy social harmony, while checking out everything you can about how the students are treated, safety around the place, etc etc. Going in guns blazing off the bat will probably have negative repurcusions for your daughter.

I am not special, but my daughter is certainly special to me. After 14 years here of seeing this odd sort of nonchalant Thai attitude towards death and injury ( love the classic up to Buddha), I certainly feel it is my job to do everything possible to protect her from that.

First move of course would be to pick out a good school, and the second would be to make it known that if my daughter came home with a broken arm because the teacher was not watching, I certainly would not be thinking no problem, Buddha wanted my daughter to have a broken arm.

And as one poster indicated, if an event like this one is any indicator of what occurs at these schools, the big kids should certainly be kept away from the small defenceless kids. To the poster who advocated the death penalty for the 10 year old girl, please get some mental help.....

A friend of mine back in the states was waiting in line at McDonalds with her rambunctious young son. She was not a strong mother, and seldom disciplined the child. In the line he was acting out and sort of hitting the man in line behind her. He politely asked her to control her son, but she did not. The man in line then took a rolled up newspaper and smacked the mother on the arm. I always thought that was the perfect response, as the poor behaviour of the child was really the fault of the mother....

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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