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Clip shows 3-year-old forced to drink toilet cleaner: Chonburi


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This is disgusting, where does a 10 year old learn to extort money from her classmates? There needs to be a serious look into her home life. Her parents need to be held responsible for her actions, this is a little more than just extortion it is attempted murder. If the cleaner had not been home made the 3 year old girl could have been killed.

Regardless of where she learned it from, where is the discipline nowadays? If I found my child doing that, I'd spank her little ass until the cows came home. She wouldn't have a toy worth a dam_n, no social life, no friends, and it would be straight to school and back home. People are scared to discipline their children. This is a serious matter, and she would not only hear about it, but her butt would feel it, too. She could kill somebody doing stuff like that. If I did that growing up, I would have to go cut a switch (small branch off of a tree), and my parent or parents would have tore my hide up. That or a simple belt would suffice. I would have had to sit there and listen to both my parents go on and on about why what I did was wrong and bad, and more than likely I would never do whatever it was again.

In today's overly politically correct world, if the child complained, the parents would be thrown in jail for "abuse". The kid would get taken away and put with a family that views that child as a paycheck. Parenting would go out the window, allowing the child to get into whatever he or she wanted. With today's society, kids think the dumbest stuff is "cool", and start doing pretty horrific things at a younger age that today's homes with dual working parents let go unnoticed. The kid ends up messing up their schooling and possibly going to jail for Lord knows what.

All in all, the child would have had way brighter of a future if the huge government would stay out of our lives and let us raise our children the way we know best, which has worked since the dawn of time. True abuse, yeah, intervene. But most cases, it's just a whiny brat that doesn't want to listen, and needs to be shown who is the authority and why that is.

So you would use child abuse to remedy child abuse.This just continues the cycle.In most countries you can't hit your dog,why should you want to beat your own child.You are a weak bully,with no other skills to educate your child.Violence is not the answer,especially on your own.

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My three year old daughter will start school this year. Prior to her attendance, I will have a conversation with the head master, telling him if ANYTHING happens to my daughter, I will hold him personally responsible. And furthermore, I would most likely take news of injury to my daugher very very poorly....

Were you playing with your Buck Knife when you said this to him.............I would have been cleaning my fingernails with it..........did your daughter get accepted in the school?? thumbsup.gif
Hahaha no I will be sending her to school in a few months. I am hoping the being 6 foot 7 inches tall and having a mean look will convey that I am serious.... :-)

So you think you are going to intimadate the headmaster.Bullying tatics at first contact.If your child is anything like you she will be playing the role of the abuser not the victim.

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Some children are just plain nasty no matter what their parents are like, just as many adults are.

I'm pretty sure no children are born "plain nasty" unless they have a chromosomal disorder or a genetic mutation. Newborns are a clean slate of purity this corrupted world lines up to write on; every human is a product of their environment. Nurture corrupts nature; nature had it all sussed out. Introduced non-biological need produces some messy writing across the pure minds of children. That need for dependants also prevents any humane corrections in the majority of instances.

Attitudes towards fragile X mutation carrier testing from women identified in a general population survey.

The most salient finding of this work is the apparent lack of relevance of carrier status to these women. Many expressed that although the information could be relevant in the future, it is not relevant at this stage of their lives in terms of family planning (either with respect to having unaffected offspring or to premature ovarian failure) and personal relationships. Although issues of abortion seemed prominent in the focus groups, we found that carrier status did not have an apparent effect on women's attitudes about termination.

Need makes people do desperate things.

If people can be born with positive traits, then surely having negative ones from an early age isn't too far from the realms of possibility.

You must have known kids who had a good upbringing but were just nasty bastards.

As much as it is an attractive thing to believe, I cannot believe that kids are born with "bad" characters. Distinguising right and wrong, and understand morality and the limits of behaviour has nothing to do with genetics.

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My three year old daughter will start school this year. Prior to her attendance, I will have a conversation with the head master, telling him if ANYTHING happens to my daughter, I will hold him personally responsible. And furthermore, I would most likely take news of injury to my daugher very very poorly....

Were you playing with your Buck Knife when you said this to him.............I would have been cleaning my fingernails with it..........did your daughter get accepted in the school?? thumbsup.gif
Hahaha no I will be sending her to school in a few months. I am hoping the being 6 foot 7 inches tall and having a mean look will convey that I am serious.... :-)

So you think you are going to intimadate the headmaster.Bullying tatics at first contact.If your child is anything like you she will be playing the role of the abuser not the victim.

The deductive powers of some TV posters never fails to delight

and entertain me. To be able to connect myself telling the headmaster to be careful of and take good care of my daughter, to her somehow becoming an abuser in the future, is a truly astonishing demonstration of logic. I commend you sir !!!!!!

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My three year old daughter will start school this year. Prior to her attendance, I will have a conversation with the head master, telling him if ANYTHING happens to my daughter, I will hold him personally responsible. And furthermore, I would most likely take news of injury to my daugher very very poorly....

Were you playing with your Buck Knife when you said this to him.............I would have been cleaning my fingernails with it..........did your daughter get accepted in the school?? thumbsup.gif
Hahaha no I will be sending her to school in a few months. I am hoping the being 6 foot 7 inches tall and having a mean look will convey that I am serious.... :-)

So you think you are going to intimadate the headmaster.Bullying tatics at first contact.If your child is anything like you she will be playing the role of the abuser not the victim.

The deductive powers of some TV posters never fails to delight

and entertain me. To be able to connect myself telling the headmaster to be careful of and take good care of my daughter, to her somehow becoming an abuser in the future, is a truly astonishing demonstration of logic. I commend you sir !!!!!!

----------------- end quote

With all due respect, I suspect it was not you telling the headmaster to please "be careful and take good care" that made Mr. Louse deduce that.

Instead I suspect it was you indicating that a very big man, with a mean look, would tell the headmaster that you would hold him personally responsible for "ANYTHING" (are you going to shout when you say this too?) that happens with your daughter. You will then take news of injury to your daughter "very, very" poorly.

Although I do not have a Ph.D in deductive logic, I did have some exposure to it while studying. I suspect Mr. Louse would pass the course too.

edit: silly tv quote limit.

Edited by Awk
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