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I see that another American was murdered in Thailand yesterday and the murderer is out already.... <deleted> !

As it seems that a foreigner is getting murdered just about every other day in Thailand I was wondering what the number of Thais getting murdered in other countries was. After searching the internet I have not found one case other than 9/11 or other major events. Any info ???

Is Thailand the foreigner killing field ?

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The latest figures I find for Australia are for 1994 - 2003, a total of twenty murders of tourists in the ten years - none of them Thai.

Highest was UK visitors (I suspect that may be due to the hostel fire in Queensland (arson/murder)). The Ivan Milat backpacker serial murders preceded this period.


Any idea on the number of Australians murdered in Thailand during the same period ?


Yes, foreigners are dropping like flies in the LOS. There's a bulls-eye painted on the forehead of every farang. Thais are concocting a masterful ethnic cleansing program. No one is safe. All foreigners are encouraged to leave Thailand immediately!

But seriously, what are you talking about OP? Actual murders or deaths related to food poisoning, motorcycles, random accidents, drunken brawls, heart attacks....what? Are you including murders in the south, illegal immigrants, border conflicts, etc.? Because I feel as safe now in Thailand as I did when I arrived 10+ years ago. Safer than I would in any large city in the USA.

I'm pretty sure more Thais are being murdered in Thailand than foreigners. Would you care about the victims if they were Thai? And who cares whether Thais are being murdered in other countries? Would you be happier if they were?


Are there any recent figures of foreigners leaving Thailand horizontally ? Links, anyone ?

This is some outdated list, probably from 2009:


In 2010 50 foreigners in Pukeket only..

Following release of the statistics, newspapers in Australia described Thailand as by far the ''deadliest destination'' for citizens from Down Under. But why? No-one is saying.

In the year to June 30 2009, a total of 105 Australians died in Thailand, according to the DFAT figures. This compares with 50 in the US and 58 in Indonesia, both countries with larger numbers of Aussie visitors.

Overall Crime and Safety Situation


Australia, only thing I can think is the Thai school girl that went missing. Don't know the outcome of that. There wouldn't be many Thais on holidays here besides those on the 3,6,9 month types:lol:

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Yes, foreigners are dropping like flies in the LOS. There's a bulls-eye painted on the forehead of every farang. Thais are concocting a masterful ethnic cleansing program. No one is safe. All foreigners are encouraged to leave Thailand immediately!

But seriously, what are you talking about OP? Actual murders or deaths related to food poisoning, motorcycles, random accidents, drunken brawls, heart attacks....what? Are you including murders in the south, illegal immigrants, border conflicts, etc.? Because I feel as safe now in Thailand as I did when I arrived 10+ years ago. Safer than I would in any large city in the USA.

I'm pretty sure more Thais are being murdered in Thailand than foreigners. Would you care about the victims if they were Thai? And who cares whether Thais are being murdered in other countries? Would you be happier if they were?

I am talking about how many Thais are murdered on foreign soil ??? Murdered as in killed by someone for what ever reason other than act of war...not died in car accident or plane. Same as stabbed or shot ?

And to answer your question " And who cares whether Thais are being murdered in other countries?"... a Thai should care !!! Same as I care if foreigners are being murdered in Thailand.... I am a foreigner!

I am sure that the American felt safe too prior to his demise.... The big problem with Thailand is that we all feel safe walking through the grass until the snake bites...then it is too late . Everyone for some reason drops their guard in Thailand for some reason.


There was nearly another Aussie killed in Bangkok last Thursday evening......full story to follow when well enough.


  • Like 2

I'm pretty sure more Thais are being murdered in Thailand than foreigners.

Really, do you think it is so??

Could it be because there are 66 million of them, who generally are all here 365 days a year? As compared to a much smaller number of tourists, who are here for 14 days a year, or so.

Are you just being cranky Berkshire??

  • Like 2

The latest figures I find for Australia are for 1994 - 2003, a total of twenty murders of tourists in the ten years - none of them Thai.

Highest was UK visitors (I suspect that may be due to the hostel fire in Queensland (arson/murder)). The Ivan Milat backpacker serial murders preceded this period.


Any idea on the number of Australians murdered in Thailand during the same period ?

According to a source I'm not sure I can link here, there have been an average of around 111 Aussie deaths in LoS per year over the past few years. I don't know what percentage were murders.

Yes, foreigners are dropping like flies in the LOS. There's a bulls-eye painted on the forehead of every farang. Thais are concocting a masterful ethnic cleansing program. No one is safe. All foreigners are encouraged to leave Thailand immediately!

But seriously, what are you talking about OP? Actual murders or deaths related to food poisoning, motorcycles, random accidents, drunken brawls, heart attacks....what? Are you including murders in the south, illegal immigrants, border conflicts, etc.? Because I feel as safe now in Thailand as I did when I arrived 10+ years ago. Safer than I would in any large city in the USA.

I'm pretty sure more Thais are being murdered in Thailand than foreigners. Would you care about the victims if they were Thai? And who cares whether Thais are being murdered in other countries? Would you be happier if they were?

I am talking about how many Thais are murdered on foreign soil ??? Murdered as in killed by someone for what ever reason other than act of war...not died in car accident or plane. Same as stabbed or shot ?

And to answer your question " And who cares whether Thais are being murdered in other countries?"... a Thai should care !!! Same as I care if foreigners are being murdered in Thailand.... I am a foreigner!

I am sure that the American felt safe too prior to his demise.... The big problem with Thailand is that we all feel safe walking through the grass until the snake bites...then it is too late . Everyone for some reason drops their guard in Thailand for some reason.

I have heard, for example, of Thais being the victim of human trafficking, sometimes leading to murder. I'm sure there have been deaths through random crimes as well or terrorist plots (like the Chinese girl who died in the Boston bombing). I'm sure a family member or friends of a Thai would be absolutely devastated if someone they knew were murdered. I would think a murder of a Thai abroad would make the Thai news. But maybe Thais who travel overseas are better-off and less prone to hang out in seedy bars and become drunk and belligerent? Who knows.

Someone dying is a tragedy--I really don't keep track of the nationality and certainly wouldn't feel more horrified if, say, in Thailand the victim was an American as opposed to a Thai (I'm American, by the way). So you care more if a foreigner is murdered in Thailand than a Thai. Do you care more if they're westerner, as opposed to a Burmese, or Indian, or Cambodian, or Chinese? Would you care more if they're your nationality? Just trying to figure out what you care about.


Is Thailand the foreigner killing field ?

I do not know if Thailand is the foreigner killing field but I am sure Thai Visa is the foreigner delirium field coffee1.gif

  • Like 1

Yes, foreigners are dropping like flies in the LOS. There's a bulls-eye painted on the forehead of every farang. Thais are concocting a masterful ethnic cleansing program. No one is safe. All foreigners are encouraged to leave Thailand immediately!

But seriously, what are you talking about OP? Actual murders or deaths related to food poisoning, motorcycles, random accidents, drunken brawls, heart attacks....what? Are you including murders in the south, illegal immigrants, border conflicts, etc.? Because I feel as safe now in Thailand as I did when I arrived 10+ years ago. Safer than I would in any large city in the USA.

I'm pretty sure more Thais are being murdered in Thailand than foreigners. Would you care about the victims if they were Thai? And who cares whether Thais are being murdered in other countries? Would you be happier if they were?

I am talking about how many Thais are murdered on foreign soil ??? Murdered as in killed by someone for what ever reason other than act of war...not died in car accident or plane. Same as stabbed or shot ?

And to answer your question " And who cares whether Thais are being murdered in other countries?"... a Thai should care !!! Same as I care if foreigners are being murdered in Thailand.... I am a foreigner!

I am sure that the American felt safe too prior to his demise.... The big problem with Thailand is that we all feel safe walking through the grass until the snake bites...then it is too late . Everyone for some reason drops their guard in Thailand for some reason.

I have heard, for example, of Thais being the victim of human trafficking, sometimes leading to murder. I'm sure there have been deaths through random crimes as well or terrorist plots (like the Chinese girl who died in the Boston bombing). I'm sure a family member or friends of a Thai would be absolutely devastated if someone they knew were murdered. I would think a murder of a Thai abroad would make the Thai news. But maybe Thais who travel overseas are better-off and less prone to hang out in seedy bars and become drunk and belligerent? Who knows.

Someone dying is a tragedy--I really don't keep track of the nationality and certainly wouldn't feel more horrified if, say, in Thailand the victim was an American as opposed to a Thai (I'm American, by the way). So you care more if a foreigner is murdered in Thailand than a Thai. Do you care more if they're westerner, as opposed to a Burmese, or Indian, or Cambodian, or Chinese? Would you care more if they're your nationality? Just trying to figure out what you care about.

I care about anyone getting murdered but it concerns me when I see too many stories about the lack of respect for human life here in Thailand. Thais killing Thais, Thais killing foreigners, Foreigners killing Thais and foreigners killing foreigners, its all a concern. It just seems that this place that I have called home for 18 years is out of control with murders in general. When I first came here you would hear of a foreigner getting murdered maybe a few times a year. Now it is out of control. I find it hard to believe that us foreigners just sit back and say " it was not me" and tomorrow is another day. Would Thais be ok if Thai ladies were getting raped and Thais getting murdered in say Miami and little happening to the person at fault.... I think they would be protesting at the American Embassy. But I think most countries respect tourists and the law would be very hard on anyone committing a crime on a tourist in lets say America.

I am just trying to make sense of this hole matter...


Maybe it has something to do with the company farang in Thailand keep and their behavior in Thailand? If you lie down with dogs, you might get fleas.

I am sure there is some truth to that but I think the lady who was stabbed to death a few months ago while walking down the street with her friend would question that statement.

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Maybe it has something to do with the company farang in Thailand keep and their behavior in Thailand? If you lie down with dogs, you might get fleas.

I am sure there is some truth to that but I think the lady who was stabbed to death a few months ago while walking down the street with her friend would question that statement.

I would bet she felt safe too..... Land of Smiles....what could go wrong..... WRONG !


Are there many Thais travelling or working in the West?

I think you'll find people are regularly being murdered in western countries, but it's not rocket science to work out why comparatively few of them are Thai!


We Westerners drop our guards in Thailand and fail to take their fragile egos/FACE seriously because we are led to believe that it is safe to do so.

Let's be honest, not many of us would react very aggressively and drop our guard if confronted by a your typical American inner city Black or Hispanic or South European African Immigrant gangsters or even wannabees. Why is that? That is because we know it's not worth it and many of them lack a certain impulse control -- or at least we have come to believe this generally. So, we don't take it on. We avoid them because we understand that their egos are not to be trampled on.

The Thais are a bit less physically imposing, but they are no less rough or willing to throw life away at the slightest perceived loss of FACE.

I have advised my friends and family over the years and even my recent expats on assignment here that you should avoid getting close to Thais at all costs. Our cultures simply do not mix well with theirs and you will never understand how fragile and quick to violence they are until it's just too late.

I can't tell you how many invites I turn down to Thai events -- especially those involving alcohol.


We Westerners drop our guards in Thailand and fail to take their fragile egos/FACE seriously because we are led to believe that it is safe to do so.

Let's be honest, not many of us would react very aggressively and drop our guard if confronted by a your typical American inner city Black or Hispanic or South European African Immigrant gangsters or even wannabees. Why is that? That is because we know it's not worth it and many of them lack a certain impulse control -- or at least we have come to believe this generally. So, we don't take it on. We avoid them because we understand that their egos are not to be trampled on.

The Thais are a bit less physically imposing, but they are no less rough or willing to throw life away at the slightest perceived loss of FACE.

I have advised my friends and family over the years and even my recent expats on assignment here that you should avoid getting close to Thais at all costs. Our cultures simply do not mix well with theirs and you will never understand how fragile and quick to violence they are until it's just too late.

I can't tell you how many invites I turn down to Thai events -- especially those involving alcohol.

I do tend to agree BUT if I am invited anywhere I go. If stuff gets out of hand I leave or deal with it, same as in any country because ''any'' country now is a mix of all cultures and folk. smile.png


Yes, foreigners are dropping like flies in the LOS. There's a bulls-eye painted on the forehead of every farang. Thais are concocting a masterful ethnic cleansing program. No one is safe. All foreigners are encouraged to leave Thailand immediately!

But seriously, what are you talking about OP? Actual murders or deaths related to food poisoning, motorcycles, random accidents, drunken brawls, heart attacks....what? Are you including murders in the south, illegal immigrants, border conflicts, etc.? Because I feel as safe now in Thailand as I did when I arrived 10+ years ago. Safer than I would in any large city in the USA.

I'm pretty sure more Thais are being murdered in Thailand than foreigners. Would you care about the victims if they were Thai? And who cares whether Thais are being murdered in other countries? Would you be happier if they were?

I am talking about how many Thais are murdered on foreign soil ??? Murdered as in killed by someone for what ever reason other than act of war...not died in car accident or plane. Same as stabbed or shot ?

And to answer your question " And who cares whether Thais are being murdered in other countries?"... a Thai should care !!! Same as I care if foreigners are being murdered in Thailand.... I am a foreigner!

I am sure that the American felt safe too prior to his demise.... The big problem with Thailand is that we all feel safe walking through the grass until the snake bites...then it is too late . Everyone for some reason drops their guard in Thailand for some reason.

I have heard, for example, of Thais being the victim of human trafficking, sometimes leading to murder. I'm sure there have been deaths through random crimes as well or terrorist plots (like the Chinese girl who died in the Boston bombing). I'm sure a family member or friends of a Thai would be absolutely devastated if someone they knew were murdered. I would think a murder of a Thai abroad would make the Thai news. But maybe Thais who travel overseas are better-off and less prone to hang out in seedy bars and become drunk and belligerent? Who knows.

Someone dying is a tragedy--I really don't keep track of the nationality and certainly wouldn't feel more horrified if, say, in Thailand the victim was an American as opposed to a Thai (I'm American, by the way). So you care more if a foreigner is murdered in Thailand than a Thai. Do you care more if they're westerner, as opposed to a Burmese, or Indian, or Cambodian, or Chinese? Would you care more if they're your nationality? Just trying to figure out what you care about.

I care about anyone getting murdered but it concerns me when I see too many stories about the lack of respect for human life here in Thailand. Thais killing Thais, Thais killing foreigners, Foreigners killing Thais and foreigners killing foreigners, its all a concern. It just seems that this place that I have called home for 18 years is out of control with murders in general. When I first came here you would hear of a foreigner getting murdered maybe a few times a year. Now it is out of control. I find it hard to believe that us foreigners just sit back and say " it was not me" and tomorrow is another day. Would Thais be ok if Thai ladies were getting raped and Thais getting murdered in say Miami and little happening to the person at fault.... I think they would be protesting at the American Embassy. But I think most countries respect tourists and the law would be very hard on anyone committing a crime on a tourist in lets say America.

I am just trying to make sense of this hole matter...

Seriously, don´t engage in a debate about this with Berkshire. He's beyond reasoning... coffee1.gif

I care about anyone getting murdered but it concerns me when I see too many stories about the lack of respect for human life here in Thailand. Thais killing Thais, Thais killing foreigners, Foreigners killing Thais and foreigners killing foreigners, its all a concern. It just seems that this place that I have called home for 18 years is out of control with murders in general. When I first came here you would hear of a foreigner getting murdered maybe a few times a year. Now it is out of control. I find it hard to believe that us foreigners just sit back and say " it was not me" and tomorrow is another day. Would Thais be ok if Thai ladies were getting raped and Thais getting murdered in say Miami and little happening to the person at fault.... I think they would be protesting at the American Embassy. But I think most countries respect tourists and the law would be very hard on anyone committing a crime on a tourist in lets say America.

I am just trying to make sense of this hole matter...

Seriously, don´t engage in a debate about this with Berkshire. He's beyond reasoning... coffee1.gif

Oh I can be reasoned with. I just can't help that I'm right all the time....smile.png

As for ttthailand, cheer up. It's really not as bad as you paint it to be.


there will be a lot of deaths of foreigners,

most of them are on there last legs when they come,

you will allways get murders in any country, and more so if you walk around with gold round your neck and wrists in a poor country you are an easy target,

you wouldnt walk round showing gold off in the bronks and in a lot of the big citys rough areas in the uk,

so why do some do it here?

im not trying to make an excuse for being bloody murderd, not at all,, but i dont even own gold here, never mind walk round with it all on show, and propebly been to the bars too and had a drink,

you cant do that here,

just my thoughts jake

I care about anyone getting murdered but it concerns me when I see too many stories about the lack of respect for human life here in Thailand. Thais killing Thais, Thais killing foreigners, Foreigners killing Thais and foreigners killing foreigners, its all a concern. It just seems that this place that I have called home for 18 years is out of control with murders in general. When I first came here you would hear of a foreigner getting murdered maybe a few times a year. Now it is out of control. I find it hard to believe that us foreigners just sit back and say " it was not me" and tomorrow is another day. Would Thais be ok if Thai ladies were getting raped and Thais getting murdered in say Miami and little happening to the person at fault.... I think they would be protesting at the American Embassy. But I think most countries respect tourists and the law would be very hard on anyone committing a crime on a tourist in lets say America.

I am just trying to make sense of this hole matter...

Seriously, don´t engage in a debate about this with Berkshire. He's beyond reasoning... coffee1.gif

Oh I can be reasoned with. I just can't help that I'm right all the time....smile.png

Mhmm... coffee1.gif


The news story about the American man being murdered is posted in

Krabi Forum

Are Thais being murdered in other countries same as foreigners being Slaughtered here ?

It is difficult for Thais to travel....perhaps this is another reason why.

Most foreigners choose to spend time in a "copy" developed and suffisiticated country.

Most Thais spend time abroad in real devloped and suffisticated countries.


This should get many of you frothing at the mouth keyboard:


If you're shocked, outraged or disgusted, please do something about it....leave...for good

We do have the same in our own native countries. Me, not shocked at all. Don't really see your point.

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