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Good Frozen Ravioli? Where?


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Love to cook my own Ravioli & Tortellini with various sauces. Where can I buy some good ones? Tried the couple of Italian shops that sell some and was not very impressed. Pretty tasteless and mediocre fillings. Thanks a lot for your advice and expertise. MS>

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Big C Ex on Klang carries several brands of imported ravs and torts, including their Casino house brand. I have tried several and they were okay for what they are. The casino brands is cheap too at about B 160 a pack (easily enough for two servings).

WOWWW This is news to me and good news. You mean frozen or the canned style?

I was confused by the OP here. You say you like to COOK your own so why are you looking for frozen?

PS: I'm Canadian so may be a little more confused. When you say "Ravioli" do you mean the pre-made style already stuffed with the innards like the canned type we got back home or is it just the type of noodle you are looking for to make your own?

Edited by Gone
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Neither frozen or canned - they are "chilled" in controlled atmosphere (I think). Like OMG writes, they're good for what they are. Makro used to stock frozen ravioli, made by a local Italian company. It was excellent but unfortunately they haven't stocked it for months. They still have cannelloni from the same company, also worth a try, but not really my favorite.

You can "cook" at different levels as I'm sure you know. Do you serve the ravioli "raw" out of the package or do you make a good cream/garlic sauce to go with it? I do wink.png

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Big C Ex on Klang carries several brands of imported ravs and torts, including their Casino house brand. I have tried several and they were okay for what they are. The casino brands is cheap too at about B 160 a pack (easily enough for two servings).

WOWWW This is news to me and good news. You mean frozen or the canned style?

I was confused by the OP here. You say you like to COOK your own so why are you looking for frozen?

PS: I'm Canadian so may be a little more confused. When you say "Ravioli" do you mean the pre-made style already stuffed with the innards like the canned type we got back home or is it just the type of noodle you are looking for to make your own?

Hi, yeah looking for a good basic ravioli, which I can then prepare with my own pesto, napoli or cream-sauce. THX. MS>

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Friendship in the freezers above the meat, cant comment on quality as never tried, they do also sell some chilled pastas in the fridge around by where the veggies are.

Edited by RabC
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Ok sorry again being a little confused but you guys mean this type of Ravioli in the picture pre-made and just add some sauce? if yes then I would also like to buy some so seems maybe Friendship if it's like the picture? Is it Beef Ravioli?


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Ok sorry again being a little confused but you guys mean this type of Ravioli in the picture pre-made and just add some sauce? if yes then I would also like to buy some so seems maybe Friendship if it's like the picture? Is it Beef Ravioli?

Yes, than you can create your own types of sauce. AroyItaly has various types, but not the best I ever had and quite pricey. Friendship i have not found any in the freezer, these seem to be chinese type spring roll variations etc. A friend will check with Makro next.... So we are still searching.....THX. MS.>

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At Foodland in the cheese aisle you will find some vacuum packed pastas -

But NOT Ravioli.

I would love to find some beef ones so please if anyone does find the elusive Ravioli please let us know lol.

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