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German Legs It, Dumping Brand New Car After Failing To Stop At Checkpoint.

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...a question for Admin......how comes such a crappy PCN story manages to become a email alert story? If this is the sign of the times then Thaivisa is on a downhill slide......

351 User(s) are reading this topic (266 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)

duh..., what do you expect when it hits your email!

Doesnt explain the 266 guests? :o

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...a question for Admin......how comes such a crappy PCN story manages to become a email alert story? If this is the sign of the times then Thaivisa is on a downhill slide......

You`ve not fallen out with Howard have you Harry? :o

...well its been a year already :D


...a question for Admin......how comes such a crappy PCN story manages to become a email alert story? If this is the sign of the times then Thaivisa is on a downhill slide......

351 User(s) are reading this topic (266 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)

duh..., what do you expect when it hits your email!

Doesnt explain the 266 guests? :D

...someone smarter than me can explain that one :o

.....why do these people keep quoting PCN, such crap!

It's just the TV way......

They quote PCN and other unreliable sources to provide a vehicle for the usual TV posters to comment, to be followed by others commenting on their comments. Providing substantiated news reports is hardly relevant or even important.

Always the same posters, those with the 4 figure post count providing the same one line commentary every time. Very stimulating indeed.


I am glad they post stories like this--I am headed down that way tomorrow morning and I'll be sure and bring my passport (I usually forget--but have a Thai Driver's license). This sounds like a good time to be prepared for the worst.

Otherwise, I almost never get stopped at checkpoints--just waived through.


.....why do these people keep quoting PCN, such crap!

It's just the TV way......

They quote PCN and other unreliable sources to provide a vehicle for the usual TV posters to comment, to be followed by others commenting on their comments. Providing substantiated news reports is hardly relevant or even important.

Looks like you`re one of em :o


What I'm still waiting to hear is why did the silly girl wait in the car, and not do a runner? With "dolly mixtures" in her pocket she waits for the BIB to arrive :o

What I'm still waiting to hear is why did the silly girl wait in the car, and not do a runner? With "dolly mixtures" in her pocket she waits for the BIB to arrive :o

Obvious as others already stated - she'll blame it on the german. (bigger fish to fry = farang) Plus it helps he legged it, looks as if he's hiding smth.

What I'm still waiting to hear is why did the silly girl wait in the car, and not do a runner? With "dolly mixtures" in her pocket she waits for the BIB to arrive :o

She was probably the `delaying element`....which gave the fleet footed German a little extra time for him to escape.


Gernam guy Norbert bolt from expensive car, Thai woman fingers him as the owner of large amount of illegal drugs, he ends up on a police APB.

You may be thinking this is fun. I think german dude has a wee problem that need to be sorted with the thai authorities. If german guy horses around with drugs, he need to go to court. And he should count himself lucky that he isn't thai, the drug sweep some time ago saw a lot of "suspects" dead.

Gernam guy Norbert bolt from expensive car, Thai woman fingers him as the owner of large amount of illegal drugs, he ends up on a police APB.

You may be thinking this is fun. I think german dude has a wee problem that need to be sorted with the thai authorities. If german guy horses around with drugs, he need to go to court. And he should count himself lucky that he isn't thai, the drug sweep some time ago saw a lot of "suspects" dead.

Some posters are assuming that he was the carrier of drugs....this may be the case. On the other hand he may have not been carrying drugs at all.....


.....why do these people keep quoting PCN, such crap!

It's just the TV way......

They quote PCN and other unreliable sources to provide a vehicle for the usual TV posters to comment, to be followed by others commenting on their comments. Providing substantiated news reports is hardly relevant or even important.

Always the same posters, those with the 4 figure post count providing the same one line commentary every time. Very stimulating indeed.

I don't know. A German called Norbet doing a runner from a police check point in Nong Prue, leaving his BMW 7 series behind with GF on the front seat nursing drugs sure beats the hel_l out of trying to figure out where you can buy very long extended poles, or trying to understand some guy called Gustave trying to sell interior decorating (I think??) or where to buy water piks (whatever they may be).

I don't care if PCN is a load of crap. It's an interesting story, true or otherwise, and if you don't like reading our pithy, witty and deeply philosphical comments, why don't you join Pattya Secrets or Pattaya Chat and have some in depth discussions on girls' p..sies, or whether they enjoy the act as much as you - or are they just in there for the money?


.....why do these people keep quoting PCN, such crap!

It's just the TV way......

They quote PCN and other unreliable sources to provide a vehicle for the usual TV posters to comment, to be followed by others commenting on their comments. Providing substantiated news reports is hardly relevant or even important.

Always the same posters, those with the 4 figure post count providing the same one line commentary every time. Very stimulating indeed.

I don't know. A German called Norbet doing a runner from a police check point in Nong Prue, leaving his BMW 7 series behind with GF on the front seat nursing drugs sure beats the hel_l out of trying to figure out where you can buy very long extended poles, or trying to understand some guy called Gustave trying to sell interior decorating (I think??) or where to buy water piks (whatever they may be).

I don't care if PCN is a load of crap. It's an interesting story, true or otherwise, and if you don't like reading our pithy, witty and deeply philosphical comments, why don't you join Pattya Secrets or Pattaya Chat and have some in depth discussions on girls' p..sies, or whether they enjoy the act as much as you - or are they just in there for the money?

Straight from the hip Mobi....atta boy :o


...a question for Admin......how comes such a crappy PCN story manages to become a email alert story? If this is the sign of the times then Thaivisa is on a downhill slide......

351 User(s) are reading this topic (266 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)

duh..., what do you expect when it hits your email!

Doesnt explain the 266 guests? :D

...someone smarter than me can explain that one :o

People clicking the link in their email that dont have cookies enabled or the cookie for the forum is outdated. So, they dont show up as members, just guests.


"Nationwide hunt for a supected foreigner who may or may not be German who was carrying two bags which may or may not have contained food supplies from Tesco or yaa baa. Said unamed person with or without European nationality may or may not have fled the scene having suffered serious trauma over several years having to pay unwarranted and illegal fines for road traffic offences which he may or may not have committed. Said unamed and unknown person may or may not be the registered owner of the vehicle in question".

P.S. Is there a nationwide hunt for Kaman Po?.

Lets start a new survey : Where is Kaman Po?.

I reckon India. :o


So the assumption is he is a drug dealer (?)

... because he failed to stop at a check-point and had two bags.

...Or because he Island hops from time to time.

...Or because his thick-as-pig-shit GF insinuated he was (well she did stay in the 'abandoned' car which had just been involved in an illegal act, while her BF - I presume - fled the scene, with illegal drugs in her pocket!!!)

Maybe he was a little drunk and didn't want the fine. Maybe he is an overstay and didn't want the hotel visit. Maybe he knew his TAPS GF was in possession of illegal narcotics and didn't want to get the blame. Maybe little green aliens came down and abducted him and his groceries.

Obvious reason for a country wide APB!

My guess is he will turn up later (assuming he isn't an overstay) and claim his car back. Admit to running the stop and pay a fine.

So I guess you are saying that Pol Pot faked his own death? eh? Damned clever.

Pol Pot AKA Brother Number 1. Really.

No, he didn't fake his own death. He died happily with his wife in Thailand.

A much greater privilege than he allowed 1.5 million of his own people.

At least he died of old age.

And of course, nobody in Thailand ever made any money at all from logging or gemstone concessions from the Khmer Rouge..........being fine upstanding folks and all.

The fact of the matter being that various international organisations were after him to stand trial for genocide seem to have been conveniently ingnored by Thailand who on many occasions stated that they were looking for him.............Seemed to be common knowledge that he had his villa in Baeng Saen and was treated regularly in BKK for lower bowel problems.

Usual thing - dirty money, and rewrite history.



Consider the possibility that there is no German. It was simply the Thai woman who made up a cock-and-bull story to get out of being charged with having the pills, or maybe because of an entirely different motive, such as to cover up the theft of the car.

I don't know where it is ok to make allowances from criminal behaviour and so, I do not...as i understand it...in a democracy...the authorities (parliament, state institutions etc) have sole responsiblity for the handling of crime...if justice is to have any value in a society in creating a just society to live in, then (according to Kant) justice requires an equal distribution amongst those deserving it, whether the type of justice is remunerative, political or commutative...a rationa underlying principle is that a crime is a crime and will be dealt with fairly, not by avoiding one's responsibilities...this only denies justice being accorded.

over the last 12 months drugs have killed and maimed more people then George Bush, Tony Blair and John Howard...and as i believe they all acted criminally, and should be dealt with by the law, equally the german gentleman should take responsibility for his actions, and accept punishment...

surely, taking responisibility for one's actions is somewhere near the apex of a couragous, rational and socially constructive act...

do we really want to condone and support those who insist on acting antisocially and break the law?

Edward der Grosse' :o

Well these are some thoughts to grab a hold of. Let's take a look and get started.

>I don't know where it is ok to make allowances from criminal behaviour and so, I do not...as i understand it...in a democracy...the authorities (parliament, state institutions etc) have sole responsiblity for the handling of crime

Some are aware that in the Neuremberg trials of Nazi war criminals, the justices concluded that individuals posess both an innate moral authority and responsibility to act justly, irrespective of the state.

That's a very big historical event and judgment, and it impacts upon us. If you think about it, it isn't merely that we have moral responsibility not to accept our States demands on us not to gas Jews, but don't we also have responsibilities not to participate in other crimes against our fellows?

The decision was that the responsibilities rest finally, not with the state, but with individuals.

>if justice is to have any value in a society in creating a just society to live in, then (according to Kant) justice requires an equal distribution amongst those deserving it, whether the type of justice is remunerative, political or commutative.

Justice has no value. Justice is ultimately punative, which is irrational and useless. If you want to change society for the better, and alter and reduce criminal behaviour, punitive measures are not the most effective. They serve mainly to make the affronted feel appeased. They have little to do with bettering society. Punishment feels good - that's the best you can say for it. Generally the way we punish causes more repeat offences, rather than less. We institutionalize brutality, in the most ugly way, and we ruin people. Keep your ugly justice, keep your brutal nightmares. If you want to talk about social benefit, you have to admit to a wider picture, including of course the fine details of locking away the dangerous mentally disturbed or letting free the benign addict, and including the effects of incarcation - what effects do you want? Do you want hard punishment that leads to more crimes, or do you want "soft" education that leads to greater social inclusion of the released?

Justice. Monkeys know justice. Humans can do better. We can choose the effects we want, and rationally make policies most likely to produce those effects. The science is not behind justice.

>over the last 12 months drugs have killed and maimed more people then George Bush, Tony Blair and John Howard.

From what orifice did you pull that "statistic"?

>surely, taking responisibility for one's actions is somewhere near the apex of a couragous, rational and socially constructive act...

Yes, as is humility and grace.

Consider the possibility that there is no German. It was simply the Thai woman who made up a cock-and-bull story to get out of being charged with having the pills, or maybe because of an entirely different motive, such as to cover up the theft of the car.



Consider the possibility that there is no German. It was simply the Thai woman who made up a cock-and-bull story to get out of being charged with having the pills, or maybe because of an entirely different motive, such as to cover up the theft of the car.


I suppose, really, we have to look at a few things:-

1. Series 7 BMW's are expensive. In Thailand, very expensive.

2. The car concerned has engine and chassis numbers.

3. The car was imported - or at least assembled under licence with the appropriate manufacturing certificates.

4. The car is registered to a "person as yet unknown".

5. It had insurance.

6. It was taxed.

7. From no., 2 to 6 it would take your average MIB about 30 minutes (including 20 minutes for lunch) to work out who the actual owner is / was.

8. The wench in the motor had 1.5 yaa baa on her person.

Maybe Kaman Po was driving?. After all, he can afford a 7 series :o


I don't know where it is ok to make allowances from criminal behaviour and so, I do not...as i understand it...in a democracy...the authorities (parliament, state institutions etc) have sole responsiblity for the handling of crime...if justice is to have any value in a society in creating a just society to live in, then (according to Kant) justice requires an equal distribution amongst those deserving it, whether the type of justice is remunerative, political or commutative...a rationa underlying principle is that a crime is a crime and will be dealt with fairly, not by avoiding one's responsibilities...this only denies justice being accorded.

over the last 12 months drugs have killed and maimed more people then George Bush, Tony Blair and John Howard...and as i believe they all acted criminally, and should be dealt with by the law, equally the german gentleman should take responsibility for his actions, and accept punishment...

surely, taking responisibility for one's actions is somewhere near the apex of a couragous, rational and socially constructive act...

do we really want to condone and support those who insist on acting antisocially and break the law?

Edward der Grosse' :o

Well these are some thoughts to grab a hold of. Let's take a look and get started.

>I don't know where it is ok to make allowances from criminal behaviour and so, I do not...as i understand it...in a democracy...the authorities (parliament, state institutions etc) have sole responsiblity for the handling of crime

Some are aware that in the Neuremberg trials of Nazi war criminals, the justices concluded that individuals posess both an innate moral authority and responsibility to act justly, irrespective of the state.

That's a very big historical event and judgment, and it impacts upon us. If you think about it, it isn't merely that we have moral responsibility not to accept our States demands on us not to gas Jews, but don't we also have responsibilities not to participate in other crimes against our fellows?

The decision was that the responsibilities rest finally, not with the state, but with individuals.

>if justice is to have any value in a society in creating a just society to live in, then (according to Kant) justice requires an equal distribution amongst those deserving it, whether the type of justice is remunerative, political or commutative.

Justice has no value. Justice is ultimately punative, which is irrational and useless. If you want to change society for the better, and alter and reduce criminal behaviour, punitive measures are not the most effective. They serve mainly to make the affronted feel appeased. They have little to do with bettering society. Punishment feels good - that's the best you can say for it. Generally the way we punish causes more repeat offences, rather than less. We institutionalize brutality, in the most ugly way, and we ruin people. Keep your ugly justice, keep your brutal nightmares. If you want to talk about social benefit, you have to admit to a wider picture, including of course the fine details of locking away the dangerous mentally disturbed or letting free the benign addict, and including the effects of incarcation - what effects do you want? Do you want hard punishment that leads to more crimes, or do you want "soft" education that leads to greater social inclusion of the released?

Justice. Monkeys know justice. Humans can do better. We can choose the effects we want, and rationally make policies most likely to produce those effects. The science is not behind justice.

>over the last 12 months drugs have killed and maimed more people then George Bush, Tony Blair and John Howard.

From what orifice did you pull that "statistic"?

>surely, taking responisibility for one's actions is somewhere near the apex of a couragous, rational and socially constructive act...

Yes, as is humility and grace.

I read this exact bullshit in another thread earlier tonight :D


I read this exact bullshit in another thread earlier tonight :o

I'm sorry to hear that you can read, because it leads to writing a "contribution" on a webforum that states merely "bullshit" and a whistle. Ya, thanks for that.


I read this exact bullshit in another thread earlier tonight :o

I'm sorry to hear that you can read, because it leads to writing a "contribution" on a webforum that states merely "bullshit" and a whistle. Ya, thanks for that.

The point is, what is the point you are trying to make? Is it that the Thai girl who stayed in the car is couragous, rational and performing a socially constructive act by taking responisibility for her actions and not running away?

Please be a little more clear and try not to get to carried away here, how you brought Nazi Germany and the gassing of Jews in to this topic is rather bizzar to say the least.

Jog on. :D


[Some are aware that in the Neuremberg trials of Nazi war criminals, the justices concluded that individuals posess both an innate moral authority and responsibility to act justly, irrespective of the state.

Today, an RAF Doctor of Medicine was found guilty at court marshal because he refused to do a third tour of Iraq.

He is now imprisoned for 8 months in a military jail.

If we take the statement by the poster as quoted, "innate moral authority and responsibility to act justly".

Then where does that leave a serving military person?. At risk from the law on one side for not having the rational to decide what they consider to be wrong, and at risk if they act upon their belief that what they are doing is wrong.



I read this exact bullshit in another thread earlier tonight :o

I'm sorry to hear that you can read, because it leads to writing a "contribution" on a webforum that states merely "bullshit" and a whistle. Ya, thanks for that.

The point is, what is the point you are trying to make? Is it that the Thai girl who stayed in the car is couragous, rational and performing a socially constructive act by taking responisibility for her actions and not running away?

Please be a little more clear and try not to get to carried away here, how you brought Nazi Germany and the gassing of Jews in to this topic is rather bizzar to say the least.

Jog on. :D

If you see what quotes from the previous poster my statements followed, you may notice counter arguments to statements. I was arguing against the assertion that the State is the final arbiter and authority for "justice". The Neurenburg trial was an example of the US and worlds highest court deciding publicly that the State can never be the highest moral authority. Individuals, as declared by the State, must at times act in violation of the laws of the State, in order to act legally.

That doesn't relate at all to the girl in the car - it relates to the post I was addressing.

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