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Green push for Samui tourism

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I didn't know that aliens fly regular airplanes.

The "persistent contrails" as they are called are spryed from airplanes.

Anybody who makes the effort to look up in the sky can see it pretty easily.

As for Koh Phangan:

Geoengineering and chemical aerosols and heavy metals affect Phangan just as much as any other region.

If the aluminium and barium go into the soil you can forget about your Permaculture system !

The problem with conspiracy theories is that most people have no idea what a conspiracy theorie by definition is !

There is somebody spraying this shit into the air ... that's a fact !

The people who are doing this are members of a conspiracy !

As I do not know who they are but have much evidence at hand to believe that there is in fact a conspiracy going on, I have a theorie.

Climate modification is NOT a theorie ! It's a fact that cannot be denied as governments actually admit on doing it !

Why would there be an international treaty if the technologie would not exist ?

Why is it so easy to observe if it is not there ??? I have spent days watching airplanes making clouds over Samui Phangan and Koh Tao !

Accepting the ugly truth is not easy but if anybody would care about anything it might be time to accept the things happening around us !!!

I won't say you have lost your marbles but you are definitely short of some. I just came back from Nathon hospital look's like they are opening a new ward for people that see things that are not there.

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Just for the sake of it:

Please any of you who think I am completely nuts, answer me following questions:

1. Why do patents exist that exactly discribe the technologies for weather modification, solar radiation management including chemtrails ?
[you can read them. They are freely available]

2. Why do I see these weird weather patterns including the persistant contrails every day over my head in the sky ?

3. Why do Governments confirm information on weather modification programs ?

4. Why are UV radiation rates increasing ?

5. Why are barium and aluminium levels in the soil and in the air as high as they are ?
[Aluminium does not accure in free form so why is it even there ???]

6. Why do Governments have official budgets for these things if they do not exist ?

... please, anybody: you have some answers to this ? [apart from ignorance and denial ???]

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Just for the sake of it:

Please any of you who think I am completely nuts, answer me following questions:

1. Why do patents exist that exactly discribe the technologies for weather modification, solar radiation management including chemtrails ?

[you can read them. They are freely available]

2. Why do I see these weird weather patterns including the persistant contrails every day over my head in the sky ?

3. Why do Governments confirm information on weather modification programs ?

4. Why are UV radiation rates increasing ?

5. Why are barium and aluminium levels in the soil and in the air as high as they are ?

[Aluminium does not accure in free form so why is it even there ???]

6. Why do Governments have official budgets for these things if they do not exist ?

... please, anybody: you have some answers to this ? [apart from ignorance and denial ???]

You could begin here:


Really though, Michael Shermer's book and talk are a better place to start. Your brain is good at tricking you (as is everyone's).

Ask yourself - however honest your belief in chemtrails, if it makes you seem like a paranoid lunatic, how much good do your efforts do to the planet? You're far more likely to be written off as a PCT (paranoid conspiracy theorist) and not taken seriously. Your first post in this thread was good, apart from your chemtrail link, which has derailed the thread completely.

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OK, so Samui can go green while the environment gets busted. Makes sense to some, but not to me.

BTW, my brain is working pretty fine and what I see is what I see !!! Don't need to read other people's opinion, I rather make my own observations.

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Just for the sake of it:

Please any of you who think I am completely nuts, answer me following questions:

1. Why do patents exist that exactly discribe the technologies for weather modification, solar radiation management including chemtrails ?

[you can read them. They are freely available]

2. Why do I see these weird weather patterns including the persistant contrails every day over my head in the sky ?

3. Why do Governments confirm information on weather modification programs ?

4. Why are UV radiation rates increasing ?

5. Why are barium and aluminium levels in the soil and in the air as high as they are ?

[Aluminium does not accure in free form so why is it even there ???]

6. Why do Governments have official budgets for these things if they do not exist ?

... please, anybody: you have some answers to this ? [apart from ignorance and denial ???]

Oh GOD if there is a GOD please save me. Don't worry about Samui it can go brown.

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Ok, enough is enough. This topic is about Green push for Samui tourism

Not about any other matter as chemtrails,UV radiation rates etc.......

Please stay on topic SAMUI any other Off Topic Posts will be deleted.

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get rid of all normal taxis

only allow hybrids or better still electric ones

then make them use metres and then pay thier tax

big earner already there

we dont need a mass transit system [we have it already , they are called songtaews ]

just make them run on gas/electric/enviro friendly system and design some fixed routes and keep some people employed at the same time

samui already is way ahead of phuket [imo]

by changing the 12 metre rule samui will just follow phuket into a horrible multi storied beach resort

make all properties on samui use bio septic tanks [no more leeching /discharging in the soil/sea ]

chaweng may not stink so much then [maybe ]

promote solar power on the island

restrict sales of small land plots and put in place regulations for planning

[forgot they have that already and dont enforce it ]

all these things are already being done in many countries

nothing new here at all just a mind set change [long distant planning ]

which we all know is not a thai trait

ho hum

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Would be interesting to know how many people take into consideration how eco friendly their 2 week holiday destination is gong to be, very very few i would think. Just another load of TAT B.S who are totally out of touch with their potential customer base.

Those arriving by Raja ferry would soon be put straight on how eco friendly things are, just is not in the Thai mind set to be eco friendly, Samui or anywhere else in Thailand.

Edited by marstons
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