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Chonburi: Motorcycle crash costs foreign man his leg

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It's sickening to read so many sarcastic comments here...What if is a friend of yours who has lost a leg in a accident ?

I'd berate him for driving a motorbike in Thailand...and laugh 'til I vomit.

Hope you choke on it then.

Poor guy screaming in agony. Crashes in heavy rain. Life as he knows it changed forever. It will likely affect his employment and relationships. Lost his lower leg and you come up with a comment like that. Shame on you x 100.

Well said JTD.

The comments on this thread are limitless in their compassion, comprehension and understanding...........

Accidents happen ( that's why they are called accidents.) and the consequences are real and permanent.

It is sad that threads like this flourish and the views expressed give a good profile of many of the Thai visa posters.

Ugly, heartless and without thought or compassion.

Quoting yunla ".........Either way, this is the kind of stupidity that gives other foreigners in Thailand a bad name, people who are working here and living quiet normal lives. If this particular guy was a single lone nut it wouldn't be so bad, but Thai people read about foreigners getting drunk and acting stupidly so often that the rest of us carry a stigma which is always there below the surface...............

Guy has lost half his leg and all that matters is how it affects another farang..............


The " stigma " arising from an accident ????


Wish the guy as full a recovery as possible.

One night in Thailand changed his life.

Some of you on here should recall " there but for good luck, go i ............"


How long before one of our fruitloop TV naysayers manages to pin this on the Thai bloke for parking his boat on the beach? blink.png

I'm still holding out for the blame being laid on the railing heights of Thai balconies or that someone didn't pay tea money or that Hitler's picture was displayed on the boat. I'm pretty sure those three things alone are to blame for 90% of the bad things that happen here to otherwise blameless farangs according to the resident gurus.

This is just an example of the sort of inane and biased comment that the readership have come to expect from you. The only reason that this gets a mention in what masquerades as the Press here is that a farang is involved. If you can bear to emerge from the nationalistic cloud that you live in, I think that you will find that the majority of posters have scant sympathy for this young brain dead idiot and are of the opinion that he brought the mishap upon himself.

It seems to me that you delude yourself into thinking that all things Thai are quite perfect and the natives are superior in intelligence and intellect to the majority of farangs. My take on this Incident is that the idiot farang was behaving just like a Thai does when riding a motorbike and was a disaster waiting to happen. Perhaps he thought that, as so many young people of any nationality, do, that they will live for ever. My experience of over 70 decades is that life is a battle for survival.

Maybe you should give some thought about the number of Thais on bikes who kill or maim themselves outside of tourist areas and the reason for them doing so, before making snide comments about the appalling number of farangs involved in tragedies and the following cover ups to shift blame, all in the name of a juvenile practice called 'face' or to prevent further damage to Thailand's dodgy reputation. .


If you wear a helmet you may at least survive to know you lost a foot. Yes I could have said wear proper footware.high support motorcycle booots and leathers every time you get on a bike but this is a bit impracticable here.

More impracticable than managing without a foot for the rest of your life? Inconvenience is relative. Better get a magic amulet just to make sure.....


If you wear a helmet you may at least survive to know you lost a foot. Yes I could have said wear proper footware.high support motorcycle booots and leathers every time you get on a bike but this is a bit impracticable here.

More impracticable than managing without a foot for the rest of your life? Inconvenience is relative. Better get a magic amulet just to make sure.....

Agreed but I lost my leg in australia (and broke my hip pelvis and right arm ) on a scooter and was wearing normal work shoes which is more than most wear, If I did not have a helmet and a proper riding jacket I would be dead for sure. As it was I had 6 months in hospital. It can happen to anyone in a second. I was not drunk either.

Maybe I should have had that amulet then,.

I doubt anyone here will bring and wear full protective clothing just to ride a scooter to the shops.


How long before one of our fruitloop TV naysayers manages to pin this on the Thai bloke for parking his boat on the beach? blink.png

Who needs TV naysayers? Looks like the police will pin it on the bike rider - ad try to recover damages to the boat. They boat could well have been illegally parked...but I doubt that will matter much to the police.

LOL, you for real? IT appears to be a speeding drunkard who drove into a boat on the beach and you suggest there is some conspiracy? Are you aware that drivers who cause property damage are legally liable for that damage?

Maybe the poor boy was being chased by angry kathoeys, and in an attempt to protect his virtue, traversed the beach and crashed into the boat that shouldn't have been on the beach, because as we all know, boats should not be parked near the water.

How does one ride a bike at high speed on the beach into a boat ?

Was it a sand drag bike with big paddle tyres on the the back ?

Once on firm sand (near waterline) its easy to do. Payam island has many bikes on the sand. Some skill needed to get past the soft sand.


What kind of motorbike was he driving since he could be thrown 50 meters from impact..

Any kind of bike. It's a complex calculation with lots of variables, but a throw of 50m after colliding with a stationary object implies a speed in the region of 65 klm/h at impact. Not really that fast.

Unfortunately people don't realise that it is very easy to be seriously injured or killed on scooters and motor bikes at speeds much less than 65kmh. I have been riding powerful bikes on and off in the UK for about 20 years. My advice to anyone visiting Thailand and thinking of hiring a motorbike would be..............

1. DON'T..........get the baht bus instead, particularly if you don't even have a full motorcycle licence at home.

2. If you must go ahead and hire one, do not ride without a helmet and if possible do not wear an open face helmet (everyone seems to wear in Thailand) because in an accident these do not protect your face! You should also bear in mind that a crash helmet which has previously been in an accident or even dropped hard on concrete can be seriously weakened internally and could shatter in an accident and fail to protect your head. Hiring a helmet in Thailand you will have no idea if it's safe or not!

3.Bear in mind that if you come off and are lucky enough not to be seriously hurt and you are wearing a t-shirt and shorts, you are highly likely to suffer some very nasty gravel burns/damage to your unprotected skin, which is why experienced motorcyclists wear leathers!

If this saves 1 person from a nasty accident it's been worth posting!


  • Like 2

There is an expression for pilots, "there are old pilots and there are bold pilots but there are no old bold pilots".

I have noticed here that young males tend to drive like lunatics while older men tourists and Thais drive much more

cautiously. Thais come off there bikes as do all bike riders everywhere in the world. We all learn more from

our mistakes than our successes. Thais are much more compassionate about people who come off there bikes

than the comments I read here on TV. As for doing stupid things, we all have and all still do. I continue to

ride a scooter here in Thailand but never drive after drinking more than a couple of beers. I try to drive with the

flow of traffic not faster or slower and watch for erratic driving of cars and bikes in front of me. In short I try to

manage my stupidity. Only time will tell how successful I will be.

As for the poor guy who lost his foot, I hope he learns from his moment of drunken youthful exuberance and

will live a productive happy life once he gets over this setback.

  • Like 1

"Police from Banglamoong District, Chonburi province, was alerted to investigation the scene, where a foreigner was found unconscious"

Quite surprised why the witness who saw the poor guy crashing and been thrown 50 m didn't find it necessary to call for help or the police.

How do you know he didn't?


A 50m throw, lucky he landed on the soft sand. I wonder if this will teach him a lesson? Don't ride on the beach with road tyres.

Just another stupid post from someone just as ignorant as he has not bothered to read any of the story.Nowhere does it say he landed on soft sand.Maybe because the boat/trailer was parked on the road..A lot[most in fact]posters,tend to dive for their keyboards as soon as they see the headlines and from there make up their own story of events.OK we all know the journalistic skills that are lacking,but all the more reason to read first and try to gain as much logical conclusion before jumping in.If the facts are that he was not speeding and he was only thrown say20ftand he hit an unlit boat trailer on a dimly lit part of the road,and the road was wet---------- now it begins to sound a totally different srory .Perhaps a story that a lot of us seasoned motorcyclists can identify with----Think about it.Sorry for the youngster for losing the proper use of a leg---hope he can continue to lead a normal life when he recovers-------------------Dougal the Kiwi


Well said JTD.

The comments on this thread are limitless in their compassion, comprehension and understanding...........

Accidents happen ( that's why they are called accidents.) and the consequences are real and permanent.

It is sad that threads like this flourish and the views expressed give a good profile of many of the Thai visa posters.

Ugly, heartless and without thought or compassion.

Quoting yunla ".........Either way, this is the kind of stupidity that gives other foreigners in Thailand a bad name, people who are working here and living quiet normal lives. If this particular guy was a single lone nut it wouldn't be so bad, but Thai people read about foreigners getting drunk and acting stupidly so often that the rest of us carry a stigma which is always there below the surface...............

Guy has lost half his leg and all that matters is how it affects another farang..............


The " stigma " arising from an accident ????


Wish the guy as full a recovery as possible.

One night in Thailand changed his life.

Some of you on here should recall " there but for good luck, go i ............"

Actually just to correct you and the others who flamed my post. I posted while this story was 'breaking news' and I was responding to the OP which said he was riding on a beach and crashed into a boat. That is stupid and reckless behaviour and gives all visitors here a bad name. The fact that AFTER I posted that, new updates arrived saying he wasn't driving on a beach or crashing into boats, obviously changes everything. The fact that you can't cognitively time-piece posts to see that some people are posting replies to an OP which said he was driving on a beach and crashed into a boat while possibly drunk, before new info arrived, says more about you than me.

I'm an activist for disability rights both in Europe and now in Asia, which is stressful work over here and which I do because cool.png I'm in a wheelchair with final-stage MS, and cool.png I care about disabled people. So obviously I care about people losing limbs. But my point remains, many visitors here act like scumbags and ruin the reputation of foreigners allover Thailand, and if this guy HAD done what the OP said, he would be another dash on that long list of idiots.


How long before one of our fruitloop TV naysayers manages to pin this on the Thai bloke for parking his boat on the beach? blink.png

I'm still holding out for the blame being laid on the railing heights of Thai balconies or that someone didn't pay tea money or that Hitler's picture was displayed on the boat. I'm pretty sure those three things alone are to blame for 90% of the bad things that happen here to otherwise blameless farangs according to the resident gurus.

This is just an example of the sort of inane and biased comment that the readership have come to expect from you. The only reason that this gets a mention in what masquerades as the Press here is that a farang is involved. If you can bear to emerge from the nationalistic cloud that you live in, I think that you will find that the majority of posters have scant sympathy for this young brain dead idiot and are of the opinion that he brought the mishap upon himself.

It seems to me that you delude yourself into thinking that all things Thai are quite perfect and the natives are superior in intelligence and intellect to the majority of farangs. My take on this Incident is that the idiot farang was behaving just like a Thai does when riding a motorbike and was a disaster waiting to happen. Perhaps he thought that, as so many young people of any nationality, do, that they will live for ever. My experience of over 70 decades is that life is a battle for survival.

Maybe you should give some thought about the number of Thais on bikes who kill or maim themselves outside of tourist areas and the reason for them doing so, before making snide comments about the appalling number of farangs involved in tragedies and the following cover ups to shift blame, all in the name of a juvenile practice called 'face' or to prevent further damage to Thailand's dodgy reputation. .

1st, I ain't making judgments,, but I do recall a few years ago a Thai motorcycle driver came speeding off Pattaya Klang, ran the light, smashed into a car & killed himself.

It made sensational headlines, because rescue workers discovered he was wearing a condom at the time of the accident.

True story - I couldn't make that up if I tried... It MUST be true, it was in the paper.


Please read # 108, page 5.

Will repeat it again here, The incident happened on a main through road near to the main highway 3.

It is 3 kilometers from any beach or sand. O.K.

  • 1 month later...

Since the story seems to change, minute by minute from the initial report, perhaps it wasn't the farang's fault, after all. Either way, I feel sorry for the guy. I broke both wrists and broke a heel a few months ago, and it's a long road to recovery. At least he's young, so he should heal faster than I have. Rest easy, son.


50meters???,........hes lucky , if police were to charge him for leaving the scene of an accident he wouldn't have a leg to stand on !

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