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British actress Emma Thompson among invitees to reform talks in Thailand


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This story proves what a theatre this government is putting up, having to cast actresses for their platform, who's next, Justin Bieber???

If they would get Bono or Sting, they could better move to the moon, because they would tell them the truth.

So laughable.Do you think for a moment Sting or Bono's sympathies (Sunday Bloody Sunday) would not be on the side of the redshirts murdered by the army in 2010 ? Would they change their minds after that persuasive charmer Kasit "explained" the redshirt demonstrators murdered themselves?

Scondly luvvie though she is Emma Thompson has a greater intellect and perception than either of those two gents.

Sunday Bloody Sunday was a song critical of murders that took place during a peaceful demonstration. Bono has condemned all sides responsible for the violence commited during "the troubles". It is by no means pro IRA. He would be no fan of the red stormtroopers or the army. Would probably be critical of both. Probably why he hasn't been invited. Mind you so would Emma Thompson, not sure why PT invited her.

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This story proves what a theatre this government is putting up, having to cast actresses for their platform, who's next, Justin Bieber???

If they would get Bono or Sting, they could better move to the moon, because they would tell them the truth.

So laughable.Do you think for a moment Sting or Bono's sympathies (Sunday Bloody Sunday) would not be on the side of the redshirts murdered by the army in 2010 ? Would they change their minds after that persuasive charmer Kasit "explained" the redshirt demonstrators murdered themselves?

Scondly luvvie though she is Emma Thompson has a greater intellect and perception than either of those two gents.

Sunday Bloody Sunday was a song critical of murders that took place during a peaceful demonstration. Bono has condemned all sides responsible for the violence commited during "the troubles". It is by no means pro IRA. He would be no fan of the red stormtroopers or the army. Would probably be critical of both. Probably why he hasn't been invited. Mind you so would Emma Thompson, not sure why PT invited her.

Rubbish and being pro or anti IRA is irrelevant.It is inconceivable that Bono (or Sting) would take the side of the army shooting civilians.No human rights organisation has to date - why should they particularly given their record?

And actually the Bloody Sunday demonstration wasn't completely peaceful in the sense that it took place at a time of escalating IRA violence.Martin McGuiness has confirmed he had snipers in the area ready to pick off British soldiers.However from all I've read there was no actual IRA violence on that day.So the soldiers concerned were panicky and undisciplined - just like Thailand in 2010.

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This story proves what a theatre this government is putting up, having to cast actresses for their platform, who's next, Justin Bieber???

If they would get Bono or Sting, they could better move to the moon, because they would tell them the truth.

So laughable.Do you think for a moment Sting or Bono's sympathies (Sunday Bloody Sunday) would not be on the side of the redshirts murdered by the army in 2010 ? Would they change their minds after that persuasive charmer Kasit "explained" the redshirt demonstrators murdered themselves?

Scondly luvvie though she is Emma Thompson has a greater intellect and perception than either of those two gents.

Sunday Bloody Sunday was a song critical of murders that took place during a peaceful demonstration. Bono has condemned all sides responsible for the violence commited during "the troubles". It is by no means pro IRA. He would be no fan of the red stormtroopers or the army. Would probably be critical of both. Probably why he hasn't been invited. Mind you so would Emma Thompson, not sure why PT invited her.

Rubbish and being pro or anti IRA is irrelevant.It is inconceivable that Bono (or Sting) would take the side of the army shooting civilians.No human rights organisation has to date - why should they particularly given their record?

And actually the Bloody Sunday demonstration wasn't completely peaceful in the sense that it took place at a time of escalating IRA violence.Martin McGuiness has confirmed he had snipers in the area ready to pick off British soldiers.However from all I've read there was no actual IRA violence on that day.So the soldiers concerned were panicky and undisciplined - just like Thailand in 2010.

I'll check on that Martin McGuiness info as its news to me. However the demo was a peaceful demonstration despite Brit claims to the opposite. I never said bono would take the side of the army where did that come from in my post?

The two cases are not similar. The reds were firing on the army in 2010, no one fired upon the British army during Bloody Sunday. It was an unprovoked assault on peaceful protesters.

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I guess the question is: <deleted> does she know about Thailand? You gotta live here to be remotely knowledgeable about local issues.

File her under - Hasn't got a clue

She is the Patron for the Refugee Council in the UK, she lobbies politicians on human rights issues and is a highly educated woman graduating from Cambridge. She uses her fame from acting to raise the profile of issues because she can. As she read English at Cambridge she is perfectly capable of pulling together information and studying the political situation in Thailand.

Of course she doesn't have the benefit of a "Thai Visa" education but no ones perfect.

Then why not invite lovely Angelina & Brad ... they have also done a lot nah??whistling.gif ... why do a lot actors all of a sudden get into this " let's save the world and the poor kids that are starving" fame thing??

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This story proves what a theatre this government is putting up, having to cast actresses for their platform, who's next, Justin Bieber???

If they would get Bono or Sting, they could better move to the moon, because they would tell them the truth.

So laughable.Do you think for a moment Sting or Bono's sympathies (Sunday Bloody Sunday) would not be on the side of the redshirts murdered by the army in 2010 ? Would they change their minds after that persuasive charmer Kasit "explained" the redshirt demonstrators murdered themselves?

Scondly luvvie though she is Emma Thompson has a greater intellect and perception than either of those two gents.

Sunday Bloody Sunday was a song critical of murders that took place during a peaceful demonstration. Bono has condemned all sides responsible for the violence commited during "the troubles". It is by no means pro IRA. He would be no fan of the red stormtroopers or the army. Would probably be critical of both. Probably why he hasn't been invited. Mind you so would Emma Thompson, not sure why PT invited her.

Rubbish and being pro or anti IRA is irrelevant.It is inconceivable that Bono (or Sting) would take the side of the army shooting civilians.No human rights organisation has to date - why should they particularly given their record?

And actually the Bloody Sunday demonstration wasn't completely peaceful in the sense that it took place at a time of escalating IRA violence.Martin McGuiness has confirmed he had snipers in the area ready to pick off British soldiers.However from all I've read there was no actual IRA violence on that day.So the soldiers concerned were panicky and undisciplined - just like Thailand in 2010.

The parallels are there aren't they - escalating PTP violence, black shirt militants to 'protect' the protesters (by doing what?). But of course, it was all the army's fault, it always is, at least in the what you read.

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I am just wondering when Tony Blair is going to pull out, perhaps he will develop a bad throat or something.

It's a pity that his father didn't pull out.

The Guardian newspaper in Britain quoted an unnamed member of B Liar's staff saying he was giving his time Pro Bono but if it's all above board why is the spokesman remaining anonymous. If there's nothing to hide the staffer should be confident enough to put his or her name to it.

Ciaran Ward is the name of the Tony Blair spokesman who sent an email to the other newspaper confirming that Tony Blair is appearing Pro bono. Make you feel better?

Heres a link for you, http://www.lmgtfy.com/

Edited by jabek
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I guess the question is: <deleted> does she know about Thailand? You gotta live here to be remotely knowledgeable about local issues.

Actually that's not the question.The question is whether she has anything to contribute that makes her presence worthwhile.

The fact she doesn't live here is irrelevant.Bill Clinton and George Mitchell didn't live in Ireland yet contributed enormously to the settlement in Ulster.

Indeed the fact they didn't live there and had no local associations or loyalties was helpful to their efforts.

As to Thailand there are hundreds of thousands foreign retired or current downmarket sexpats milling around with their Thai "families", some of whom have been here for years.I'm not convinvced their views are likely to be of much intererest or even coherent.

As to Emma Thompson I have to say the rule of thumb applies that luvvies views on matters outside their profession are invaraiably fatuous.She is a fine actress (made me blub in her performance in the little seen, "Wit", dam her).

Tony Blair is a different matter.Can't bear him myself but I can see that he might have something to contribute.

Two points:

First. There is a major flaw in your argument that to be a mediator one doesn't have to live in the troubled area. Bill Clinton and Geo. Mitchell share the same culture as Ireland. Compare to the Middle East where they have been failures because they have no understanding of Arab cultures. Same thing in Thailand. Unless one understands 'Thainess', one has no hope of even understanding the problems; much less able to help resolve the problems.

Second. Why are you so insulting to many members of this forum by saying sexpats and foreigners with Thai families are the same group? Sexpats, by definition, come here for easy sex only and family men are settled and serious men who live and work in Thailand and generally appreciate the culture they live in. I can't see how a 'sexpat' would even be interested in this forum as there are many other forums where sex in Thailand is a major focus. Putting other members down to discount their views does NOT make your arguments more valid.

Any foreigners invited to this forum are for 'window dressing' only. (putting lipstick on a pig)

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Emma Thompson has been invited because her father Eric Thompson was the English language creator of the television animation series "The Magic Roundabout" back in the 60's and 70's.

It appears that the Thai Government want to use the same title for their "Uniting for the Future, Learning from Each Other’s Experience" forum.

"Peace, man," said Dylan.xmellow.png.pagespeed.ic.HU9LzmAHjt.png

yes right !! Of course Yingluck with her exceptional English has read all about this and decided Umm..... what a good title that would be !! She may have even watched a few episodes via Utorrent ... and understood all of it and thus ==== the invitation ... !! Will she even be able to understand what these people will be saying ..?? Oh, right ! there will be an interpreter !

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I guess the question is: <deleted> does she know about Thailand? You gotta live here to be remotely knowledgeable about local issues.

File her under - Hasn't got a clue

She is the Patron for the Refugee Council in the UK, she lobbies politicians on human rights issues and is a highly educated woman graduating from Cambridge. She uses her fame from acting to raise the profile of issues because she can. As she read English at Cambridge she is perfectly capable of pulling together information and studying the political situation in Thailand.

Of course she doesn't have the benefit of a "Thai Visa" education but no ones perfect.

She may have the best credentials in the world for dealing with human rights issues, but do you really think Yingluck and Pheu Thai will listen to her if she contradicts any of the government policies aimed at whitewashing Thaksin?

It's a good point and you are probably right. But like all big changes it only really happens when societies consciousness changes, it's only when the local people have truly had enough when things will change. So, it's no bad thing that she is attending if all she does is sow some seeds.

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One must ask Emma what the reform talks are all about , bet Emma and friends don't know the full story, In this case why are outsiders invited to a purely Thai problem, this would have to be the first time outsiders have been invited and not knowing the full history ,their input will be only propaganda fodder for the PTP.bah.gif

It's quite possible that this is just a way to get some good publicity and some may not come in the end anyway. It's not necessary to have lived in Thailand to have some input and and an outsider's view can be beneficial if it's part of a broader analysis of the situation.

Why do you think that someone like Emma Thompson and the others can't find out about the situation in Thailand? I doubt there is anyone on this forum who has been present at government meetings during the entire time that there has been division in the country and across many governments plus within PAD and the redshirts. That doesn't stop us having an opinion often based on our experience outside of the kingdom.

It's not a good idea to base any appraisal of a situation on one set of views but to be honest if I had to rely on the opinion of just one person in regards to the problems in Thailand it would be the king who like those of us who have come to live here has brought his experience and understanding of life outside Thailand with him.

Well, on the basis that Thailand is talking about raising the level of its governance to international levels, it would appear that an outsiders perspective is far more relevant than an insiders.

Not sure if they will like what they find once raising the level of governance to International levels. On that journey there are plenty of politicians out there who will have no problem saying what they see when the spotlight is on. It could become an uncomfortable ride for the Thai politicians.

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I guess the question is: <deleted> does she know about Thailand? You gotta live here to be remotely knowledgeable about local issues.

File her under - Hasn't got a clue

She is the Patron for the Refugee Council in the UK, she lobbies politicians on human rights issues and is a highly educated woman graduating from Cambridge. She uses her fame from acting to raise the profile of issues because she can. As she read English at Cambridge she is perfectly capable of pulling together information and studying the political situation in Thailand.

Of course she doesn't have the benefit of a "Thai Visa" education but no ones perfect.

Thompson graduated from Cambridge University in 1980 at the age of 21 years. That indicates a BA (English). I wouldn't consider that being highly educated even though maybe Cambridge didn't handout degrees like sweeties as many do now.

Well I would consider that she is highly educated. She is pretty much regarded as a highly intelligent woman along with her celebrity friends Steven Fry and Hugh Laurie and from what I have seen of her I would tend to agree.

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I guess the question is: <deleted> does she know about Thailand? You gotta live here to be remotely knowledgeable about local issues.

File her under - Hasn't got a clue

She is the Patron for the Refugee Council in the UK, she lobbies politicians on human rights issues and is a highly educated woman graduating from Cambridge. She uses her fame from acting to raise the profile of issues because she can. As she read English at Cambridge she is perfectly capable of pulling together information and studying the political situation in Thailand.

Of course she doesn't have the benefit of a "Thai Visa" education but no ones perfect.

Then why not invite lovely Angelina & Brad ... they have also done a lot nah??whistling.gif ... why do a lot actors all of a sudden get into this " let's save the world and the poor kids that are starving" fame thing??

Not sure why you have such an issue with a celebrity using her status to raise the profile of issues,, In answer to your question maybe because starving kids are worth saving? Remember Liveaid, Comic Relief, Oxfam, Countless sporting charity events and a million other things. Would you rather the celebs didn't get involved and the lives weren't saved? At worst celebrity involvement has no effect and does no harm and at best it raises the profile to such an extent that things change. So carry on I say,,

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I guess the question is: <deleted> does she know about Thailand? You gotta live here to be remotely knowledgeable about local issues.

Actually that's not the question.The question is whether she has anything to contribute that makes her presence worthwhile.

The fact she doesn't live here is irrelevant.Bill Clinton and George Mitchell didn't live in Ireland yet contributed enormously to the settlement in Ulster.

Indeed the fact they didn't live there and had no local associations or loyalties was helpful to their efforts.

As to Thailand there are hundreds of thousands foreign retired or current downmarket sexpats milling around with their Thai "families", some of whom have been here for years.I'm not convinvced their views are likely to be of much intererest or even coherent.

As to Emma Thompson I have to say the rule of thumb applies that luvvies views on matters outside their profession are invaraiably fatuous.She is a fine actress (made me blub in her performance in the little seen, "Wit", dam her).

Tony Blair is a different matter.Can't bear him myself but I can see that he might have something to contribute.

Two points:

First. There is a major flaw in your argument that to be a mediator one doesn't have to live in the troubled area. Bill Clinton and Geo. Mitchell share the same culture as Ireland. Compare to the Middle East where they have been failures because they have no understanding of Arab cultures. Same thing in Thailand. Unless one understands 'Thainess', one has no hope of even understanding the problems; much less able to help resolve the problems.

Second. Why are you so insulting to many members of this forum by saying sexpats and foreigners with Thai families are the same group? Sexpats, by definition, come here for easy sex only and family men are settled and serious men who live and work in Thailand and generally appreciate the culture they live in. I can't see how a 'sexpat' would even be interested in this forum as there are many other forums where sex in Thailand is a major focus. Putting other members down to discount their views does NOT make your arguments more valid.

Any foreigners invited to this forum are for 'window dressing' only. (putting lipstick on a pig)

They aren't here to solve problems, they are here to give the rest of the world view on rights issues, convey their experience of reconciliation, maybe have time to explain why the army should stay out of politics, a basic explanation of why corruption ruins countries and maybe even time to discuss less majeste as long as no one gets arrested.

The issues arent Thai corruption, it is corruption. Etc

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Will they also bring the Nelson Mandela cutout so they all can shake his hand?


you are onto something here. shit you should be politician too. they've missed a trick and sthats for sure

Already been thought of.


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I guess the question is: <deleted> does she know about Thailand? You gotta live here to be remotely knowledgeable about local issues.

She's not here to understand Thailand, she's here coz she understands human rights.

And her qualifications are.................................?

Washed up actors and pop stars seem to suddenly become human rights or some other campaigners - anything to satisfy their craving for publicity.

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Did she actually say she would attend or has she just been invited?

I would imagine everyone who was invited would have been given "information" on just what it is they are supposed to be attending which would detail the aims and objectives along with background information.

What that would be is anyone's guess, however any background would surely contain the PT, red version of history which many would nor agree on.

As the lady in question is rather keen on promoting human rights I would assume she would do some research into human rights issues in Thailand and not just accept any statements she had been given by the Govt.

She would likely be asking "Is this a conference on human rights that I am being invited to attend or is it something else" and "If I do attend what is the likelyhood of my input improving human rights in Thailand"

If she does attend I would imagine it would be in the hope that she can make a difference to human rights in this country.

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I guess the question is: <deleted> does she know about Thailand? You gotta live here to be remotely knowledgeable about local issues.

She's not here to understand Thailand, she's here coz she understands human rights.

And her qualifications are.................................?

Washed up actors and pop stars seem to suddenly become human rights or some other campaigners - anything to satisfy their craving for publicity.

It's nice to see cynicism alive and well. I don't agree with all this slating of the celebs trying to raise profile of issues, I don't see the harm in it if it could help.

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Ideally, Tony Blair will grow a pair and ask if he can buy a house in Thailand and own the land. When they answer that he can't, I hope that we see him throw his toys out the pram and scoot off back to blighty.

Tony Blair and Peua-Thai ... what an odd marriage.

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I guess the question is: <deleted> does she know about Thailand? You gotta live here to be remotely knowledgeable about local issues.

File her under - Hasn't got a clue

No. She'll have some good input.

You really need to defend that statement. What input might that be?

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