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Support sought for bill to curb foreign land grabbers throughout Thailand


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I know a lot of thais who own lands and properties in different countries .... without any issues. Maybe its time for our governments to stop that practice and impose the same laws as we have here. I dont think any foreigners would leave the country with the land on the back anyway.

What an utter crock of crap. Who among us knows "lots of Thais who own land and properties in different countries"? What drivel.

I know a lot of Thais, and I don't know ANY who own lands and properties in different countries, however I'm sure there are more than a few who DO own SOME property in another country. But the fact of the matter is that most countries discourage foreign ownership of their dirt in one way or another. I don't necessarily agree with that, but it's the way it is in countries that I'm aware of.

Thailand is fantastic in that it allows us to remain in its country without having to jump through too many hoops. I wish good luck to the average Thai person who would like to stay in my country for any length of time, owning property or otherwise. It just is not going to happen.

Please give me some examples of countries where ordinary Thais can own lots of properties "without any issues" as you've stated?


I am sorry for you that you have poor friends

My wife family own many acres in United States I do not like to brag

Edited by harryfrompattaya
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Not to spark the debate further, but does anybody know the origins or rationale for such laws? I would assume that it is to protect the Thai people from being taken advantage of by "comparatively more wealthy" foreigners. What I mean as an economist is that supply and demand are the basic drivers of price; since supply is finite in order to keep housing affordable the logical approach would be to limit demand.

The reason why a reciprocal law makes no sense in developed nations where so many posters are moaning that "Thais can own land" is that there are not significant numbers of Thai immigrants/visitors that are wealthier than the local population.

If anybody has a better way to keep pricing of land for Thais (yes, I said for Thais because this is Thailand after all), then I'm sure the gov't would love to hear it.

It's basically so a very small percentage of the population can go along hoovering up land without competition.
Exactly. They control 90% of it. One day, it will all cave in on them; maybe real soon,

Seriously? Who exactly are "they"? The Thais of Chinese descent? If so then it's fine because they are Thai! They have Thai ID cards and thus are inline with the original purpose and intent of the law (the fact their ancestors settled here many generations ago is not a reason to discount their heritage - visit the museum at Wat Tri Mit if you'd like more details about settlement of the Chinese in Thailand during the early Chakri Dynasty). As for controlling 90% of "it", what are you talking about?

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a lot of talk ......but no-one comes with a solution ?

So best sell and close your company(or dont close it ,it will be closed automaticly with the new law )

So then take your money and run ,smuggle it out ,or put it on a visa -account and take it out slowly with visa cards?

Or other possibilities?

Try to post constuctive !

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So long as Thai citizens rights are reciprocated in the western world there will not be a problem, as ridiculous articles like this would never appear in the first place.

The most worrying piece of the article is the threat against foreigners that have leased land in Thailand. So, can't buy OK, can't lease either?? Thailand under the Shin dynasty is closing its doors.

Wow what a wonderful way to get a mountain of money from those bl**dy Farang. And I will get a promotion for doing it !!!!!!

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Buy a condo ,as this legal (still) for the time being .

Leasing land, or buying 49/51% in nominee company is also legal at present. Who is to say this xenophobic regime will not extend their forbidden list to condo ownership. It is a natural progression I'm afraid.

Buying 49/51% in nominee company has never been legal.

Read the OP, it exactly that which the ombudsman opposes.

nter into

Yes but the Ombudsman is wrong. Once our OA Visa is issued we foreigners are full Juristic persons before Thai Law. To say that is illegal for us to enter into a legally binding contract with a Thai citizen denies our status of law abiding Juristic persons whatever the division of assets under the contract.

Edited by indyuk
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So long as Thai citizens rights are reciprocated in the western world there will not be a problem, as ridiculous articles like this would never appear in the first place.

The most worrying piece of the article is the threat against foreigners that have leased land in Thailand. So, can't buy OK, can't lease either?? Thailand under the Shin dynasty is closing its doors.


It's a complete nonsense to have a legal frame allowing foreigners to rent (lease) an asset if any moron can jump on the stage claiming it an abuse to act according to this law blink.png And nobody to stop him from uttering such stupid statements.

Nationalistic narrow-mindness at its best. Unfortunately just another example.

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Maybe I am the only one but I agree with the fact that foreigners are not allowed to own land in Thailand.

For the same reason I do not agree with German nationals who own land in Switserland, English nationals who own land in New Zealand, French nationals who own land in Denmark or Swedish nationals who own land in Malaysia - I can continue for one hour but I think you go the point.

Land belongs to the people who legally live there and have a passport and it does NOT belong to people who are just have money to buy it!

Actually, land doesn't belong to anybody in any absolute sense. The concept of "ownership" is just shorthand for right of use conferred by social consensus. In the same way, nation states and their boundaries are mere matters of social consensus. Further, in the state of nature, everyone can live wherever they like and that state of nature is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human rights, which guarantees the right to residence without condition. So to say that land belongs to the people that legally live there is absurd.

So to say that land belongs to the people that legally live there is absurd.???


All of them? Going to need some massive redistribution then. Last I remember 100% of the titled land in the country was in 30% of the Thai peoples hands.

The best arable and commercial land is in the hands of the top 15%. Solve that problem first before looking at foreigners.

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Maybe I am the only one but I agree with the fact that foreigners are not allowed to own land in Thailand.

For the same reason I do not agree with German nationals who own land in Switserland, English nationals who own land in New Zealand, French nationals who own land in Denmark or Swedish nationals who own land in Malaysia - I can continue for one hour but I think you go the point.

Land belongs to the people who legally live there and have a passport and it does NOT belong to people who are just have money to buy it!

Actually, land doesn't belong to anybody in any absolute sense. The concept of "ownership" is just shorthand for right of use conferred by social consensus. In the same way, nation states and their boundaries are mere matters of social consensus. Further, in the state of nature, everyone can live wherever they like and that state of nature is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human rights, which guarantees the right to residence without condition. So to say that land belongs to the people that legally live there is absurd.

So to say that land belongs to the people that legally live there is absurd.???


All of them? Going to need some massive redistribution then. Last I remember 100% of the titled land in the country was in 30% of the Thai peoples hands.

The best arable and commercial land is in the hands of the top 15%. Solve that problem first before looking at foreigners.

They are solving the problem right now. They want those few % that are in the hands of foreigners as well.

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Maybe I am the only one but I agree with the fact that foreigners are not allowed to own land in Thailand.

For the same reason I do not agree with German nationals who own land in Switserland, English nationals who own land in New Zealand, French nationals who own land in Denmark or Swedish nationals who own land in Malaysia - I can continue for one hour but I think you go the point.

Land belongs to the people who legally live there and have a passport and it does NOT belong to people who are just have money to buy it!

Huh.... like fleas arguing who owns the dog!!

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And who is to say what is agricultural land. Its just a matter of zoning. My mate Denzil Penbirthy took a 30 year lease on 5 rai in Isaan to build a house for his Thai wife and kids to grow up on. Their neighbors grow some rice, and one neighbor has a few coconut palms and a pond they use to grow pla nin. This might make his land technically "agricultural" in an overall zoning map but he didn't think this nonsense would happen and they could get turfed out on their ear.

Makes sense to read yesterday that there is concern about the number of farang beggars. The authorities seem to be expecting an explosion in their numbers. Now we know why.

Surpised to hear that Denzil has moved from Kernow to Issan, I wonder how long he was waiting for a train at Camborne?


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hey guys , got one question. Lets say you have a company " owning " a land , and an house on it under the company name. Is it easy from that to " sell it " all to a thai ? i mean land and house under the thai person name. Does it cost money ? is it legal ?

and for exemple this same person could then lease the land to you ? i mean what options to we have if something like that really happens

Edited by SlyouThai
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Nationalism at it's highest. They're soooooo afraid of a farang actually buying land without the possibility of losing it to an exbargirl. This is BS.

I think your looking for the word 'Xenophobia" .

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The offending land grabbers are the Chinese interests that are buying up NZ and Myanmar and most of the free nations that offer natural resources and raw materials for the PRC.

Thailand with the Chinese/Thai already running the business and Hi-so driven money sectors, is being gobbled up.

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Nationout the alism at it's highest. They're soooooo afraid of a farang actually buying land without the possibility of losing it to an exbargirl. This is BS.

They are not worried about the lowly white boy, they are worried about the Gulf Arab States buying up agricultural land and farms, no one cares if you own a house on one rai of land, but they will come after you because you are an easy target.

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I know a lot of thais who own lands and properties in different countries .... without any issues. Maybe its time for our governments to stop that practice and impose the same laws as we have here. I dont think any foreigners would leave the country with the land on the back anyway.

What an utter crock of crap. Who among us knows "lots of Thais who own land and properties in different countries"? What drivel.

I know a lot of Thais, and I don't know ANY who own lands and properties in different countries, however I'm sure there are more than a few who DO own SOME property in another country. But the fact of the matter is that most countries discourage foreign ownership of their dirt in one way or another. I don't necessarily agree with that, but it's the way it is in countries that I'm aware of.

Thailand is fantastic in that it allows us to remain in its country without having to jump through too many hoops. I wish good luck to the average Thai person who would like to stay in my country for any length of time, owning property or otherwise. It just is not going to happen.

Please give me some examples of countries where ordinary Thais can own lots of properties "without any issues" as you've stated?


Oh pick me pick me I do, I know a thai who owns land and property abroad, actually I know 3.

Thanks. Actually the guy said "lots of Thais" and "without any issues", not, a Thai.

And as I said, I'm sure there are indeed some. Please read properly before commenting negatively.

And you didn't actually give an example anyway; you simply stated you know of 3. That doesn't tell or prove to anyone anything. Please let me know where their property is, and also understand that I don't mean property in some dumb location where no-one else wants to live, but somewhere in a respectable western country, that would provide a contrasting argument to that being posted.


I actually said I know some so that was a positive answer and not a negative answerthumbsup.gif Cheers . The people I am referring to are my wife (owned 100% in her name) her sister and a friend. My wife owns 3 properties in Melbourne (Burwood, Doncaster and Box Hill) Her sister also has a property in Forrest Hill, Melbourne. All rental properties. Her friend has a block of units in Ferntree Gully, Melbourne

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I know a lot of thais who own lands and properties in different countries .... without any issues. Maybe its time for our governments to stop that practice and impose the same laws as we have here. I dont think any foreigners would leave the country with the land on the back anyway.


What an utter crock of crap. Who among us knows "lots of Thais who own land and properties in different countries"? What drivel.


I know a lot of Thais, and I don't know ANY who own lands and properties in different countries, however I'm sure there are more than a few who DO own SOME property in another country. But the fact of the matter is that most countries discourage foreign ownership of their dirt in one way or another.  I don't necessarily agree with that, but it's the way it is in countries that I'm aware of.


Thailand is fantastic in that it allows us to remain in its country without having to jump through too many hoops. I wish good luck to the average Thai person who would like to stay in my country for any length of time, owning property or otherwise. It just is not going to happen.


Please give me some examples of countries where ordinary Thais can own lots of properties "without any issues" as you've stated?




Oh pick me pick me I do, I know a thai who owns land and property abroad, actually I know 3.

I'll trump that with 5:-)

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Does no-one remember this particular idiot?

He shows up every 3 months or so with a new xenophobic statement to disturb the current dsi investigation into his actions when he worked in the land department in the south granting dodgy title to all of khun suthep's friends. ....

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Quote "or by putting the land in the name of a Thai spouse."

Does this mean Thai spouses of foreigners will no longer be allowed to own land

This maybe a lucky break for some of us whistling.gif

.....no lucky breaks, I am sure...no win for foreigners...ever..

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How about a little quid pro quo. Wouldn't we all love to know how much land "outside of Thailand" is owned by leaders of this present government as well as the last government? be sure to include their immediate spouses, siblings and offspring, lest there be any shell games. Remember they are Foreigners there.

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