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Lazy Cops

The Skipper

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is this kind of thing a thai woman thing or are there other cultures that act in this way. way over the top.

i know western women can act strangly sometimes but on th whole they would act with a certain amount of decorum and self respect.

well, there are bad exceptions, also in the west! At the end you were more lucky here than I were in Europe. Women CAN react very bad and the police is always taking the side of the female believing lies from that side!

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Yea, I think I'll let her sisters look after her now with that $1,500 :o

I did talk with my sister and she has heard horrible things about me.

No wonder her sisters wanted to kill me.

Why do you have to give her 1,500 since she has created a scene and is after your money? For peace of mind, is best for you to move far away from that bloody bitch. Have your lawyer contact number with you 24/7 in case you have to face the police. TIT.

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She is from a real decent family, all with good careers, cars, houses, kids in college.

They never scammed me for a dime although I recall buying some schoolboook and probably numerous unknown small gifts. Gave her mom a small monthly allowance, like all her brothers and sisters do.

They looked after me and would never let me pay on a nite out.

Recommended to me by her boss 15 years ago. She was married to a Thai Senator along time ago.

We are both in our late 40s.

She is having a tough time facing her future.

I thought I was giving her a real "soft landing".

Edited by The Skipper
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I would suggest you move too Skipper – but not for any of the reasons previously mentioned here.

Simply put every Thai in your Condominium, plus most in the vicinity, are laughing up their sleeves at the dumb Farang who got involved with a low class Thai girl who caused him such problems.

The reaction of the Police is not at all surprising either; why should they intervene against someone of their own level of society - particularly against a Farang who, they consider, has lost a great deal of respect anyway by getting himself involved with such a person.

You seem to be a reasonably educated and affluent chap; why on earth do you – and so many people like you here in Thailand – get caught up with these uneducated women, take them as your “girlfriends” and are then surprised when their dark side comes out to bite you.

There’s a Thai word “Sandarn” which basically means the individuals’ traits, attitudes and behaviour patterns which are inherited from one’s parents; the Thais believe these cannot be altered, regardless of how a persons lifestyle may change or improve. A Thai at your level of wealth and education would very rarely get deeply involved with someone from a much lower class than himself because he knows what to expect.

Not a flame, just an observation.


Why do people like youself post inaccurate lies like this.Some people might think that you are a complete fool by jumping to stupid conclusions.Some people might think that you are an idiot,but I wouldn't think that. :o

Not a flame, just a bleedingly obvious observation. :D

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You seem to be a reasonably educated and affluent chap; why on earth do you – and so many people like you here in Thailand – get caught up with these uneducated women, take them as your “girlfriends” and are then surprised when their dark side comes out to bite you.

you are making a lot of assumptions about this girl.

we dont know anything about her background.

this kind of behaviour is not restricted to only uneducated people , there are plenty of "scorned" women (and men too) from all walks of life and from every country in the world who lose it when their relationships break up.

egged on by meddling and greedy relatives scared of losing some of the loot .

wives destroying property on a grand scale , husbands taking shotguns to their kids , revengeful accusations , its not only the uneducated and the poor in thailand who have emotional meltdowns.

Edited by taxexile
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Why do people like youself post inaccurate lies like this.Some people might think that you are a complete fool by jumping to stupid conclusions.Some people might think that you are an idiot,but I wouldn't think that. :o

Not a flame, just a bleedingly obvious observation. :D

I cordially invite you to point out any "inaccurate lie" in my above Post.

I may have jumped to conclusions over the girls' background (although I actually know several women who are, or have been, married to Thai Senators and I cannot imagine any of them getting puking drunk - or earning Baht 6,000.- per month for that matter).

Given that, what parts of my Post would you lable an "inaccurate lie"?


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Why do people like youself post inaccurate lies like this.Some people might think that you are a complete fool by jumping to stupid conclusions.Some people might think that you are an idiot,but I wouldn't think that. :o

Not a flame, just a bleedingly obvious observation. :D

I cordially invite you to point out any "inaccurate lie" in my above Post.

I may have jumped to conclusions over the girls' background (although I actually know several women who are, or have been, married to Thai Senators and I cannot imagine any of them getting puking drunk - or earning Baht 6,000.- per month for that matter).

Given that, what parts of my Post would you lable an "inaccurate lie"?


There is no MAY about it you did jump to conclusions.

you also said this

why on earth do you – and so many people like you here in Thailand – get caught up with these uneducated women, take them as your “girlfriends” and are then surprised when their dark side comes out to bite you.

Which is also a lie according to the OP.

cordially pointed out. :D

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1, (She was earning 6.000 bht / month working hard when we met)

2, She is from a real decent family, all with good careers, cars, houses, kids in college.

3, She was married to a Thai Senator along time ago.

these 3 lines taken from your OP and post #33, this does not seem to add up.

She is a woman from a good family formerly married to a Senator, working for 6000 Baht a month when you met?? and behaves like a tramp.

If she was from such a high society family she would probably not have married a falang as High So family’s consider falangs to be barbarians

and if she wanted revenge she would not get her hands dirty in the process


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the washing line and garden fence gossips , rumour mongers and jumping to conclusionists are up early this morning.

and since when have thai senators and their squeezes ever behaved with anything approaching decorum ?


Edited by taxexile
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the washing line and garden fence gossips , rumour mongers and jumping to conclusionists are up early this morning.

and since when have thai senators and their squeezes ever behaved with anything approaching decorum ?


Fist fights by MP's come to mind for a start. :D

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1, (She was earning 6.000 bht / month working hard when we met)

2, She is from a real decent family, all with good careers, cars, houses, kids in college.

3, She was married to a Thai Senator along time ago.

these 3 lines taken from your OP and post #33, this does not seem to add up.

She is a woman from a good family formerly married to a Senator, working for 6000 Baht a month when you met?? and behaves like a tramp.

If she was from such a high society family she would probably not have married a falang as High So family’s consider falangs to be barbarians

and if she wanted revenge she would not get her hands dirty in the process


Another expert on all things Thai.

I've been coming here twenty years a and make no assumptions about anything.

They are middle class and she was married to the Senator 25 years ago. He is on death row now for killing people.

Went to work at a hotel as a receptionist. 6000bt is a common salary for this position.

Edited by The Skipper
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Skip, my good man, get out of town and country; it aint worth hanging around. You don't need the biatch or Thailand. Take the money and run. PM me with your whereabouts and we'll cop some beers and chicas. It's a big world out there. It totally aint worth hanging here so she can snag cash from you. Once you board that plane, you are a free man with a world of great looking chix at your disposal

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Skip, my good man, get out of town and country; it aint worth hanging around. You don't need the biatch or Thailand. Take the money and run. PM me with your whereabouts and we'll cop some beers and chicas. It's a big world out there. It totally aint worth hanging here so she can snag cash from you. Once you board that plane, you are a free man with a world of great looking chix at your disposal

Pretty sound advice, at least for a while.

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Can't you pay the security guards to show her the way to the balcony... they still owe you a favour...


HiSo/LoSo, both has it's share of good and not so good people.


You wouldn't pay 100 000 $ for the divorce if there wasn't some guilt on your side. Perhaps you try to speak with your ex when she sober down and refresh what you promised to her if she behave herself in a mentally stable manner.

In your late 40s? After 15 years? In Thailand? Financial secure? This I can't understand, why you just don't stay with her? Nearly everything is tolerable in this stage of age but divorcing her makes her lose all!

Let me guess, the exchange sweetheart is waiting in the starting-hole for your next mistake, silly you! with a little empathy you could have both and a hundred more.


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1, (She was earning 6.000 bht / month working hard when we met)

2, She is from a real decent family, all with good careers, cars, houses, kids in college.

3, She was married to a Thai Senator along time ago.

these 3 lines taken from your OP and post #33, this does not seem to add up.

She is a woman from a good family formerly married to a Senator, working for 6000 Baht a month when you met?? and behaves like a tramp.

If she was from such a high society family she would probably not have married a falang as High So family’s consider falangs to be barbarians

and if she wanted revenge she would not get her hands dirty in the process


Don't try and discredit the skipper; a liar he is not, jack

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Believe it or not, last year I called a meeting with her family stating I wanted a friendy divorce.

I offered her 6 million at that time.

They practically thumbed their noses at me since I own a home in a very exclusive area of California, they think they hit the jackpot.


A Ca. divorce court could award her about $100,000 so that is what I offered recently.

I'm in no mood to give her anything now and won't if I don't have to.

I think she is planning a trip there to do somthing at my property.

I have a lawyer renting my guest house and we will get a court order and have her shown the inside of a cell if she gets near the place.

She will experience a painfull episode when she hires a Ca. lawyer at $400/ hr..

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Hey skipper do you planning on remarrying? If no why even bother with a devoirce. Just move your bank acccounts, that she has any knowledge of and go enjoy your life. I take it she has a visa, green card or an American passport. If infact she only has a 6K income, she is going to have a very difficult time getting things done in California. Unless she gets the money from you or someone has the money to give her. It won't be chump change to even be served with civil process, since it would involve international laws. For that to happen there would have to be a treaty between Thialand and America for the service to be deemed lawful. I don't know if that exists our not. I do knowone thing attornies don't work fro nothing and the mere localities involved would require a huge amount of up front money.

Is there a reason why you offered such a large amount of money up front, other then the kindness of your heart?

Can she take 50% of the assets accumalted between the two of you since your marriage?

Under California Law the prior assets would not part of that award.

Is she looking at a huge amount of Alimony?

Those awards are normally based on several factors, what is her education, does she work or can she work, length of marriage.

It's really not as easy as women think it is, it takes more then just demanding it.

Something tells me if he can't get the money from you to do this, or doesn't already have it, she is going to ahve a very difficult time.

You know usually in these kind of things the final settlement if there is going to be one, time is on your side. Protecting your assets from someone who seems to have access to them is not. You need to be very busy stopping any credit card she may have, moving monies to new accounts that she isn't named on. Remember if she is named on any bank accounts she can do the thing.

Based on what you said I would get very busy on that quickly. The go find yourself a place other then Thailand to kick back for awhile.

This is not a time to be passive as to your assets.

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Thanks for all the support and fine suggestions. Great to see so many kind hearted people on this site.

After they turned down my 6 mil offer, I regrouped and spent allot of time behind the scenes the last 6 months covering my butt.

Sold my business.

I canceled card, hid every document, acct #, password, email, got a PO Box and a new apartment across town.

I even suspected she may have a key stroke logger on my computer and reloaded my operating system.

I hired a private eye to get any dirt. I thought I had been very through.

The entire time I kept my patience. I moved out with a small bag in the middle of the afternoon one day and hid out for 3 months avoiding all contact.

I did meet her at Starbucks a month ago to discuss my plans.

I offered her allot of money because I can afford it and hoped to avoid a costly legal war.

I would not feel good if she went without food, shelter, medicine, etc.,

I'm no saint but I do enjoy helping people when I can.

She made a good effort at being my wife for a long time. She earned it I thought.

I cannot believe how stupid and greedy she has gotten. Probably being coached by some wicked divorced friends.

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I offered her allot of money because I can afford it and hoped to avoid a costly legal war.

Bad reasoning, IMHO

I would not feel good if she went without food, shelter, medicine, etc.,

I'm no saint but I do enjoy helping people when I can.

She survived OK before she met you, and from your description her family isn't hurting, so I'm sure she'd be fine if you gave her what it is now obvious that she deserves, which is nothing

She made a good effort at being my wife for a long time. She earned it I thought.

Didn't you make a good effort at being her husband too? So where's your payoff?

I'm sure her lifestyle while you two were together was a little more pleasant than she could expect without you around footing the bill. I can't believe how nice some guys are... no wonder women have gotten to expect being handed a fortune simply because they divorced a rich guy. Your story is one of the best arguments I've seen for why it is NOT in a man's best interest to marry a woman, especially one of much lower financial status.

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After they turned down my 6 mil offer, I regrouped and spent allot of time behind the scenes the last 6 months covering my butt.

Sold my business.

I canceled card, hid every document, acct #, password, email, got a PO Box and a new apartment across town.

I even suspected she may have a key stroke logger on my computer and reloaded my operating system.

I hired a private eye to get any dirt. I thought I had been very through.

The entire time I kept my patience. I moved out with a small bag in the middle of the afternoon one day and hid out for 3 months avoiding all contact.

LOL! no wonder she's going mental!

Sounds like some kind of SAS operation!

I'm surprised she did not grab the 6 mill though, Thai mentality is normally to nail a sure thing today and pass up the bigger thing tomorrow.

I cant understand why any Thai would do that?

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Hey Skipper dude, you little buddy, The Dude over here. Very saddened and horrified to hear of your nitemarish ordeal. I have not scoured this thread so I do not know if you have assets here in Thailand. If you do then get them out immediately! You can open a bank account online using any relative's address in the USA right online, if you don't have one already. If you have one then transfer all that cash to it and quickly. Do not mess around. I wonder if the professor is around to give some insight on this situation. Get the cash out and I will ship you totally free 100 shiny new shovels so you can dig your asset protection.

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Skipper, sorry to hear about your hassles . . . though you now seem more angry than guilty - good for you.

I hope this proves that you were a walking ATM and she wanted a walking bank, hence the non-interest in the 4mil - silly woman.

There is a bright side to this, though:

My firs5t wife was blonde, blue-eyed FRENCH and she took me for all we had, sadly our daughter is caught up in it all still, even though it's been almost a decade. She is still demanding more and more every week and is on USD$2500/month (plus increase according to cpi) as it is until the little one is 18.

Bright side - see?! :o

Edited by Sing_Sling
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I sympathise with you but cannot understand where you are coming from regards making sure she is ok once you've gone after the way she has treated you. From what I've read, she deserves the 10k Mr hitman treatment, whether someone else poisoned her mind or not, not a golden handshake, but short of that, get the h3ll out of here and get on with your life ole mate. :o

May the road rise with you.

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If she was from such a high society family she would probably not have married a falang as High So family’s consider falangs to be barbarians

and if she wanted revenge she would not get her hands dirty in the process.

Complete BS. I can think of at least two dozen friends/acquaintances over the years who have married into very wealthy Thai or Thai/Chinese families with the acceptance and support of those families. Last year I attended a wedding reception at the Sukhothai for just such a couple. Two weeks ago I met a very wealthy rice mill owner with a daughter married to a farang and living in the US. Mom and Dad went to visit her last year. No indication whatsoever that they were anything but proud of the daughter and her family. I can also think of another few dozen similar such couples that I know of but am not personally acquainted with. I am no lover of Hi-So society here or elsewhere and do not travel in those circles, but your statement is demonstrably false in more than a few cases, including, by the sounds of it, the Skippers!

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Win-Win Solution:

Give me her number...Give me a week or so...She'll settle for your $90,000 USD, I settle for $10,000...She'll get laid...she'll forget her problems with you...my family will be well off for the next 10 years...you can stay in LOS without any identity changes or laying low...

Think about it skip...

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