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Songkran Whiners Thread

Ulysses G.

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Every year, after the Songkran celebration is over, people like to post depressing events and statistics to prove that Thailand's favorite holiday should be replaced with Easter Sunday or something more "sensible". This is your thread folks! :o

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'Depressing events and statistics'? You mean ones that are true, but that you don't want to hear?

'Thailand's favorite holiday'? You mean among the drunken children playing in the streets and on the highways?

Your complete intolerence of points of view different from yours is remarkably consistent in your postings, no matter what the topic. Ridicule is always so much easier than saying something that actually makes sense, isn't it?

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I think the majority of the moaners are old and/or have lived in Thailand for a while.

The things about Thailand they once thought were so great, great enough in fact to make them move to a country where they could not understand or speak the language, don't seem so great anymore after the honeymoon period is over.

After this honeymoon period is over, they just revert back to whatever they were before they reinvented themselves as fun loving adventurous guys, off to Thailand to start that new dream life. Usually meaning miserable old farts. :o

The young or the young at heart never seem to have a problem, the legions of the miserable always find something to moan about wherever they may be.

If they went to Pamplona for The Running of The Bulls festival, they would moan about cattle in the streets. :D

And these guys that use the Death Toll on Thailands roads as the beef for their moaning are not exactly being honest, they just don't wanna get wet, they don't give a damm about how many Thai people die on the roads, in fact a high Death Toll gives them something else to moan about, Thai Drivers etc etc.....

Ullyses, Farangs will always whinge and moan about various aspects of Thailand, note that you will never hear them moaning about Prostitutes being all over Pattaya and other places these Moralistic ethical folks live....Just let them moan mate, one day you may be the same, old people do moan a lot, maybe they can't have fun anymore and are envious of those that can, Oh well.......... :D

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I think the majority of the moaners are old and/or have lived in Thailand for a while.

The things about Thailand they once thought were so great, great enough in fact to make them move to a country where they could not understand or speak the language, don't seem so great anymore after the honeymoon period is over.

After this honeymoon period is over, they just revert back to whatever they were before they reinvented themselves as fun loving adventurous guys, off to Thailand to start that new dream life. Usually meaning miserable old farts. :o

Excellent post Maigo6! :D

If they went to Pamplona for The Running of The Bulls festival, they would moan about cattle in the streets.


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While I don't always agree with Ulysses I certainly do so here. And I give him credit for speaking truthfully in his OP. :o I get extremely tired myself listening to the year in and year out complaints from those who don't like Songkran for whatever the multitude of reasons.

Great post by Maigo6. :D There's much more that I could add but at the moment I'm on the other side of the world from LOS and it's late. But I'll certainly be back to voice my opinions for the sake of a festival that annually provides millions with shear enjoyment. It has done so for me . . . year in and year out.

Edited by Tippaporn
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I think Expats and Thai's are together on this one. The older you get the less you like it. Best to stay home and leave it to the young if it's getting too much.

Chiang Mai seemed a lot quieter this year, which might be due to the cost of petrol.

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what amazed me about this songkran was the number of stupid farangs on the loose with their water cannons getting all kinds of people pissed off at them. the night before songkran, a fool nailed a ladyboy talking on his mobile. He went ballistic and whacked the idiot on the back really hard with a shoe as he tried to get away on a congested sidewalk. The LB wasn't done and continued following. He grabbed a lead pipe and chased the moron farang. did not see what happened next but he could have been knocked out. another stupid farang couple (couple of what?) grabbed a sukhumvit outside table at 2am this same night. they were sitting behind a divider so that no passerby could see what was coming as they used cannons to douse ppl. most took it in good fun but a few got violent. one guy said he was going to take the gun and smash it over the biatch's head. stupid stupid eeediots

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I think Expats and Thai's are together on this one. The older you get the less you like it. Best to stay home and leave it to the young if it's getting too much.

Chiang Mai seemed a lot quieter this year, which might be due to the cost of petrol.

I agree, lamphun. There isn't anything that's for everybody and so it is with Songkran. It's one thing to know that it's not for you and simply be about your business and adjust yourself to it. It's quite another thing to condemn the entire holiday with the attitude that it's not good for anyone.

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The modern-style Songkran is as funny as rape a girl.

As more the frigid lass try to defend herself as more fun for the perpetrator. She just can't understand that the guy's only want have a little fun... why she didn't stay at home?? :o

Fukc Songkran!

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I think the majority of the moaners are old and/or have lived in Thailand for a while.

The young or the young at heart never seem to have a problem, the legions of the miserable always find something to moan about wherever they may be.

Whoa, talk about over generalisations.. I am not old and I've lived here for four years. I love Thailand, but I'm not blinded by my affection for the place. Songkran, like a lot of things Thai, is a good thing taken to such an extreme that it's no longer a good thing. If the water throwing lasted one or two days, everyone would probably join in and have a good time - get it over with and then continue to enjoy what is the longest break most of us get during the year. But no, the drunken, inconsiderate brigade continue to use the whole holiday as an excuse to do whatever the hel_l they wish while the rest of us are supposed to just smile and carry on. A bucket of water and powder paste over my new clothes while I'm walking to the cinema?... Ho, ho, what a hoot little Somchai, yes go right ahead. :o Luckily Bangkok is pretty deserted at Songkran so I can drive to places I'd normally walk to.

Newsflash... A lot of Thais get fed up with the Songkran water terrorists too, the whining isn't restricted to the farang community. I enjoy it for a day and I participate in the spirit of the festival. Four days later it gets a bit old....... :D I reserve the right to shove that water cannon up your a#$ if you soak me when I don't wish to be soaked.... :D

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The modern-style Songkran is as funny as rape a girl.

As more the frigid lass try to defend herself as more fun for the perpetrator. She just can't understand that the guy's only want have a little fun... why she didn't stay at home?? :D

Fukc Songkran!

If Songkran were only exactly what you described, Patex, then nobody would be having any fun. But since that's not at all true, and since it is true that millions more find Songkran extremely enjoyable, then your description must be due to your unfortunate limited perspective. :o

Fortunately, your perspective does not rob others of their joy. :D

Edited by Tippaporn
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The modern-style Songkran is as funny as rape a girl.

As more the frigid lass try to defend herself as more fun for the perpetrator. She just can't understand that the guy's only want have a little fun... why she didn't stay at home?? :D

Fukc Songkran!

Just think your comparison goes way to far! Do we have a national rape holiday in Thailand? If yes every girl / woman would stay inside and i gues your roaming the streets! :o

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The modern-style Songkran is as funny as rape a girl.

As more the frigid lass try to defend herself as more fun for the perpetrator. She just can't understand that the guy's only want have a little fun... why she didn't stay at home?? :D

What's the "frigid lass" doing working at the Eden Club in her skivies, if she doesn't want it?

Sometimes one is better off staying home and watching TV! :o

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I reserve the right to shove that water cannon up your a#$ if you soak me when I don't wish to be soaked.... :o

This is the very attitude that fun loving farangs bring with them from their own miserable countries.

By the way, I'd love to see you attempt that manouvre on a bunch of Thai lads...

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To stay with the topic i will share my Songkran experience here with you.

The first day my gf took me to her family here in bkk. We started of the traditional way as i poured water over the hands of her grandfather. Then we got out into the soi. Here i joined the much younger part of her family with loads of water, alcohol and loud music. It was really good fun.... until.. a Thai man was chasing another Thai man with a huge sword! Don't know what happened. They ran out of side so can't tell you he got slaughtered or not. 30 minutes later the police showed up and rounded up the soi we were in, in an attempt to find the long gone 'mid-evil-thai-knight'. So far the fun on the first day.

Second day we really hadn't planned anything. My gf always said that Koh San was probably the worst place to be. As i prefer to judge the experience myself we went to koh san rd. And hel_l that sucks! I'm very forgiving but this really was a test of anger management for me. I got sprayed directly in the eye, purposely, with high pressure guns on a few occasions. All of them i demanded them their apologies and pointed them on their shameful behaviour, lucky for them they all said sorry! Just stayed for an hour and went back for a nice and comfortable hot shower! I'm still young but on koh san i just can't enjoy myself.

Two years ago i was in CM and that was much more fun! I really enjoyed it there. The 3rd day in bkk i just stayed inside! Think it really matters where and with who you celebrate Songkran.

Just me,

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This is the whiners thread, so shut up!

Yes, I made a hard comparison and you clowns are still unable to get the point... A very few individuals like to choose time and style of their entertainment by themselfes.

Forced to mass psychotic - events is mostly not on their agenda :o .

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A bucket of water and powder paste over my new clothes while I'm walking to the cinema?... Ho, ho, what a hoot little Somchai, yes go right ahead. :o

Let's see now, it's Songkran and you're wearing new clothes on your way to the cinema. New clothes that you don't want to get wet. And you've been living in Thailand for four years. And by now you are fully aware of what you can expect during Songkran; that no one has immunity and perhaps farang least of all. And now you want everyone to agree with you about what? :D

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The modern-style Songkran is as funny as rape a girl.

As more the frigid lass try to defend herself as more fun for the perpetrator. She just can't understand that the guy's only want have a little fun... why she didn't stay at home?? :o

Fukc Songkran!

Wow ... went 12 posts with only OldHandLuke posting a whinge before Patex showed up!

Songkran was GREAT this year ... may go to Jomtien for 2 more days of it

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I'm whining and complaining about a lot of things. :D

1) Haven't shot enough people with my water-guns (hardly getting my money's worth out of them) :D

2) Haven't found Jai Dee's house, yet (but when I do.......) :D

3) The rain has dampened the enthusiasm of the people around here (but it's good for the resevoirs) :o

4) The quality of the ground beef at Friendship Supermarket (is it really beef at all ?) :D

5) # 43 was already b/f'd ! (from another thread) :D

6) I don't have anything meaningful to complain about ! (but I will after the lottery draw today) :D

7) I have too much time on my hands ! (but if I win the lottery today.........) :D

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A bucket of water and powder paste over my new clothes while I'm walking to the cinema?... Ho, ho, what a hoot little Somchai, yes go right ahead. :o

Let's see now, it's Songkran and you're wearing new clothes on your way to the cinema. New clothes that you don't want to get wet. And you've been living in Thailand for four years. And by now you are fully aware of what you can expect during Songkran; that no one has immunity and perhaps farang least of all. And now you want everyone to agree with you about what? :D

Don't confuse him with logic. :D

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Hey water cannon up arse shuverer, why dont you head upcountry and take up that attitude, would love to read the field report lol 'How I got a 3 foot water cannon removed surgically from my rectum over songkran'... and enjoyed it !!!

I was in 4 different towns over Songkran and the bigger the town, the bigger the play. In all these towns I saw 1 farng playing. All the other fierce battles with hoses and fire pumps no less, were wholey and soley Thai's having a ball.

Our car got flooded several times with large buckets of water through the window when I was not quick enough to get the window up. The seats were soaked, the radio stopped working and smelt after a few days. Lucky it was a rental.

But the trick is, that if it had not been a rental, I would not have driven it there with the windows down. So whiners just <deleted> and go bowling or some shit.

There is a word for guys like soi oz and pantyex 'stick in the mud' more than 1 word I know, but the single word I had in mind would be deleted in here.

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K.Wife and I celebrated SK with a sprinkle of water,wished each other good luck...chok dee na krup/ka for the future and I toasted the beginning of the new year in the traditional manner...a glass of single malt and.....yes... a leetle bit of nam...call me old fashioned...but.. :D I recon the celebration should be a gentle and respectfull occasion.......

A silly comparision on over excess would be to expect say all christians to get into the spirit of Easter sunday (today)and rather than just go out and roll their easter eggs would be to be...wot....be.. Crucified :o:D

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Songkran is a great laugh for one or two days, but a whole <deleted> week!! I'm talking about the kids on the highways who almost look like they're not enjoying it and it is there duty to continually spray passing vehicles. As I say, the first couple of days is great, but get the little fcukers off of the highways after this time at least.

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