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Songkran Whiners Thread

Ulysses G.

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'Depressing events and statistics'? You mean ones that are true, but that you don't want to hear?

'Thailand's favorite holiday'? You mean among the drunken children playing in the streets and on the highways?

Your complete intolerence of points of view different from yours is remarkably consistent in your postings, no matter what the topic. Ridicule is always so much easier than saying something that actually makes sense, isn't it?

Your life must really sucks OldAsiaMan. Everytime I read your post(s), you do nothing but whine....blah blah blah. May be Songkran will bring some good nature out of you, but than again, hel_l isn't going to freeze over anytime soon.

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A nice civilised trip to the temple in wimbledon today, a bit pf pling plong music on the stage, some grub & a shop at the thai food stall. All very civilised, it managed to not rain & we left once it got mentally busy. :o

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1-2days is ok, but lets get realistic week is too much. However that being said its their holiday and tradition so who are we to whinge? Keep in side if you dont like it.

Yeah, you're right, it is their holiday and we are simply bystanders at the end of the day (although the week thing with water-cannons ain't tradition) but I was a little shocked when getting a dousing in Chiang Mai on the 9th of April and also on the 16th of April.

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I love Songkran, it's just great, I agree that there are some things I don't like...like being sprayed by water guns while I'm driving my motorbike for obvious reasons in the middle of the highway, yesterday I've seen a guy sreading all over the South Pattaya Rd. because of an idiotic farang who really took the water thing personal, also, ice in the water??? I am not old and I also do not have heart problems, but others do, anyway, I don't have anything to relly whine about, I loved every Songkran I spent and will never get tired of it... :o

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Love the festival, it's great to see the people smilling so much and having so much fun. I was traveling with the girlfriends family and unfortunatly we got to see some unfortunate sides to songkran, first the fights, 2 bad ones that i saw, a police man getting furious at people throwing water at him whilst trying to break up a very serious fight bettween two thais and two falung, and the worst was following an elderlt guy on a motobike who crashed, got run over by a pickup, and died after someone threw a bucket of water with ice at him whilst he was riding his bike, he could have been no younger then 70. mabey he should not have been on the road, or mabey the water throwers should have picked me to throw the water at not the elderly.

Still had fun over songkran and can't wait till next year. i hope i never see again what i saw this year, but i think thats just a dream.


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I spent a large part of the day trying to keep my neighbours (Thais) from getting out of control.

A couple of times I had to stop the ankle-biters from scooping the ice out of the pail and throwing it at people passing by. These are 5-6 year old kids. No clue as to the consequences of throwing a bowl/pail full of ice into the face of someone going by on a motorcycle.

I tried to stop everybody from spraying the passengers in the TukCom shuttle bus that goes by our place every two minutes. A lot of those people were carrying new (or repaired, what ever) computers and accessories, just the things you don't want getting soaked.

I tried to explain to "mama", and she just replied "Mai phen rai" !

However, when that same shuttle came around the corner, loaded with other rug-rats and TukCom employees, all armed with water-pistols themselves, the war was on !!

I was slightly surprised at how many people were wandering around with their mobiles in their hands or pockets, not protected by a plastic baggy. Seeing them run down the soi, one hand held high and away from their body as they try to keep their phone from getting wet, I just shook my head.

I did notice that some people who were working were left alone though. The people bringing clothing to/from the tailor shops were thankfully allowed to go in peace, as were the food vendors. The guy that came by selling umbrellas got it good though !

Motorcycles were usually stopped (one of the gang would stand in the middle of the soi with a whistle and make them stop), then a bowl of water would be gently poured over their heads and a little powder dabbed on their faces and they were on their way. Most of them seem to accept it in stride.

Being soaking wet to the point of leaving a trail of water as you walked didn't exempt you from the treatment either. I went to the local hardware store and got doused by some refreshingly icy water, despite the fact I was obviously already drenched.

I figured the lad probably thought I was sweating to much from the heat (being a farang and all) and was just trying to be helpful by cooling me down. :o

I thanked him for his concern (it was refreshing !).

Tomorrow will be even worse (or better, depending on your point of view) ! I must say though, after 7 hours of water-fights today, I was more than willing to retreat to my nice, dry apartment. :D

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