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Saraburi: Syringes may have been reused on 3,700 students


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"and all of the eight graders happened to share the same A blood type."

Must have copied from the person sitting next to them.

"and all of the eight graders happened to share the same A blood type."

If they didn't before the tests they do now.....


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i have worked two years ago with bangkok hospitals and the woman in charge of the infectious problems told me this when i spoke about the safety issues during gynecological exams :

"there is already too much prevention, the human body is powerfull enough to get rid of most of the deseases"


Wow! That really is priceless. And this woman was in charge???bah.gif

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No, it is not funny.

It's sarcasm of the inept manner that potentially has fatal consequences for the students in the first sentence.

The second sentence reflects the lack of even rudimentary knowledge displayed by those in charge.

So youn think this is funny?

Future news.

Public Health Minister Witthaya Buranasiri expressed surprise today on the rampant influx of HIV cases amongst young students in Saraburi.

He did say, however, that on a positive note, somehow everyone in that province now all have the same blood type thus easing critical blood shortages for trauma cases.

I work in that school and those are my students that you are talking about.

Those are my co-teachers that you are talking about.

You clearly do not understand the gravity of this matter.

Sure if this has really happened, it is gross negligence and should be punished with termination of contract and prosecution, at least it would in other countries.

I understand your anger and frustration at the matter but T.I.T and it will probably be swept under the carpet after a wave of empty threats until another story distracts us all. Lighten up, I think jonnie20110 was just trying to add some humour to this unbelievable yet typically Thai news story.

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It would be interesting to hear who contracted them and why.

About a year or more back I know of another private firm offering health checks to schools for a fee of course.

They arrived in a province upcountry in a well presented professional looking van then proceeded to contact schools in the area. They sold the schools a story on how it would look good for the schools to carry out these tests etc.

Govt departments got involved and the company was found to be unlawful, unlicenced and unqualified (read scam).

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I can't think of any reason for taking blood samples at random from any group of people whether children or adult. (Military personnel excepted)

Only an SRN is suitably qualified to carry out intravenous procedures on adults and children.

Taking blood samples from school children and testing said samples without the written consent of of each child's parent infringes the children's human rights.

It seems most unlikely that all of the children in the school are of the same blood group.

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If they have cross infected people, should be corporate manslaughter.

Why are they giving compulsory blood tests to anyone? I would tell them to stuff off....

Then your child would probably be barred from education at any State schools in the area. Children are routinely vaccinated at Thai schools without a by-your-leave from them or their parents - even if they feel the vaccinations are ineffective or even hazardous to the child's health. The same is true in many countries across the world, where exemptions are granted only in exceptional circumstances.

Big Brother is getting bigger all the time.

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If they have cross infected people, should be corporate manslaughter.

Why are they giving compulsory blood tests to anyone? I would tell them to stuff off....

Then your child would probably be barred from education at any State schools in the area. Children are routinely vaccinated at Thai schools without a by-your-leave from them or their parents - even if they feel the vaccinations are ineffective or even hazardous to the child's health. The same is true in many countries across the world, where exemptions are granted only in exceptional circumstances.

Big Brother is getting bigger all the time.

Well they would end up with a nice court case.

I think it is unlawful for a school to refuse compulsory education Thailand I believe????

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If they have cross infected people, should be corporate manslaughter.

Why are they giving compulsory blood tests to anyone? I would tell them to stuff off....

...redirection of taxpayers' money...haven't you noticed this is the government's favorite activity...

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The name of the company is not identified by the DSI.

I wonder if the reason is that a high level police or politition is involved.

Because the company was obviously hired by someone under the pervue of the Minister Of Education.

SInce he is in the ruling party, this is more than just a high level position.

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