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School Director beats up student for not wearing proper shoes to class

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School Director beats up student for not wearing proper shoes to class
By Coconuts Bangkok


A 16-year-old vocational student was severely beaten up by the deputy director of his school for wearing shoes to class that violated the school’s dress code, a report said on Thursday.

The report, whihc was drawn up by the Amnat Charoen Provincial Administrative Organization, said the deputy director used his fists, feet, knees and elbows in the savage attack.

The student suffered severe bruising and was taken to the hospital.

The victim’s family filed a complaint at Amnat Charoen police station.

Read More: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2013/08/22/school-director-beats-student-not-wearing-proper-shoes-class

-- Coconuts Bangkok 2013-08-22


What and who is that photo? Is this some kind of sick joke story?

I tried the link, and it only has a couple added sentences, but doesn't shed much light on the story.

Is the farang in the photo the alleged attacker?


I am surprised that someone has actually stood up against a school. These things are happening routinely. I know of a schoolgirl whose nail was forcibly cut against her will.


Well spotted cracking film!

But Jeffrey Jones, the guy in the photo who played the principal, was also charged with sexual offences involving an underage boy and is now a registered sex offender, which makes the use of that photo even stranger if it's supposed to represent a real school official in Thailand.

Jones Can't Escape Child Sex Charges

by WENN | 27 October 2004

FERRIS BUELLER'S DAY OFF star JEFFREY JONES is set to return to court to face the boy he was accused of taking sexual advantage of.

The actor faced criminal charges last year (03) for taking explicit photos of the boy - a charge to which he pleaded "no contest."

Jones' was sentenced to five years of probation and the judge ordered him to register as a sex offender.


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Must be more to it than that, 16 yr old boys aint little weak things that can be easily kicked around.

Suspect just a bit of sensationalism to make a news story, but then who knows from a big headline and a little story.


I'm with most of you, the day a teacher lays a hand on my kid, let alone completely assaults him, I will physically destroy that teacher to the point of him / her eating through a straw for the rest of their wretched life. I would gladly cash them out or even spend time in jail knowing I disabled such a human from ever abusing a child again.

If it's a government-funded school, you'll be told it happens in all government schools and if you don't like it, there's plenty of other schools.

It is a shame that you are not allowed to do to inappropriately dressed Farangs in Thailand as this school director did to the student.

Would you explain how inappropriately dressed farangs adresses this article?

And would you explain your idea of inappropriately dressed?

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Maybe the kids should watch the film IF and take appropriate action !

regards Worgeordie

Maybe the kids should follow the rules of the institution they are enrolled in.


I agree with the above post. At my Isaan school a great deal of time and effort goes into implementing the dress code. At assembly two mornings ago, for example, all students violating the code - mainly students who had lost items of their scout uniform or wear wearing whitened brown plimsolls - were hauled up in front of assembly, given a verbal dressing down and had to run a few times round the school square. A couple of weeks ago there was a blitz on haircuts. About one third of the students were deemed ok, the rest, pooying and poochai, had to line up for a haircut. First, one of the several teachers having a go, each student got a rough cut, then one of the students whose father is a barber, gave each student a final more presentable cut. These are but two examples, but it happens in various forms almost every assembly and beatings happen often. I just wish as much effort was put into ensuring students attended class, that teachers taught the classes they are supposed to teach and that those teachers too lazy to even go to their classrooms were sacked forthwith. In passing, I have come to realise how very hard it is to sack a Thai teacher.

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Maybe the kids should watch the film IF and take appropriate action !

regards Worgeordie

Maybe the kids should follow the rules of the institution they are enrolled in.

Maybe said institution should spend more time providing the decent education it exists for, rather than concentrating on militaristic uniforms.

Why does my step-daughter wear her student number and name on her blouse? Something else for her to disciplined for if she has to wear a different blouse for whatever reason?

Mind you, the various badges prepare them for pathetic government jobs and the uniforms/insignia.

BTW I don't see any discipline being achieved when I see how students act outside of school.

Education first. Sorry, I forgot, doesn't work in Thai schools


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*Deleted post edited out*

We don't know if the teacher was farang or Thai ....or what. The article is too sparse and the photo doesn't fit. Altogether a crappy stab at journalism.

If this happened, there should be a police report written up on him, and if there's any truth to a grown man beating a kid, that man should lose his job, at the least. .....and if as serious as the article alludes to, assault charges should be filed.

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We don't know if the teacher was farang or Thai ....or what. The article is too sparse and the photo doesn't fit. Altogether a crappy stab at journalism.

If this happened, there should be a police report written up on him, and if there's any truth to a grown man beating a kid, that man should lose his job, at the least. .....and if as serious as the article alludes to, assault charges should be filed.

I'm sorry to say that I believe your trust in the Police is misplaced.

IMO the police will be 'educated' by the all edged offender and it will reside in an in-tray, probably under-going intense investigation to ensure no hasty decisions are made.

If more serious crimes appear to be ignored, what chance a 'normal' disciplining of a student? I assume we're talking a government school anyway


*Deleted quote edited out*

We don't know if the teacher was farang or Thai ....or what. The article is too sparse and the photo doesn't fit. Altogether a crappy stab at journalism.

If this happened, there should be a police report written up on him, and if there's any truth to a grown man beating a kid, that man should lose his job, at the least. .....and if as serious as the article alludes to, assault charges should be filed.

The photo is of a Farang, why use this guys photo if he wasn't the offender can he use the Thai defamation laws and sue the life out them for publically portraying him as a guy who beats up children? They wouldn't be that stupid to use an innocent mans photo to publically portray him as a guy who abuses and beats children.

Stupid to say the least, better no photo than this as there is no point. An artist impression -example, would be acceptable.

Either this principle has home/money problems, or just copying his fathers anger, but it sounds like he actually enjoyed this event to prove his masculinity. Unless the boy has been giving him problems over a period of time and he just snapped --but I doubt that. This teacher HAS to have history of abuse to my thinking, never change their spots.


Coconuts reminds me of reading People and Picture magazines in the smoko shed at work. Basically it's all bs stories.

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Years back I had an interview for high school; mom, principal, and me. Eventually, talk came to corporal punishment (this is Kenya in the early 80's). My mom made it very clear were that cane would end up if it ever touched me. Still got accepted as they were short of Rugger players (Indian school).

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