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Paypal Alternative - Recieve Money Online To Thai Bank


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I want to sell some Thai products on the Internet. I would like to know if anyone has had any experience with paysbuy.com. They are the Thai "payPal".

I need a payment processor that I can enter in shipping weights for individual products. I can have different mail methods (eg envelope, air mail, surface mail etc).

I need something that is clever enough to total the weight up and then charge the right shipping cost. Paypal for example doesnt really let you do this because it is shipping cost per product.

The shipping cost per product would ovbiously change if being sent in one box with many other products.

Would i need to use my own shopping cart software to get paysbuy.com to do this?

Please could anyone comment - also about aternatives.

What about PayPal in THailand? If I set up an account do i need to go through verification checks? How about my bank statements have to show a security deposit verification amount and send fax of my bank statement? I dont have a bank statement only a bank book.

Please anyone with ecommerce experience in thailand please comment


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It looks like you've got 2 issues (at least) here.

One issue is how to set up PayPal so you can sell products on the internet from Thailand. The way I did it was to set up a Paypal account through my US bank, and then use electronic transfers to move funds from PayPal to my US bank and then to Thailand. It seems to work ok, and I imagine you could do the same thing from a UK bank. As far as the Thai government is concerned, any business I do is happening offshore.

Your other issue is how to compute your shipping costs for the products you sell. I think it's hard to integrate this with one of the payment systems, if your products involve complex combinations of weights/package sizes/delivery methods. Certainly it's easy enough to work up a spreadsheet to that and then respond to customers with the shipping cost by email. That's what most eBay sellers seem to do.

Good luck with your business venture.

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If you are selling outside Thailand then PaysBuy is not going to work, it will only accept addresses in Thailand to open a payment account (I just tried it) :o

A Thai Paypal account won't allow you to withdraw funds to a Thai bank (stupid I know).

Best bet is to do what I (and many others) do and operate a UK PayPal account attached to your UK bank account and either accept payments direct to it, or accept payment to a Thai PayPal account and then transfer to your UK account for withdrawl.

Can't answer your shopping basked problem, sorry :D

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Thanksfor your reply.

I have considered your idea for having my paypal account in the UK. THe problem with this is exchange rates - if I sell in dollars, this is converted to pounds when i withdraw (bad exchange rate) then i withdraw money from my ATM (charge me 5 pounds for 20,000 baht and a crap exchange rate again). So in other words i sell in dollars, withdraw to my UK account in pounds and then withdraw from atm in baht. I end up losing about 10%.

I am going to have a look at oscommerce perhaps it has some special weigh calculating function.

Thanks again

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Are you in the UK at present (hopefully yes). Go and open a Nationwide Flexaccount. FREE international ATM withdrawls and a half decent online banking system :o

You can have a $ (and Euro) Paypal account in the UK so you should only get excange rate woes when you actually transfer cash out of paypal.

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I also had this problem with high fees for ATM withdrawals in Thailand from my US bank. Finally I solved it when I discovered that my bank allowed electronic transfers to my Thai bank at a cost of only $3 for up to $10,000. I haven't used my US ATM card in 6 months and I get the more favorable telegraphic transfer rate on the exchange to baht. I imagine a similar service is available from the UK.

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Guest endure
I also had this problem with high fees for ATM withdrawals in Thailand from my US bank. Finally I solved it when I discovered that my bank allowed electronic transfers to my Thai bank at a cost of only $3 for up to $10,000. I haven't used my US ATM card in 6 months and I get the more favorable telegraphic transfer rate on the exchange to baht. I imagine a similar service is available from the UK.

Electronic transfers from UK banks are relatively expensive (£10-20). As has been said, if you're a UKer a Nationwide Flexaccount is the way to go. Better still, get two and sign up for electronic banking. That way, if an ATM swallows your card you can transfer all your dosh to your second account and use your other card/account :o

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For your basket, take a look at Oscommerce, but I advice to check the OSMax release.

If your only prob is to have the shipping module to modify for your weight/price calculation, feel free to PM, I will gladly do it for the fun. If there is other mods, so I will be sorry but I will not have the time to do it (a shipping module mods , or the creation of the custom one is made usually in 30 mn).

Anyway using OSc is a good choice, easy to maintain, the community have created thousands of modules, even saoudi bank have their gateways, and as it's php, and as it's a live prog the maintenance is easy to do.

Another alternative is Agora, for the small shop, but it's in Perl, so more complex to mod it.

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As far as I know, some Thai bank provides online payment gateway. At least it was what I saw in SCB site. I believe you need legal company and open corporate account with them first. For detail you may contact them.

osCommerce is great application, yet it's totally free. I use it for my online shop, including customizing the shipping/payment modules by myself (no suitable plugins available for my needs). Though I don't offer online payment yet, only by bank transfer manually. So if you have the skills, you may try this one.

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Along the same lines as the topic starter, I, too, am looking at PaySbuy. I would like to sell within Thailand in Thai baht, so wouldn't need to go the Paypal route.

Is there anyone who can help me with a simple shopping cart of around five different prices. I have already set up an account with PaySbuy and have a website.

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See if you can open a US account and apply for a Paypal Debitcard.

With the debitcard you can withdraw any funds at minimum cost (good exchange rate + $1 per transaction) at any Thai ATM.

PS Prefer CubeCart 3 to OSCommerce ....

Edited by sniffdog
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See if you can open a US account and apply for a Paypal Debitcard.

With the debitcard you can withdraw any funds at minimum cost (good exchange rate + $1 per transaction) at any Thai ATM.

PS Prefer CubeCart 3 to OSCommerce ....

Cubecart is better than the OSC ms2.2 I do agree, but I do think OSMAX or Creloaded are superior to Cubecart.

Another thing to consider, is the huge amount of already made modules that are exsting in the OSC community.

On the other hand, there is still problems who exist in OSC, not realy bugs, but a heavily customised OSC is always hard to fix when thing goes wrong. Because the modules are made by people who handle php by different ways.

Point to notice, OSC is going fully OOP (what a shame), so for people who have expertise on OOP it can be easier to maintain.

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