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Excellent question.

Thai can do many things and have all sorts of loans.

Here we have 2 foreigners who claim to have loans of 85% and even 95% in THEIR NAME for the house, which officially they can not own while all Banks would not do more than 70% of banks valuation, not the buying price.

Go figure.

Not too long ago, there was a poster name KerryK, who claimed he got 100% loan for the land and to build a house at the age of 80.

For a start, I am a Thai person, so nothing to stop me buying a house.

(When did I ever say I was a foreigner?)

Government bank will loan up to 110%, depending on your employer (they love teachers and police).

Other banks lend an amount depending on your income, your credit history, valuation of the house, etc.

As for KerryK, he clearly didn't understand that all Thai home loans are finished by age 65.

When did you ever say you were a Thai prior to this ?

Where does it say that he HAS to say if he is a Thai or a farang just to suit you?

Perhaps when talking about loans and house ownership?!blink.png

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I've had some experiences with Thais in my 13 years here that warrant being classified as good in a supererogatory sense:

1) Someone who wanted me to give money to my girlfriend to buy his house paid for the coffee at our meeting;

2) My ex-girlfriend once bought a pizza and brought it to my house for us to eat;

3) The local vet recently gave me a cup of coffee when I took an animal for treatment;

4) After six years of complete silence, the person who lives across from me invited me to a party outside his house, to celebrate having recently bought my house and the plot of land next to it (but there again, he's a big guy in the land development office and lots of his subordinates were there, so maybe he was just showing off, which would accord with my gut feelings when at the party);

5) One guy in Bangkok treated me to dinner once.......but then started pestering me from morning to night, day in and day out, whenever he wanted to know something about computers........

6) My housekeeper is excellent. She shows a lot of initiative and does lots of beneficial things without being told to do them.

Sorry, I've tried hard but I'm drawing a blank now......there's no more.

There has also been a lot of stuff that could be classified as simply normal, expected behaviour: not especially bad, nor good in a supererogatory sense and worthy of mention (for example, people doing their job properly, which required them to be helpful). Given the topic of the thread, I will refrain from listing bad stuff (it would take too long, anyway).

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billd766 wrote:

That is perfectly possible too, or have you never heard of dual nationality?

Heard of double, not triplew00t.gif

I have triple

Edited by FDog
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After a good night's sleep, I have remembered some more good things regarding Thai people's behaviour towards me:

7) In 2005, when I used to go to a Japanese karaoke bar, the girls used to give me a ride home on their motorbikes;

8) On New Year's Eve in 2005, a girl gave me a wooden toy as a New Year's present;

9) In 2006, a girl gave me a ballpoint pen for my birthday

10) In 2002, a neighbour was going to Big C in his truck and offered to give me a ride along the way. His wife wanted to charge me 100 Baht, but the husband said I didn't have to pay. That was nice of him.

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Maybe we can dig up a humanitarian award to give them.

Now ....now.... now.

There are a few nice Thai people, I've heard....

Getting dropped car keys back from a neighbor is really at the bottom of the Thai apologist's barrel.

Buy a car from the guy and he'll tack on 10 % farang tax.

Probably buttering you up for it..

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Actually thais like all groups of ppl have their good and their bad (duh) but i have noticed how unfriendly some thais and the sour nasty looks some of them give for whatever reason.

Yet it's kind of odd to bash thais when you are living in thailand. I would think the ppl that do this bashing live in thailand then why choose to live there? It isn't like the refugees that run to the west that don't have a choice right? Most ppl that travel to thailand do it out of their own freewill and not because they are starving or escaping persecution.

It has to do with civic duty- others need an alternative view to Thailand's carefully constructed and protected facade. Long timers, who are ensconced for whatever reason seek merely to present their views and perhaps vent a bit.

That is what discussion forums are for, is it not?

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I am quiet astonished that there is just one member with a positive experience of honesty in Thailand .as stated in my OP I never had any bad experience here may it is just different how I approach locals.but I truly have to admit that it depends where you are.the most amazing people I met in rural issaan .as closer you get to the major tourist areas the chance of beeping scammed getting proportional higher but even there I think it is still a matter of attitude.....just another story: same 20 years ago I came the first time to TH .young single and hungry for party but not well experienced .after the second night I met a bargirl and we had some fun.two nights later I moved out of my hotel and lived the remaining three weeks with her and her colleagues and it was a great time.they didn't want even money from me.i just spent a certain amount on booze in her bar(what I had spent anyway) and a few times I cooked for them( I am a chef)that's it.they even organized my some nice trips for less than usually asked.and all this happened in patong.i think it is a matter of attitude.be positive and you will get positive,be honest and ppl will be honest- just enjoy your live.ps: my neighbors know about the cash bec sometimes they help me with minor things in our house and cash is laying open...always look on the bright side of life!

I am quiet astonished that there is just one member with a positive experience of honesty in Thailand.

OK: Six month ago, I moved from a smaller house to a slightly larger one , same owner, I am ashamed to tell I did forgot in the first house 1200€ I have "hidden" somewhere.

The next day the owner, an old Thai gentleman, came with this envelope I had totally forgotten, 1200€ he told me you can count! Not sure every Western owner woul have done it? rolleyes.gif

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billd766 wrote:

That is perfectly possible too, or have you never heard of dual nationality?

Heard of double, not triplew00t.gif

I have triple

You must have a confusing life !

I'm easily confused. biggrin.png

Born in Nth Ireland which gives me both British and Irish passports but I moved to Australia when I was only 4. Last year I got Aus citizenship and an Oz passport. After 45 years of living their I thought it about time, also because I was leaving Oz permanently and didn't want the visa hassles in case I wanted to go back for work if needed.

I travel on the British passport.

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I have 20 friends coming to visit. Rich and poor but all from the same village. They have hired a large size song tau so the kids won't be cooped up on a bus or in a van for the 8 hour ride. The kids don't throw up because the song tau is open on the sides and back and a lot of air flow. Upon arrival here the rich folks have booked rooms at an ocean front hotel and the poor ones will stay at the Wat. Cooking will be done at the beach and at my house. Transportation, food and lodging all in all will amount to 10% of what it would have cost me in the West for the same thing. 90% savings and everyone will have fun.

When was the last time you showed up in Alabama at the Baptist church and asked them to put up 10 adults and kids for three days? Or when in the West do three generations get along for three days at the beach. Transportation and lodging and food for a Thai family are about 10% of what would need to be paid in the West. In Thailand families are still families and I like that. I've hired a small band and karaoke and young and old will sing and dance. Together. Young and old. I know that freaks out a lot of young guys here on Thai Visa but in Thailand young and old still do things together.

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I am quiet astonished that there is just one member with a positive experience of honesty in Thailand .as stated in my OP I never had any bad experience here may it is just different how I approach locals.but I truly have to admit that it depends where you are.the most amazing people I met in rural issaan .as closer you get to the major tourist areas the chance of beeping scammed getting proportional higher but even there I think it is still a matter of attitude.....just another story: same 20 years ago I came the first time to TH .young single and hungry for party but not well experienced .after the second night I met a bargirl and we had some fun.two nights later I moved out of my hotel and lived the remaining three weeks with her and her colleagues and it was a great time.they didn't want even money from me.i just spent a certain amount on booze in her bar(what I had spent anyway) and a few times I cooked for them( I am a chef)that's it.they even organized my some nice trips for less than usually asked.and all this happened in patong.i think it is a matter of attitude.be positive and you will get positive,be honest and ppl will be honest- just enjoy your live.ps: my neighbors know about the cash bec sometimes they help me with minor things in our house and cash is laying open...always look on the bright side of life!

I am quiet astonished that there is just one member with a positive experience of honesty in Thailand.

OK: Six month ago, I moved from a smaller house to a slightly larger one , same owner, I am ashamed to tell I did forgot in the first house 1200 I have "hidden" somewhere.

The next day the owner, an old Thai gentleman, came with this envelope I had totally forgotten, 1200 he told me you can count! Not sure every Western owner woul have done it? rolleyes.gif

yeah- one more out of 101. I just hope the rest of the community enjoy their times here so much as I do... And a few fellows!
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Perhaps when talking about loans and house ownership?!blink.png

He and I were talking about mortgages, not home ownership

I suggest you go back and read again what was discussed as making assumptions has not done well for you thus far

A bit like your assumptions of AnotherOneAmerican perhaps?

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Perhaps when talking about loans and house ownership?!blink.png

He and I were talking about mortgages, not home ownership

I suggest you go back and read again what was discussed as making assumptions has not done well for you thus far

A bit like your assumptions of AnotherOneAmerican perhaps?

There was no assumption.

In previous threads he stated to be American, in this thread when asked whose name it was in, he answered banks and now we also know he could be British.

Please keep up with what is happening

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I'm Thai/American, mother was Thai, but I always lived in America until a year or so ago when I retired and applied for my Thai ID.

Hence, my spoken Thai is OK but my reading and writing of Thai is god-damn awful, so working here is a no-no.

There are a few others on this forum like me.

Any more questions?

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I'm Thai/American, mother was Thai, but I always lived in America until a year or so ago when I retired and applied for my Thai ID.

Hence, my spoken Thai is OK but my reading and writing of Thai is god-dam_n awful, so working here is a no-no.

There are a few others on this forum like me.

Any more questions?

Lemoncake ALWAYS feels that he has to have the last word.

Form your screen name I also assumed that you were an American but it doesn't matter to me if you are American, British, Thai or even a little green man from Mars.

Though on second thoughts if you were a little green man from Mars you would truly be an alien.

Have a nice day.

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theyre not all bad just some and your day will come if you walk around with rose tinted glasses, believing them all to be benign and harmless as many have found out over the years.

1000s returned home in a coffin or urn when n they were bashed

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theyre not all bad just some and your day will come if you walk around with rose tinted glasses, believing them all to be benign and harmless as many have found out over the years.

1000s returned home in a coffin or urn when n they were bashed

If you were talking about me, I haven't been bashed in Thailand yet and that is 20 years now.

A lot depends on where you live and how you act.

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I understand you frustration, This subject comes up a lot from people that are relatively new to this forum, and are shocked to find all the "Thai Bashing" that is so out of skew with their personal experience.

I have lived in many places in the world, and I have found the Thai people to me not worst or better then most. In some things they are better than most, in other things worst than others,

in general, they are human, and as such driven my the same human dynamics that drive every one else.

I have said it before, and I will say it again,

TV has a lot of value, with a lot of good people participating, When in the General forum, be selective about the threads you participate in and or read and you will be fine.

But when in the Pub, never be selective about nothing.

Or there wouldn't be nothing to comment about.

The Thai people are better than most, though, true fact.

This is just a local Thai cultural trait to be nicer, and the weather is nicer here,

So they can afford to be nicer.

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The only solution is to ban anyone immediately who posts any negative experiences they have in Thailand. And then delete those posts. This way people like the OP can function properly in their sex life.

oh man I am so sorry for you.you must be very frustrated/ annoyed with your life otherwise you wouldn't post boll$$cks like this.really sorry
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