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Thai culture and their understanding and concept of "NOW"!


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Is that what I should do? Would I be a good fake plastic manipulative polite farang by doing that? Is that the helpless that some of you suggested?

So most of you would probably agree with this approach <ring ring> "Oh Hi Mrs So&so the is Mr This&that, Oh I'm fine thank you and yourself Oh thats nice thats good, Oh hey before I forget why I was calling, you know by gosh o golly the toilet is doing that funny thing again, Yeaaaaa I know isn't that the silliest thing, oh yeaaaaaa, well I was wondering you know it being Sunday and all and I have some guests coming for dinner, if you or your husband could just take a quick look if it isn't a bother, ohhhh I hope Im not imposing on your Sunday dinner by no means I'd never want to do that, Oh really He can? Oh I'm so thankful and really appreciate it ohhh yes yes kopkumcob Ohhh wonderful, ok see you soon, buhbye" <click>

Yes, empathizing with the person you're speaking to goes a long long way.

I can see very clearly you're not going to gain much credit with the Thais with your current attitude.

I would make a change before you have a coronary.

Hey, let me make something abundantly clear, I'm an old man, quite wise in my years and I'm not interested in a popularity contest and getting "credit".

I want things the way I want them and the same standard I hold to others you can guarantee you will get 10fold from me. I am reasonable and rational and will listen to anyone without prejudice, but don't for one minute think you can get one by me, pull a fast one or give me anything less than what I deserve or have payed for because I'll catch it eventually and you certainly don't want me coming back over and over again. The golden rule of "treat others how you want to be treated", I'm sorry but is flawed. You should treat others how THEY want to be treated. And if you ever come across me you better believe I will mirror you. respect/gets respect, being a f'n prick/gets you an f'n prick. Its your call.

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Is that what I should do? Would I be a good fake plastic manipulative polite farang by doing that? Is that the helpless that some of you suggested?

So most of you would probably agree with this approach <ring ring> "Oh Hi Mrs So&so the is Mr This&that, Oh I'm fine thank you and yourself Oh thats nice thats good, Oh hey before I forget why I was calling, you know by gosh o golly the toilet is doing that funny thing again, Yeaaaaa I know isn't that the silliest thing, oh yeaaaaaa, well I was wondering you know it being Sunday and all and I have some guests coming for dinner, if you or your husband could just take a quick look if it isn't a bother, ohhhh I hope Im not imposing on your Sunday dinner by no means I'd never want to do that, Oh really He can? Oh I'm so thankful and really appreciate it ohhh yes yes kopkumcob Ohhh wonderful, ok see you soon, buhbye" <click>

Yes, empathizing with the person you're speaking to goes a long long way.

I can see very clearly you're not going to gain much credit with the Thais with your current attitude.

I would make a change before you have a coronary.

Hey, let me make something abundantly clear, I'm an old man, quite wise in my years and I'm not interested in a popularity contest and getting "credit".

I want things the way I want them and the same standard I hold to others you can guarantee you will get 10fold from me. I am reasonable and rational and will listen to anyone without prejudice, but don't for one minute think you can get one by me, pull a fast one or give me anything less than what I deserve or have payed for because I'll catch it eventually and you certainly don't want me coming back over and over again. The golden rule of "treat others how you want to be treated", I'm sorry but is flawed. You should treat others how THEY want to be treated. And if you ever come across me you better believe I will mirror you. respect/gets respect, being a f'n prick/gets you an f'n prick. Its your call.

Oh dear.

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Stop all these thai bashings please! Please do not make generalisations about Thais or criticise them about their shortfalls, and instead you should make notes and understand their background and also their history and anthropological evolution and in fact sympathise with them but not necessary befriend them but rather just stay away from them to avoid any trouble.

You see unlike most Western Nations or even Asian Nations, civilisation in thailand began much much later, and just over a few decades ago, most were still living in the trees. The sudden appearance of farangs enticed by their local slim bodies and also their flexibility in doing anything perverse to please these farangs and some of their own kind for the sake of money, brought a lot of sudden economic progress to the country which many locals till today are not able to grasps yet in terms of handling all these economic progress. As a society , they really do not understand the concept of productivity, punctuality, being ethical,friendship, give and take, love etc even with their own kinds , so do not expect much from them . They were never colonised by any Western countries , hence their concept of undertanding other kinds of intellectual concepts or emotional bonding concepts is not there. They were indirectly colonised by the Chinese, hence the country is run today by the Thai chinese who brough with them the things like prostitution, drugs, tea money and corruption, cheating etc.They are also used to the system of patronising richer or more powerful people and even more yellowish complexions as a result of this indirect colonisation.

When seeking accomodations ie rentals etc, try to patronise other foreign owners who are renting out. Its always best to just stay away from locals. If you are a sex tourist or expat, well do whatever you want with them but never develop a realtionship and also just use them and throw them away. Do not even pity them. If you are a business entrepreneur, simply make your money, do not teach the locals too much, keep a low profile and just enjoy yourself here. Stay away from Government Servants, Politicians, Policemen, Military Men etc as these are all crooks so are their immediate families. Those that can speak English well or seem educated, well...even stay away from them as you will end up with scams etc.

Thais are generally harmless people and are nice if you just stay away from them and simply use them for your needs. Do not ever think of helping them when they are in need or even contribute to their progress and things will be ok.

Thailand is a great country and a great place to make money and enjoy if you know how and off course stay away from anything dubious or illegal. Have fun in Thailand and stop generalising the local inhabitants or making negative things about them. They can not help the way they evolved.

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Wow! Ok.. With the exception of a few people who had something intelligent to say, made valid points and stayed on topic, Id have to say the rest of you seem to use these forums as your own playground. Most of you are disrespectful, pass judgment, make insults, get off topic, ridicule, talk down on, are condescending and practically go so far out of your way to creatively come up with someway, somehow it being the OP's fault.

Its not just me. You ridiculed the post with noisy farang, the talking on mobile in cinema, the guy who got his Lao visa in Bangkok. You make people so sorry that they ever reached out to post and request help in the first place. I've learned something by all this though which is a good thing, the very same people I left my country to get away from are pretty much the likes of most of you right here in your little safe haven. In the interest of "netiquette" I'll spare you some of my chosen adjectives.

We started out that I should have a plunger and then onto soda and the magical wonders it does, to running all my water supplies and drains at the same time to insults of elephant shits, then gas from my butter-cakes onto my attitude, then I was "screaming", then my social status not being high enough to get positive results from the demands I was making, onto I should pretend to be stupid and helpless (manipulate) Thai people to do what they should and are required to do in the first place onto the meaning of "now" in Thai language being "cold" or sounding close to it. What, now you want to say that my landlord had no idea what "now" was and I must have been speaking "Thaiglish" [Thai+English] because of my whole statement I made in English I decided to throw a Thai word of "now" in there which then wouldn't make much sense. Lets try this one.. "FIX IT COLD" "FIX IT COLD COLD". Nope sorry nice try people but unless I was referring to maybe the air-con instead of the toilet I can't agree with you that my landlord is that stupid, especially pointing out the window and saying "HOME PRO IS OPEN NOW".

FYI I also don't recall ever mentioning that both my landlords can't speak or understand english. Yet another assumption made that threw everyone off topic that they didn't know what the word "NOW" means. Also the other tenant is Thai so there are usually very little communication errors or lost in translation issues.

I was not asking a favor. This was the 3rd time in 40 days and not my problem or expense to fix and was now of great inconvenience to me yet again and my company. And what do you people think, I'm some F'n stupid idiot that did not already try all your suggestions except for soda? I ran the F'n water in every water source, I violently plunged the dam_n toilet and even the shower drain, I sprayed the force of the bum spray in the toilet, I filled up a large bucket of water hoping that the pressure from pouring that would work, I used a some sort of a Drano type unclogger powder (the 2nd time) with a little spray from the bum spray to get it in the pipe.

I'll make something else clear about me, I rarely ever missed a day of school, almost never used sick days at work, have too much pride to ask others for help unless extremely necessary, I'll do it myself. Whereas many people in today's world, get out of bed, stub their toe and call out of work for 3-days. I'm not a crybaby. So you better believe that before I ask anyone for anything, any assistance or any help, I've already gone through all my own resources or knowledge and it hurts and bothers me to ask others for anything.

So most of you would probably agree with this approach <ring ring> "Oh Hi Mrs So&so the is Mr This&that, Oh I'm fine thank you and yourself Oh thats nice thats good, Oh hey before I forget why I was calling, you know by gosh o golly the toilet is doing that funny thing again, Yeaaaaa I know isn't that the silliest thing, oh yeaaaaaa, well I was wondering you know it being Sunday and all and I have some guests coming for dinner, if you or your husband could just take a quick look if it isn't a bother, ohhhh I hope Im not imposing on your Sunday dinner by no means I'd never want to do that, Oh really He can? Oh I'm so thankful and really appreciate it ohhh yes yes kopkumcob Ohhh wonderful, ok see you soon, buhbye" <click>

Is that what I should do? Would I be a good fake plastic manipulative polite farang by doing that? Is that the helpless that some of you suggested?

GET THE BLANK OUT OF HERE! And spare me from ever responding to anything I post

Ok so how many times is reasonable that I maintain that type of composure? When is enough, enough? How long should I pass myself off as some passive fool who will never complain or get angry or stand my ground? You know if people view you as being passive then they view you as weak and take your kindness for a weakness and really take advantage of you.

so 83 posts and I still don't have an answer to what I have titled the post. Obviously this is a culture with no sense of urgency and their understand or concept of "NOW" is either "cold" or maybe "Later on now" "a little longer now" "not now" "now tomorrow"

If you don't like it you could always leave... laugh.png

Or he could rent a condo were the dunny works properly...biggrin.png

Edited by Soutpeel
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The OP needs to go out and have several good stiff drinks and rent a lady or ladyboy, his choice, and just settle down. At the rate he is going, he is going to have a stroke first.

Please don't encourage the consumption of alcoholic beverages as I am not a weak soul as you may be and rely on substances to manage within every day society. Also assuming that I must have to pay for sexual gratification as you may do is presumptuous and ignorant on your part. Also it has been documented that alcohol and/or sex has brought on the very same stroke or heart condition that you speak to avoid.

You aare not an intelligent person or one I wish to ever associate with on any level. Thank you I remain..Yea BiGgiEs!

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Wow! Ok.. With the exception of a few people who had something intelligent to say, made valid points and stayed on topic, Id have to say the rest of you seem to use these forums as your own playground. Most of you are disrespectful, pass judgment, make insults, get off topic, ridicule, talk down on, are condescending and practically go so far out of your way to creatively come up with someway, somehow it being the OP's fault.

Its not just me. You ridiculed the post with noisy farang, the talking on mobile in cinema, the guy who got his Lao visa in Bangkok. You make people so sorry that they ever reached out to post and request help in the first place. I've learned something by all this though which is a good thing, the very same people I left my country to get away from are pretty much the likes of most of you right here in your little safe haven. In the interest of "netiquette" I'll spare you some of my chosen adjectives.

We started out that I should have a plunger and then onto soda and the magical wonders it does, to running all my water supplies and drains at the same time to insults of elephant shits, then gas from my butter-cakes onto my attitude, then I was "screaming", then my social status not being high enough to get positive results from the demands I was making, onto I should pretend to be stupid and helpless (manipulate) Thai people to do what they should and are required to do in the first place onto the meaning of "now" in Thai language being "cold" or sounding close to it. What, now you want to say that my landlord had no idea what "now" was and I must have been speaking "Thaiglish" [Thai+English] because of my whole statement I made in English I decided to throw a Thai word of "now" in there which then wouldn't make much sense. Lets try this one.. "FIX IT COLD" "FIX IT COLD COLD". Nope sorry nice try people but unless I was referring to maybe the air-con instead of the toilet I can't agree with you that my landlord is that stupid, especially pointing out the window and saying "HOME PRO IS OPEN NOW".

FYI I also don't recall ever mentioning that both my landlords can't speak or understand english. Yet another assumption made that threw everyone off topic that they didn't know what the word "NOW" means. Also the other tenant is Thai so there are usually very little communication errors or lost in translation issues.

I was not asking a favor. This was the 3rd time in 40 days and not my problem or expense to fix and was now of great inconvenience to me yet again and my company. And what do you people think, I'm some F'n stupid idiot that did not already try all your suggestions except for soda? I ran the F'n water in every water source, I violently plunged the dam_n toilet and even the shower drain, I sprayed the force of the bum spray in the toilet, I filled up a large bucket of water hoping that the pressure from pouring that would work, I used a some sort of a Drano type unclogger powder (the 2nd time) with a little spray from the bum spray to get it in the pipe.

I'll make something else clear about me, I rarely ever missed a day of school, almost never used sick days at work, have too much pride to ask others for help unless extremely necessary, I'll do it myself. Whereas many people in today's world, get out of bed, stub their toe and call out of work for 3-days. I'm not a crybaby. So you better believe that before I ask anyone for anything, any assistance or any help, I've already gone through all my own resources or knowledge and it hurts and bothers me to ask others for anything.

So most of you would probably agree with this approach <ring ring> "Oh Hi Mrs So&so the is Mr This&that, Oh I'm fine thank you and yourself Oh thats nice thats good, Oh hey before I forget why I was calling, you know by gosh o golly the toilet is doing that funny thing again, Yeaaaaa I know isn't that the silliest thing, oh yeaaaaaa, well I was wondering you know it being Sunday and all and I have some guests coming for dinner, if you or your husband could just take a quick look if it isn't a bother, ohhhh I hope Im not imposing on your Sunday dinner by no means I'd never want to do that, Oh really He can? Oh I'm so thankful and really appreciate it ohhh yes yes kopkumcob Ohhh wonderful, ok see you soon, buhbye" <click>

Is that what I should do? Would I be a good fake plastic manipulative polite farang by doing that? Is that the helpless that some of you suggested?

GET THE BLANK OUT OF HERE! And spare me from ever responding to anything I post

Ok so how many times is reasonable that I maintain that type of composure? When is enough, enough? How long should I pass myself off as some passive fool who will never complain or get angry or stand my ground? You know if people view you as being passive then they view you as weak and take your kindness for a weakness and really take advantage of you.

so 83 posts and I still don't have an answer to what I have titled the post. Obviously this is a culture with no sense of urgency and their understand or concept of "NOW" is either "cold" or maybe "Later on now" "a little longer now" "not now" "now tomorrow"

If you don't like it you could always leave... laugh.png

Or he could rent a condo were the dunny works properly...biggrin.png

Oh wait, one moment, hold on..let me try to laugh.. Errrrrrr rrrrrrrrr Oh that was so funny ha... ha... ha I am making funnies at another persons unfortunate situation and that makes me a better person to belittle others.

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Wow! Ok.. With the exception of a few people who had something intelligent to say, made valid points and stayed on topic, Id have to say the rest of you seem to use these forums as your own playground. Most of you are disrespectful, pass judgment, make insults, get off topic, ridicule, talk down on, are condescending and practically go so far out of your way to creatively come up with someway, somehow it being the OP's fault.

Its not just me. You ridiculed the post with noisy farang, the talking on mobile in cinema, the guy who got his Lao visa in Bangkok. You make people so sorry that they ever reached out to post and request help in the first place. I've learned something by all this though which is a good thing, the very same people I left my country to get away from are pretty much the likes of most of you right here in your little safe haven. In the interest of "netiquette" I'll spare you some of my chosen adjectives.

We started out that I should have a plunger and then onto soda and the magical wonders it does, to running all my water supplies and drains at the same time to insults of elephant shits, then gas from my butter-cakes onto my attitude, then I was "screaming", then my social status not being high enough to get positive results from the demands I was making, onto I should pretend to be stupid and helpless (manipulate) Thai people to do what they should and are required to do in the first place onto the meaning of "now" in Thai language being "cold" or sounding close to it. What, now you want to say that my landlord had no idea what "now" was and I must have been speaking "Thaiglish" [Thai+English] because of my whole statement I made in English I decided to throw a Thai word of "now" in there which then wouldn't make much sense. Lets try this one.. "FIX IT COLD" "FIX IT COLD COLD". Nope sorry nice try people but unless I was referring to maybe the air-con instead of the toilet I can't agree with you that my landlord is that stupid, especially pointing out the window and saying "HOME PRO IS OPEN NOW".

FYI I also don't recall ever mentioning that both my landlords can't speak or understand english. Yet another assumption made that threw everyone off topic that they didn't know what the word "NOW" means. Also the other tenant is Thai so there are usually very little communication errors or lost in translation issues.

I was not asking a favor. This was the 3rd time in 40 days and not my problem or expense to fix and was now of great inconvenience to me yet again and my company. And what do you people think, I'm some F'n stupid idiot that did not already try all your suggestions except for soda? I ran the F'n water in every water source, I violently plunged the dam_n toilet and even the shower drain, I sprayed the force of the bum spray in the toilet, I filled up a large bucket of water hoping that the pressure from pouring that would work, I used a some sort of a Drano type unclogger powder (the 2nd time) with a little spray from the bum spray to get it in the pipe.

I'll make something else clear about me, I rarely ever missed a day of school, almost never used sick days at work, have too much pride to ask others for help unless extremely necessary, I'll do it myself. Whereas many people in today's world, get out of bed, stub their toe and call out of work for 3-days. I'm not a crybaby. So you better believe that before I ask anyone for anything, any assistance or any help, I've already gone through all my own resources or knowledge and it hurts and bothers me to ask others for anything.

So most of you would probably agree with this approach <ring ring> "Oh Hi Mrs So&so the is Mr This&that, Oh I'm fine thank you and yourself Oh thats nice thats good, Oh hey before I forget why I was calling, you know by gosh o golly the toilet is doing that funny thing again, Yeaaaaa I know isn't that the silliest thing, oh yeaaaaaa, well I was wondering you know it being Sunday and all and I have some guests coming for dinner, if you or your husband could just take a quick look if it isn't a bother, ohhhh I hope Im not imposing on your Sunday dinner by no means I'd never want to do that, Oh really He can? Oh I'm so thankful and really appreciate it ohhh yes yes kopkumcob Ohhh wonderful, ok see you soon, buhbye" <click>

Is that what I should do? Would I be a good fake plastic manipulative polite farang by doing that? Is that the helpless that some of you suggested?

GET THE BLANK OUT OF HERE! And spare me from ever responding to anything I post

Ok so how many times is reasonable that I maintain that type of composure? When is enough, enough? How long should I pass myself off as some passive fool who will never complain or get angry or stand my ground? You know if people view you as being passive then they view you as weak and take your kindness for a weakness and really take advantage of you.

so 83 posts and I still don't have an answer to what I have titled the post. Obviously this is a culture with no sense of urgency and their understand or concept of "NOW" is either "cold" or maybe "Later on now" "a little longer now" "not now" "now tomorrow"

If you don't like it you could always leave... laugh.png

Or he could rent a condo were the dunny works properly...biggrin.png

Oh wait, one moment, hold on..let me try to laugh.. Errrrrrr rrrrrrrrr Oh that was so funny ha... ha... ha I am making funnies at another persons unfortunate situation and that makes me a better person to belittle others.

Oh dear..I am siding with other posters now....you DO appear to have anger/attitude issues...if you came across to the owners in the same manner your addressing people on this thread, one could well understand the &lt;deleted&gt; attitude of the owner..

your in 3rd world country, sh*t, forgive the pun, doesnt alway meet the exacting standards of the "west"...so you had better get used to it or as others have stated you WILL be looking for the heart medication

You need to chill dude

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there is the quite famous (in Australia) story of the late night call to the emergency plumbers in Sydney by Lara Bingle (bikini model) after she chucked Michael Clark's (now Australian cricket captain a major celebrity there) engagement ring down the toilet of her apartment. I forget what it was worth, a lot, but the plumber retrieved it for 3kA$ which is what it costs for an emergency late night toilet clean and scan. Anywhere not just Sydney would be on some sort of par I reckon.

Here is a picture of her


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Also all of you scientists who actually broke it down technically with the diagrams and sizes, in layman's terms it is not logical. If your toilet basin is 3" and standard Thai piping is 4" or bigger pvc then you are opening up into a wider piping, think of an upside-down funnel. That would decrease any clogging significantly and makes most sense for any building structure. Now if it was reversed, your toilet basin being bigger than the exit pvc piping of the building, think of a funnel right side up then sure that would cause major back up and be illogical.

I suggest keeping a clear mind and only posting on here 24hours after you have consumed alcohol, yaba or methamphetamine.

I am a very kind, genuine, authentic, caring, generous person until you make me mad, disrespect me or don't give me the same respect that I have afforded you. Also being stupid, lacking commonsense or basic knowledge, principles, street smarts doesn't help either. Also I am not prejudice as this applies to everyone. (strangers, friends, family, co-workers even my own grandmother)

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