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Thai culture and their understanding and concept of "NOW"!


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Let me start and say, Please have mercy on me as I've seen how some of you rip people to shreds on here, making them sorry they ever even posted to begin with. Please instruct or comment on me to perhaps change or adjust my ways and expectations. passifier.gif

I recently moved in to a nice condo building with 20+ floors and I am on the 18th. Today was the 3rd time in 40 days that I experienced a flushing/power issue. Meaning that after taking a #2 it became backed up. On the 2 previous occasions building maintenance was called and upon the owners hearing of them responding to my unit, they quickly acted and said that they will come in the morning with professionals. (I assume they didnt have much faith in building maintenance. biggrin.png ) They arrived next morning with professionals, a snake, a camera and after an hour it appeared to flush. I was then instructed/accused of throwing tissue in the toilet which I had not. I think the hose thing here in SEA is genius and after my first visit here, I fitted one on my own toilet in the USA. It is thorough, cleaner and uses a lot less tissue to pat yourself dry instead of wipe, smear, wipe, smear, wipe, smear until you no longer see residue. I know I might be a bit graphic. bah.gif

Again today, Sunday about 6pm after my dinner #2 again. A call was placed to the owner directly, bypassing the buildings maintenance. Within 15 minutes the owner arrived, again surveyed the problem and being Sunday and assuming that a service call on a Sunday would cost more than tomorrow I was advised that it would be fixed "tomorrow" with the usual Thainess smile and grimace.

NO! NOT ACCEPTABLE. I have a toilet I can't use, particles floating, a stench in the air and it was 6 o'clock pm. This being the 3rd time, feeling that the owner would rather save a higher fee for a Sunday non-hour service call just made me not too happy, I responded saying "NOW! "FIX IT NOW" and pointing out my window to Home Pro 200m away and saying "HomePro is OPEN fix it NOW". This wasn't a leaky faucet or a tile needing to be re-grouted, this was the 3rd time with #2 floating around in circles and unfortunately it was Sunday. This wasn't a leaky faucet or a tile needing re-grouting, this was a health hazard emergency in my eyes.

When they want rent paid, you better believe no matter what day of the week or time they will be knocking on your door with a sword in hand demanding payment NOW. <dramatic and untrue, I hope> Yes I have a lease and sure its stipulated somewhere in there that the owner is responsible. That isn't the issue. Besides who wants to pull out a lease every time there is a problem, especially if you have any desire of getting a renewal in the future.

Am I experiencing the same passive, nonchalant, selfish attitude of Thais that I have read in many other forums?

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While i understand your frustration, you have to be aware that Sunday higher fee does not apply in Thailand.

Many if not most , simply do not work or answer the calls and even if they do answer, they will not come out, even if you were to offer more money.

Sometimes, it is out of people's hands and nothing can be done.

Next time, head down to your local hardware store and buy some soda.

Flush it every few days or once per week, and i think it may fix the problem.

Total cost is about 29 baht per bag, 1 bag is enough for about 3-4 flushes

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I hope the snake was a highly trained professional and wore the appropriate safety clothing? coffee1.gif

Well they appeared professional 3 service guys and the condo owner observing. They had an electric pump and the other items I mentioned. "snake" as I mentioned is a long metal tool used by plumbers to reach down into the piping to unclog pipes that are beyond the base of the toilet. I expected you'd know that it was a tool and not a person. Enjoy your coffee and newspaper.

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I responded saying "NOW! "FIX IT NOW" and pointing out my window to Home Pro 200m away and saying "HomePro is OPEN fix it NOW".

The owner now wonders if you're considering throwing yourself off the eighteenth floor.

Not yet, but I'll be sure to #2 before I do. laugh.png

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Much power in the bum gun?

Get that nozzle in the bowl on full power and let rip - so to speak w00t.gif

cheesy.gif I do not think its a wise idea, as the floating bits may fly up and hit one in the face or all over the toilet,

There are many pipe/drain cleaners, just stick with that, it "eats" all the blockage and works pretty fast.

I found soda is the cheapest and most powerful one, eats through pretty much anything

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I hope the snake was a highly trained professional and wore the appropriate safety clothing? coffee1.gif

Well they appeared professional 3 service guys and the condo owner observing. They had an electric pump and the other items I mentioned. "snake" as I mentioned is a long metal tool used by plumbers to reach down into the piping to unclog pipes that are beyond the base of the toilet. I expected you'd know that it was a tool and not a person. Enjoy your coffee and newspaper.

It may not even be your room that did it, but general pipe blockage.

I use to have same problems in my hotel, but started to use soda on regular basis and now all rooms are problem free

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No paper ? Are you serious ?

I've lived in various places in Thailand and all the buildings had drainage that acepted big wads of toilet paper.

Any blockage which is very rare and the soda stuff fixes it. I've never had to call anyone out.

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I responded saying "NOW! "FIX IT NOW" and pointing out my window to Home Pro 200m away and saying "HomePro is OPEN fix it NOW".

The owner now wonders if you're considering throwing yourself off the eighteenth floor.

Not yet, but I'll be sure to #2 before I do. laugh.png

See how long you last if you threaten the owner. This hardly warrants such a response to the minor inconvenience of a blocked toilet.

Please wise up before your time in LOS is cut seriously short.

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I responded saying "NOW! "FIX IT NOW" and pointing out my window to Home Pro 200m away and saying "HomePro is OPEN fix it NOW".

The owner now wonders if you're considering throwing yourself off the eighteenth floor.

Not yet, but I'll be sure to #2 before I do. laugh.png

See how long you last if you threaten the owner. This hardly warrants such a response to the minor inconvenience of a blocked toilet.

Please wise up before your time in LOS is cut seriously short.

do tell what the owner of a condo would do to cut OP time in LOS?

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Lemoncake, thank you for your posts. Soda is a thought or those THB15 drain cleaners as well. I do believe this is a clog somewhere deep in the pipe but would think that their snake would be more efficient than waiting for soda or drain cleaner hours to eat its way through, especially being 18floors up, I should have gravity working in my favor. I recall using yeast, a live enzyme, monthly back in the USA but that was for people who had septic tanks. And to the other post saying I won't last long in LOS making threats, I don't recall mentioning of making a threat. Venting frustration for a 3x problem is way different than making a threat of property/bodily/life threatening injury or retribution which would qualify as a "threat". Please thoroughly read and comprehend what a person has written so you can respond intelligently in the future. cool.png

Also my asking my fellow expats for advice on this situation should something arise in the future is certainly a good start to "wising up", dontcha think?!

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I responded saying "NOW! "FIX IT NOW" and pointing out my window to Home Pro 200m away and saying "HomePro is OPEN fix it NOW".

The owner now wonders if you're considering throwing yourself off the eighteenth floor.

Not yet, but I'll be sure to #2 before I do. laugh.png

do tell what the owner of a condo would do to cut OP time in LOS?

The OP screamed 'NOW! "FIX IT NOW' and appears to advocate a violent response for the minor matter of a blocked toilet.

lemoncake, you lack education if you think the OP will last long with such an attitude.

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do tell what the owner of a condo would do to cut OP time in LOS?

The OP screamed 'NOW! "FIX IT NOW' and appears to advocate a violent response for the minor matter of a blocked toilet.

lemoncake, you lack education if you think the OP will last long with such an attitude.

Did I "scream" or did I respond like I had typed. Yes, apologies for using the capital letters as it translates into "shouting" but lets just say I had a higher volume than conversation, elevated even, but I wouldn't say it was "screaming".

"Minor matter" is relative to ones perception. First time, maybe second time or a leaky faucet or loose tile is minor but a 3rd time, on a sunday, expecting dinner guests no longer is "minor" in my perception. Again I asked for mercy from remarks like this and was open to suggestions of what and how to deal with this in the future, if this was expected, an unwritten thai culture and be spared of commentary of my lasting long in LOS (inferring I may be killed?), attitude problems or insults to other supportive posters of lacking education.

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I think the thread should be retitled to "farangs and their understanding of "NOW" in Thailand."

Uhh I think I have a pretty good understanding on what "NOW" means in any country in the world. Whether it be someone saying fix this broken blank blank NOW or a police officer saying "stop NOW" or "put your hands up NOW".

In dictionary.com it states the following:



at the present time or moment: You are now using a dictionary.
without further delay; immediately; at once: Either do it now or not at all.
at this time or juncture in some period under consideration or in some course of proceedings described: The case was now ready for the jury.
at the time or moment immediately past: I saw him just now on the street.
in these present times; nowadays: Now you rarely see horse-drawn carriages.
But in Thailand, all rules, definitions, common sense, commonly accepted practices seem to have different definitions and meanings specific to Thailand and its people. So the thread title is pretty accurate, I'd say. But your objection is noted. Thank you.
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without further delay; immediately; at once: Either do it now or not at all.
Did you ever attempt to check if there is a Thai translation for the word 'immediately!' ?
Maybe there is no Thai term for this, at all, like there is no translation for 'preventive maintenance' ?
Perhaps the landlord was thinking, you uttered 'NOW,NOW' out of the rising pressure that had built up between your butter halves ?
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I responded saying "NOW! "FIX IT NOW" and pointing out my window to Home Pro 200m away and saying "HomePro is OPEN fix it NOW".

The owner now wonders if you're considering throwing yourself off the eighteenth floor.

Not yet, but I'll be sure to #2 before I do. laugh.png

do tell what the owner of a condo would do to cut OP time in LOS?

The OP screamed 'NOW! "FIX IT NOW' and appears to advocate a violent response for the minor matter of a blocked toilet.

lemoncake, you lack education if you think the OP will last long with such an attitude.

Wellll, please educate me...... I am waiting

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I responded saying "NOW! "FIX IT NOW" and pointing out my window to Home Pro 200m away and saying "HomePro is OPEN fix it NOW".

The owner now wonders if you're considering throwing yourself off the eighteenth floor.

Not yet, but I'll be sure to #2 before I do.

Again I asked for mercy from remarks like this and was open to suggestions of what and how to deal with this in the future, if this was expected, an unwritten thai culture and be spared of commentary of my lasting long in LOS (inferring I may be killed?), attitude problems or insults to other supportive posters of lacking education.

You inferred that the owner would be killed. Calm down, dear.

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To me 'soda' is a water softening agent. I think you are referring to what I call caustic soda (soda fie in Thai). Best thing that I ever come across for cleaning pipes and culverts. Cheap and cheerful, but it works.

Whenever asked to wait for two minutes I ask 'would that be a farang two minutes (holding index finger and thumb apart about an inch) or Thai two minutes (with arms outstretched)? Always gets a giggle or a smile.

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without further delay; immediately; at once: Either do it now or not at all.
Did you ever attempt to check if there is a Thai translation for the word 'immediately!' ?
Maybe there is no Thai term for this, at all, like there is no translation for 'preventive maintenance' ?
Perhaps the landlord was thinking, you uttered 'NOW,NOW' out of the rising pressure that had built up between your butter halves ?

Well no because it wasn't the word I used nor the title of the thread, it was "NOW".

and "rising pressure that had built up between your butter halves" I presume is a joke you are making because you have nothing to offer on the matter and merely saw an opportunity to make a funny, make some friends. I didn't laugh though, so you failed.

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CLARIFICATION: NO, wooloomooloo, it was you who inferred I would be killed or "not last long" if I kept up my "attitude".

When is enough, enough? When are you in the right to be firm in your convictions and allowed to express them in a matter in which you will be heard and taken seriously? How about when a Thai causes a farang to lose face with their laughing and utter disconcern/disrespect of any given issue. After all we are all humans.

Thank you all.. 25 posts now and the solution is soda (at my time and expense of course) Yet still clueless on why Thais can't understand "NOW" or have any sense of urgency.

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Stupidly Thai bog manufacturers have not caught up with the Thai pipe suppliers who use a 4 inch diameter pipe yet the toilet pan exit hole is probably less than 3 inches.

Or maybe you dump like an Elephant?

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