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The Meaning of Like Thread


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Well, my question is "Have you found the meaning of LIFE in Thailand?"

I really like getting away from an English-speaking culture, and it's nice to know I can go out of my comfort zone for months at a time. It's nice to know other people have different religions, mindset, and can be content with the basics (at least appears more content than back home). Sure, you can read about those things online, but when the air is hot, you're tired, trying to speak thai, and worried about if the last bowl of soup will go down right.....it's just different.

I think the meaning of life is simply expanding your mind, sometimes realizing we are all pretty much alike. Exploring, learning, experiencing. The more you get to explore, the more your mind can expand. Maybe not 100%, but I can hope. I am sure I would be a better person if I met many people from every country, versus talking to the same group over and over. this is just my 2 cents.

However, I use the word "LIKE" as a play on words. I will try to LIKE every response. smile.png So, expect a nice red flag. Hopefully we can all like everyone else's comments, and feel good all around.

*note: if you have found the meaning of life outside of Thailand, please share. smile.png

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The meaning of life is nowhere else to find apart from within yourself. Only 1 self determines the meaning of 1s own life. If for you expanding your horizon by coming to thailand and getting acquainted with various people from different countries, with locals and absorbing a different way of life, contrary to what you are used to, than that is the phase of your life what you are in to now.

Expanding your mind you write means maybe that you need that in order to come closer to your heart. The neverending search to " who am i ? ", what is my task on this world ? Obviously you have knowing or unknowingly chosen Thailand to start, or continue, with your search about YOU.

Wish you the best of luck.

NB: most people, apart from thais ofcourse, come from an english speaking culture in LOS, so ..............

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From the movie ... And Justice for All with Al Pacino as Attorney Arthur Kirkland:

Judge Rayford: I found out what the meaning of life is.
Arthur Kirkland: What's that?
Judge Rayford: It sucks, Arthur. It really sucks.
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