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MFA to quickly solve the missing visa stamps; 500 stickers disappear from Thai consulate in Lao PDR


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A post advocating illegal activities has been removed.

I do apologize if it was my sticker post, didn't realise it would be so sensitive, as so much more is shown on TVF far more informative as far as illegal activities is concerned, we see them on every day topics.

It is something I do NOT condone (my post) but happens.

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Why do these criminals have to ruin it for everyone. I expect getting a visa at savannakhet will be more difficult to obtain after this. Im curious if Savan Vegas operation has anything to do with this since they always offered such an easy going "cheap" visa run special. I hope not as I got my visa through them.

It's the nature of crooks. They don't care about you or anybody else's life they ruin. If they can make a few thousand extra, then poof you're a goner. No different from the robber on the street who knocks you over the head and throws you in the river for 3000 baht. Life is cheap. Yours, mine, and everybody else's, here. Act accordingly.

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the scam is simple

1) steal visas

2) reject visa applications

3) outside embassy hustler approaches applicant with sweet visa deal OR have convenient ads and rumors of where to go to get a visa

This way the visa includes a bribe but now they fear that they might be accused of being corrupt and so they say the visas were stolen

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