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Does your wife/gf get mad when you mention Thailand as a third world country?


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3rd, 4th or n'th world country...

Why do the 1st world country 'people' crawl in there?

They should stay in their own 1st world (Developed, Superior, whatever...) countries and lead a luxurious and comfortable life, isn't it?

D_amn shame.. do you really understand what you are writing about?


Edited by ravip
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Thailand is a third world country, but the UK, even allowing for it's far superior education, could still learn a lot from it.

Like what?

Thais haven't even worked out that if you drive into traffic lights and you can't get out of the junction you will cause a traffic jam.

I am talking about in general, at least the Thais allow you to turn left on a red light if it is safe to do so. The British would have you sitting for ages on a red light when there is no other traffic around. Believe me, I am no fan of Thai drivers as many posters know. The UK can learn a lot from Thailand, ie not giving overseas aid from taxpayers hard earned money, not allowing every Tom, Dick and ????into the country then paying them benefits. etc etc etc.

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This has happened to me many times, but today is just the latest case...

But if this "has happened to [you] many times" you presumably know that it upsets your girlfriend, so why do you persist in doing it and being surprised by the result? Do you feel that "Thailand = 3rd world" is an important lesson you must hammer home?

If you feel that there are concrete issues that can be improved (and every Thai I know can reel off scores of them), then why not discuss them instead?

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Lol man I agree with the idea related to how to really piss them off(Cambodia and looking like Burmese).

If you tell them one of those..they are going to need to deal with high blood pressure for the rest of their lives.

Besides I laughed when you said she told you to go back to America.

It sounds funny but its definitely not nice..she clearly overreacted it.

I tell my gf on a regular basis things like its a third world country, not to hurt her feelings just to tease her. She has never had any problems with it.

Neither thai friends I have.

Simply stop kidding this way because it seems she doesn't get the joke or gets it but doesn't appreciate it.

Sent from one of my devices using the internet

Edited by A1Str8
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The first time I went to Australia and the UK I found the men's behavior unusual.

That was a long time ago. After reading this thread I discover it has not changed much.

Regardless of the truth of the statement I would never tell a woman that her country was 3rd world.

My gosh, is that inept. Boggles the mind actually.

Well you obviously went back to study the species again LOL

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Maybe the OP is experiencing his Cultural Readjustment phase of living in Thailand.

At the age of 28 and ex-military with strong computer skills, it must be difficult to find people with a similar skill level to communicate with.

theblether ... he's up your way in Chiang Mai ... what about, when the Family disappears home ... take him under your wing and give him a good old fashioned blethering.

It will be my pleasure to meet Kenny whenever he is free. That goes for anyone else too. wai.gif

Did that guy and his girlfriend who were not enjoying the southern leg of their 30 day trip to Thailand ever look you up in Chiang mai blether? I've been wondering how the rest of their trip turned out. Sorry for the slight veer off topic.

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Gulity as charged.

Yes I have done so. When ocassionally we had a blue over something or other. But it is a long time ago now since I said it. 20-30 years ago in fact when there was an element of truth to it.

Even in those days she would get upset. Noone likes having their country knocked by an 'outsider'. True or not.

Ironically the so-called First World aren't doing so well themselves right now.

Thailand has come along long way in 30 years, catching up with the West who have been at it for 200 years +.

Early in our marriage in Australia I came home one day to find she had done me a big favour and had washed my expensive No 1 Blue Dress Uniform along with its expensive gold wire badges, buttons etc. She put it in the washing machine using almost boiling water.

It would hardly have fitted a midget by the time it dried out. There were no Dry Cleaners in the LOS that I knew of in those days. They were still washing clothes by banging them on a rock outside. So they have come along way in a short time and should be admired for that at least. Have a look at their neighbours.

As for dogs? In Australia there have been more than 25 deaths attributable to dog attacks in Australia since 2000. How many in Thailand?

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Maybe the OP is experiencing his Cultural Readjustment phase of living in Thailand.

At the age of 28 and ex-military with strong computer skills, it must be difficult to find people with a similar skill level to communicate with.

theblether ... he's up your way in Chiang Mai ... what about, when the Family disappears home ... take him under your wing and give him a good old fashioned blethering.

It will be my pleasure to meet Kenny whenever he is free. That goes for anyone else too. wai.gif

Did that guy and his girlfriend who were not enjoying the southern leg of their 30 day trip to Thailand ever look you up in Chiang mai blether? I've been wondering how the rest of their trip turned out. Sorry for the slight veer off topic.

Yes they did get in contact, I sent them off on a day trip last week and the Neo told me it was superb. I haven't heard from him since and I haven't been looking for him as I'm busy with my sister.

I reckon they'll be back in the UK by now and I would expect Neo to add to his trip report sometime this week. I've just had a great day out with my sis and family, the CM area and the North are magic, especially when the weather plays it's part as it has the last couple of days.

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Thailand is a third world country, but the UK, even allowing for it's far superior education, could still learn a lot from it.

Like what?

Thais haven't even worked out that if you drive into traffic lights and you can't get out of the junction you will cause a traffic jam.

I am talking about in general, at least the Thais allow you to turn left on a red light if it is safe to do so. The British would have you sitting for ages on a red light when there is no other traffic around. Believe me, I am no fan of Thai drivers as many posters know. The UK can learn a lot from Thailand, ie not giving overseas aid from taxpayers hard earned money, not allowing every Tom, Dick and ????into the country then paying them benefits. etc etc etc.
Huh? We have been allowing immigration into the country for yonks. Just look at the immigrant waves into the UK over the centuries not just decades.

The Thais have no benefits to give to themselves let alone anyone else.

Thailand has little to teach anyone.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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Thailand is a third world country, but the UK, even allowing for it's far superior education, could still learn a lot from it.

Like what?

Thais haven't even worked out that if you drive into traffic lights and you can't get out of the junction you will cause a traffic jam.

I am talking about in general, at least the Thais allow you to turn left on a red light if it is safe to do so. The British would have you sitting for ages on a red light when there is no other traffic around. Believe me, I am no fan of Thai drivers as many posters know. The UK can learn a lot from Thailand, ie not giving overseas aid from taxpayers hard earned money, not allowing every Tom, Dick and ????into the country then paying them benefits. etc etc etc.
Huh? We have been allowing immigration into the country for yonks. Just look at the immigrant waves into the UK over the centuries not just decades.

The Thais have no benefits to give to themselves let alone anyone else.

Thailand has little to teach anyone.

I do see where you are coming from, every country has it's positives and negatives, but in my opinion, the positives out weigh the negatives here in Thailand if you compare it with the UK. Where immigration is concerned, the reason the UK is crowded with so many emigrants is because Blair and Brown deliberately opened the floodgates so that in the future they would get all the emigrants votes.

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