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Dunkin' Donuts Thailand under fire for 'racist' ad campaign

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There is not even a word for "no" in the language.

No - Mai (****Thai language removed****)

Not a word by itself; its a negative; correct term is mai chai (not yes)

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


It's not racist. It is just that thais have finally come out and showed their original skin color under all that white powder.

Sent from one of my devices using the internet

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As if it is not enough that the PC police controls thinking and speech in the West. They must put their ugly fingers in Eastern matters as well.

Dunkin donuts are cr.p, but kudos to the courage for this ad. And not so much kudos to finally giving in to those j.rks' demands.


Sorry KT, but you are arguing with yourself.

I'll leave you to it. Posted Image

You can't see it but i'm also dancin with myself; just like Billy Idol;)

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


There's nothing wrong with the Dunkin Donut commercial. They backed up due to what?

Some posts of mine here have been deleted without any notice or acknowledgement.... same as posts in the gay-related thread by Jingthing! What's going on here?

Btw, Darkie or Darlie toothpaste, I don't care the name but I do dislike people calling it racist unless you have a sort of inferiority complex which I can understand. So, keep on trucking to make the world a badder (worse is the word but badder sounds better) place.


In future, please do not change the font/emphasis in quoted posts of others. 1zgarz5.gif


Where are my posts?

You certainly have friends who could delete posts without acknowledging!

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