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Cartoons From The Past, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, Non_Political_In_Nature


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If you were like I was before cows could fly, you no doubt whiled away countless

Hours, pouring over abstruse cartoons, just pondering the meaning of it all.

So when I was preteen I loved Larson.

So then I loved the covers of "The New Yorker".

That was a long time ago, in the 60S.

Now, I am in my dotage and just sit around drinking tea all day long,

Dreaming about how things might have been,

If only I had had more gumption,

And spent less time with 'toons.

My life was not a complete waste, I do not think.

I still recall some of my favorite cartoons of the past.

Maybe you do too.

I will try to post a few here

If I can just figure out how to work this keyboard.

Everyday when I awake, it is a steep learning curve,

Just to recall what I once new,

The day before.

Still, looking at these cartoons of the past,

Sometimes helps to jog what is left of me,

I like to think what is left of me these days,

Is the top 30%.


I suppose that there is one member here on TVF, who loves Physics, that could explain to us how something like this could happen.

Edit: Oh, yes. I almost forgot. Please post your abstruse cartoons here. Best that you keep it clean. The funniness is in the weirdness, not in the bawdiness, or in the downright distastefulness of some less than worthy cartoons.

Edited by OldChinaHam
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