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The Chinese......Another View.

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State Control v Individual Choice:

"An easy example I can give is Changchun. -40 degrees winter and bordering North Korea. Every apartment there built must be connected to the city grid as during winter the government will turn the heating source on ...enabling them to walk around the house in the teeshirt while the world freezes outside."

McTavish in his house in Aberdeen sets his thermostat at 25 degrees C.

McDougall next door sets his thermostat at 20 to save money.

If anybody wants any insights into the Chinese National Health service, I have extensive knowledge.


PM me mate...I work in the tourism business and be happy to assist.

Thought you worked with provincial Chinese government?


I represent hotel owners so that means tourism and leisure, I negotiate with govt bodies for land builds and development ...hence the working relationship with the local government bodies ...


State Control v Individual Choice:

"An easy example I can give is Changchun. -40 degrees winter and bordering North Korea. Every apartment there built must be connected to the city grid as during winter the government will turn the heating source on ...enabling them to walk around the house in the teeshirt while the world freezes outside."

McTavish in his house in Aberdeen sets his thermostat at 25 degrees C.

McDougall next door sets his thermostat at 20 to save money.

If anybody wants any insights into the Chinese National Health service, I have extensive knowledge.

You seem to have it this wrong...all of McTavish and McDougall and Mr Zhang gets pipe heating into the house ...you don't have to negotiate with any contractors, dubious vendors and stuff.

You move into a house and its already there.

And the best part is you still control the thermostat temperature in your house to be in your knickers or pants your choice :-) but you pay the low price of central heating instead of individual units

Ask your friends in shanghai or Beijing ...they can't wait to have that central heating and half their utility bill :-) maybe even McTavosh may want it


PM me mate...I work in the tourism business and be happy to assist.

Thought you worked with provincial Chinese government?


I represent hotel owners so that means tourism and leisure, I negotiate with govt bodies for land builds and development ...hence the working relationship with the local government bodies ...

Your dog would definitely not like me Mr Chee.

  • Like 1

PM me mate...I work in the tourism business and be happy to assist.

Thought you worked with provincial Chinese government?


I represent hotel owners so that means tourism and leisure, I negotiate with govt bodies for land builds and development ...hence the working relationship with the local government bodies ...

I always wondered just what you did. Sounds as if at least somewhere does have people who understand and use the expertise and expectations of the people of the "barbarian" smile.png countries you studied in to plan how to improve their trade with them. Seems a smart idea.


State Control v Individual Choice:

"An easy example I can give is Changchun. -40 degrees winter and bordering North Korea. Every apartment there built must be connected to the city grid as during winter the government will turn the heating source on ...enabling them to walk around the house in the teeshirt while the world freezes outside."

McTavish in his house in Aberdeen sets his thermostat at 25 degrees C.

McDougall next door sets his thermostat at 20 to save money.

If anybody wants any insights into the Chinese National Health service, I have extensive knowledge.

You seem to have it this wrong...all of McTavish and McDougall and Mr Zhang gets pipe heating into the house ...you don't have to negotiate with any contractors, dubious vendors and stuff.

You move into a house and its already there.

And the best part is you still control the thermostat temperature in your house to be in your knickers or pants your choice :-) but you pay the low price of central heating instead of individual units

Ask your friends in shanghai or Beijing ...they can't wait to have that central heating and half their utility bill :-) maybe even McTavosh may want it

It's particularly good for MacDougall the piping contractor and Jock the coalman, who sells twice as much coal as they burn.

And no need to bother closing the windows in the winter, because it's paid for by the municipality.


  • Like 2

Ever got a taxi at Beijing Capital Airport at 1am in the morning.

Welcome to the City without a Soul.

SP sorry if I missed something but what is the problem with getting taxis at 1.0am?

I have often taken taxis from Guangzhou airport at or close to midnight without any issues - or is it just Beijing?

Never seen a happy cab driver at that hour anywhere on the world ...if I remember correctly you are from the UK ...please post us a happy can driver there at that time so we know paradise still exist somewhere ...you were expecting a beer or a wet towel ? Order a limo instead :-)

BTW ...what about you at 1.10am you were smiling out of that flight and giving out candy floss sticks ?

I was punched by a Beijing taxi driver when I refuse to pay him for taking me on a long route. That was in front of a dozen people. The only time I was assaulted by a taxi driver.

Another time I threaten to report faulty meter after a mid night ride back to hotel. The taxi driver and gang waited till morning for me to go to work. I got into his buddy cab and we had a conversation, commenting how sharp my eyes were to spot it. I wonder if they were worried I actually go to report or was it they wanted to do something's else lol. This is china for you. Never trust them, never will like them.

  • Like 2

PM me mate...I work in the tourism business and be happy to assist.

Thought you worked with provincial Chinese government?


I don't think China Apologist is a full-time job. Not at the level of Lawrence or Snake, anyway. I think the full time and top apologists go on the BBC web sites and places like that. We're lucky to have Lawrence.


Well, since we know that LOVE means NEVER HAVING TO SAY YOU'RE sorry,

I am no apologist.

But as S.Pot has said, I am not a man of letter.

I do sometimes read a thing or two when the subject is China.

I do not know why I keep offering gifts to you,

Yesterday it was HongLouMeng or something.

Today though, it gets better.

I have located a copy of "Tombstone" and this one is just for everyone,

Because you really gots to read it if you want to write sane about China Gov.

Here is my link: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B-ldX7CySbXRdkdxdDduVGFJaVE/edit?usp=sharing

The Author, Mr. Yang, recently wrote a long thing in the New York Times about the subject of this book, which is the deaths caused by the dastardly Chinese Communist Party, then and now, but mostly then.

Some say 50 million, some say 30 million.

But it is a lot of million.

The goons of China Gov take the cake for killing innocents, and their own people.

I really do not know much about the politics of anyone here, and it is not that important.

What is important is to get the facts straight so that it is possible to have a meaningful discussion.

This can be accomplished, regarding this subject, by reading this valuable book by Yang.

Sometimes it is not so convenient to get to a library, and so I am making it easy for you,

Or not extremely easy, actually.

Because you may need to get used to the Characters being simplified before you get the hang of it.

If you do not like this copy,

Then find another one.

This book truly is worth reading.


State Control v Individual Choice:

"An easy example I can give is Changchun. -40 degrees winter and bordering North Korea. Every apartment there built must be connected to the city grid as during winter the government will turn the heating source on ...enabling them to walk around the house in the teeshirt while the world freezes outside."

McTavish in his house in Aberdeen sets his thermostat at 25 degrees C.

McDougall next door sets his thermostat at 20 to save money.

If anybody wants any insights into the Chinese National Health service, I have extensive knowledge.

You seem to have it this wrong...all of McTavish and McDougall and Mr Zhang gets pipe heating into the house ...you don't have to negotiate with any contractors, dubious vendors and stuff.

You move into a house and its already there.

And the best part is you still control the thermostat temperature in your house to be in your knickers or pants your choice :-) but you pay the low price of central heating instead of individual units

Ask your friends in shanghai or Beijing ...they can't wait to have that central heating and half their utility bill :-) maybe even McTavosh may want it

You know.....

It really seems strange to me that anyone who has been in BeiJing during the winter, or anywhere North of ShanHai which is the cut-off point for central heat in the winter, should not know all this. When you stay in a hotel in Beijing, the heat comes from the coal fired plants located around the city which are connected by underground pipes to the apartment buildings.

It is a wonderful and efficient system, and you can turn your heat up as high as you like and open all the windows if you smoke and it still does not cost you a cent, or any more than the rent.

So it does seem strange that anyone interested in how China works would not be interested in the Heat in Harbin when there to see the Ice Carvings.

50 below zero or something outside and nice and toasty inside.

The humidity goes down to about zero though


PM me mate...I work in the tourism business and be happy to assist.

Thought you worked with provincial Chinese government?


I represent hotel owners so that means tourism and leisure, I negotiate with govt bodies for land builds and development ...hence the working relationship with the local government bodies ...

Ahh yes, those massively corrupt local governments of the CCP-PRC.

I'll allow you the 5th Amendment privilege of the US Constitution not to incriminate yourself by not asking you any questions about your business dealings over the years with "local government bodies," that is, your "working relationship" with them.

That would be in Guangdong province, yes? In Guangzhou City?

Local Chinese Governments Panic Over Impending Audit


Local Chinese governments, state-run enterprises, and financial organizations are panicking over an audit announced in late July to be sweeping the nation, according to reports.

Once local government debt is exposed, many investments in large projects may face the risk of suspension which would trigger breaches in numerous contracts inked by officials and businessmen, experts told China Times, a state-affiliated newspaper.

“Local government officials are afraid of bad consequences from the audit. They can’t allow a breach in investment contracts or bad debt,” a source in the Guangdong local government told China Times. The man indicated that many financial organizations have hidden debt problems, especially in large projects for construction, city development, and real estate.

Taiwan’s Central News Agency says that by the end of 2012, the debt of 36 local mainland governments totaled up to almost 3.85 trillion yuan ($628.9 billion), citing a Chinese National Audit Office report. Almost eighty percent of the balance was in bank loans, and audit officials estimated that banks had loaned local governments up to 3 trillion yuan ($490 billion).

To prevent further debt, some local governments have begun suspending large construction projects, including real-estate investment, according to China Times.

  • Like 1

You have been to china for a few years and I have been a Chinese all my life and ancestry.

You obviously believe you understand the Chinese better than being an American which probably means the deluded title should stay with you

At the heart of being an Asian and Chinese, its a selfish pragmatic culture where nothing is more important than the family unit and its well being.

The government can be corrupt, we can be pissed with it , we can get angry with it but at the end of the day, the welfare of the family and its future generation is more important than a few political points or reforms.

We don't like our politicians like many nations hate their own government but who cares about them when the most important people are right next to you.

The west place a huge bearing on the importance of self appraisals and the need to extol your thoughts and the freedom to critique.

The east does the same but in the safety of our best friends and family. It's the same really just a different way to express our thoughts and to who

Your ideals of seperating HK, guangzhou and taiwan is simplistic but the logistical nightmare of seperation is beyond the dreamers ...so sorry.

The family unit will endure the collapse of the CCP-PRC.

Are you faithless concerning the durability of the nuclear and extended, three-generation family unit? Do you see it as so weak and feeble that it could not survive or endure the collapse of the CCP-PRC?

The nuclear family unit itself, and its East Asian model of the three-generation family unit, have existed for millennia. It has existed and endured throughout the world under all the different forms of government, and despite war, famine, pestilence, disease.

(And not every region of the world has the nuclear family unit exclusively. It's not the only form of the family unit.)

What anyway ties and binds the family unit and its East Asian three-generation family model so inextricably and so vitally and critically to the existence of the CCP-PRC? Or to the CCP itself?

Where's your rationality?

Are you a CCP?

Publicus - out of curiosity do you have a timeframe for this?

I only have 5 years here in GZ and as previously mentioned associating more at the grass roots level and I just cannot see this "separation" occurring as things stand. I tend to agree more with LC's view based on what I see and the complete lack of political interest from the majority of the Chinese people I speak to. As long as things are good for them and they are not adversely affected they simply accept....

Yes if there was a major meltdown some changes would happen but my view is that is not going to happen.

Can I say you seem to have a real issue with the CCP and I am curious why?

Your dealings with the CCP-PRC sheeple after five years have still left you in the dark. You are indeed interacting with the sheeple of the CCP-PRC.

So turn on the light for some reading that I would strongly recommend so you can begin to get a clue. And to get a pot of coffee.

China and Party Will Collapse by 2016, Says Hong Kong Media


The Chinese Communist Party will collapse in three stages in the next three years and its reign will come to an end by 2016, according to the Hong Kong magazine Frontline, which focuses on Chinese politics.

According to Frontline, the first to go will be China’s economy, in 2014; in 2015 the “political structure” of the Party will be destroyed; and in 2016, the entire society will fall apart, the article says, citing historical precedents.

With a big enough trigger, the collapse could arrive earlier, it said.

Economists are seeing a reverse in global capital flows—money is moving out of China—which may trigger financial upheaval, Frontline said.

Why the Party Can’t Fix the Chinese Economy

Tianlun Jian, Ph.D., writes regularly on the Chinese economy and advises The Epoch Times on economics. His blog is Chineseeconomictrend.blogspot.com.

Income inequality is commonly recognized as a major hindrance to China’s economic and social stability and continued development. Many have observed with disbelief the level of polarization in China, and wondered what has gone wrong with the system.

Nothing, in fact, went wrong. The state machine has executed precisely the ideas of Deng Xiaoping, the designer of China’s current economic model.

When Deng first laid the framework of economic reforms, his goal was to maintain the rule and absolute power of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), controlled by a small group of men. At that time, China had just finished the Cultural Revolution, and the economy had been shattered by a decade of chaos.

To pull the CCP out of the mess, Deng knew that he had to grow the economy. But equal opportunity was never part of the plan. He stated clearly that the reforms aimed to “let some people get rich first.” Of course, those in the center of the circle of power, and those close to them, were the “some people” who got rich first.

Corruption grew rampant as officials used every opportunity to abuse political power and thus gain economic benefits. The rapidly widening income gap and inflation created anger at the grassroots level. To protest official corruption, college students took to the streets in 1989 calling for justice and democracy, which ended in the notorious Tiananmen Square massacre.

After the incident, Deng stressed that “development is of overriding importance” and “maintaining stability is the top priority,” in part to justify the massacre. These ideas then became the guiding principles that led to the complete disregard for the well-being of ordinary people.

  • Like 1

You have been to china for a few years and I have been a Chinese all my life and ancestry.

You obviously believe you understand the Chinese better than being an American which probably means the deluded title should stay with you

At the heart of being an Asian and Chinese, its a selfish pragmatic culture where nothing is more important than the family unit and its well being.

The government can be corrupt, we can be pissed with it , we can get angry with it but at the end of the day, the welfare of the family and its future generation is more important than a few political points or reforms.

We don't like our politicians like many nations hate their own government but who cares about them when the most important people are right next to you.

The west place a huge bearing on the importance of self appraisals and the need to extol your thoughts and the freedom to critique.

The east does the same but in the safety of our best friends and family. It's the same really just a different way to express our thoughts and to who

Your ideals of seperating HK, guangzhou and taiwan is simplistic but the logistical nightmare of seperation is beyond the dreamers ...so sorry.

The family unit will endure the collapse of the CCP-PRC.

Are you faithless concerning the durability of the nuclear and extended, three-generation family unit? Do you see it as so weak and feeble that it could not survive or endure the collapse of the CCP-PRC?

The nuclear family unit itself, and its East Asian model of the three-generation family unit, have existed for millennia. It has existed and endured throughout the world under all the different forms of government, and despite war, famine, pestilence, disease.

(And not every region of the world has the nuclear family unit exclusively. It's not the only form of the family unit.)

What anyway ties and binds the family unit and its East Asian three-generation family model so inextricably and so vitally and critically to the existence of the CCP-PRC? Or to the CCP itself?

Where's your rationality?

Are you a CCP?

Publicus - out of curiosity do you have a timeframe for this?

I only have 5 years here in GZ and as previously mentioned associating more at the grass roots level and I just cannot see this "separation" occurring as things stand. I tend to agree more with LC's view based on what I see and the complete lack of political interest from the majority of the Chinese people I speak to. As long as things are good for them and they are not adversely affected they simply accept....

Yes if there was a major meltdown some changes would happen but my view is that is not going to happen.

Can I say you seem to have a real issue with the CCP and I am curious why?

Your dealings with the CCP-PRC sheeple after five years have still left you in the dark. You are indeed interacting with the sheeple of the CCP-PRC.

So turn on the light for some reading that I would strongly recommend so you can begin to get a clue. And to get a pot of coffee.

China and Party Will Collapse by 2016, Says Hong Kong Media


The Chinese Communist Party will collapse in three stages in the next three years and its reign will come to an end by 2016, according to the Hong Kong magazine Frontline, which focuses on Chinese politics.

According to Frontline, the first to go will be China’s economy, in 2014; in 2015 the “political structure” of the Party will be destroyed; and in 2016, the entire society will fall apart, the article says, citing historical precedents.

With a big enough trigger, the collapse could arrive earlier, it said.

Economists are seeing a reverse in global capital flows—money is moving out of China—which may trigger financial upheaval, Frontline said.

Why the Party Can’t Fix the Chinese Economy

Tianlun Jian, Ph.D., writes regularly on the Chinese economy and advises The Epoch Times on economics. His blog is Chineseeconomictrend.blogspot.com.

Income inequality is commonly recognized as a major hindrance to China’s economic and social stability and continued development. Many have observed with disbelief the level of polarization in China, and wondered what has gone wrong with the system.

Nothing, in fact, went wrong. The state machine has executed precisely the ideas of Deng Xiaoping, the designer of China’s current economic model.

When Deng first laid the framework of economic reforms, his goal was to maintain the rule and absolute power of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), controlled by a small group of men. At that time, China had just finished the Cultural Revolution, and the economy had been shattered by a decade of chaos.

To pull the CCP out of the mess, Deng knew that he had to grow the economy. But equal opportunity was never part of the plan. He stated clearly that the reforms aimed to “let some people get rich first.” Of course, those in the center of the circle of power, and those close to them, were the “some people” who got rich first.

Corruption grew rampant as officials used every opportunity to abuse political power and thus gain economic benefits. The rapidly widening income gap and inflation created anger at the grassroots level. To protest official corruption, college students took to the streets in 1989 calling for justice and democracy, which ended in the notorious Tiananmen Square massacre.

After the incident, Deng stressed that “development is of overriding importance” and “maintaining stability is the top priority,” in part to justify the massacre. These ideas then became the guiding principles that led to the complete disregard for the well-being of ordinary people.

Epoch Times?

This is extremely biased and who would seriously use it as a source of information.

I would think that you might try the many other better blogs, such as maybe Michael Pettis who has been there since leaving Bear Stearns, and teaches economics at BeiDa I think.

Then isnt there also business insider and many others.

No one knows what will happen with such precision as you seem to be counting on here.

I know the government must fall

But even Gordon Chang will tell you that his predictions of a collapse of the government must be adjusted from time to time.

When it does fall, let us have a party and all return to Hong Kong,

At least to spend a month on the island which will once again be free.

Not free of China rule, but free of the CCP.


The Epoch Times is staffed by Chinese who are well connected to the Mainland and in Hong Kong.

It has expanded into a general interest and circulation newspaper published in some 30 countries in 17 languages.

But it's never lost its original focus on the CCP-PRC.

Gordon Chang in 2012 said 2012 was the year of the collapse. Now, in 2013.............yes, of course, now Gordo says 2013 is the year. Etc. The consensus is 2016, but one or more of the huge bubbles could burst at any time - it's of course something no one can precisely foresee no matter how much econometrics one does.

Others are not as well connected to the Mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan as is the Epoch Times.

  • Like 1

PM me mate...I work in the tourism business and be happy to assist.

Thought you worked with provincial Chinese government?


I represent hotel owners so that means tourism and leisure, I negotiate with govt bodies for land builds and development ...hence the working relationship with the local government bodies ...

Ahh yes, those massively corrupt local governments of the CCP-PRC.

I'll allow you the 5th Amendment privilege of the US Constitution not to incriminate yourself by not asking you any questions about your business dealings over the years with "local government bodies," that is, your "working relationship" with them.

That would be in Guangdong province, yes? In Guangzhou City?

Local Chinese Governments Panic Over Impending Audit


Local Chinese governments, state-run enterprises, and financial organizations are panicking over an audit announced in late July to be sweeping the nation, according to reports.

Once local government debt is exposed, many investments in large projects may face the risk of suspension which would trigger breaches in numerous contracts inked by officials and businessmen, experts told China Times, a state-affiliated newspaper.

“Local government officials are afraid of bad consequences from the audit. They can’t allow a breach in investment contracts or bad debt,” a source in the Guangdong local government told China Times. The man indicated that many financial organizations have hidden debt problems, especially in large projects for construction, city development, and real estate.

Taiwan’s Central News Agency says that by the end of 2012, the debt of 36 local mainland governments totaled up to almost 3.85 trillion yuan ($628.9 billion), citing a Chinese National Audit Office report. Almost eighty percent of the balance was in bank loans, and audit officials estimated that banks had loaned local governments up to 3 trillion yuan ($490 billion).

To prevent further debt, some local governments have begun suspending large construction projects, including real-estate investment, according to China Times.

That has crossed the line of decency. You allow the 5th ? It indicate a sad attitude of why some Americans continue to agitate the eastern world with their obnoxious attitude of knowing it all and their lack of manners in pushing their points across and baseless accusations.

How does the snub feels that Syria has agreed to Russian proposal rather subject themselves to another bombing without irrefutable proof ? It's a trigger happy mentality that is unlike the east that calls for calm and caution. They may have done what you accuse them of but by being confrontational without going through the due process, you lost the moral victory / respect and the Brits at least have the decency to clam themselves shut.

Harrison Ford was a disgrace in indonesian yesterday with his tone of questioning in the pursuit of the truth. There is always a clear line of difference between asking a question and behaving like a brute and embarrassing yourself to government officials

5th amendment ????

You must be kidding me ...I'm not an American but Chinese ...we don't need the 5th to hide from the truth...I have an upbringing that teaches me values, respect for elders, and having the integrity to stand up for your own actions. If you have that, you are all right in life.

You can quote all the examples you like about the CCP ...like any other government it may not last but for the time it has been here, it has benefited the country and made some mistakes. It's no different from any other governments in the world but your continuous disparaging indicates you like to see the evil in them rather than the good in things.

You were not there during the inaugural of the latest hexia line between Tianjin and Beijing ..to see that train travel in 38 mins between the 2 cities and the pride on the faces of the mechanic and the engineers ...it's the can-do spirit of the Chinese once they set their minds to it....none of that whiny stuff from their cousins across the pacific.

The threads of my argument has always been the similarities of the governments and not that the CCP is perfect.


"You must be kidding me ...I'm not an American but Chinese ...we don't need the 5th to hide from the truth..."

Apparently so.

"You can quote all the examples you like about the CCP ...like any other government it may not last but for the time it has been here, it has benefited the country and made some mistakes."

Like 50 million people starving to death.

Personally, as I have said before, I think it's unhealthy for 20% of the world's population to be controlled by a small number of boys in Beijing.

But what's it got to do with me anyway.

I don't like their style.


Lawrence Chee you kid yourself.

The CCP-PRC is confrontational, belligerent, bold, brazen, shameless in its claim of complete sovereignty over all of the South China Sea, which has coastline of 130,000 km of South East Asian countries and only 3100 km of the PRC itself.

The PRChinese are being aggressive in the South China Sea, the East China Sea against Japan, and are menacing India along India's northern border while claiming Chinese sovereignty over northern India.

Last year there were riots throughout the CCP-PRC which destroyed Japanese businesses and corporation, and individual Japanese nationals were attacked and beaten in the streets.

On the night of June 6, 1989 the CCP massacred peaceful democracy demonstrators in Tianamen Square. It sent to the parents of young people the PLA killed billings for the cost of the bullets it used to kill their children.

A fine bunch indeed.

The PRChinese have become what they unsuccessfully fought against in World War 2, i.e., harsh and reckless extreme nationalist barbarians.

  • Like 2

Anyway. Getting back to the original post which seemed to have something to do with tourism.

The Chinese mainland tour groups who visit Hong Kong appear just the same as the ones that come to Thailand.

( 5th. On the grounds that...... Get the drift.)


Wonder whether the same as above could be said about another current super (sic) power.

Perhaps you could open a thread on the topic. I am sure plenty of people would like to jump up and down and rant on the topic.


  • Like 2

Wonder whether the same as above could be said about another current super (sic) power.

Perhaps you could open a thread on the topic. I am sure plenty of people would like to jump up and down and rant on the topic.



All I am saying is that diferent things suit different people. Some guys like women and some men like men....some women like women and some women like men......no problem as long as someone from outside each of those groups tries to change how people act among themselves.

Some people like the Chinese system some do not, some left many years ago because they did not like it and went to an island and continue their hate.

So far ( with the possible exception of Tibetr which is actually arguable) current China has not been trying to change the systems in other countries by force.

As long as each stays in their own backyard it becomes something to be sorted internally. Both China and US have good and bad points. Some people are better off under one system than another..(usually different people) some are worse off.

This is not to say everything is great..it isn't everywhere.


Wonder whether the same as above could be said about another current super (sic) power.

Perhaps you could open a thread on the topic. I am sure plenty of people would like to jump up and down and rant on the topic.


If all the Chinese jump up an down together at the same time,

There will no longer be any need for our ranting.

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