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Red Bull heir Vorayuth "Boss" Yoovidhya pleads illness, evades prosecutor


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This is really a joke. .....and it might be funny if it wasn't so serious a matter.

But I am sure a solution exists, just takes some studying to find it ..... but how about a small bit of thinking here.

Thai's above all else , the likes of motherhood, the flag and apple rice pie, value face and topping the list is money, without a doubt.

The fact that the rich are able to BUY their way out is more than just a coincidence. Lets take a page out of history and use a solution that will make many good Thais very happy.

The history of the old west [uSA] Institute a policy for these bail jumpers , or those who just run because they know their tit is in the wringer, and create WANTED POSTERS "Wanted Dead or Alive" . Just set up a group of bounty hunters to seek them out and just bring back the head. Put a reward value of 20 or 10% of what it is costing the government spends to make up stories of why this guy in not in court or jail and let the bounty hunters go to work.

For a sizeable reward I do beleive they would bring back their own mother. This would also cover corrupt politicans on the run all the way up to and through Prime Ministers, or Ex prime Ministers.

I believe it would work wonders on the war on corruption.

Any Comments ????

It could work, you would, however, get some wheat with it chaff.

In a society full of chaff though.............

I've never been a fan of vigilantly law, but karma is taking way too long with this child (can't call him a man)

Edited by Thaddeus
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How about "dropping" all the charges and stop the whole charade?

Thailand is making itself ridiculous in face of the whole world by keeping this charade going on.

The Red Bull heir will NEVER see a prison from the inside.

Nuff said

I don't think the whole world are watching........I doubt this gets a mention outside Thailand unless someone abroad is making an article on wayward S.E Asian heirs, unlikely.

He will certainly pay for it, but in the Thai way. Quite a few Thais are calling for a prison sentence, but truths if the victim was their family they would rather the money than he serve the prison time. And if it was their son who caused the accident they would rather pay for his "mistake" in cash than he do the time.

So a little moral outrage in Thai Rath, but business as usual even though the whole country is watching.

Maybe not the whole world but it has made MSN website news page here in the US. So it is getting some airplay outside of Thailand. Guess the people who read this will see just how backa$$wards the Thai justice system is.


IIt has made the BBC as well


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How about "dropping" all the charges and stop the whole charade?

Thailand is making itself ridiculous in face of the whole world by keeping this charade going on.

The Red Bull heir will NEVER see a prison from the inside.

Nuff said

I don't think the whole world are watching........I doubt this gets a mention outside Thailand unless someone abroad is making an article on wayward S.E Asian heirs, unlikely.

He will certainly pay for it, but in the Thai way. Quite a few Thais are calling for a prison sentence, but truths if the victim was their family they would rather the money than he serve the prison time. And if it was their son who caused the accident they would rather pay for his "mistake" in cash than he do the time.

So a little moral outrage in Thai Rath, but business as usual even though the whole country is watching.

Made the front page of The Guardian UK this morning too. Perhaps they can also lay a 'Tarnishing Thailand' charge against him, and if they did, which one do you think would be viewed the more serious charge?w00t.gif

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So what happens in most western countries if you are not present in court? I find it hard to believe they would just drop the charges because they are expired

A crime of this seriousness would involve Interpol in the West. Not sure here ...

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So what happens in most western countries if you are not present in court? I find it hard to believe they would just drop the charges because they are expired

In farang land the charges would not be dropped and a warrant issued for non appearance, BUT, fancy lawyers in this case are using the obvious loop holes in Thai law. That is what they are paid to do.

We have read of many daft out comes lately where cash has ruled the day. Reminds me of two shot Germans who limped home after their holiday of a life time and what happened to the shooter. whistling.gif

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How about "dropping" all the charges and stop the whole charade?

Thailand is making itself ridiculous in face of the whole world by keeping this charade going on.

The Red Bull heir will NEVER see a prison from the inside.

Nuff said

How about giving him a formal apology for wasting his time and buying him another farrari from the Thai tax payers account for being such a good rich boy

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How about "dropping" all the charges and stop the whole charade?

Thailand is making itself ridiculous in face of the whole world by keeping this charade going on.

The Red Bull heir will NEVER see a prison from the inside.

Nuff said

I don't think the whole world are watching........I doubt this gets a mention outside Thailand unless someone abroad is making an article on wayward S.E Asian heirs, unlikely.

He will certainly pay for it, but in the Thai way. Quite a few Thais are calling for a prison sentence, but truths if the victim was their family they would rather the money than he serve the prison time. And if it was their son who caused the accident they would rather pay for his "mistake" in cash than he do the time.

So a little moral outrage in Thai Rath, but business as usual even though the whole country is watching.

Therein lies the problem.

It should not be up to the victim nor the perpetrator to decide penalties, or for that matter guilt or innocence.

Why bother with a trial at all now the victim has been paid off seems to be the mentality.

All this does is serve to allow people with money to act with impunity, knowing money will cover any transgressions.

As I have already stated on this forum, the oft quoted 'if the perpetrator pays the victim off he goes free' is a fallacy. Any agreed upon, by both parties, amount of 'compensation' offsets the magnitude of any Court imposed penalty. So in theory, he could still go to jail. However, it's quite possible that the amount of compensation in this case was substantial enough that the perpetrator will have handed down to him a month's Community Work biggrin.png. Yes, it does exist here. And he will still have a Criminal Conviction.

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The charge for speeding would be dropped because the statute of limitation period has expired!

Absolutely astounding Thai justice!

And now presumably the other two cases will be dropped as there was no prosecution for speeding and he therefore could not be driving recklessly?

The stench is overwhelming!

Welcome to Thailand...

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I am ashamed to be a Thai so dishonest poor getting poorer and no Justice life means nothing if you have money where will this stop the world is laughing at Thailand

Aoy, that makes two of you "the woman in Chiang Rai & yourself' who are ashamed to be Thai.

But people (Thais) when they realize that "the entire world is laughing at your country" will be queuing up to join you.

People all over the world when they hear of these things think that we are living in an asylum and of course we are. (one in which there are almost 70 million inmates)

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Why even bother continuing this farce? The court, the lawyers, the Media, the Thai public and each and every one of us on here knows the whole thing is BS. He is not ill. He is not going to prison. If he is extremely unlucky he will be told he really ought to be more careful next time and that will be it. We all know this. So once again; why even bother?

Because nothing ever changes in any society anywhere unless pressure is maintained. Or would the sight of, say, a slave market on the streets in open view not bother you at all?

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I am ashamed to be a Thai so dishonest poor getting poorer and no Justice life means nothing if you have money where will this stop the world is laughing at thailand

No need to be ashamed. It is the Thai police, justice system and government people laugh at and look down on, not the Thai people.

What you and many more Thais should be is angry and do something about it.

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The story is also News Headlines in Australia "Prosecutors seek arrest warrant for Red Bull heir" September 3, 2013, 11:57 am

Thai authorities are seeking an arrest warrant for an heir to the Red Bull energy drink fortune after he failed to appear for his indictment in the hit-and-run death of a policeman, a prosecutor said.



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How about "dropping" all the charges and stop the whole charade?

Thailand is making itself ridiculous in face of the whole world by keeping this charade going on.

The Red Bull heir will NEVER see a prison from the inside.

Nuff said

I don't think the whole world are watching........I doubt this gets a mention outside Thailand unless someone abroad is making an article on wayward S.E Asian heirs, unlikely.

He will certainly pay for it, but in the Thai way. Quite a few Thais are calling for a prison sentence, but truths if the victim was their family they would rather the money than he serve the prison time. And if it was their son who caused the accident they would rather pay for his "mistake" in cash than he do the time.

So a little moral outrage in Thai Rath, but business as usual even though the whole country is watching.

Happily, today's BBC news carries the story of his failure to appear etc. in some detail, so it will probably be picked up by numerous other news sources worldwide...................

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How about "dropping" all the charges and stop the whole charade?

Thailand is making itself ridiculous in face of the whole world by keeping this charade going on.

The Red Bull heir will NEVER see a prison from the inside.

Nuff said

I don't think the whole world are watching........I doubt this gets a mention outside Thailand unless someone abroad is making an article on wayward S.E Asian heirs, unlikely.

He will certainly pay for it, but in the Thai way. Quite a few Thais are calling for a prison sentence, but truths if the victim was their family they would rather the money than he serve the prison time. And if it was their son who caused the accident they would rather pay for his "mistake" in cash than he do the time.

So a little moral outrage in Thai Rath, but business as usual even though the whole country is watching.

Therein lies the problem.

It should not be up to the victim nor the perpetrator to decide penalties, or for that matter guilt or innocence.

Why bother with a trial at all now the victim has been paid off seems to be the mentality.

All this does is serve to allow people with money to act with impunity, knowing money will cover any transgressions.

As I have already stated on this forum, the oft quoted 'if the perpetrator pays the victim off he goes free' is a fallacy. Any agreed upon, by both parties, amount of 'compensation' offsets the magnitude of any Court imposed penalty. So in theory, he could still go to jail. However, it's quite possible that the amount of compensation in this case was substantial enough that the perpetrator will have handed down to him a month's Community Work biggrin.png. Yes, it does exist here. And he will still have a Criminal Conviction.

Not sure if that is exactly correct but my take is that the payoff negates any chance of the family filing a civil lawsuit. Criminal charges can still mean he faces the full wrath of the law.

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How about "dropping" all the charges and stop the whole charade?

Thailand is making itself ridiculous in face of the whole world by keeping this charade going on.

The Red Bull heir will NEVER see a prison from the inside.

Nuff said

I don't think the whole world are watching........I doubt this gets a mention outside Thailand unless someone abroad is making an article on wayward S.E Asian heirs, unlikely.

He will certainly pay for it, but in the Thai way. Quite a few Thais are calling for a prison sentence, but truths if the victim was their family they would rather the money than he serve the prison time. And if it was their son who caused the accident they would rather pay for his "mistake" in cash than he do the time.

So a little moral outrage in Thai Rath, but business as usual even though the whole country is watching.

Happily, today's BBC news carries the story of his failure to appear etc. in some detail, so it will probably be picked up by numerous other news sources worldwide...................

Yep just saw this on CNN:


Not sure if him skipping out is helping the image of Thailand or not. If he stayed here and basically

just farted at the Thai justice system , and nothing happened to him, that would certainly prove what

a joke the system really is. By playing the fugitive on the run, everyone can pretend the justice really

is out to punish him for his crime. So he enjoys some time overseas, the story does the classic Thai

fade away, more money is paid to the police, and then he comes back with all the charges basically

gone. So face saved all around, Thai style !!!! See , Thainess is not that hard to understand... :-)

This is a page directly out of Charlerm's playbook, when he was able to get the charges dropped

against his son who murdered a policeman in front of LOTS of witnesses. So compared to that case,

this one should be a walk in the park.....

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Police to issue arrest warrant for Red Bull heir Vorayuth Yoovidhaya
By Peter Shadbolt, CNN

(CNN) -- Thai prosecutors were poised to issue an arrest warrant Tuesday for the grandson of the creator of the Red Bull energy drink who failed to appear in court this week over a fatal hit-and-run case that sparked nationwide anger.

Prosecutors allege Vorayuth Yoovidhaya, 28, was behind the wheel of his Ferrari on September 3, 2012, when it collided with an on-duty policeman on a motorbike in downtown Bangkok.

He is charged with reckless driving causing death, speeding and failing to stop following an accident.

Thai police told CNN that Yoovidhaya's lawyer had informed prosecutors his client was in Singapore receiving medical treatment for a bout of influenza he contracted while on a business trip and would not be in Thailand for his scheduled court hearing.

Thai prosecutor Ruecha Krairiksh said his no-show meant that the speeding charges would lapse but the more serious charges of reckless driving and failing to stop would still apply.

Full story: http://edition.cnn.com/2013/09/03/world/asia/thailand-redbull/index.html

-- CNN 2013-09-03

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How about "dropping" all the charges and stop the whole charade?

Thailand is making itself ridiculous in face of the whole world by keeping this charade going on.

The Red Bull heir will NEVER see a prison from the inside.

Nuff said

I don't think the whole world are watching........I doubt this gets a mention outside Thailand unless someone abroad is making an article on wayward S.E Asian heirs, unlikely.

He will certainly pay for it, but in the Thai way. Quite a few Thais are calling for a prison sentence, but truths if the victim was their family they would rather the money than he serve the prison time. And if it was their son who caused the accident they would rather pay for his "mistake" in cash than he do the time.

So a little moral outrage in Thai Rath, but business as usual even though the whole country is watching.

It was front page of The Guardian - a respected UK newspaper 6 hours ago. So yes the eyes of parts of the world are on the Thai idea of justice. Is it Thainess to flee: the scene of an accident or your country when caught with your hand in the honey-pot?

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