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GMS countries pledge to end dog meat eating


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Must have touched a nerve here. Is a cultural thing? Is not a cultural thing? Does it really matter. This is Asia and Asians doing their thing. Who are you to tell them not to do what comes naturally to them? When westerners impose their values on others - I take that as crossing the line. Westerners howl when they perceive their freedom of religious expression is curtailed. Yet these same Westerners try to impose their values on how people eat. Can't take that BS - even from other foreigners. You you can stuff it up where the sun don't shine....

...it is not a cultural thing, and it is definitely NOT to compare with Foie Gras, that is also horrible, dog meat consumption is a f*******, ancient food tradition based on stupid beliefs of health benefits & virility enhancing. And as more as the dogs fear and suffer as more tastier and tender gets the meat, therefore these sickening butchers find always new methods to torture and excruciating the animals, so why not skinning them alive or boil them alive or burn down their fur alive... I apologies for the extremely graphic pics but some people do not understand nor believe anything that they do not see with their own eyes !
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Dogburgers taste awful & afterwards you feel a bit ruff.

But yeah, human digestive system = herbivore. We descended from plant-eating monkeys, and we don't need meat at all in our diets, so theres even less reason to eat dog meat. Was a good study a few decades back on obesity/cholesterol levels globally and Thailand was in the very lowest bracket, at about 250x lower than western nations, and this is largely because of traditional papaya salads and other vegetable based cooking, fish and poultry etc. but mainly the vegetable-oriented diet. Obviously Thais do eat meat, much more so now with KFC/MCd. All animals suffer the same, cows pigs dogs etc. if you eat one you might as well eat the lot. I'm vegetarian and so I don't distinguish, ppl think dogs are cute but I had a pet pig and he was gorgeous.

Our closest ape relative eats meat when they catch it. If we evovled to eat leaves. We would gave a gut like a gorilla.

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Dogburgers taste awful & afterwards you feel a bit ruff.

But yeah, human digestive system = herbivore. We descended from plant-eating monkeys, and we don't need meat at all in our diets, so theres even less reason to eat dog meat. Was a good study a few decades back on obesity/cholesterol levels globally and Thailand was in the very lowest bracket, at about 250x lower than western nations, and this is largely because of traditional papaya salads and other vegetable based cooking, fish and poultry etc. but mainly the vegetable-oriented diet. Obviously Thais do eat meat, much more so now with KFC/MCd. All animals suffer the same, cows pigs dogs etc. if you eat one you might as well eat the lot. I'm vegetarian and so I don't distinguish, ppl think dogs are cute but I had a pet pig and he was gorgeous.

Our closest ape relative eats meat when they catch it. If we evovled to eat leaves. We would gave a gut like a gorilla.

Countless have a big belly, look whats laid on the beach every day.

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Maybe some body can educate me but why does Vietnam need to smuggle/import dogs to eat? Aren't they super easy and cheap to breed?

Seems it would be more humane (and economical) to just set up dog breeding and slaughter facilities within Vietnam and let them eat as much dog as they want?

I'm a veggie personally but if someone wants to eat meat its their choice, whatever that "meat" may be. Just seems crazy spending all that money transporting an animal as "cheap" as a dog hundreds of miles across land when you could just have a facility that breeds them.

I don't understand it either but I don't think the word humane comes into it. In fact from what I've heard inhumane treatment is an essential part of the dog meat production.

Still can't get the image, (many years ago in the UK), out of my head of dogs in a market in the Philipines hog tied with tin cans used as muzzles. They started a campaign to stop this barbaric practice. Korea has already stopped it's annual Dog Meat Festival . Hopefully, with enough exposure, they'll do the same here.

Edited by jpeg
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Dogburgers taste awful & afterwards you feel a bit ruff.

But yeah, human digestive system = herbivore. We descended from plant-eating monkeys, and we don't need meat at all in our diets, so theres even less reason to eat dog meat. Was a good study a few decades back on obesity/cholesterol levels globally and Thailand was in the very lowest bracket, at about 250x lower than western nations, and this is largely because of traditional papaya salads and other vegetable based cooking, fish and poultry etc. but mainly the vegetable-oriented diet. Obviously Thais do eat meat, much more so now with KFC/MCd. All animals suffer the same, cows pigs dogs etc. if you eat one you might as well eat the lot. I'm vegetarian and so I don't distinguish, ppl think dogs are cute but I had a pet pig and he was gorgeous.

Our closest ape relative eats meat when they catch it. If we evovled to eat leaves. We would gave a gut like a gorilla.

Oh here we go again. 'We evolved to eat meat'. Bullshit. I haven't touched meat for more than thirty years, am slim, healthy, am not prone to the clogged arterial problems of my overweight contemporaries. I also know a lifelong fructarian - only fruit - who is 94 and still going strong.

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I love animals, especially dogs, but something really does have to be done about all the stray dogs, cats, rats, etc. running around the streets and roads.

A lot of them look sick, some of them are down right vicious and they're breeding non-stop.

Nothing easier than that, mate! Support the non profits, such as soidog(Foreign) or unidog (Thai) with their attempt to spay, neuter, vaccinate and prevent / treat diseases. They are looking for volunteers at all times... if you have no time to assist, simply donate what ever you can that doesn't hurt you...A male dog neutered, vaccinated and treated against mange, parasites and all other sorts of common disease costs about 1200 Baht, at least here where I live and where we do not have such non profit organizations and where one who cares has no other choice than to pay for it out of own pockets, one by one... I have done for only 6 females yet, but as soon as I can will do 3 males who live around my home and follow up as soon as I have the funds together with the next ones... I also feed 3 packs of strays regularly to prevent them to get sick out of rotten rubbish....I am starting small and slowly, but it at least is a start and even if just a drop on a hot stone, if more would follow up it will start to make a difference... constant dripping will wear away the stone.

The only way that works on the long run is spaying/neutering and treating the soi dogs against the common disease.

Give your self a few minutes and have a look at soidog org, you will be amazed, believe me.It is worth it. I am not part of them unfortunately since I am too far away, but I support them already for a few years.

You realize that you are making things worse, right?

Stray dogs population is directly proportional to the amount of food they have access too. The more food they get, the bigger the pack grows. Spraying and neutering is totally useless unless you manage to do it to an overwhelming majority of dogs. While you managed to neuter 6 females in your area, about 100 puppies where born in the same times... LOL

The only way that works in the long run is to kill all the stray dogs, period.

Can't you see how utterly stupid your crusade is? The world would be a better place if you could use your time, money and dedication to something more useful, like helping the local orphanage or paying the hospital bills of poor people who can't afford it.

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Good luck changing this in Issan. Dog is as common as chicken.

I can't say I've noticed it at all here in Mahasarakham. Maybe you're nearer the border.

Buri Ram

Thanks, that's interesting. There is a border but I was thinking more of northern Isaan were I've been told that dog is eaten.

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I love animals, especially dogs, but something really does have to be done about all the stray dogs, cats, rats, etc. running around the streets and roads.

A lot of them look sick, some of them are down right vicious and they're breeding non-stop.

Nothing easier than that, mate! Support the non profits, such as soidog(Foreign) or unidog (Thai) with their attempt to spay, neuter, vaccinate and prevent / treat diseases. They are looking for volunteers at all times... if you have no time to assist, simply donate what ever you can that doesn't hurt you...A male dog neutered, vaccinated and treated against mange, parasites and all other sorts of common disease costs about 1200 Baht, at least here where I live and where we do not have such non profit organizations and where one who cares has no other choice than to pay for it out of own pockets, one by one... I have done for only 6 females yet, but as soon as I can will do 3 males who live around my home and follow up as soon as I have the funds together with the next ones... I also feed 3 packs of strays regularly to prevent them to get sick out of rotten rubbish....I am starting small and slowly, but it at least is a start and even if just a drop on a hot stone, if more would follow up it will start to make a difference... constant dripping will wear away the stone.

The only way that works on the long run is spaying/neutering and treating the soi dogs against the common disease.

Give your self a few minutes and have a look at soidog org, you will be amazed, believe me.It is worth it. I am not part of them unfortunately since I am too far away, but I support them already for a few years.

You realize that you are making things worse, right?

Stray dogs population is directly proportional to the amount of food they have access too. The more food they get, the bigger the pack grows. Spraying and neutering is totally useless unless you manage to do it to an overwhelming majority of dogs. While you managed to neuter 6 females in your area, about 100 puppies where born in the same times... LOL

The only way that works in the long run is to kill all the stray dogs, period.

Can't you see how utterly stupid your crusade is? The world would be a better place if you could use your time, money and dedication to something more useful, like helping the local orphanage or paying the hospital bills of poor people who can't afford it.

I think you may be the stupid one.

You're right that you need to spay and neuter a lot of dogs and it is a slow process but it can work. At first there will be very little difference because as you point out there will be many puppies born although your figures are vague but as the process continues the proportion of neutered dogs will increase and the births decrease. It's also not all dogs that need doing as some are confined in properties so can't breed. I don't see the problems that are mentioned here myself but then I live in a rural area. Many of the accounts of sick dogs messing on the streets seem to be in Bangkok although I would assume it would be the case in many cities. This would suggest that by concentrating on these areas you could deal with a larger proportion of the affected dogs more easily.

I do think that any sick ones and any that it's not possible to look after or feed could be humanely killed which would help as well and there's no reason why this can't be done here. The excuse that Thais can't do this because they are Buddhists just doesn't stand up. Firstly there are non Buddhists who can do it and secondly there are lots of live animals sold in markets which are then killed. Thailand also has the death penalty even if it hasn't been used for a while.

Whatever you think about dogs and the need to control their population the main issue is still their treatment.

Finally there's the idea that it would be better if time and money was spent on humans. This just shows a lack of understanding. I'm sure I'm not alone in supporting charities that look after animals as well as those that tend to humans. Some people seem to think, presumably based on their own limitations, that it isn't possible to be concerned and help both.

People who mistreat animals tend not to be ones who show great compassion for people either. Do you think that the people who organise the taking of these dogs and other animals spend their spare time and money supporting things like orphanages?

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I love animals, especially dogs, but something really does have to be done about all the stray dogs, cats, rats, etc. running around the streets and roads.

A lot of them look sick, some of them are down right vicious and they're breeding non-stop.

Nothing easier than that, mate! Support the non profits, such as soidog(Foreign) or unidog (Thai) with their attempt to spay, neuter, vaccinate and prevent / treat diseases. They are looking for volunteers at all times... if you have no time to assist, simply donate what ever you can that doesn't hurt you...A male dog neutered, vaccinated and treated against mange, parasites and all other sorts of common disease costs about 1200 Baht, at least here where I live and where we do not have such non profit organizations and where one who cares has no other choice than to pay for it out of own pockets, one by one... I have done for only 6 females yet, but as soon as I can will do 3 males who live around my home and follow up as soon as I have the funds together with the next ones... I also feed 3 packs of strays regularly to prevent them to get sick out of rotten rubbish....I am starting small and slowly, but it at least is a start and even if just a drop on a hot stone, if more would follow up it will start to make a difference... constant dripping will wear away the stone.

The only way that works on the long run is spaying/neutering and treating the soi dogs against the common disease.

Give your self a few minutes and have a look at soidog org, you will be amazed, believe me.It is worth it. I am not part of them unfortunately since I am too far away, but I support them already for a few years.

You realize that you are making things worse, right?

Stray dogs population is directly proportional to the amount of food they have access too. The more food they get, the bigger the pack grows. Spraying and neutering is totally useless unless you manage to do it to an overwhelming majority of dogs. While you managed to neuter 6 females in your area, about 100 puppies where born in the same times... LOL

The only way that works in the long run is to kill all the stray dogs, period.

Can't you see how utterly stupid your crusade is? The world would be a better place if you could use your time, money and dedication to something more useful, like helping the local orphanage or paying the hospital bills of poor people who can't afford it.

Who are you to tell me that what I do is stupid, without knowing a single bit of what I am actually doing.

It is non of your business how I spend my monies, and which welfare organizations I support but to shed some light into your darkness, I am committed to various charities and these are not all based on animal rescue & rights.

Beside charity I support 3 Cambodian kids and fund them their international school for the 2nd year now and also support a good Thai friend of mine who has a 2 year old son and struggles badly to feed the 2 of them. BUT does this really matter? Does this means anything to you?

No my crusade is absolutely NOT stupid, it is meant a start for Koh Chang and it's strays and I am not stopping after the spaying of that 6 and next 4 boys at the upcoming weekend.

The amount of approx.1000 Baht per dog, is quite costly which I can not yet afford on more than 10 dogs a month, but mate, that is a start.. Would I have more cash available it would have been done already on 600 and next step could be started onto educate the Thais on how to responsibly treat their pet dogs. I can't fund this it on my own alone, therefore I am preparing papers, have a lawyer working on it and if lt goes well I soon will be able to legally, as a non for profit, raise funds for regular spaying/neutering campaigns here on the island. The stray population here is still of a manageable amount. If I see what Soidog foundation has achieved in Phuket, doing exactly the same since 2004, but with a twenty fold number of strays or even more than that... I am quite confident that with what I do, I am on a good way with something that has JUST STARTED..

A few social network sites exist for half a year already. I started them to raise awareness of the stray problem we do have here and in Thailand in general. I am at a number of 230 supporters by today, but need to be legal and a registered charitable org to accept monetary donations.If each of these 230 people will give a 1000 Baht each per month, the task will be very soon completed. Offering free of charge sterilizations to eah and every pet owner, will make a big difference too.

If you think that all these animals need to be killed, there you go, do it then start a 'Kill all Soidogs' campaign and be the first to the job. I believe in animal rights, I live Buddhist philosophies. That's being sad, do what you think is right for you - just keep in mind that Karma is a bitch at the end!

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Must have touched a nerve here. Is a cultural thing? Is not a cultural thing? Does it really matter. This is Asia and Asians doing their thing. Who are you to tell them not to do what comes naturally to them? When westerners impose their values on others - I take that as crossing the line. Westerners howl when they perceive their freedom of religious expression is curtailed. Yet these same Westerners try to impose their values on how people eat. Can't take that BS - even from other foreigners. You you can stuff it up where the sun don't shine....

...it is not a cultural thing, and it is definitely NOT to compare with Foie Gras, that is also horrible, dog meat consumption is a f*******, ancient food tradition based on stupid beliefs of health benefits & virility enhancing. And as more as the dogs fear and suffer as more tastier and tender gets the meat, therefore these sickening butchers find always new methods to torture and excruciating the animals, so why not skinning them alive or boil them alive or burn down their fur alive... I apologies for the extremely graphic pics but some people do not understand nor believe anything that they do not see with their own eyes !

Are you of Asian decent to justify judging me for expressing my very own point of view? Even if I do not like that dogs are being eaten in some Asian countries, I have NOT imposed my values on how these people eat. I clearly imposed my WESTERN values on how these people torture before they kill and eat.

I follow Buddhist philosophies and I believe in animal rights and if you can take it or not that I do not tolerate animal cruelty - honestly, who seriously cares?

I am not Asian born, am I now forbidden the right of free speech? I keep my right to openly express my point of view. I am not decrying the consumption of dog meat, I name and shame the torture done to the animals and the very base and highly questionable motivations behind such sadistic torment.

No more, no less.

Thank you!

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Dogburgers taste awful & afterwards you feel a bit ruff.

But yeah, human digestive system = herbivore. We descended from plant-eating monkeys, and we don't need meat at all in our diets, so theres even less reason to eat dog meat. Was a good study a few decades back on obesity/cholesterol levels globally and Thailand was in the very lowest bracket, at about 250x lower than western nations, and this is largely because of traditional papaya salads and other vegetable based cooking, fish and poultry etc. but mainly the vegetable-oriented diet. Obviously Thais do eat meat, much more so now with KFC/MCd. All animals suffer the same, cows pigs dogs etc. if you eat one you might as well eat the lot. I'm vegetarian and so I don't distinguish, ppl think dogs are cute but I had a pet pig and he was gorgeous.

and because humans are herbivores they have canine teeth. did you take your medication today the good doctor prescribed? whistling.gif

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Who are you to tell me that what I do is stupid, without knowing a single bit of what I am actually doing.

It is non of your business how I spend my monies, and which welfare organizations I support but to shed some light into your darkness, I am committed to various charities and these are not all based on animal rescue & rights.

Beside charity I support 3 Cambodian kids and fund them their international school for the 2nd year now and also support a good Thai friend of mine who has a 2 year old son and struggles badly to feed the 2 of them. BUT does this really matter? Does this means anything to you?

No my crusade is absolutely NOT stupid, it is meant a start for Koh Chang and it's strays and I am not stopping after the spaying of that 6 and next 4 boys at the upcoming weekend.

The amount of approx.1000 Baht per dog, is quite costly which I can not yet afford on more than 10 dogs a month, but mate, that is a start.. Would I have more cash available it would have been done already on 600 and next step could be started onto educate the Thais on how to responsibly treat their pet dogs. I can't fund this it on my own alone, therefore I am preparing papers, have a lawyer working on it and if lt goes well I soon will be able to legally, as a non for profit, raise funds for regular spaying/neutering campaigns here on the island. The stray population here is still of a manageable amount. If I see what Soidog foundation has achieved in Phuket, doing exactly the same since 2004, but with a twenty fold number of strays or even more than that... I am quite confident that with what I do, I am on a good way with something that has JUST STARTED..

A few social network sites exist for half a year already. I started them to raise awareness of the stray problem we do have here and in Thailand in general. I am at a number of 230 supporters by today, but need to be legal and a registered charitable org to accept monetary donations.If each of these 230 people will give a 1000 Baht each per month, the task will be very soon completed. Offering free of charge sterilizations to eah and every pet owner, will make a big difference too.

If you think that all these animals need to be killed, there you go, do it then start a 'Kill all Soidogs' campaign and be the first to the job. I believe in animal rights, I live Buddhist philosophies. That's being sad, do what you think is right for you - just keep in mind that Karma is a bitch at the end!

You could afford to help a fourth cambodian kids with all the money you are wasting on dogs. Stange priorities that you have...

Soidog foundation in phuket : my point exactly. Huge waste of time and money. The island is still swarmed by soi dogs. The only areas dog free are the muslim villages, who knows how they got rid of them, but surely not by spraying and neutering.

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I am not a dog-eater - but because of you - I just might become one. Your holier than thou attitude really is very appealing to me.

Are you of Asian decent to justify judging me for expressing my very own point of view? Even if I do not like that dogs are being eaten in some Asian countries, I have NOT imposed my values on how these people eat. I clearly imposed my WESTERN values on how these people torture before they kill and eat.

I follow Buddhist philosophies and I believe in animal rights and if you can take it or not that I do not tolerate animal cruelty - honestly, who seriously cares?

I am not Asian born, am I now forbidden the right of free speech? I keep my right to openly express my point of view. I am not decrying the consumption of dog meat, I name and shame the torture done to the animals and the very base and highly questionable motivations behind such sadistic torment.

No more, no less.

Thank you!

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Who are you to tell me that what I do is stupid, without knowing a single bit of what I am actually doing.

It is non of your business how I spend my monies, and which welfare organizations I support but to shed some light into your darkness, I am committed to various charities and these are not all based on animal rescue & rights.

Beside charity I support 3 Cambodian kids and fund them their international school for the 2nd year now and also support a good Thai friend of mine who has a 2 year old son and struggles badly to feed the 2 of them. BUT does this really matter? Does this means anything to you?

No my crusade is absolutely NOT stupid, it is meant a start for Koh Chang and it's strays and I am not stopping after the spaying of that 6 and next 4 boys at the upcoming weekend.

The amount of approx.1000 Baht per dog, is quite costly which I can not yet afford on more than 10 dogs a month, but mate, that is a start.. Would I have more cash available it would have been done already on 600 and next step could be started onto educate the Thais on how to responsibly treat their pet dogs. I can't fund this it on my own alone, therefore I am preparing papers, have a lawyer working on it and if lt goes well I soon will be able to legally, as a non for profit, raise funds for regular spaying/neutering campaigns here on the island. The stray population here is still of a manageable amount. If I see what Soidog foundation has achieved in Phuket, doing exactly the same since 2004, but with a twenty fold number of strays or even more than that... I am quite confident that with what I do, I am on a good way with something that has JUST STARTED..

A few social network sites exist for half a year already. I started them to raise awareness of the stray problem we do have here and in Thailand in general. I am at a number of 230 supporters by today, but need to be legal and a registered charitable org to accept monetary donations.If each of these 230 people will give a 1000 Baht each per month, the task will be very soon completed. Offering free of charge sterilizations to eah and every pet owner, will make a big difference too.

If you think that all these animals need to be killed, there you go, do it then start a 'Kill all Soidogs' campaign and be the first to the job. I believe in animal rights, I live Buddhist philosophies. That's being sad, do what you think is right for you - just keep in mind that Karma is a bitch at the end!

You could afford to help a fourth cambodian kids with all the money you are wasting on dogs. Stange priorities that you have...

Soidog foundation in phuket : my point exactly. Huge waste of time and money. The island is still swarmed by soi dogs. The only areas dog free are the muslim villages, who knows how they got rid of them, but surely not by spraying and neutering.

The trouble is if you start to prioritise in that way you then have a problem. Which children do you help? Why Cambodians? Why not Thai. How much should you spend compared to your own family and friends.

Does being seen by others, particularly children, to take this very narrow attitude make them prioritise in the same way? I'll spend all my money on me because I'm the most important.

In my view it's this lack of a wider view that causes the problem in the first place. If there was more concern for dogs then they wouldn't be left to just breed and then ignored when they become sick.

using your philosophy to the full, why support Cambodian children? There must be enough people with money in Cambodia to help. Why bother with anyone in Thailand as well as there's enough money to help them as well. They could stop giving it to so many monks and for building countless statues and temples.

Life is about moving everything along. You shouldn't just focus on yourself but on those around you in this world. You can't do it all but you should do all you can.

You could probably help children more by not spending so much time posting on here. As could I.

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Good news, but what about the cats? They also smuggle tens of thousands of cats into Vietnam every year.

Let'em have the cats. I hate cats.

You don't like cats so they should be sent to suffer a painful death. An unusually self centred comment from you.

I just hope you don't have the same hatred of stunningly good looking and terribly charming Englishmen as well.

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Who are you to tell me that what I do is stupid, without knowing a single bit of what I am actually doing.

It is non of your business how I spend my monies, and which welfare organizations I support but to shed some light into your darkness, I am committed to various charities and these are not all based on animal rescue & rights.

Beside charity I support 3 Cambodian kids and fund them their international school for the 2nd year now and also support a good Thai friend of mine who has a 2 year old son and struggles badly to feed the 2 of them. BUT does this really matter? Does this means anything to you?

No my crusade is absolutely NOT stupid, it is meant a start for Koh Chang and it's strays and I am not stopping after the spaying of that 6 and next 4 boys at the upcoming weekend.

The amount of approx.1000 Baht per dog, is quite costly which I can not yet afford on more than 10 dogs a month, but mate, that is a start.. Would I have more cash available it would have been done already on 600 and next step could be started onto educate the Thais on how to responsibly treat their pet dogs. I can't fund this it on my own alone, therefore I am preparing papers, have a lawyer working on it and if lt goes well I soon will be able to legally, as a non for profit, raise funds for regular spaying/neutering campaigns here on the island. The stray population here is still of a manageable amount. If I see what Soidog foundation has achieved in Phuket, doing exactly the same since 2004, but with a twenty fold number of strays or even more than that... I am quite confident that with what I do, I am on a good way with something that has JUST STARTED..

A few social network sites exist for half a year already. I started them to raise awareness of the stray problem we do have here and in Thailand in general. I am at a number of 230 supporters by today, but need to be legal and a registered charitable org to accept monetary donations.If each of these 230 people will give a 1000 Baht each per month, the task will be very soon completed. Offering free of charge sterilizations to eah and every pet owner, will make a big difference too.

If you think that all these animals need to be killed, there you go, do it then start a 'Kill all Soidogs' campaign and be the first to the job. I believe in animal rights, I live Buddhist philosophies. That's being sad, do what you think is right for you - just keep in mind that Karma is a bitch at the end!

You could afford to help a fourth cambodian kids with all the money you are wasting on dogs. Stange priorities that you have...

Soidog foundation in phuket : my point exactly. Huge waste of time and money. The island is still swarmed by soi dogs. The only areas dog free are the muslim villages, who knows how they got rid of them, but surely not by spraying and neutering.

Please. We are talking about dogs, not Muslims. Please.

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Good news, but what about the cats? They also smuggle tens of thousands of cats into Vietnam every year.

Let'em have the cats. I hate cats.

You don't like cats so they should be sent to suffer a painful death. An unusually self centred comment from you.

I just hope you don't have the same hatred of stunningly good looking and terribly charming Englishmen as well.

Cats or any animals should not be mistreated or suffer a painful death. But if people want to eat them it is their choice.

As for Englishmen they/we are well above cats smile.png. My dear old grandpa four times removed was from England.

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Dogburgers taste awful & afterwards you feel a bit ruff.

But yeah, human digestive system = herbivore. We descended from plant-eating monkeys, and we don't need meat at all in our diets, so theres even less reason to eat dog meat. Was a good study a few decades back on obesity/cholesterol levels globally and Thailand was in the very lowest bracket, at about 250x lower than western nations, and this is largely because of traditional papaya salads and other vegetable based cooking, fish and poultry etc. but mainly the vegetable-oriented diet. Obviously Thais do eat meat, much more so now with KFC/MCd. All animals suffer the same, cows pigs dogs etc. if you eat one you might as well eat the lot. I'm vegetarian and so I don't distinguish, ppl think dogs are cute but I had a pet pig and he was gorgeous.

Two Comments:

"We descended from plant-eating monkeys"

No we didn't. Primates and humans had a common ancestor, humans are not decended from apes, monkeys or lemurs.

"study a few decades back on obesity/cholesterol levels globally and Thailand was in the very lowest bracket"

I would give you 10 to 1 odds this is no longer true. I worked for a large Thai company who would once a year provide a full on medical, on site at the company offices. I know for a fact that the 300+ Thais had significantly worse results in the blood work than the 20 or so expats working there. Cholesterol and liver function results were particularily worrying in the Thai sample.

You will note that within the primate and particularily within the hominids that the jaw structure and musculature has evolved to grind leaves all day. Humans have evolved differant jaw profiles, muscles and teeth to be omnivores. Plenty of studies clearly show the all cause motality rate for vegetarians is higher than for those who eat meat.

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meat is murder....its that simple......

And pulling a live, growing carrot from the ground and sticking it in a pot of boiling water isn't. Give me a break, we all gotta eat, even those at the bottom of the food chain. It's the circle of life. Be a vegan or veggie by all means but don't force it upon me and save your righteous clap-trap for others of your ilk.

And as far as dogs go it is not the eating that should be banned but the cruelty. It seems to me that a "stop the eating and the cruelty will stop too" attitude is being taken. Of course we, including those that have come up with the pledge, all know that it won't make a bit of difference. Seems to be a bit of lip service to the West where we treat our pets better than our own kind.

Edited by Keesters
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the words of Mahatma Ghandi on the subject:

“A roving dog without an owner is a danger to society and a swarm of them is a menace to its very existence... If we want to keep dogs in towns or villages in a decent manner no dog should be suffered to wander. There should be no stray dogs even as we have no stray cattle... But can we take individual charge of these roving dogs? Can we have a pinjrapole for them? If both these things are impossible then there seems to me no alternative except to kill them... it is an insult to the starving dog to throw a crumb at him. Roving dogs do not indicate compassion and civilization in society; they betray instead the ignorance and lethargy of its members... that means we should keep them and treat them with respect as we do our companions and not allow them to roam about.” -- quoted from www.Karmayog.com

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

Mahatma Gandhi

If that were true, and I'm not judging it either way, then it speaks VOLUMES, about S.E. Asia.

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People who dont want stray dogs living in their Soi can pay to have them all neutered and taken care of I am sure this would be a simple and humane happy ending for the dogs and also for the people concerned. And its lucky you have such a wonderful foundation like https://www.soidog.org/Default.aspx established in Thailand to help remedy your problem with Soi Dogs, all it takes is money and a reasonable donation.

Even a neutered dog can give you rabies, spread fleas, mange to other dogs, defecate indiscriminately, snap at and bite children and adults, walk in front of moving traffic, etcetera, Just because they are sterile doesn't remove the 'pest' factor.

When spaying and neutering the strays, the organizations, such as Soi Dog also vaccinate and treat ALL of the disease you mentioned.

But they don't and can't treat the defecation and urination, snapping at and/or biting of people, nuisance and danger to traffic I.E. the "pest" factor unless they remove them from the street. While spaying/neutering, and disease treatment helps it is NOT a total solution.

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Is there anyone who has observed the well-fed dog with necklace in the photo, what is that indicates.

This could indicate one or two "things" to me.

1. The dog was stolen.

2. The owners of the dog are/were negligent in caring for said animal.

and a possible third...

3. The owners could no longer care for it and sold it.

In any of the three instances...to me anyway...the owner should be

whipped till the skin slides of his/her body.

I think number one might be an exception?

No exception! Many of the dogs are stolen pets, you just need to have a look at one of the shelters were the 2000+ rescued dogs are being hold. A LOT of pure breeds and dogs were one realize on first sight that they have been loved by humans once....

And those stolen pets were stolen from where? Not from behind locked gates on private land I'd bet. I'd wager that they were captured on public land where the owner allows their "pet" to freely roam. Those "pets on the loose" are no better than a true Soi dog. If an animal owner cannot show proper responsibility to their pet by keeping it safe inside their property then they deserve to have it taken from them.

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the words of Mahatma Ghandi on the subject:

“A roving dog without an owner is a danger to society and a swarm of them is a menace to its very existence... If we want to keep dogs in towns or villages in a decent manner no dog should be suffered to wander. There should be no stray dogs even as we have no stray cattle... But can we take individual charge of these roving dogs? Can we have a pinjrapole for them? If both these things are impossible then there seems to me no alternative except to kill them... it is an insult to the starving dog to throw a crumb at him. Roving dogs do not indicate compassion and civilization in society; they betray instead the ignorance and lethargy of its members... that means we should keep them and treat them with respect as we do our companions and not allow them to roam about.” -- quoted from www.Karmayog.com

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

Mahatma Gandhi

If that were true, and I'm not judging it either way, then it speaks VOLUMES, about S.E. Asia.

Right, and it is NOT S.E Asia alone; Spain, Romania, Turkey... to name just a few in the western world.

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